Chalk building gost. Chalk. Types, brands and basic technical requirements. Transportation and storage

Feed chalk MMZHP


Feed chalk is one of the main sources of calcium. Calcium stimulates the function of the cardiovascular system, is one of the blood coagulation factors, ensures the constancy of osmotic pressure. It participates in the conduction of a nerve impulse, in the initiation of muscle contraction due to the formation of an actin-myosin complex, and activates, together with insulin, the penetration of glucose into cells. Calcium forms bone tissue, maintains muscle tone, prevents premature development of osteoporosis and osteomalacia, promotes the proper formation of the musculoskeletal system, which is especially important for young animals and birds. Calcium is part of various enzyme systems that catalyze biochemical reactions in the body, in addition, it increases the nonspecific resistance of the animal. Calcium ions are involved in the transmission of nerve impulses, in the contraction of skeletal and smooth muscles. The intercellular bone substance is rich in calcium salts, together with proteins (mainly collagen - ossein) ensures the hardness and elasticity of the bone. Calcium has a beneficial effect on the metabolism of iron in the body of animals and birds, removes toxins. When using the additive in productive animals, the average daily gain in muscle mass increases, the quality and yield of meat products, milk yield improves, egg production increases in birds, as well as the safety of eggs and the dietary properties of the finished product. The process of absorption and resorption of calcium in the body is closely related to the intake of phosphorus and vitamin D, with the optimal ratio of these elements, their absorption is maximum. Chalk consumption rates are strictly focused on the need of the body of animals and birds for calcium, depending on the physiological state of the body, the presence of pathological processes, as well as age. With prolonged unbalanced nutrition in terms of micro- and macroelements, animals and birds develop irreversible pathological processes, they are especially pronounced with a lack of calcium, vitamin D and iron. On the part of the musculoskeletal system - restructuring of the skeleton, demineralization, dystrophy, softening and deformation of the bone, rickets develops (rachitic beads on the ribs). Muscle tone also decreases, the change of teeth is delayed in young animals, hypochromic anemia develops, atony of the gastrointestinal tract. Calcium deficiency especially affects the overall development and growth of young farm animals and poultry. In laying hens, egg production decreases, egg shells become thinner. Dystrophic processes also develop in the muscles, resulting in a sharp drop in the quality and yield of meat products. When administered orally, the mineral components of the supplement are rapidly absorbed and excreted from the body mainly in the urine. Feed chalk, according to the degree of impact on the body of warm-blooded animals, belongs to low-hazard substances and has a large therapeutic breadth.

Chalk fodder natural ground contains 37% calcium, 0.18% phosphorus, 0.5% potassium, 0.3% sodium and not more than 5% silicon and other elements. It is a homogeneous white powder, odorless, practically insoluble in water.

Natural ground fodder chalk is used internally for animals and poultry in a mixture with dry feed or wet mash in accordance with the daily consumption rates given in the table:

Chickens, laying hens (for 10 heads)

age (weeks)

consumption rate, g

daily consumption rates for 10 heads, g

young growth



25 – 30 (up to 6 weeks)

30 - 35 (up to 6 months)

30 - 35 (up to 6 months)

40 - 45 (up to 4 months)

25 – 30 (up to 4 months)

daily consumption rates for 1 head, g

15 - 50 (up to 1 year)

50 - 100 (up to 1.5 years)

10 - 30 (up to 2 years)

Sheep, goats

3 - 7 (up to 1 year)

10 - 40 (up to 6 months)

Natural enriched chalk, GOST 12085-88

GOST 12085-88

Chalk natural enriched. Specifications

GOST 12085-88
Group A44


Concentrated natural chalk. Specifications

OKP 57 4314

Valid from 01.01.90
until 01.01.95*
* Expiry date removed
according to protocol N 4-93 of the Interstate Council
on standardization, metrology and certification.
(IUS N 4, 1994). - Note


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Industry of Building Materials of the USSR

X.X.Uuemyis, Dr. tech. sciences (topic leader); N.A. Mogilenko; Yu.Ya.Shvede

2. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards dated 24.06.88 N 2310.

