How to make beautiful paper crafts. DIY paper craft for kids. Schemes, templates, instructions. To create a mushroom, take


The art of creating paper figures by folding a sheet in a special way appeared in ancient Japan shortly after the appearance of paper itself there and was originally endowed with a religious meaning, and therefore developed in temples and monasteries. This art, later called origami (literally "folded paper"), became widespread after paper became widely available and relatively inexpensive. The popularity of origami in Japan could only be compared with Chinese kites, and it has survived to this day, spreading to the Western world along with other oriental arts. We invite you to try your hand at this subtle art, which is actually not very difficult to master, the main thing is practice, study the manufacturing patterns with a sheet of paper in your hands, and very soon there will be no secrets left for you in this matter.

There are several types of origami:

- classic (or simple) - performed by repeatedly folding a sheet of paper to obtain three-dimensional figures, the most famous example is the figure of an oritsuru crane;
- modular origami - composite structures of simpler elements, folded according to classical principles and interconnected by ordinary folding, without glue;
- kirigami (created using cutting with scissors), kusudami (volumetric structures assembled using threads and glue), aerogami (well-known airplanes with many manufacturing options), “wet” origami (paper is wetted to give clearer shapes), etc. d. - these are modern types, sometimes a little reminiscent of classic origami.

As usual, first prepare the materials and working tools. In this case, it is paper, scissors, glue (regular PVA or glue stick), a sharp stationery knife or cutter, a pencil and a ruler. In principle, any paper is suitable, but experts strongly advise using white office paper, which has the necessary density and rigidity. Office multi-colored paper is good for modular origami, while school colored paper is not suitable for origami at all. In the future, after gaining good skills, you can buy special sets with origami paper, use foil paper and glossy magazine pages, even banknotes are suitable - for example, for spectacular company entertainment.

Today we will learn how to interesting and original paper crafts with or for children.

And first, let's see what we need for this:

To create crafts, we will use different types of paper and cardboard:

napkins for decoupage on boxes;

newspaper for creating papier-mâché balloons;

old magazines for crafts with beads;

crepe and wrapping paper;

colored double-sided paper;

corrugated and plain cardboard;

paper plates, cardboard tubes, various boxes and much more.

For creativity, the child will need such basic materials and tools as scissors, glue, paints and felt-tip pens.

Does it happen to you that you collect a lot of small necessary items, but there is nowhere to put them? Let's make a fun pocket in which everything will fit and which can be hung in a conspicuous place.

Paper crafts for kids: USEFUL POCKET

What will be required:

colored paper


lace scissors glue

Work sequence:

Draw the outline of the muzzle of an animal, such as a bear.

Cut out two such shapes along the contour. Make details for the ears and nose, as shown in the photo.

Apply glue along the edge, connect the parts to make a pocket inside. Punch two holes.

Glue on the ears and nose. Draw a ribbon for hanging.

This pocket is perfect for storing small items: hairpins, combs or stationery.

Paper Craft for Kids: RACE RACE

Did you know that you can make unusual racing cars with your own hands? Let's create them and have a real race. I wonder what car number will win?

What will be required:

cardboard tubes of paint, felt-tip pens

colored paper, cardboard

glue scissors

Work sequence:

Color the tubes in bright colors.

Cut out parts for cars from colored and white paper (for wheels, it’s better to take black cardboard - then your “car” will stand firmly). Use a felt-tip pen to draw what you need.

Make a hole in the straw as shown in the picture (you can ask an adult to help).

Now glue all the details. Wait until it dries - and go ahead, play!

Paper crafts for kids: PAPIER-MACHE BALLOONS

Who doesn't dream of flying in a hot air balloon? Someday you will definitely do it. Now let's try to make an unusual balloon from an ordinary newspaper.

What will be required:

glue bead

needle spoke

cream paint

Work sequence:

Inflate the balloon, lubricate it with any cream. Prepare a newspaper for crafts - for this you need to tear it into small pieces. Wetting them in water, glue the ball so that there is no gap.

Now apply a layer of glue on the ball and glue it again with pieces of newspaper soaked in water - so you need to make 2-3 layers. You may need the help of an adult.

When the ball is completely dry (for this you will need to wait 1-2 days), pierce it with a needle - we don’t need it now - and cut the ball, as shown in the photo.

Now color the ball with paints.

