Traditional methods of treatment of bruises and sprains. Treatment of bruises and bruises at home. Effective remedies from the pharmacy for bruises and bruises

Bruises are closed injuries that occur as a result of strong traumatic effects on soft tissues: skin, periosteum, muscles, subcutaneous fat. It is almost impossible to predict a possible fall or blow, which is why no one is immune from this type of injury.

The main symptoms of a bruise are:

  • pain in the damaged area;
  • bruise;
  • the presence of swelling.

Classification of bruises

This injury is divided into 4 degrees:

  • In the case of the first degree of injury, the human skin is slightly damaged. In such cases, folk remedies for bruises are very effective and help speed up healing;
  • The formation of hematomas and bruising occurs in the second degree;
  • The third degree is characterized by a violation of the integrity of muscles, joints and tendons;
  • In the fourth degree, soft and bone tissues and organs are severely damaged. As a rule, their performance is impaired.

It is possible to treat bruises and sprains with folk remedies when an injury of 1 or 2 degrees has occurred, the third and fourth stages are treated using the prescribed therapeutic course.

Treatment of bruises at home is allowed only after a visit to the doctor, who will confirm the absence of injury to internal organs and the appearance of cracks.

emergency medical care

Emergency care includes the following steps:

At the first stage, it is important to ensure absolute rest of the affected area of ​​the body. The wounded must take the most comfortable position for him and exclude all movements.

  • the use of alcoholic beverages that promote vasodilation;
  • massage of the affected area;
  • hot compresses: they are used no earlier than 24 hours later.

The next step is to apply a cold compress, which will prevent the hematoma from spreading, reduce pain and swelling. In such cases, ice wrapped in a terry towel, gauze or bag will be the main assistant. It is also allowed to use any food product from the refrigerator - a carton of milk, frozen vegetables or a bottle of water - the main thing is that the product is clean. Exposure to cold should not exceed 20 minutes, after which you need to take a short break and repeat the manipulation.

The final stage includes taking painkillers.

Further treatment at home

After two days, the treatment of a bruise is carried out as follows:

  1. The affected area needs warm compresses to help relieve pain, reduce irritation, and restore normal circulation. For example, it is recommended to take a warm but not hot bath.
  2. Massage will be helpful. It is important to remember that you need to act without pressure, only slightly massaging the injured area.
  3. Exercise is used to improve blood circulation.
  4. It is important to continue the treatment of the affected area with folk remedies: various ointments, lotions and compresses.

Depending on the damaged area, a bruise can be treated by the following methods:

Therapy with folk methods

In removing puffiness, such a folk remedy as compresses from various herbs will help:

In the fight against bruises, ointments effectively help, the preparation of which will not be difficult.

  1. We put spruce resin, birch tar and unsalted lard in the same amount in a clay pot. We put a thick layer of dough on the lid and put the pot in the melted oven. We leave the ointment there until the stove has completely cooled down. After the final preparation, the ointment is applied to the tissue, which must be warmed up in advance, and applied to the affected area. The ointment effectively helps in the treatment of severe bruises with bone damage and suppuration.
  2. It is necessary to melt 200 grams of interior fat and add 50 grams of dried hop cones, and then strain this broth. This ointment is good for resorption of bruises.
  3. Grind 75 grams of burdock roots and combine with 200 ml of vegetable oil. Let the composition brew for 24 hours, and then warm it over low heat and filter. The prepared composition should be stored in the refrigerator.
  4. Bruises are effectively resolved with regular butter. To do this, it is enough to lubricate the bruise every 30 minutes.

Treatment of bruises with folk remedies completely eliminates painful discomfort.

  1. Dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in half a glass of nine percent vinegar. Next, we moisten a piece of cotton cloth abundantly, apply it to the bruise for 30 minutes.
  2. In order to create the next medicine, you will need an vinegar solution, boiled water and any type of vegetable oil. Each ingredient is dosed with one tablespoon. We soak a piece of cotton fabric in the resulting liquid and apply it to the injured area. Next, we put cellophane on the injury site and bandage it for fixation with tissue material. With regular performance of these manipulations, soon there will be no trace of a bruise;
  3. You can cure a bruise with the help of heat from the furnace. At the end of the furnace furnace, you need to remove the golden heat from the furnace. The victim lies down not far from this heat for an hour and warms up. It is important not to overdo it and follow the safety rules so as not to get burned.