3. The term of the first check is 1993.
Inspection frequency - 5 years

4. REPLACE GOST 12085-73


Number of paragraph, subparagraph

GOST 2226-75

GOST 8253-79

GOST 14192-77

GOST 15846-79

GOST 16873-78

GOST 17498-72

GOST 18225-72

GOST 19219-73

GOST 19220-73

GOST 19668-74

GOST 20082-74

GOST 21138.1-85 - GOST 21138.4-85

GOST 21138.5-78 - GOST 21138.9-78

GOST 21929-76

This standard applies to natural enriched chalk intended for use as a filler in the rubber, cable, paint and varnish, and polymer industries.



1.1. Main parameters and dimensions
Chalk is produced in the following grades: MMO, MMOR, MMC1, MMC2, MMHP1 and MMHP2 in accordance with GOST 17498-72.

1.2. Characteristics
Chalk according to physical and chemical parameters must comply with the standards indicated in the table.

Name of indicator

Norm for the brand

Test method

1. Mass fraction of calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate in terms of calcium carbonate (CaCO +
+MgCO), %, not less than

According to GOST 21138.5-78

2. Mass fraction of substances insoluble in hydrochloric acid (HCL),%, no more

According to GOST 21138.6-78

3. Mass fraction of sesquioxides of iron and aluminum, %, no more

According to GOST 21138.7-78

4. Mass fraction of free alkali in terms of calcium oxide (CaO),%, no more

According to GOST 8253-79

5. Mass fraction of manganese, %, no more

According to GOST 21138.9-78

6. Mass fraction of copper, %, no more

According to GOST 21138.4-85

7. Mass fraction of iron oxide (III),%, no more

According to GOST 21138.8-78

8. Mass fraction of water-soluble substances,%, no more

According to GOST 21138.1-85

9. Mass fraction of SO and Cl ions in water extract, %, not more than


According to GOST 21138.2-85 or GOST 8253-79 and GOST 21138.3-85

10. Mass fraction of moisture,%, no more

According to GOST 19219-73

11. Mass fraction of iron extracted by magnet, %, no more

According to GOST 8253-79

12. Mass fraction of sand, %, no more

According to GOST 19220-73

13. Reflection coefficient, %, not less than

According to GOST 16873-78

14. Residue, %, no more on a sieve with mesh N:

According to GOST 20082-74




1. For the cable industry, the mass fraction of free alkali in terms of CaO is not more than 0.010% in the MMC1 brand.

2. The reflectance index is set only for chalk intended for the paint and varnish and polymer industries.

1.2.1. In the chalk of all brands, the presence of impurities visible to the naked eye is not allowed.

1.3. Marking
Transport marking of chalk - in accordance with GOST 14192-77 with the application of the handling sign "Afraid of dampness" on cargo items.
In the information inscriptions of the transport marking indicate:
brand of chalk;
date of manufacture;
lot number;
designation of this standard.

1.4. Package

1.4.1. Chalk is packed in paper four- or five-layer bags with a closed (with a valve) neck brand BM or NM according to GOST 2226-76. Net weight of chalk in a bag should not exceed 35 kg.
Chalk bags are formed into transport packages according to GOST 21929-76 using LTK-50-2000 sling tape or tapes of other similar brands according to normative and technical documentation.
By agreement with the consumer, it is allowed to pack chalk into specialized containers of the SK-1-5 type with a gross weight of 5.0 tons for bulk cargo in accordance with GOST 19668-74.
Chalk is also packed in soft specialized disposable containers of the MKR-1.0M or MKR-1.0C type according to the normative and technical documentation.
Note. Until 01.01.91 it is allowed to send chalk in bags without forming transport packages.

