Composition on the topic: They say that a talented person is talented in everything ... (23 option). A talented person is talented in everything Phrase a talented person is talented in everything

It is difficult to disagree with the opinion of the German writer Lion Feuchtwanger "A talented person, talented in all areas." Agreeing, we will have to admit that a talented musician writes no less talented poetry, and in his free time from playing music and versification, creates brilliant paintings. A person's hobby is also called a hobby. I think that there are no such people in the world who would not have their own hobby. Let us turn to the facts, in particular, to the pages of the biography of famous writers and poets.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol had a passion for needlework. He knitted scarves on knitting needles, cut dresses for his sisters, wove belts, sewed neckerchiefs for the summer.

Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov was generously endowed by nature not only with a poetic gift, but also with the talent of a painter. The artistic abilities of the future poet manifested themselves already in childhood, when he began to paint with watercolors and sculpt entire compositions and scenes from wax. Lermontov did not receive any systematic art education. His home teacher was the artist Alexander Stepanovich Solonitsky. Being an organic part of the entire work of the poet, Lermontov's drawings and paintings are thematically close to his poetic creations. At the same time, a number of drawings, watercolors and paintings have a plot similarity with the literary works of Lermontov.

He painted landscapes, was fond of creating portraits, showed himself as an outstanding caricaturist. Lermontov's pictorial and graphic heritage consists of: 11 oil paintings, 51 watercolors, 50 drawings on separate sheets, two albums - one dating back to the poet's stay in the Junker school, containing about 200 drawings, and the other dating back to 1840-1841 in which there are about 20 drawings and sketches among the poems inscribed in it, reflecting his military life in the Caucasus in 1840 and social life in 1840-1841, and finally, about 70 sketches that are in the poet's manuscripts. (Appendix 1)

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, the father of the Russian intelligentsia, was an extraordinary personality and chose strange hobbies. For example, Leo Tolstoy liked to harness himself to a plow and plow. This performance attracted a lot of onlookers. Another famous nobleman happily made boots for relatives and friends. The writer's unusual hobbies were in no way combined with his aristocratic origin. Count Leo Tolstoy's irresistible cycling passion was witnessed by the Yasnaya Polyana estate, which is currently a memorial and natural reserve, where it will soon be possible to make an exciting journey along those routes that remember the great Russian writer. Soon he was already freely traveling not only along the Moscow streets, but also made transfers from Moscow and Yasnaya Polyana to Tula. The quality of our roads still leaves much to be desired, but 100 years ago you had to be a real extreme sportsman to successfully overcome them, especially at a respectable age.

He was fond of horseback riding, swam well, ran skiing. A sports routine always reigned in his house, he was very fond of hunting, he always switched from physical work to mental work, he tried to do any exercise with a joke. And chopping wood, and mowing, and horse riding, and tennis, and playing shuttlecock, and checkers with chess, and croquet, and fast skates, and two hundred kilometers of hiking - all these side activities helped him feel the joy of life and the extraordinary beauty of nature, which, in the words of L. Tolstoy, "wakes up the dead." Lev Nikolaevich never ceased to be surprised by the novelty all his life and greeted it sincerely, both at his age of three and at eighty-two. (Annex 2)

The famous poet and thinker Goethe doted on small fragrant flowers - violets. The legendary German did not just admire these flowers - he bred them, and in a very interesting way. Goethe enjoyed walking around Weimar. During such walks, the poet always took violet seeds with him. He sowed flowers wherever he saw a suitable place. Soon, the suburbs of Weimar were literally strewn with blue fragrant flowers, which are still called "Goethe's flowers".

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov loved to collect stamps. The house-museum in Yalta contains about 15,000 stamps collected by the writer. Chekhov sent and received a lot of letters and postcards, which contributed to the replenishment of his collection. In the memoirs of contemporaries and Chekhov's correspondence, one can find a lot of evidence of how carefully Anton Pavlovich treated the received correspondence, what great interest he showed in postage stamps. Later, postage stamps and other philatelic materials were issued in memory of Chekhov in the Soviet Union, Russia and other foreign countries. (Annex 2)

Conclusion: A person who is carried away and carried away lives as if several lives, and this is the truth.