For bruises, it is recommended to use a badyagu, which is sold in any pharmacy. For preparation, mix the greenish-gray powder and water, strictly observing the proportion of 2: 1, and then apply to the sore spot, changing the bandage at least twice a day.

A popular remedy for bruises, which is called "applying a nickel" - has long been proven and very effective way. To enhance the effectiveness of the coin, you need to moisten it with cold water.

Therapeutic tactics of bruises at home also includes massages. The affected area must be gently rubbed with the asterisk balm. You can create an embalming agent yourself using various vegetable oils of eucalyptus, tea tree or mint bush. To do this, you need to take a spoonful of petroleum jelly, 5 drops of an alcohol solution and add 2 drops of various essential oils available in your home to them. All this must be mixed and left to be stored in a special container until needed.

No one is immune from soft tissue injuries. It is impossible to predict when you can stumble, hit a corner or drop a heavy object on your foot. Athletes, tourists, fans of an active lifestyle often encounter bruises, bruises on various parts of the body. The number of falls into ice is in the thousands.

Despite the fact that the problem of hematomas, bruises, swelling after a blow is familiar to most people, not everyone knows the rules of first aid and further treatment of bruises. Fill the gap, learn the rules for treating bruises and bumps. Then you do not have to suffer from unbearable pain, for a long time "show off" with blue or yellow-green spots.

Some useful information

What happens with bruises:

  • damaged skin, muscle tissue, subcutaneous fatty tissue;
  • bone tissue in most cases remains intact;
  • vessels, capillaries are often injured;
  • after local hemorrhage, the site of the bruise swells up, soreness is felt;
  • the stronger the blow, the greater the area of ​​subcutaneous hemorrhage;
  • not finding a way out, the blood spreads to neighboring tissues - a hematoma is formed;
  • the penetration of blood into the cavities located near the site of injury causes hemarthrosis. Joints are affected;
  • the color of the bruise changes from red to purple, sometimes almost black. Further, the bruised place becomes green, then - yellow-green;
  • the shade will help determine the statute of limitations of the bruise.

Note! Unbearable pain can mean bone damage. Be sure to visit a traumatologist, take an x-ray. Local remedies will only slightly relieve soreness, but a late appeal for medical help will drive the problem deeper. Consequences - suppuration of the bones, a serious inflammatory process.

First aid for bruises

What to do in case of injury? How to minimize the consequences? How to prevent the appearance of extensive hematomas?

For bruises on the coccyx, fingers, arms, legs, feet, knees, ribs and head, act correctly:

  • rest the bruised area. Keep your arms and legs in a natural position. If possible, lie down, try to move less;
  • make sure that the bruised area is above the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart;
  • Apply something cold to the impact area as soon as possible. Your task is to reduce swelling, stop the "spread" of the hematoma. The ideal remedy is ice wrapped in a cloth, a cold compress from wet gauze or a terry towel;
  • can't compress? Use any means at hand: scrape snow from the freezer, pack it in cellophane. Attach a cold bag of kefir or sour cream, a bottle of water, a cold egg, a jar of canned food to the bruised area, in a word, everything that will have a low temperature. One condition - the item must be clean;
  • if there is no ice, put the limb under cold water, hold the bruised area for 5–7 minutes under a gentle stream;
  • cool the sore spot for 15–20 minutes, no more, otherwise tissue necrosis will begin. You only need to slow down the blood circulation, stop the internal hemorrhage;
  • after removing the cold compress, gently blot the area, apply pharmaceutical preparations. It is good if there is a tube of gel or ointment for bruises in the refrigerator. Folk remedies effectively dissolve hematomas.


  • drink alcohol, which dilates blood vessels;
  • massage the bruised area;
  • move actively;
  • warm the hematoma. Heat is recommended after two days, but not earlier than after 24 hours.

In case of severe bruising of the eyes and brain, contact a specialist immediately.