1.4.2. In the regions of the Far North and hard-to-reach areas, chalk is packed in accordance with GOST 15846-79 in bags of flax-jute-kenaf fabrics in accordance with GOST 18225-72 not lower than category V with five- or six-layer paper bags of the PM or VM brand enclosed in them in accordance with GOST 2226- 75, formed into transport packages, or into soft specialized containers of the MKR-1.0C type.


2.1 Chalk is accepted in batches. A batch is considered to be the amount of chalk weighing up to 150 tons of the same grade, manufactured using the same technology and accompanied by one quality document.
The quality document must contain:
name of the manufacturer (or) its trademark;
wagon and container number;
product name and brand;
date of production and issuance of the document;
batch net weight;
lot number;
designation of this standard;
test results.

2.2. To control the quality of chalk from a batch, a sample is taken from each 50th bag, but not less than 10 bags of each batch.

2.3. To check the compliance of the quality of chalk with the requirements of this standard, acceptance tests are carried out for all indicators, except for the mass fraction of the sum of iron and aluminum sesquioxides, iron (III) oxide and copper, which the manufacturer checks periodically once every 3 months.

2.4. If the test results of chalk do not meet the requirements of this standard for at least one of the indicators, repeated tests are carried out for these indicators on a double sample selected from the same batch.
The retest results apply to the entire lot.


3.1. Sample selection
Point samples of chalk in motion are taken from the conveyor belt after 20 minutes using a mechanical sampler or manually across the entire width of the conveyor belt. The mass of the incremental sample must be at least 0.2 kg. The mass of the combined sample must be at least 1 kg.
To control the quality of chalk packed in bags, point samples are taken from each bag with a probe over the entire depth from three different places in portions of at least 0.1 kg.
Point samples are joined together, thoroughly mixed and reduced by quartering to a sample weighing at least 1 kg.
The sample is divided into two equal parts, one of which is sent to the laboratory for testing, and the other is placed in a glass jar with a ground stopper or in a polyethylene bag, sealed, labeled with the brand of chalk, batch number and date of sampling, and stored in a specially designated place within 1 month in case of disagreements that arose in determining the quality of the chalk.

3.2. Test methods - according to clause 1.2.



4.1. Chalk is transported by all means of transport in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for this type of transport.
Transport packages formed from bags of chalk are transported in covered vehicles; in specialized containers - in open vehicles.

4.2. Chalk must be stored in closed warehouses.


5.1. The manufacturer guarantees that the quality of the chalk meets the requirements of this standard, subject to the conditions of transportation and storage.

5.2. Guaranteed shelf life of chalk - 1 year from the date of manufacture. After the specified storage period, the chalk must be checked before use for compliance with the requirements of this standard in terms of the quality indicators of chalk that change during storage: moisture content and residue on sieves.


6.1. Ground natural enriched chalk is fire and explosion-proof, non-toxic.

6.2. The maximum permissible concentration of ground natural enriched chalk in the air of the working area of ​​industrial premises is 10 mg/m.

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Chalk. Kinds, marks and general technical requirements


By the Decree of the State Committee of Standards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated January 15, 1972 No. 240, the introduction date was set


The validity period was removed according to protocol No. 3-93 of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (IUS 5-6-93)

This standard applies to chalk and establishes types, grades, basic technical requirements and preferential areas of its application in the national economy.

Chalk is a type of weakly cemented, spreading, fine-grained carbonate rock, consisting mainly of naturally occurring or artificially produced calcium carbonate.


1.1. Depending on the method of production and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bprimary use, chalk is divided into types, brands and varieties indicated in Table. one.


2.1. According to the chemical composition and physical and mechanical parameters, the chalk must meet the requirements specified in Table. 2.