Now let's make a basket. To do this, the newspaper sheet was divided into 4 parts to make rectangular blanks. Then, starting from the bottom corner, roll the newspaper into a tube with a knitting needle, and glue the tip.

Take 5 tubes and put them side by side, and stretch the sixth tube across under the first, over the second, under the third, etc., alternating. The next tube must be weaved in reverse: what was below will be on top.

To secure our base, take one tube and weave it around, also passing it between the other tubes through one.

Now you can make the basket itself: to do this, bend all the ends up and start weaving them around in the same way as you did before. Weave 4 rows.

Unnecessary ends weave on top and glue, some you can just cut off. Color the basket with gouache.

Make holes at the bottom of the ball and secure the basket with a thread. The balloon is ready!


It turns out that you can quickly and easily make yourself a striped friend. And in order to be able to play with friends, let's find out how to make not only a tiger, but also other animals.

What will be required:

colored paper

glue scissors

Work sequence:

Take a sheet of colored paper and fold it as shown in the picture. Glue the ends to make a strip.

Bend the strip "accordion" in three places to get the letter "M".

Cut out blanks for the animal from colored paper.

Glue the blanks to the base. Ready! You have a tiger.


But what if you arrange a real theater in your home? It will be possible to invite adults to the performance and show them some kind of fairy tale, for example, "Gingerbread Man". I think they will definitely appreciate your skill!

What will be required:

colored paper compasses scissors glue

markers stick

Work sequence:

Draw a blank on a sheet of colored paper, as shown in the photo.

Cut out the blank and glue.

Cut out the base for the animal from colored paper

Glue the pieces to the base. Look who we got

Take your favorite animal fairy tale as a base and make all the characters out of paper. If sticks are glued to the blanks, it will be possible to show a performance from behind a screen, as in a puppet theater.

Paper crafts for kids: FUNNY CATERRORS AND SPIDERS

Have you ever seen a real spider? And the caterpillar? Let's make funny animals with furry legs out of a cardboard egg box. They will look like the real thing!

What will be required:

egg carton

glue scissors

colored paper


Work sequence:

Cut out blanks from a cardboard box: three cells for caterpillars, one for bugs and spiders.

Color the blanks with gouache.

Prepare details for animals: cut out eyes from colored paper, make legs from fluffy wire.

Make holes in the blanks and stick the legs. Then glue on the eyes.

Try to make them exactly the same.


You can celebrate your birthday in an unusual way by throwing a masquerade. Invite your friends and have everyone make an animal mask for themselves. It will be fun!

What will be required:

cardboard plates

colored cardboard and paper


Work sequence:

Color the plate blue.

Cut out the ears and color them too.

Prepare parts for a bunny from colored paper.

Cut out holes for the eyes and glue the pieces as shown.


What girl doesn't love jewelry? Let's try to make beads from old magazines. You will get bright ones that you can wear with your favorite dress or give to your mother.

Work sequence:

Cut out the details from the magazine sheet: strips about 1 cm wide and elongated triangles.

Wind the blanks on the knitting needle - these will be paper beads. Glue the tip well.

Make as many beads as you need for the entire decoration. Take a needle and thread and carefully thread all the beads onto the thread.

This is how easy it is to make unusual ones: original multi-colored beads, bright bracelets. You can even give them to someone: what girl would refuse such beauty?!


All girls dream of becoming real princesses. What is a princess without a crown? Let's make it from a regular cardboard roll.

What will be required:

cardboard tubes of paint

colored paper


Work sequence:

Cut out the crown from the roll. You can do a few things.

Color the blanks in different colors.

Decorate crowns. To do this, you can use beads, ribbons and laces.

Make holes on the sides and thread the elastic so that the crown can be put on.

You can make a decoration for a real princess from an ordinary hoop: use colored paper to turn it into a beautiful diadem.

Paper craft for kids: TOY LOCKER

Probably, like all children, you have a lot. Sometimes there are so many of them that it becomes difficult to neatly fold. Let's make a beautiful storage cabinet for small toys.

What will be required:

boxes of different sizes

white gouache

patterned napkins

stationery knife

tassel pen

Work sequence:

Paint the boxes white so that the pictures and text on them do not show through.

Glue the box on all sides with a napkin. To do this, put it on the box, pressing along the edges, and with a brush, apply a thick layer of glue on top so that it sticks.

