Make up a story golden autumn with supporting words. Summary of GCD on the development of speech in the senior group on the topic: Autumn. Composition on the theme "Autumn"

Gulnara Buteeva
Abstract of the lesson in the senior group "Compiling a story based on the painting" Autumn, leaf fall "

Subject: Drawing up a story from a picture« Autumn, leaf fall» .


Learn to select words - actions and words - signs to a noun, use prepositions;

Learn make a story according to the picture about autumn according to the plan, based on picture - graphic schemes;


Develop coherent speech;

To develop in children coordination of movements with speech, and fine motor skills;

Develop attention, memory, thinking;

Activate the dictionary on the topic;


Cultivate a culture of oral speech, the ability tell leisurely, pondering their thoughts, referring to the audience;

Contribute to the improvement of speech, develop resourcefulness, behavior skills in a team.

materials: image autumn leaf, demo painting« Autumn, leaf fall» , cards - diagrams.

Preliminary work.

1. Learning poems.

2. Conversation on the topic: « Autumn» .

3. Examining the illustrations. observation.

4. Working with diagrams and symbols.

Course progress.


Guys, look how unusual autumn leaf appeared on our miracle tree! Let's let's take a closer look at it! Yes, there is a whole story here! Maybe this Autumn wants us about something tell? Want to know what this story is about? (Yes)

Sit down please.

Look, there are diagrams on the board - helpers. They will help us write a story about a picture.

Look closely at the picture. Have you guessed where the events take place? (in the park). And how did you guess? (there are paths, flower beds, benches in the park) who is drawn on picture? What are the kids doing? What season is shown in picture? You and I know that autumn is different. Which autumn in the picture? Why did you decide so? And also, guys, different trees grow in the park and shrubs.

Well done, you are all correct.

And so that we get a consistent connected story, I propose to do it according to plan.

We are the first let's talk about what time of year is it picture. Then, about what phenomenon began? Where do they fall leaves? Where do wipers sweep away leaves? What do children do and where do they collect leaves? What did they make of leaves? (in the course of speaking, I point to cards - diagrams) .

Before you start Let's remember the story, what little words you and I know, let's remember the words of action and the words of signs.

(I point to a table on the board with symbols of prepositions, words - actions, words - signs)

I will show on picture - word, and you will say what a small word I showed and show, with the help of movements, how it looks.

When I point to the word action - you will begin to perform actions (jump, walk or squat, and if I point to the word - a sign, you will start consider objects - what they are - through binoculars from the palms. Ready? (children do the exercise "Do it like picture» ).

B. You did a great job, and now you want to make up a story?

Well, then you must be very attentive, and the most attentive at the end lessons I will hand over such a sun - a smiley.

1. What season is it? Say in unison (answer: Has come autumn.)

The diagram shows your answer as follows. (pointing and talking)

2. Look at leaves what started? Begin with the word began. Answer in chorus (Started leaf fall) (work with the scheme)

3. Where they fall leaves? (Leaves fall on the paths, benches, flower beds) Let's answer according to the diagram.

4. Where wipers sweep leaves? (Wipers sweep away leaves from paths and flower beds.) (work with the scheme)

5. What do children do and where do they collect leaves? (Children walk and collect leaves from benches(work with the scheme)

6. What did they make of leaves? (they made from leaves autumn bouquet) (work with the scheme)

7. How did the bouquet turn out? (The bouquet turned out very beautiful) (work with the scheme)

B. We got it story, which has a beginning, middle and end. Start story marked in pink, middle story marked in yellow, and the end story marked in blue.

But our story no title, and to come up with it, we can turn to the beginning story what is being said here? (Autumn, leaf fall)

Q. Now listen, please. story, which we have turned out with you, be careful and try to remember it. During story I will point to the appropriate characters.

The teacher's story.

B. Now we tell our story in sequence, talking to each other. Those who listen, pay attention to remember even better story.

Fizminutka - Finger game « leaf fall» .

Let's play leaf fall:

The trees in the forest grew (hands up, brushes open

And they were friends with the wind brushes to the left - to the right)

Just breathe in the breeze (shake brushes)

Every tree sheet

Quietly - quietly trembling (quickly wiggle fingers)

And a gentle song rustles

Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh... (lower hands, hands smoothly to the right - to the left)

Now let's repeat piece by piece story. Start girls will tell. Olya, what color is the beginning story? Yes, that's right, the beginning story marked in pink. Alice, tell please start story.

And the boys tell the middle of the story. Cyril, what color is the middle story? Well done, you are correct in what you said. Vladik, tell please middle story.