2.2. The indicators that should be included in the standards by type of consumption are given in the appendix.

Table 1

Mode of production


In construction and renovation

buildings and structures, for production

lime production, in glass, ceramic and other industries


The same, except for the production of lime

In agriculture for lime

acidic soils

In agriculture for under-

feed for animals and birds

In agriculture and for the production of animal feed

Official edition


Reprint prohibited

Continuation of the table. one

Mode of production

Area of ​​primary application


Ground separated-

In cable, paint and varnish and other

other industries

In the polymer and other industries

Ground separated-


In cable, rubber, lacquer-


succulent and polymer industry

Same, except cable

Ground enriched

In cable, rubber, varnish


chemically deposited

paint and other industries

in perfumery, cosmetics,

besieged the same

rubber, medical, food and other industries

Note. In the designations of chalk grades, the letters mean: MK - lump chalk, MM - ground chalk, IP - soil liming, ZhP - animals and birds, PK - mixed fodder production, S - separated, SG - separated hydrophobized, O - enriched, XO - chemically precipitated .

table 2

Name of indicator

Norm for the brand

in terms of CaCO3, %>, not less than

Grinding fineness: remainder, %>, no more than, on mesh No.:

Continuation of the table. 2

Name of indicator

Norm for the brand

in terms of CaCO3, %, not less than

Grinding fineness: remainder, %>, no more than, on mesh No.:



List of indicators required to be included in the standards by type of consumption

Name of indicator



MM1, MM2, MM3



Depending on the purpose: whiteness, content of iron oxide, manganese, free alkali, iron extracted by a magnet, substances insoluble in hydrochloric acid, water-soluble substances, copper, sand, moisture


Depending on the purpose: content of fatty acids, free alkali, copper, sand, water-soluble substances, iron extractable by magnet, moisture

Depending on the purpose: whiteness, content of iron oxide, manganese, free alkali, iron extracted by a magnet, substances insoluble in hydrochloric acid, water-soluble substances, sand, copper, moisture




Depending on the purpose: whiteness, settling, dispersion, bulk density, content of free alkali, substances insoluble in hydrochloric acid, crystalline silica, moisture

GOST 17498-72

Group A44


Types, brands and basic technical requirements

Chalk. Kinds, marks and general technical requirements

Introduction date 1973-01-01

INTRODUCED BY Decree of the State Committee for Standards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated January 15, 1972 N 240

The validity period was removed according to protocol N 3-93 of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (IUS 5-6-93)


This standard applies to chalk and establishes types, grades, basic technical requirements and preferential areas of its application in the national economy.

Chalk is a type of weakly cemented, spreading, fine-grained carbonate rock, consisting mainly of naturally occurring or artificially produced calcium carbonate.



1.1. Depending on the method of production and the area of ​​​​primary use, chalk is divided into types, brands and varieties indicated in Table 1.

Table 1

Mode of production

Area of ​​primary application



In construction and for the repair of buildings and structures, for the production of lime, in glass, ceramic and other industries


The same, except for the production of lime

In agriculture for liming acidic soils

In agriculture for feeding animals and birds

In agriculture and for the production of animal feed

Ground separated

In cable, paint and varnish and other industries

In the polymer and other industries

Ground separated hydrophobized

In the cable, rubber, paint and polymer industry

Same, except cable

Ground enriched

In cable, rubber, paint and varnish and other industries

chemically deposited

chemically deposited

In perfume, cosmetic, rubber, medical, food and other industries

Note. In the designations of chalk grades, the letters mean: MK - lump chalk, MM - ground chalk, IP - soil liming, ZhP - animals and birds, PK - mixed fodder production, S - separated, SG - separated hydrophobized, O - enriched, XO - chemically precipitated .