Cut out the doors with a clerical knife - here you will need the help of an adult. Glue the handles with superglue and fasten the boxes together to make a cabinet.

Everything! Our dresser is ready. Now you can put your toys there. Mom will be delighted when she sees what order you have!


Do you like to draw? Or maybe you like to carve or craft something? This is great! Let's make a creative bag-box where you can put everything you need for creativity.

What will be required:

shoe box


colored paper

adhesive lanyard

Work sequence:

Tape the box and lid on all sides. If it's hard for you, ask one of the adults about it.

Make blanks inside the box. At the bottom of a sheet of colored paper folded in half, make an incision to the middle, as shown in the photo. Cut two pieces of the same length as the width of the box from top to middle.

Insert the blanks into each other and place them in the box - these will be the compartments of our bag.

Make holes on the sides of the box: they should be at such a level that the box can be closed with a lid. Make the handles of the same length from the cord so that the box is comfortable to take in your hand.


Where did you last go on holiday? Maybe it was a trip with your parents to the sea or a vacation in the village with your grandmother? You must have some memorable photos. Let's make a suitcase-shaped photo album for them.

What will be required:

colored paper and cardboard

hole punch scissors lace

Work sequence:

For the cover of the photo album, take a sheet of colored cardboard and fold it in half.

For pages, take sheets of double-sided paper of different colors and also fold in half.

Now connect the cover and pages together: for this, fold everything together and make holes on the side with a hole punch. Tie the sheets with a rope or cord.

Cut out the details for the suitcase from colored cardboard and glue them to the photo album.

Paper Crafts for Kids: FUNNY BOOKMARKS

What is your favorite book? Or maybe several? It's great that you love to read. Let's make an interesting bookmark for the book.

What will be required:

colored paper

Work sequence:

Use a ruler to draw three squares on a sheet of colored paper, as shown in the photo. The triangles that are filled in are not needed.

Cut out the piece.

And it, as shown in the photo: first bend it to the inner corner, then another on top of it. Glue them together. Cut out the details from colored paper.

It turned out great, right? Now it will be easy to find the place in the book where you finished reading. You can also make a bookmark in the form of another animal, such as a dinosaur with sharp teeth.


Do you know how you can make a bright bag out of an ordinary box? Very simple! Let's dream up and make a handbag that you can take with you outside in sunny weather.

What will be required:

cereal box

colored paper

glue scissors

Work sequence:

Color the box with gouache.

Cut out a bag with handles from the box. This may require the help of an adult.

Cut out a strip and a circle from colored paper - this will be the core of the flower. Fold the strip with an accordion and glue the ends. To keep the flower, stick it on a small square. Glue the core on top.

For butterflies, cut out blanks from 1 colored paper. To make the figure voluminous, you need to make 5-6 identical parts. Glue them together in the middle. Glue all the pieces to the box.

DIY Paper Crafts: Pencil Stand

Do you want to give a gift to a friend, but don't know what to choose? Don't be upset, I have an idea! Make an original stationery stand out of an ordinary cardboard box. Your friend will definitely love this gift!

What will be required:


the same width

white and colored paper, cardboard

adhesive tape

Work sequence:

Build a ship out of boxes: cut off the lids and cut them to height. Make the bow of the ship and pipes out of cardboard.

Tape each piece with colored paper inside and out.

Cut out and glue the windows, lifebuoy, steering wheel, anchor.

Glue the boxes together and glue them to the base, cut along the contour.


Do you have unnecessary puzzles in which a lot of details are already lost? I have an idea how they can be applied. Let's make an amazingly colorful application with autumn leaves.

What will be required:

unnecessary puzzles crepe paper

paint glue

Work sequence:

Color the puzzles in the colors of bright autumn leaves: yellow, orange, red.

Cut out a brown rectangle from crepe paper - this will be a tree trunk - and make green grass.

Glue the brown blank in the form of a trunk: for this, somewhere you need to compress the paper in layers, and straighten it somewhere.

Make a crown of a tree from the prepared puzzle pieces. Also glue several layers of grass to make it voluminous.

Paper crafts for kids: 3D PICTURE

Do you want to make a large application? It's quite easy! You will get a real picture that you can give to your grandparents.

What will be required:

candy box

corrugated cardboard

double tape adhesive

Work sequence:

Cut out the necessary details for the picture from corrugated cardboard.