Remember! The sooner treatment is started, the smaller the area covered by the hematoma. Failure to follow the rules of first aid will complicate recovery. A cold compress applied a day after the bruise is absolutely useless.

Further treatment

After 48 hours, the methods of struggle change dramatically:

  • You will need not a cold, but a warm compress. Heat relieves pain, irritation, restores blood circulation;
  • an excellent remedy is a warm, but not hot bath. During the procedure, clots dissolve due to the restoration of blood microcirculation;
  • massage. Gently massage the affected area. Act without pressure, with pronounced pain, postpone the procedure to a later date;
  • Simple exercises will help improve blood circulation. For bruised limbs, strain and relax the muscles at the site of impact;
  • continue to treat the affected areas with home remedies for bruises, ready-made formulations.

Folk methods and recipes

Before the advent of pharmaceutical preparations, people were saved by simple, affordable means. There are many proven compounds.


  • badyaga. One of the best natural remedies for bruises and bruises. Sponge powder is sold at any pharmacy. Dilute the greenish-gray powder with water in a ratio of 2:1. Apply the mass, change the bandage twice a day;
  • banana peel. In the absence of a cold compress, use a simple method. Peel the banana, hold the peel on the cone with the inside;
  • applying a penny- the old, proven way. Moisten a coin with cold water - the effect will intensify;
  • bruises and bumps will help dissolve the usual butter. Lubricate the sore spot every half hour;
  • ointment for bruises and bruises from hop cones. It will take 200 g of interior fat, 50 g of dried hop cones. Melt the fat, add the chopped raw materials, strain. The pain quickly goes away, hematomas dissolve well;
  • connect 0.5 tsp sea ​​salt and ½ cup vinegar. Wet a napkin, hold over the site of internal hemorrhage for 30 minutes;
  • plantain. Wash the leaf, attach to the bump, change several times. The pharmacy sells plantain juice. Lubricate the sore spot;
  • aloe. Tear off the fleshy leaf, cut lengthwise. Attach a whole leaf or gruel of pulp. Change every half an hour;
  • compress of birch buds and horsetail. Pour in 1 tbsp. l. medicinal raw materials 250 ml of water, boil. After 40 minutes, strain, apply to the hematoma;
  • mountain arnica. Wet gauze or a napkin with a healing tincture, apply several times during the day;
  • cabbage. An ordinary cabbage leaf dissolves bruises, relieves swelling, and reduces pain. If possible, put the leaf in the refrigerator, then - on the affected area;
  • wormwood from bruises. Take fresh stems, chop, make a compress. Change two to three times a day;
  • burdock ointment. Prepare the composition, let it be stored in your refrigerator. Grind 75 g of roots, combine with 200 ml of vegetable oil. Let it brew for a day. Warm over low heat, strain. After removing the cold compress, lubricate the bump.


Local remedies for bruises and bruises also dissolve hematomas well, relieve swelling, and reduce pain. Always keep a tube at home “just in case”, because the sooner you start processing the bump, the less consequences for the body.

Proven gels and ointments:

  • Badyaga-forte;
  • Badyaga 911;
  • bruise-off;
  • Balm lifeguard;
  • Traumeel S;
  • Troxigel;
  • Troxevasin;
  • Troxerutin;
  • Heparin ointment.
  • resolves hematomas;
  • reduces puffiness;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • anesthetizes.

Use the Miracle Patch for 3-9 days. In most cases, the effect is clearly visible.

Rehabilitation Therapy

In some cases, after an injury or fall, a week, 10 days pass, and the bruise does not disappear. Perhaps the bruise has affected the deep layers of the dermis, or you have not taken the necessary measures in a timely manner.

What to do? Be sure to visit a therapist. The doctor will prescribe physiotherapy.


  • magnetotherapy using high-frequency magnetic fields;
  • electrophoresis with solutions of drugs;
  • UHF - exposure to an electric field of high frequency.

Now you are armed with enough knowledge. You will not be taken by surprise by the question: “What to do with bruises?”. You need to deal with hematomas, bumps correctly. And the less often, the better!