2.1. In terms of chemical composition and physical and mechanical properties, the chalk must meet the requirements specified in Table 2.

table 2

Names of the indicator

Norm for stamps

Continuation of Table 2

Names of the indicator

Norm for stamps

Grinding fineness: residue, %, not more, on grid N:






2.2. The indicators to be included in the consumption standards are given in the reference annex.

APPENDIX (reference). List of indicators required to be included in the standards by type of consumption


Name of indicator


MK1, MK2, MK3

MM1, MM2, MM3



Depending on the purpose: whiteness, content of iron oxide, manganese, free alkali, iron extracted by a magnet, substances insoluble in hydrochloric acid, water-soluble substances, copper, sand, moisture


Depending on the purpose: content of fatty acids, free alkali, copper, sand, water-soluble substances, iron extractable by magnet, moisture

Depending on the purpose: whiteness, content of iron oxide, manganese, free alkali, iron extracted by a magnet, substances insoluble in hydrochloric acid, water-soluble substances, sand, copper, moisture

chemically deposited


Depending on the purpose: whiteness, settling, dispersion, bulk density, content of free alkali, substances insoluble in hydrochloric acid, crystalline silica, moisture

The text of the document is verified by:
official publication
Compound feed. Part 3
Feed additives, vitamins.
Specifications: Sat. Gostov. -
Moscow: IPK Standards Publishing House, 2002

GOST 12085-88

Group A44




Concentrated natural chalk. Specifications

OKP 57 4314

Valid from 01.01.90
until 01.01.95*
* Expiry date removed
according to protocol N 4-93 of the Interstate Council
on standardization, metrology and certification.
(IUS N 4, 1994). - Note "CODE"


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Industry of Building Materials of the USSR


X.X.Uuemyis, Dr. tech. sciences (topic leader); N.A. Mogilenko; Yu.Ya.Shvede

2. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards dated 24.06.88 N 2310.

3. The term of the first check is 1993.

Inspection frequency - 5 years

4. REPLACE GOST 12085-73


Number of paragraph, subparagraph

GOST 2226-75

GOST 8253-79

GOST 14192-77

GOST 15846-79

GOST 16873-78

GOST 17498-72

GOST 18225-72

GOST 19219-73

GOST 19220-73

GOST 19668-74

GOST 20082-74

GOST 21138.1-85 - GOST 21138.4-85

GOST 21138.5-78 - GOST 21138.9-78

GOST 21929-76

This standard applies to natural enriched chalk intended for use as a filler in the rubber, cable, paint and varnish, and polymer industries.



1.1. Main parameters and dimensions

Chalk is produced in the following grades: MMO, MMOR, MMS1, MMS2, MMHP1 and MMHP2 in accordance with GOST 17498-72.

1.2. Characteristics

Chalk according to physical and chemical parameters must comply with the standards indicated in the table.

Name of indicator

Norm for the brand

Test method

1. Mass fraction of calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate in terms of calcium carbonate (CaCO +
+MgCO), %, not less than

2. Mass fraction of substances insoluble in hydrochloric acid (HCL),%, no more

3. Mass fraction of sesquioxides of iron and aluminum, %, no more

4. Mass fraction of free alkali in terms of calcium oxide (CaO),%, no more

5. Mass fraction of manganese, %, no more

6. Mass fraction of copper, %, no more

7. Mass fraction of iron oxide (III),%, no more

8. Mass fraction of water-soluble substances,%, no more

9. Mass fraction of SO and Cl ions in water extract, %, not more than


10. Mass fraction of moisture,%, no more

11. Mass fraction of iron extracted by magnet, %, no more

12. Mass fraction of sand, %, no more

13. Reflection coefficient, %, not less than

14. Residue, %, no more on a sieve with mesh N:




1. For the cable industry, the mass fraction of free alkali in terms of CaO is not more than 0.010% in the MMC1 brand.

2. The reflectance index is set only for chalk intended for the paint and varnish and polymer industries.

1.2.1. In the chalk of all brands, the presence of impurities visible to the naked eye is not allowed.

1.3. Marking

Transport marking of chalk - in accordance with GOST 14192-77 with the application of the handling sign "Afraid of dampness" on cargo items.

In the information inscriptions of the transport marking indicate:

brand of chalk;

date of manufacture;

lot number;

designation of this standard.