And the end story, I propose to tell everyone together. Maxim, what color is the end story? Yes that's right. Let's tell the end of the story together.

Well done guys you did a great job

And now I propose to Serezha (to Kirill Akulov) retell the whole story according to the plan with the help of schemes. And you guys, listen very carefully.

Please start with words the story is called. (The story is called« Autumn, leaf fall» )

Child's story.

Raise your hand if you like Serezha's story(Kirilla Akulova, Vladik)

Yes, indeed, Seryozha (Kirill, Vladik) you correctly used the schemes - assistants and your story turned out to be complete and consistent.

Outcome lessons.

What did we do today? ( write a story about a picture« Autumn, leaf fall» )

You were very attentive diligent and that is why we have succeeded.

From the experience of the educator MBDOU "Voloshka" Gracheva Olga Alekseevna, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Noyabrsk.

Synopsis of the GCD on the development of speech in the senior group of MBDOU "Voloshka".

Subject: Consideration of the plot picture "Autumn Day in the Forest" and compilation of stories based on it.

Target: to improve the ability to compose narrative stories based on the picture, adhering to the plan.

Educational tasks:

To learn to compose a descriptive story based on the painting “Autumn Day in the Forest”, adhering to the plan;

To teach observation about the content of the picture, to exercise in the use of simple complex-composed and complex-subordinate sentences;

To consolidate the ability to form words with the same root that are close in meaning;

To expand children's ideas about the inhabitants of the flora and fauna of the North, to teach to adhere to the logic of description.

Development tasks:

Develop coherent speech;

Develop memory, attention, verbal-logical thinking.

Educational tasks:

Cultivate independence, initiative, aesthetic feelings;

Cultivate love for the environment.

1. Organizational moment.

Guess what time of year it is.

I bring the harvest

I re-sow the fields.

I send birds to the south.

I undress the trees.

But I'm not afraid of pines

And Christmas trees ... I (autumn).

How did you guess that we are talking about autumn?

Articulatory warm-up (pure speech).

La-la-la-autumn has come to us!

Re - re - re - autumn in the yard!

Tsa - tsa - tsa - autumn at the porch!

Nom - nom - nom - autumn outside the window!

Game "What happens in autumn?"

We answer yes or no.

Do the leaves fall from the tree in autumn? Are flowers blooming?

Autumn birds arrive? Maybe they fly away?

Leaves fall in autumn? Is it starting to snow?

Does a hare have a gray coat in autumn? Or maybe white?

Do we plant crops in the fall? Can we collect?

Do Christmas trees grow in the forest in autumn? What about mushrooms?

Is it dark outside in autumn? Or maybe light?

Do insects wake up in autumn? Maybe they fall asleep?

What poems about autumn do you know? (Children recite poems about autumn).

2. The main part.

Consideration of the plot picture "Autumn Day in the Forest" and compilation of stories based on it.

Look closely at the picture and tell me what would you call it?

What time of year did the artist depict?

What time of day did he draw?

How can I say this in one sentence? (The artist depicted an autumn day in the forest and named this picture in the same way).

How did you guess that the picture is daytime? (It is light in the forest, children are walking).

And why did you decide that the day is autumn? (The leaves turned yellow, turned red, fall off. Children collect autumn bouquets).

What autumn day is in this picture? (Warm, sunny).

On a warm sunny day, it is especially good around. How is it shown in the picture? (Blue sky and bright yellow tree crowns. Yellow and blue tones are pleasing to the eye, having fun).

Listen to the story I wrote.

The long-awaited autumn has come. Warm days still happen in early autumn. The air is clean and transparent. The days are getting shorter, the sun is getting hotter. Leaves turn yellow, turn red and fall off. The children and their teacher went for a walk in the forest. Together with them, the dog Sharik enjoys the warm autumn days. Boys and girls collect beautiful bouquets from autumn leaves. Everyone is happy for a warm autumn day!

Did you like my story?

What did he like?

What did you especially like about the story?

Today we will learn how to make a story based on a picture using a plan - a diagram.

Look at the diagram and say where do you start your story? (Disassemble the plan - a diagram for the story).

Who wants to write their own story? (2-3 children are heard).


We are autumn leaves

We are sitting on branches.

The wind blew - they flew.

We flew, we flew

And they sat quietly on the ground.

The wind came up again

And lifted all the leaves.

Twirled, flew

And quietly sat on the ground!

The arrival of autumn is not only noticeable by the change in nature, but the animals also begin to prepare for winter.

What animals can be found in our forests in autumn?