Further medical video - reference. Learn more about the treatment of bruises:

Bruises are closed injuries of parts of the human body, of a closed nature, most often arising on the basis of negligence or haste in the process of life. All of them, without exception, are accompanied by the formation of a hematoma and pain in the place that has undergone a strong blow.

The sooner medical measures are provided to the victim, the easier the rehabilitation process will be. It is not always possible to quickly get qualified help, so everyone should know how to act with a closed injury at home.

Bruises are classified according to severity:

  • the first is slight damage to skin tissues;
  • the second is the appearance of puffiness and;
  • the third - injury to the joints of the limbs, muscles, ligaments;
  • the fourth - extensive damage to soft tissues, affecting internal organs.

The use of traditional medicine as the main method of treatment in the first and second stages is quite advisable, but with more severe injuries, it is indicated for the purpose of auxiliary rehabilitation.

Therapeutic measures with the help of traditional medicine involve the use of complex procedures, which include: rubbing, poultices, phyto and compression therapy.

Folk remedies for leg injuries

A slight injury on the leg, accompanied by a hematoma and pain syndrome, is perfectly removed by preparations based on herbal components.

  1. As herbal medicine, rosemary color is used to prepare a decoction of a strong consistency, which is added to the main amount of water and the sore leg is soaked for about 20 minutes.
  2. onion gruel or juice will help, which is impregnated with a gauze bandage and applied to the site of injury for 30 minutes.
  3. Bitter wormwood is an indispensable tool, it is pre-soaked, finely chopped and used as a compress.
  4. An effective workpiece for the future will help out with a closed leg injury. Prepared on the basis of 0.5 l of vinegar and 2-3 heads of chopped garlic, it keeps well. The components are mixed, kept in a shaded place for a daily period and used to rub the limb.

Bruised elbow, treatment with folk remedies

To provide immediate assistance in this situation, effective traditional medicine is indispensable.

  1. Grated raw potatoes should be applied to the bruised area for 30 minutes. Or the second option is a banana skin for a couple of hours in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe injury.
  2. Not bad helps out in the event of an unpleasant incident bodyaga - a medicinal powder, which is diluted 2: 1 with water, coated with a painful place and kept for 15 minutes.
  3. Arnica infusion, prepared according to a generally accepted recipe or purchased at a pharmacy stall, is used for bruises as lotions. Prepared gauze napkins are impregnated with liquid and kept in the elbow area until completely dry.

Folk remedies for knee injuries

When bruising the knee area of ​​the leg, white cabbage leaves help well, which are applied to the area affected by the blow, additionally fixed and replaced every half hour.

A significant benefit is provided by treatment with an ointment based on wormwood herb and medical vaseline, taken in equal proportions - the components are mixed and simmered in the oven for a couple of hours. The finished product is rubbed into the affected area of ​​the knee with light massaging movements at least three times a day.

Foot injury - treatment with folk remedies

Unfortunately, foot injury is the most common type of injury compared to other parts of the human body.

First aid is cold. In the event of this unpleasant phenomenon, it is recommended to immediately apply an ice compress or something like that to the affected area. Cryotherapy should be applied at intervals of 20 minutes, followed by a 5-minute break. With the resulting bruise of the foot, it is recommended to immediately lie down and raise the leg, thereby ensuring the outflow of blood.

After a blow, a hematoma occurs on the foot, therefore, in order to speed up the resorption process, it is recommended to use a healing tincture. For preparation: aloe leaves are crushed, mixed with a small amount of granulated sugar and kept warm for three days.

Herbal lotions, for which dried raw materials are used, help relieve the inflammatory process: linden blossom, bitter wormwood, celandine infused with water for a day.

These folk remedies effectively help with bruised fingers and toes.

Shoulder injury and its treatment with folk remedies

Treatment of bruises of the shoulder region and costal part with folk remedies

On the basis of domestic injuries, bruises of the shoulder girdle are no exception. In folk medicine, there are several ways to treat this kind of damage.

In home bins, of course, there is a bar of laundry soap, which is crushed with a grater and mixed with whipped yolk foam.