1.4. Package

1.4.1. Chalk is packed in paper four- or five-layer bags with a closed (with a valve) neck brand BM or NM according to GOST 2226-76. Net weight of chalk in a bag should not exceed 35 kg.

Chalk bags are formed into transport packages according to GOST 21929-76 using LTK-50-2000 sling tape or tapes of other similar brands according to normative and technical documentation.

By agreement with the consumer, it is allowed to pack chalk into specialized containers of the SK-1-5 type with a gross weight of 5.0 tons for bulk cargo in accordance with GOST 19668-74.

Chalk is also packed in soft specialized disposable containers of the MKR-1.0M or MKR-1.0C type according to the normative and technical documentation.

Note. Until 01.01.91 it is allowed to send chalk in bags without forming transport packages.

1.4.2. In the regions of the Far North and hard-to-reach areas, chalk is packed in accordance with GOST 15846-79 in bags of flax-jute-kenaf fabrics in accordance with GOST 18225-72 not lower than category V with five- or six-layer paper bags of the PM or VM brand enclosed in them in accordance with GOST 2226- 75, formed into transport packages, or into soft specialized containers of the MKR-1.0C type.


2.1 Chalk is accepted in batches. A batch is considered to be the amount of chalk weighing up to 150 tons of the same grade, manufactured using the same technology and accompanied by one quality document.

The quality document must contain:

name of the manufacturer (or) its trademark;

wagon and container number;

product name and brand;

date of production and issuance of the document;

batch net weight;

lot number;

designation of this standard;

test results.

2.2. To control the quality of chalk from a batch, a sample is taken from each 50th bag, but not less than 10 bags of each batch.

2.3. To check the compliance of the quality of chalk with the requirements of this standard, acceptance tests are carried out for all indicators, except for the mass fraction of the sum of iron and aluminum sesquioxides, iron (III) oxide and copper, which the manufacturer checks periodically once every 3 months.

2.4. If the test results of chalk do not meet the requirements of this standard for at least one of the indicators, repeated tests are carried out for these indicators on a double sample selected from the same batch.

The retest results apply to the entire lot.


3.1. Sample selection

Point samples of chalk in motion are taken from the conveyor belt after 20 minutes using a mechanical sampler or manually across the entire width of the conveyor belt. The mass of the incremental sample must be at least 0.2 kg. The mass of the combined sample must be at least 1 kg.

To control the quality of chalk packed in bags, point samples are taken from each bag with a probe over the entire depth from three different places in portions of at least 0.1 kg.

Point samples are joined together, thoroughly mixed and reduced by quartering to a sample weighing at least 1 kg.

The sample is divided into two equal parts, one of which is sent to the laboratory for testing, and the other is placed in a glass jar with a ground stopper or in a polyethylene bag, sealed, labeled with the brand of chalk, batch number and date of sampling, and stored in a specially designated place within 1 month in case of disagreements that arose in determining the quality of the chalk.

3.2. Test methods - according to clause 1.2.



4.1. Chalk is transported by all means of transport in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for this type of transport.

Transport packages formed from bags of chalk are transported in covered vehicles; in specialized containers - in open vehicles.

4.2. Chalk must be stored in closed warehouses.


5.1. The manufacturer guarantees that the quality of the chalk meets the requirements of this standard, subject to the conditions of transportation and storage.

5.2. Guaranteed shelf life of chalk - 1 year from the date of manufacture. After the specified storage period, the chalk must be checked before use for compliance with the requirements of this standard in terms of the quality indicators of chalk that change during storage: moisture content and residue on sieves.


6.1. Ground natural enriched chalk is fire and explosion-proof, non-toxic.

6.2. The maximum permissible concentration of ground natural enriched chalk in the air of the working area of ​​industrial premises is 10 mg/m.

The text of the document is verified by:
official publication
M.: Publishing house of standards, 1988

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