Glue the first layer of applique on the bottom of the box - what will be in the background.

Paste other details on top.

What a beauty! It turned out to be a real big picture. In this way, you can make a city where there are cottages and high-rise buildings, or an underwater world with shells, algae and fish.


Do you want to give your mom unusual flowers? Let's make a card-bouquet of colored paper. Trust me, she'll love it.

What will be required:

double-sided colored paper

scissors ribbon

Work sequence:

Draw a blank on a sheet of colored paper, as shown in the figure.

Cut out the blank and separately a triangle.

Glue a small triangle on the bottom, and fold the large part as shown in the picture.

Draw, and then cut out flowers of different sizes and colors. Make leaves for the bouquet.

Glue flowers inside our postcard in the form of a bouquet, tie a ribbon at the bottom.


Surely you watched the cartoon in 3D and noticed how the characters come to life with a three-dimensional image. It turns out that making objects three-dimensional is quite simple. Let's try to make a postcard with a 3D effect.

What will be required:

colored cardboard, double-sided colored paper

scissors ribbon

Work sequence:

Take two sheets folded in half: one is cardboard, the other is colored paper.

On a sheet of colored paper, make cuts on the fold side, as shown in the photo. You should get 3 even squares of different sizes.

Now what you cut, push forward and inward. You should get a ladder, as if from boxes.

Glue the blank onto a sheet of colored cardboard. Decorate the boxes: glue colored paper and ribbons.

By this principle, you can make a card with balloons


Do you want to make another unusual postcard? You don’t need anything special for this: just a sheet of colored paper and cardboard, scissors, glue and your wonderful pens.

What will be required:

colored cardboard and paper

Work sequence:

Circle your palm on a piece of cardboard.

Cut out the piece with scissors. You will need two of these items.

Cut out a strip of colored paper and fold it like an accordion.

Glue one end of the accordion to one "hand" and the other to the other. Cut out from colored paper or write a congratulation with felt-tip pens.


Do you know how to decorate a small gift? You don't have to be an adult to do this, and you don't need any special equipment. Repeat after me and you will definitely succeed!

What will be required:

colored paper glue


Work sequence:

Draw 4 identical circles on a sheet of colored paper. This is easy to do if you take a mug, put it upside down and circle it.

Cut out the circles and fold them in half.

Glue the circles together as shown in the picture.

Bend the free halves of the circles so that one turns out on top of the other. Then pull the bottom from one side up.


Have you ever seen a gift shaped like a candy? Maybe they gave you something similar? Let's make such a surprise, and you can "treat" someone to them.

What will be required:

cardboard tube

wrapping paper glue

scissors ribbon

Work sequence:

Cut out a square from the wrapping paper. In size, it should be larger than a cardboard tube.

Cover the tube with paper. Tie one end of the candy with a ribbon.

Put candy in a gift and tie the other end.


Have you ever wanted to decorate your room in an unusual way? Let's make voluminous figurines-decorations from colored paper. They can be placed on a bedside table or hung on a string from a chandelier.

What will be required:

colored paper glue

scissors ribbon

Work sequence:

Draw a half of an apple on a piece of colored paper folded in half, as shown in the photo.

Cut out the blank and, using it as a template, make 5 such copies. Additionally, cut out the details for the apple.

Glue the blanks together, as shown in the photo.

Glue the rest of the details.

Fruits and vegetables can be anything!

Crafts from cardboard and paper: bright flowers

Do you want to grow bright flowers in your window? Let's make them out of cardboard tubes, but in such a way that no one guesses what material they are from.

What will be required:

cardboard tubes of paint

colored paper glue

scissors skewers

Work sequence:

Make cuts on both sides of the tube so that they do not reach the middle.

Color the tubes in different colors.

When the blanks are dry, straighten the petals, as shown in the photo.

Glue the centers cut out of colored paper.

Paste the skewer with colored paper, cut out the leaves.

Connect all the details. Poke a hole in the center of the flower with a skewer.

Such a flower can be put in a vase and presented to someone.


Do you have a boring monochrome frame at home? Let's make it a real masterpiece!

What will be required:

egg carton

glue scissors

Work sequence:

Cut out petal blanks from the cells of a cardboard box, as in the picture.

Color them the same color. You should have 15-18 such sets of different colors (depending on the size of the frame).