The resulting mass is smeared with a painful focus in the morning and evening for a certain number of days, depending on the healing process.

Burdock has medicinal properties in folk medicine - it will take 75 g per 200 ml of any oil to grow
body origin. Components: mixed in a suitable container, infused for 2 days and heated for about 15 minutes, without boiling. The finished medicinal product is used for its intended purpose as an ointment.

Rib injuries. Due to negligence or other reasons, closed injuries of the ribs occur in life, which are accompanied by ruptures of small capillaries, hemorrhage in soft tissues and swelling.

The first step is to take a position - reclining and lean an ice bubble against the painful focus. it is recommended to perform no more than three days, subsequently it is replaced with warming compresses. A tight bandage applied to the ribs effectively relieves pain during the next breath.

  • Herbal decoction of arnica - taken as a drink;
  • camphor alcohol - rub the bruised area;
  • Epsom salt - used for lotions per 1 liter of water, 30 g is needed;
  • cabbage leaves (plantain) - for compresses in the morning and evening;
  • bodyaga - a bag of 120 ml of water as lotions;
  • radish juice - for compression treatment at least 5 times a day;
  • aloe and honey - reduces the inflammatory process.

The recovery period for a closed injury depends on the complexity of the injuries and the timely assistance provided.

Folk remedies for bruises and sprains: the simplest and most effective remedies

Good afternoon to all those who came to our blog and are looking for folk remedies for bruises and sprains. You have come to the right online page where this will be discussed.

Indeed, in everyday life, regardless of status and age, we can often suffer from such injuries. Once in such a situation, a person is looking for an immediate independent solution.

Then the means of traditional medicine come to the aid of many.

What is a bruise or sprain? What are they? What symptoms do they show? How to alleviate and remove their consequences with folk remedies, I will talk about this later.

Damage to the musculoskeletal system

In life, not only athletes, but also any person can get injured in the form of a bruise or sprain on:

  • Street;
  • work;
  • Rest;
  • Transport;
  • Basin;
  • Dacha or home.

Let's take a closer look at their review characteristics.


This injury occurs as a result of closed damage to tissues or organs mechanically, which are not visually accompanied by violations of their anatomical integrity.

Superficial tissues are often exposed to these injuries:

  • Integument;
  • subcutaneous tissue;
  • Muscles;
  • Periosteum.

In this case, a person with a bruise experiences intense pain and internal bleeding, which can injure neighboring tissues with their compression.

Subcutaneous hematomas, which appear at the site of the bruise, first have a blue color, and then, closer to recovery, change their color scheme from yellow, then green, and after pink.


This injury is the result of overstretching or overloading of a longitudinally acting force along the muscle tissue. Most often it is the ankle or knee joint.

Sprain is caused by injury to the ligaments that connect the muscles to the bone tissue. In this case, individual fibers of the ligament are torn, followed by hemorrhage. The person then feels swelling and joint pain when moving. Sprain or rupture of the ligaments go in tandem with bruises of the joints.

Initial actions

Earning a bruise is not difficult, but to remove it, you need to work hard. The most effective remedies for bruises and sprains have always been folk recipes. However, when starting first aid, in alleviating the condition after a bruise or sprain, you need to know the fundamental points.

  1. Initially, you need to clean the place of injury from dirt. If there are scratches or wounds, they are treated with hydrogen peroxide or a solution of slightly pink potassium permanganate.
  2. Then you need to immobilize the affected area, or if possible do not disturb it.
  3. When the ligaments are stretched, they must be tightly bandaged.
  4. In case of a bruise, apply cold to its place in order to narrow the vessels and reduce possible internal bleeding.

After a day, as a bruise appeared, it is treated with heat, compresses, rubbing.

At this point in our story, we want to divert you a little and talk about the severity of minor injuries.

Did you fall on the street, twisting your leg in a hole in the sidewalk? This often happens to many. Everyone knows about this problem of our road economy. But it's not that.

Is your bruise turning purple and not yellow, as it should be, and even some incomprehensible pulsation has begun?

Our advice! Urgently to the doctor! Perhaps an infection got under the skin through the wound. Don't miss the time!