Who goes to bed all winter?

Who changes their coat for the winter?

Who stocks up for the winter?

Who hibernates under the foliage, in the bark of trees?

Forest animals prepare for winter in early autumn. They build their own holes, make stocks. Squirrels and hares begin to molt - change their coats from summer to winter. In winter coats, the fur is thicker, more magnificent and the color is suitable for winter nature.

The bear wanders through the forest, eats ripe berries, nuts, and fattens up for the winter.

Moles and mice stock up on spikelets. The badger collects roots and mushrooms, dries them and spreads them on tree trunks.

The squirrel stocks up in the hollow. The wolf and the fox do not sleep in winter and do not prepare supplies, they hunt. Forest dwellers hide in holes and hollows.

What does a bear do in autumn?

Who hid in holes?

What does a squirrel do in autumn?

Is it comfortable for a bunny in a white fur coat when it has not snowed yet? Why?

3. Bottom line.

What have we learned today?

What interesting things did you find out?

What did you like the most?

Surprise moment.

Guys, you were very attentive and diligent today. You have made wonderful stories about an autumn day in the forest. You tell them to your friends and parents. But as a gift from autumn, you get these autumn leaves that will remind you of our lesson.

An essay based on a picture is a task that will be encountered more than once in elementary and high school.

How to write an essay on a painting?

To write an essay-description of the picture, you need to carefully consider it and find answers to the questions:

  • genre of painting (landscape, still life, portrait)
  • what is shown
  • mood reflected on the canvas
  • the main micro-themes of the picture
  • artistic and expressive means (composition, light, palette)
  • the role of these means in expressing the author's intention and idea of ​​the work

Composition based on the painting "Autumn"

The painting depicts a golden autumn.

The trees sadly bowed their crowns, the multi-colored leaves whirl in the last dance of the farewell autumn ball, they cover the earth with a carpet. The trunks are intertwined in a bizarre web, the cold gray-blue sky does not let in the warm rays of the sun. In an overgrown alley, two magpies are looking for acorns.

Beautiful time - autumn!

And this essay on the painting "Autumn" written by our classmate.

In the picture, the artist depicted a golden autumn.

Bright yellow leaves decorate the trees, lie on the ground with a multi-colored carpet. White-sided magpies jump on the forest path. Fancy tree trunks resemble a large cobweb. You can see the blue sky through the branches. The orange leaves are like a golden waterfall.

I love autumn!

Since the article is in demand, I add a couple of new works of our friends.

The story of Ostroukhov's painting "Autumn" 2016.

In the picture, the artist depicted a golden autumn. Autumn time is the brightest and most beautiful.

The trees are dressed in a beautiful outfit of bright yellow, gold and orange leaves. The leaves swirl, fall to the ground, fold into a multi-colored carpet. White-sided magpies sit on a forest path. The autumn cold sky peeps through the crowns of trees.

Nature falls asleep, it is quiet in the forest, only the leaves rustle softly underfoot, as if whispering, remembering the sonorous summer.

This is from Sony.

I see a mysterious forest. Young flexible maples spread their branches. In the distance grows a tree that looks like a spider. The whole earth around is strewn with colorful leaves. A narrow forest path winds between thick tree trunks. There are two curious magpies on the path. They look around and chirp.

I really liked the picture. I would like to be in this fabulous autumn forest.

Next essay to be written composition based on the painting by Tutunov “Winter has come. Childhood". Read our stories here -

Summary of the GCD on the development of speech in the senior group on the topic "Inventing a story based on the painting Autumn."

Author: Ekaterina Anatolyevna Kotenkova, teacher of MBDOU kindergarten No. 1, village of Staroe Melkovo, Tver region, Konakovo district.
Material Description: I offer you a summary of direct educational activities for children of the older group (5-6 years old) on speech development "Inventing a story based on the painting Autumn." This material will be useful for educators of older groups. This is a summary aimed at developing coherent speech of children, compiling their stories.

Goals: Strengthening the ability to tell story pictures. To develop a cognitive interest in nature, to develop logical thinking, memory in children. Inspire love for nature. Strengthen the ability to convey your thoughts to the listener.

1. Educational:
- Contribute to the consolidation of knowledge about autumn, remember its signs;
- to teach children to compose a plot story, using the previously acquired plot building skills based on the picture.
- To stimulate the creative activity of children, to form the ability to develop the plot of the image in the picture.
2. Developing:
- To develop children's speech.
-activate in the speech of children words related to the topics "Autumn"
- Enrich vocabulary.
- train memory, attention.
- learn to compare and generalize, highlight the essential features of autumn,
choose the right words to describe the phenomenon.
3. Educational
- Form friendly relations of children, joint interaction,
- Cultivate love for Russian nature
- Learn to see beauty

1. Pictures depicting "Autumn"
2. Pre-cut pieces of velvet fabric.

The teacher places pictures with the image of "Golden Autumn" on the stand.