Leonardo da Vinci - artist, inventor, writer, long-liver ...

Leonardo da Vinci is an outstanding Italian artist, scientist, engineer and anatomist, one of the prominent representatives of the art and science of the Renaissance. In addition to world-famous paintings and sculptures, Leonardo left behind manuscripts in many areas of knowledge: he studied mathematics, hydromechanics, geology and physical geography, meteorology, chemistry, astronomy, botany, as well as human and animal anatomy and physiology. He masterfully played the lyre. When Leonardo's case was considered in the court of Milan, he appeared there precisely as a musician, and not as an artist or inventor. Now he is perceived by many as the inventor of "everything in the world."

All his life, Leonardo traveled around Europe, working for one powerful patron, then for another. In addition to his main occupations (painting, sculpture, architecture, engineering), the master was engaged in seemingly completely unworthy things for a genius - he entertained the aristocrats by singing, playing the lute, reciting poems of his own composition, organizing celebrations. Leonardo left behind about 13,000 pages of various manuscripts - notes, diaries, drawings, treatises, canons, "codes". It must be said that the master's works were not ordered, although the author tried to somehow systematize them by numbering the pages.

However, da Vinci was not only a scientist and an artist, but also a gifted storyteller and storyteller. He also wrote poems, sonnets, madrigals, which have not reached us. Some of Leonardo's tales have become part of Italian folklore and are now perceived as folk art. (Appendix 3) These stories are a kind of mixed genre: there are many stories that resemble a fable or a parable with a clear moral, but there are also just some everyday humorous sketches, and come across along with works about various animals, the habits of which Leonardo knew very well watching nature all his life, and stories about fantastic creatures.

They say that a talented person is talented in everything. And it's not just words.

I have a friend. We met on the Internet, talked, became friends. Tatyana Vishnya writes amazing poems filled with humor and feelings, interesting stories, and then she also found photographs with author's works, and very unusual works, in her album.

Looking through the album with photos, I realized that I had found a TREASURE!!! Yes, a real treasure! These are pictures composed in the form of a mosaic.
And the basis of this mosaic is an ordinary eggshell. Here look!

Method 1.
The shell is taken from raw eggs, carefully and freed from the inner film so that the surface of the shell inside is a little rough. Then the shell is painted in the desired colors with gouache or any fabric dyes. After that, the base is taken - a sheet of thick decorative paper or better than cardboard. On this basis, the outline of the proposed picture is drawn.

The shell of each color is broken into the desired pieces, smeared with PVA glue and pressed tightly into the base. This fills the entire outline of the image. The work is painstaking, because you need to very carefully fill the entire space of the picture. If you still have “gaps”, then you can grind the shell of the desired color to a fine powder, mix with glue and fill in small “cracks”.

Method 2.
This method seems to me more acceptable for "impatient" people like me. The shell, as in the first case, is washed, freed from the film. But then the technology changes: just a thin sheet of paper is taken as the basis and this entire sheet is filled with a shell broken into pieces and glued on the inside.

We press down all the pieces tightly, remove the excess glue that has come through with a clean cloth and for 2 hours this leaf - we put the base under the press of heavy books or other rectangular objects. After that, on the reverse side of our base, draw the picture that we want to get and carefully cut out the outline with scissors.

If necessary, we fill all the empty spaces and cracks with a mixture of crushed shells, let the glue dry a little. Then we paste our base with a picture on decorative thick paper or cardboard. And the process of painting the shell with paints begins.

After the stages of making the picture described above and according to the first and second methods, the resulting masterpiece must be opened with a double layer of colorless varnish and the picture inserted into the frame. Voila!

The result is such wonderful pictures! Watch and admire!!!

Each person seeks to find a business in which he can prove himself. What is the secret of success? What role does love for one's profession play? It is this problem that S. I. Sivokon reflects on.