Folk remedies for bruises are always at hand

What methods of folk treatment for bruises or sprains can be used?

Bodyaga. Everyone knows about it as the most effective and fastest way to get rid of bruises. To do this, bodyagi powder needs to be diluted a little with water, like gruel, and applied to the bruised place. Its action will begin after some of the moisture has evaporated.

Cabbage. Its leaves can be boiled in milk, chopped in a blender or beaten with a hammer. The chosen state of the cabbage is put on the site of the bruise, covered with wax paper, wrapped with an elastic bandage overnight.

Aloe. Very well tightens wounds and saves from small bruises. To do this, the cut leaf of aloe with the inner mucous side is applied to the bruised area for 6 hours, gluing it with a plaster.

Iodine. A traditional remedy that is used by almost everyone on the second day after the formation of a bruise. To do this, simply draw an iodine grid on it.

Horseradish, radish, garlic, onion. These ingredients, each separately, in grated form in the form of gruel, are applied to the bruised area.

Well help from bruises or sprains compresses from alcohol tinctures:

  • marigolds;
  • nettles;
  • Cornflower;
  • Arnica.

For rubbing apply:

  • Fir oil;
  • Camphor alcohol;
  • Honey with bile;
  • Traditional balm "Asterisk";
  • Menovazin.

If you want to quickly get rid of bruises or sprains, we advise you to subscribe to our blog. Here you will find really useful information on how to quickly, effectively, and at no extra cost to get back to normal after bruises. Here in your comments you can still share your personal experience with new friends and together find ways to heal after accidental injuries.

Take care of yourself!
Goodbye, see you again!

A bruise can appear even from a small accidental bruise. When bruises form in places that cannot be hidden under clothing, they must be disposed of as soon as possible. This can be done not only with the help of expensive medications, but also by resorting to the methods of traditional medicine. Such methods have no contraindications, side effects and are available to anyone.

How does a bruise appear?

The most common cause of bruising is bruising. Upon impact, small subcutaneous vessels rupture, and the blood that has flowed out under the skin thickens, forming a bruise. It is also called a hematoma.

Stages of subcutaneous hematoma

Depending on the force of impact and the degree of damage to the skin, there are simple or complex. If there are wounds on the skin, nerves and bone tissues are affected, the hematoma is complex.

With the elimination of simple bruises, folk methods do an excellent job, more complex ones, often require medical intervention.

But bruises are formed not only from bruises. Bruises can be the result of any disease, the use of certain medications, as well as age-related hormonal changes, which is observed in many women.

First steps in case of injury

In order for the resulting ones to be less painful and come off as quickly as possible, a number of actions must be taken immediately after the impact:

  • Provide a state of rest of the bruised part of the body, try not to set it in motion. If possible, it is recommended to apply an elastic bandage.
  • In case of damage to the finger, leg, hand, they should be kept upright for some time. This will ensure the outflow of blood, significantly reduce swelling and pain.
  • Apply a cold compress. This can be done with household items such as frozen food, ice, or a plastic bag filled with cold water. In order to avoid frostbite or hypothermia of soft tissues, the freezing should be wrapped in a towel (1-2 layers) and kept at the site of damage for no more than 15 minutes. After a couple of hours, it is advisable to repeat the compress. Exposure to cold contributes to vasoconstriction, which in turn reduces the severity of bruising and the feeling of pain. A cold compress is only effective for a day after the injury.

Cold on a bruise - first aid

  • Make an iodine grid at the site of the bruise. It will serve as an anti-inflammatory agent, improve blood circulation and accelerate wound healing.
  • After eliminating the primary edema (approximately a day later), make a warm compress. You can use salt for this. It is heated in a pan, poured onto a handkerchief or into a sock and applied to the damaged area. A boiled egg wrapped in several layers of cloth is also suitable. Keep a warm compress for 15-20 minutes. Warming up is recommended to be done three times a day.

Folk remedies for bruises from medicinal plants

In order to remove a bruise, it is not necessary to buy expensive medications. All available folk remedies help to quickly reduce hematomas. Consider the most popular and effective methods based on traditional medicine recipes.