Glue the petals together in the middle, carefully press and let them dry.

Glue the flowers to the frame. You won’t be able to attach everything at once, so do it in stages and wait until everything dries.

The frame is ready. Now you can insert your favorite photo into it.


How do you like such a cute cactus? It is completely safe for children because the thorns are painted on it. Let's make such a cactus and put it on the windowsill.

What will be required:


Work sequence:

Draw a cactus in a pot on cardboard.

Color the picture on both sides and make another one exactly the same.

Make cuts: on one cactus from the bottom to the middle, and on the second - from the top to the middle.

Insert the blanks into each other. The cactus is ready.

In the same way, you can make a rocket or a teddy bear.


Your birthday is coming up and you want to decorate your room to make it festive and beautiful? Then let's make unusual colored lanterns.

What will be required:

toilet paper tubes

crepe paper


glue scissors

Work sequence:

Cut out a square of crepe paper and glue one side of the tube.

Make blanks from crepe paper: cut out strips and make cuts on one side along the entire length.

Start taping the tube from the bottom. You should get a skirt, as in the photo.

Thus, glue the entire flashlight. Make holes on the top sides and thread a ribbon through them so that the craft can be hung.

Such lanterns can be not only decoration, but also a useful thing. For example, at a holiday you can arrange a game with prizes: hang lanterns on a rope and put something valuable in them by gluing the bottom. Each blindfolded guest must cut off a gift with scissors.


Would you like to have a bird? Of course, nothing compares to the real one, but still an unusual and beautiful bird can be made from ordinary colored paper. See how it's done.

What will be required:

double-sided colored paper

crepe paper scissors



Work sequence:

Draw bird silhouettes on a sheet of paper.

Cut them out. Make a few of these. They must be different colors.

Make wings out of crepe paper: to do this, cut out rectangles of different colors and fold them like an accordion.

Make cuts in the blanks of the birds and insert the wings there. Tie ribbons to the figures and hang them on a circle made of wire.

Nowadays, paper is the cheapest and most affordable material. What can be done from paper with your own hands? The first thing that comes to mind is, of course, a postcard.

DIY gift

Creative with love

A postcard has long been a companion of any gift for a celebration, and in some cases a wonderful independent gift. A good example is valentines. Thick paper or cardboard, various colors, scissors, glue - this is the minimum set of tools that is needed. The easiest option is to fold the sheet in half and decorate with appliqué. Any decorative material can be used: pieces of fabric, lace, ribbons, buttons, and so on. The possibilities are only limited by your imagination. If you have a child - connect him to this activity, he will be delighted. A little patience, and you can get a great author's work.

From two layers of paper you can make a three-dimensional postcard. To do this, a pattern is applied to the inner layer and cut out along the contour in a certain way. Using the game of two colors, you can get such wonderful postcards.

Postcards made by you will leave the brightest memories of you

Scrapbooking technique

Postcard decoration techniques are widely used in another type of paper craft - scrapbooking.

is the production of family or personal photo albums dedicated to any event: wedding, birthday, travel, any event that can be told about with the help of a photo collage. Scrapbooking has long gone beyond photo albums, and today many things are decorated with this technique: boxes, packaging, pictures, calendars.

Children's photo album

Although the necessary materials for this exciting activity can be bought in specialized stores, there are many recipes on the Internet on how to make special paper or scrapbooking embellishments yourself. In particular, paper is made from newspapers, wrapping paper, perfume boxes or even egg boxes, with the addition of grass, thread, sequins or confetti.

Like postcards, scrapbooking uses half-beads, ribbons, braid and lace for decorations. In addition, paper decorations made according to the technique are used. parchment and quilling

Pergamano technique

- embossing technique on parchment paper. A professional tool is successfully replaced with a regular pin with a round tip or a crochet hook. Nail clippers and the same pin will come in handy for making holes. And the old computer rug will serve as a substrate. Patience and imagination will help you create works of art.

Pergamano was invented in Europe by nuns during the Middle Ages. Thus they designed the pages of Holy Scripture.
It is believed that they were the first to use another technique - quilling: this is the art of making applications from twisted thin strips of paper. The nuns wound thin paper strips with golden edges around a bird feather and used the resulting spirals to decorate books, medallions, and frame icons. Today, quilling masters widely use it in decorating and interior design.