I. Levitan "Golden Autumn"

I. Ostroukhov "Golden Autumn"
Educator:- Guys, this is one of the most beautiful times of the year. Tell me what time of year it is.
Children:- Autumn
Educator:- That's right, autumn. Pay attention to the pictures. How can you call them.
Children:- Autumn. Gold autumn. (Give your guesses.)
Educator: Well done. Do you think you named them correctly and why?
Children: - Yes.(they give their assumptions: the leaves are yellow, very beautiful).
Educator:- And this autumn is also called velvet. Why do you think.
Children:-(gives their guesses)
Educator:-(takes pieces of velvet in his hand and distributes to the children for them to touch). You guys are now holding in your hands, pieces of velvet fabric. Pay attention to what it is.
Children:- He is soft. Fluffy. It's nice to touch him.
Educator:- Correctly. Look again at the pictures, what kind of autumn is there. Compare it to your velvet pieces.
Educator:- Our autumn is like velvet.
Children:- Yes.
Educator:- Well done guys. Correctly. Autumn depicted in the pictures. The same gentle, warm, I want to touch its leaves. Take a walk on the street, roll in the leaves. She's like velvet.
Educator:- Guys, how do we distinguish autumn from other seasons. What happens only in autumn.
Children:- The weather is getting colder, the leaves are falling. The birds are flying south.
(Teacher adds or suggests approvingly)
Educator:- Well done. Let's get some rest.
(physical education minute “Leaves” is held)
We are autumn leaves
We are sitting on branches. (children squat)
The wind blew - they flew, (raising their hands up, shake them)
We flew, we flew (easy running in circles)
The wind came running again (raising their hands up, shake them)
And lifted all the leaves. (easy running around)
Spinning, flying (children spinning)
And they sat quietly on the ground. (children squat)
Educator:- Well done, take your seats. Let's now come up with your own story "Golden Autumn", you can tell what you like to do in autumn, where to walk, why you like autumn. You can look at our pictures and invent your own story based on them.
Children:- Children make up their own story.
Educator:-(if the children find it difficult to come up with, then the teacher himself begins the story, and the child continues). The teacher makes sure that the story is complete.
Educator:- What good fellows you are. What a wonderful autumn you have turned out in stories.
Educator:- Tired. Now let's play.
Children happily:- Yeah.
An outdoor game “At the bear in the forest” is being held (the teacher monitors the correct pronunciation of the chant and compliance with the rules).
Educator:- What good fellows you are. You liked talking about autumn.
Children:- Yes.

Elvira Sitdikova
Drawing up a story from the pictures "Autumn" in the senior group

Program content: consolidating children's ideas about characteristic features autumn and autumn events.



1. Develop vocabulary - name distinctive features autumn, wild animals, birds using Pictures. Continue to develop mental processes: memory, attention, visual-effective thinking.


2. Exercise children in skill talk about the seasons(autumn) using pictures. To consolidate the skill of forming an adjective from a noun.


3. Cultivate a good attitude towards nature, take care of it.

vocabulary work: drizzling, lingering.


Demo: pictures about« Autumn» , basket, pointer, ball,

preliminary work: monitoring autumn changes in nature viewing illustrations, conversations, memorizing poems about autumn, learning visual, finger gymnastics, singing songs about autumn.

Expected Result: Children's vocabulary has been formed. Children have learned write a story about autumn from pictures. Children have learned to take care of nature.

Literature: Gerbova V.V. "Speech development"; Zhurova L. E. "Literacy Education"; Internet resources.

Move N. O. D.:

Children sit at tables, quiet music sounds, the teacher reads a poem

Autumn M. Evensen

Falling, falling leaves

Leaf fall in our garden.

yellow, red leaves

They curl in the wind, they fly.

Birds fly south

Geese, rooks, cranes.

Here is the last flock

Wings flapping in the distance.

Let's take a basket in our hands,

Let's go to the forest for mushrooms

Stumps and paths smell

delicious autumn mushroom

AT: -Guys, what time of year is the poem talking about?

D:- Pro autumn.

AT:- Today we will talk about the beautiful, mysterious time of the year- autumn.

AT:-Name autumn months?