  1. Tincture of calendula, golden mustache. A compress is made from it and used as first aid.
  2. Infusion of coltsfoot, celandine, chamomile. A mixture is made from the listed herbs, poured with boiling water (1 tsp of the mixture per 100 ml of water) and insisted. When the infusion has cooled, they need to soak a piece of tissue and apply to the bruise. Hold as long as possible, and repeat as often as possible.
  3. Fresh leaves of plantain, wormwood, or burdock. They are crushed to a mushy state and applied to the site of the bruise.
  4. Aloe. It is often used to remove a bruise, as it has a wound healing and resolving effect. The juice of aloe leaves is impregnated with a cotton pad or a piece of bandage and applied to a sore spot. You can cut the leaf lengthwise and apply it with the inside to the skin.
  5. Bodyaga. A very effective folk remedy with which you can quickly remove a bruise. Bodyaga has an irritating effect that activates the process of blood circulation and promotes the resorption of edema. It is sold in the form of powder and ointment. The powder is diluted with water in a ratio of 2:1 and mixed. The resulting slurry is applied to the bruised area, kept for 40-50 minutes, then washed off with warm water. The procedure must be repeated at least twice a day.

home remedies for bruises

Important! When treating a bruise in the eye area, you need to be especially careful not to allow the product to get on the mucous membrane.

Folk remedies for bruises from food

In cases where you need to get rid of a hematoma, and there are no medications and medicinal plants at hand, food products will help out. Such folk remedies are used to eliminate bruising on any part of the body. With their help, you can quickly remove bruises under the eyes. Products with healing properties are in any kitchen:


It must be cleaned, grated on a coarse grater and put on gauze folded in three or four layers. The compress is applied to the bruised area and left for 30-40 minutes. For a faster effect, it is advisable to cover it with something warm, such as a bag of heated salt. The procedure must be repeated throughout the day every two hours. Potato starch is also suitable for a compress. It is mixed with warm water to a creamy state and applied to the site of bruising. The exposure time is the same as in the treatment with fresh potatoes.

Bruising Products


You can also remove a bruise with such a folk remedy as cabbage. Red cabbage contains three times more useful elements than white cabbage, so its use is more effective. The compress is made from the leaves mashed to the formation of juice. The sheet should be on a sore spot until completely dry. The procedure should be repeated 4-5 times a day;
garlic and onion. They are crushed into gruel, a little salt is added, transferred to gauze and applied to the bruise.

Mixture of beets with honey

The most effective folk remedy, but only suitable for people who do not have an allergic reaction to the components of the mixture. Grated on a fine grater, beets are mixed with honey in a ratio of 1: 1. The compress is applied to the bruised area for two hours once a day.


Ordinary table salt can get rid of a hematoma of any complexity in a very short time. A highly concentrated saline solution is made from it and used as lotions. It is better to leave such a lotion overnight, covering it with plastic wrap and fixing it with a bandage or plaster.

Apple vinegar

A very effective way to eliminate bruising. Vinegar must be diluted with water (two teaspoons per liter of water), soak a cotton pad, bandage or handkerchief in the solution and apply to the bruise area. Keep it for 30-40 minutes, repeat the procedure three to four times a day;
vodka. A vodka compress is very effective and can quickly get rid of bruises. To do this, vodka must be heated, moistened with a piece of cloth in it, applied to a sore spot and covered with plastic wrap. The compress is fixed with a plaster or bandage and left overnight.

Iodine mesh on a bruise

Important! If alcohol is used, it must be diluted with water (1: 1), otherwise the skin is possible.

There are a lot of popular ways to remove a bruise. Choosing the most appropriate one should take into account the degree of damage, the size of the bruise and the part of the body that is to be treated. Any of the methods can be used either alone or in combination with other methods, including medication.

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Today's conversation with the Chairman of the Supreme Court Valentin SUKALO can be called significant without exaggeration - it concerns...
Dimensions and weights. The sizes of the planets are determined by measuring the angle at which their diameter is visible from the Earth. This method is not applicable to asteroids: they ...
The world's oceans are home to a wide variety of predators. Some wait for their prey in hiding and surprise attack when...