Pergamano "With the newborn!"

The simplest elements of quilling can be mastered even by a child of primary school age. This activity will help develop creativity and imagination in your children.

Various paper applications

Sweet home

Origami - paper crafts

Origami called the art of the whole sheet, because the classical technique forbade not only cutting the sheet, but even tearing it. Children are happy to fold paper figures, this activity will help to cultivate hard work, perseverance and creativity in your child. With the help of origami, you can not only have fun, but also create an amazing item for, for example, a children's room.

White paper butterflies

Large colored butterflies fan out

You can decorate a chandelier on the ceiling with paper products

Paper decorations for any occasion

You can make fan decorations from gift or colored paper.

paper flowers

Draw, cut and round.

From paper with your own hands, you can make not only cute trinkets, but also very useful things in everyday life. Everyone in the house has a stack of old newspapers and magazines. We shift the growing pile from place to place, in the closet, on the balcony, in the garage, until we finally decide to take all this stuff to the trash. In the meantime, you can create such miracles from old newspapers and magazines.

Products from newspaper tubes, twisted in a special way and painted with acrylic paint, cannot be distinguished from wicker products from a vine.

Cardboard furniture

House for children

Cardboard creative

Try to do something with your child, and warm memories of this event will forever remain in his soul.

DIY crafts made from colored paper and cardboard are varied and amazing. Such crafts are suitable not only for children's creativity, but also for adults. From colored paper, you can not only make a postcard and beautiful packaging, but also unusual sculptures and applications.

Types of crafts

There are several types of colored cardboard products. Consider what crafts can be made from colored paper.

Origami is a separate type of Japanese art. A sheet of paper is folded according to a pattern in a certain way to create various animals and other shapes.

An appliqué is a painting that is made by gluing pieces of colored paper onto a surface.

Volumetric crafts made of colored paper will help decorate the interior. By the new year, you can make a garland of voluminous paper stars.

On Valentine's Day, make hearts out of red paper. They can not only decorate the room, but also give for the holiday.

Sculptures are mainly used by adults. The most common types of sculptures are animals.

A variety of lions, cranes, fox parrots will help you decorate the interior or make an unusual gift with your own hands. Sculptures are cut out of paper and glued according to the pattern.

paper vase

To create a vase, you need: a variety of paper, a glass jar (any shape of your choice), scissors or a stationery knife, glue.

With the help of different shades, you can create the most unusual creative vases. The paper needs to be beautifully cut and glued to a glass jar with glue.

Show your imagination so that your craft becomes an unusual decoration. Such vases will not only complement the interior, but may well stand with flowers.

paper fan

To create a craft, you need to prepare: colored paper, glue, a stationery knife, various ribbons and beads for decoration.

Photos of such colored paper crafts can be viewed on the Internet, and you can get interesting ideas for yourself. The fan can also be painted with felt-tip pens to make the craft even more interesting.

Paper flower crafts are very common. You can also make various turntables.

crafts with children

You will not only give your child a gift, but also keep him busy with interesting creative work. Work with your child. After all, children from the age of three can start tinkering.

Visually show and tell the child in detail how to make an application. He will surely please you with the result.

An interesting activity for the child will be a paper mosaic. First draw a sketch on the sheet. Then cut the colored paper into small pieces. Let the child show his imagination and stick pieces of paper on the sketch.

A simple craft is a striped napkin. It can be made in the form of an unusual chessboard. Use different shades.

Garlands for decoration for the New Year will surely appeal to children. They are easy to make. Colored paper is cut into thin strips.

Glue the strips together with glue. Such a garland can decorate not only a Christmas tree, but also an apartment. You can make a garland and more complicated from flowers or hearts.

Try making daisies with your kids. This is an easy, but very beautiful craft. Cut out circles from yellow paper, glue them together. Cut white paper into thin strips, fold the strips into a ring and glue to the yellow core.

Such daisies can be glued onto cardboard and decorated with green paper leaves. It will turn out a very nice panel, which is very easy to make.

Show the children how to make a beautiful picture of the underwater world. Cut out the fish, algae, pebbles. Stick to paper. You can decorate the picture with ribbons, colored foil and other items.

There are many different types of crafts for children and adults. You will definitely get beautiful crafts made of colored paper. Show some imagination. Creative work will draw you in.

Photo of colored paper crafts

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