D:-September October November

AT:-And what periods autumn you know

D:- Early, golden, late

AT: - And what is the difference between the early autumn from golden? Golden autumn from late?

D:- Children's answers.

AT: -Good, and now we will remember the weather fall and play a game"Weather autumn"

AT: Children, what is the weather like? autumn:

When it rains, it's rainy.

When the wind blows - windy

Cold - cold

Cloudy - overcast

Damp - raw

Gloomy - gloomy

clear - clear

AT:- Well done children. Today, when I went to the kindergarten, I found a beautiful ball. Let's go to autumn clearing and play a game. To whom I throw the ball, he answers the question, and for the correct answer I will give you autumn leaf.

The game is called "Choose an Action".

Ball autumn and magical,

Will jump into your hands

And ask questions.

Leaves autumn(what they do)- Leaves turn yellow in autumn, fall off, etc.

Rain autumn - rain drizzles in autumn, goes, pours.

Harvest autumn - Harvest is harvested in autumn.

Birds autumn - Birds fly away in autumn.

Trees autumn - Trees shed their leaves in autumn become naked.

Beasts autumn - Animals prepare for winter in autumn change coats

Behind Fall is coming...(Winter)

And after winter. (Spring)

After spring comes. (Summer)

And after the summer comes (Autumn)

Guys, what are the words about autumn you know, what an autumn? (Golden, sad, gloomy, beautiful, multi-colored, rainy, long, lingering, colorful, warm, cold, early, late, medium, good, pensive, wonderful, interesting, majestic, dull, charming, quiet, sad, mysterious, boring , sad, affectionate.)

There is a knock on the door, a basket appears.

Guys, look, it's magic autumn sent you a basket, but the basket is not simple, but with a surprise. It contains different leaves and Pictures, Come in and sit on the chairs.

Look how many different leaves are here, let's collect them and name which trees the leaves fell from.

Here lies a letter and in it autumn asks to write a beautiful story about autumn using these pictures. Let's try compose?.

So 1 picture, look and tell me what we will be about make a proposal? (about the sun)

What is the sun, how it shines and warms autumn? (In autumn the sun shines but it doesn't get hot)

What are we going to talk about now tell? (about the sky)

What can be said about autumn sky? (Sky autumn gray, cloudy, gloomy.)

What offer can make this picture? (It often rains in autumn)

And what about trees? ( autumn the leaves on the trees become multi-colored, dry up and fall off and the trees remain bare)

And when the wind rips off the leaves from the trees, how can such a phenomenon be called? (leaf fall)

Who will we talk about? (about birds)

What changes are taking place in the life of birds autumn? (Migratory birds fly to warm lands, and wintering ones stay with us)

What do they do autumn animals? (Animals are preparing for winter, a hare and a squirrel change their coat color, a bear and a hedgehog hibernate.)

What do they do autumn insects? (Hide in old stumps, snags, climb under the bark of trees.)

What happens in the shade in the fields, in gardens and orchards. The harvest is underway. People harvest vegetables and fruits. Why do people harvest? (They stock up for the winter.)

Well done guys, correct and beautiful suggestions made up about autumn. Fizminutka


We are leaves autumn,

We are sitting on branches.

The wind blew - they flew.

We flew, we flew

And they sat quietly on the ground.

The wind came up again

And lifted all the leaves.

Twirled, flew

And sat on the ground again

See what table we got from our pictures, I suggest you compose according to this table connected story, first listen to what I wrote the story and then you give me make up your stories.

Sample story by pictures. In autumn the sun shines but it doesn't heat up very well. Sky cloudy in autumn, gray, gloomy. It rains often. The leaves on the trees become multi-colored, dry up and fall off and they remain bare. Migratory birds fly away to warmer climes, while wintering ones stay with us. Animals are preparing for winter, a hare and a squirrel change their coat color, a bear and a hedgehog hibernate. Insects hide under the bark of trees. And people autumn harvest the entire crop, make stocks for the winter.

Making up stories« Autumn» children (2-3 story)

Well done guys, very interesting stories you made about autumn, let's do a visual gymnastics:

We saw the leaves

And played with leaves

Leaves flew to the right

Eyes look to the right

Leaves flew to the left

Eyes look to the left

The wind lifted the leaves

And dropped to the ground

Everyone lay down on the ground

The result of N. O. D .: Guys, what season are we talking about made up stories?

What did you like today?

Well done guys, I really liked how you make suggestions from pictures, and what interesting stories invented.

Children, and for your skills and efforts autumn gave you autumn gifts. Now enjoy the gifts autumn and get some vitamins.

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