The issue of attitude to one's profession is relevant in our time. Now many people go to an unloved job “through force” simply because the fulfillment of duties promises a large income. However, such a person does not receive moral satisfaction from work.

Since this affects not only each individual individually, but also

on the quality of the work performed, and hence on the life of society, this problem belongs to the category of social and moral. The question raised is considered on the example of the fate of the Russian writer S. Ya. Marshak, who was madly in love with his work. The author notes that Samuil Yakovlevich constantly felt a great responsibility for his work. S. I. Sivokon tells with admiration that Marshak was ready to work even “on his deathbed”. However, the author, with alarm and grief, says that even such a hardworking and talented writer was almost repressed by the authorities.

My position is confirmed by the experience of fiction. Many classics raised this problem in their works. A striking example is Dr. Werner from the novel by M. Yu. Lermontov “A Hero of Our Time”. This man had a good professional reputation, as he truly loved his job.

However, in A.P. Chekhov’s story “Ionych”, the village doctor behaves in a completely different way. Having lost the craving for the profession, having lost the desire to heal people, the protagonist loses the opportunity to improve his skills. And a doctor who does not sympathize with patients cannot be called a doctor.

So, the business of life must be chosen, guided by the "call of the heart." It is the love of one's work that allows a person to achieve a lot in the professional field.

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What is the devotion of a person to his beloved work? The author of the text S. Sivokon made me think about this important question. Reflecting on this problem, the writer talks about the memoirs of Boris Polevoy, editor-in-chief of the Yunost magazine, about S.Ya. Marshak. A children's writer thought about work first. As evidence, the author gives an example of the selfless deed of the poet, who, despite the danger of arrest, risking his life, continued his editorial activities.

Samuil Yakovlevich, being at his death, did not give up his favorite business, and not being able to come, he made corrections by phone in order to correct his “shortcomings”.

The Russian literary critic believes that the main quality of a talented person is love for people and for his own work. With the help of the memoirs of other writers and poets, S. Sivokon shows how important devotion to one's work is: the work of S.Ya. Marshak helped "to be born into the world" the works and poems of some literary masters. The author's position is as follows: a person who is truly dedicated to his work will never forget about his responsibility to the reader and will give all his strength for the sake of people. And if you start something, you have to bring it to the end, working conscientiously.

I agree with the position of S. Sivokon, because real writers are an example for others not only thanks to the created talented works, but also due to their responsible attitude to any business they undertake. After all, the main principle of the life of a talented person is to live according to conscience.

First of all, in Russian literature there are many works in which the author talks about the complete dedication of the heroes to their favorite work or high idea. For characters devoted to their destiny, there are no obstacles, situations in which they would give up. This is exactly what the main character of M. Gorky's work "The Legend of Danko" is. The young man loved people so much and believed in their strength that he decided to save them from death in the swamp at the cost of his life. He remained the leader and led them, despite the grumbling and distrust, without demanding rewards and recognition. The episode when Danko pulled out a flaming heart from his chest and led the people behind him is especially vivid and striking the reader's imagination. Thus, the main character, even dying, remained true to the highest goal. He took responsibility for the people and was able to save them from certain death at the cost of his own life.

In addition, during the war years, many were wounded, but they still defended their homeland, did not lose faith in victory. Passing through difficult trials, people “give up”, but there was such a person who gave them a sense of hope. So, for example, in the work of B. Polevoy "The Tale of a Real Man", the main character, Alexei Meresyev, was a pilot whose fighter shot down a German plane. Only hard work, Alexei's willpower helped him get out of the enemy rear. After the amputation of part of the legs, the hero "withdrew into himself." Thanks to the Commissar, who showed him an article about a pilot who, having lost his foot, learned to fly an airplane, Alexei believed in himself, in his strength, and after a while he was already flying the latest fighter. Thus, the hero, even being in a difficult life situation, was able to remain devoted to his work, to his Motherland.

So, we can conclude that the main quality of every talented person is endless loyalty to his work and responsibility to people. It is these character traits that help develop as individuals, become an example for others, reach all the heights and benefit humanity.

Updated: 2018-02-17

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