State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Ammeters, voltmeters, wattmeters, varmeters. verification method. Registration of verification results

approved Decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards of December 9, 1983 N 5815

Interstate standard GOST 8.497-83


State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Amperemeters, voltmeters, wattmeters, varmeters. Calibration methods

Instead of Instructions 184-62

(in terms of verification of ammeters up to 30 A,

voltmeters up to 1000 V, wattmeters and varmeters)

This standard applies to ammeters, voltmeters, wattmeters and varmeters (hereinafter referred to as instruments) in accordance with GOST 8711 and GOST 8476, as well as to the measuring parts of these instruments and establishes a methodology for their primary and periodic verification on direct and alternating current in the frequency range 10 - 20000 Hz .

According to the methodology of this standard, it is allowed to verify electrical measuring instruments with metrological characteristics similar to those of the instruments listed above.

The standard does not apply to electronic, recording and control devices.

1. Operations and means of verification

1.1. During verification, operations are performed and verification tools indicated in the table are used.

the name of the operation

Standard item number

Means of verification and their regulatory and technical


Visual inspection


Dielectric Strength and Insulation Resistance Test

Ohmmeter according to GOST 23706 with an error of no more than 30%; breakdown installation of the VUF5-3 or UPU-10 type (see Appendix 2)

Determination of the basic error, variation of readings and residual deviation of the instrument pointer from the zero mark:

when checking on direct current:


Ammeter accuracy class 0, 2 according to GOST 8711;

potentiometric installation of direct current type U355 with a limit of permissible basic error of 0.01 - 0.035%;


DC calibrator type P321 with limit

measurement 10 10 -6 -10 and measurement error

installation for verification and calibration of electrical measuring instruments of the U300 type;

measuring unit type U358

Voltmeters of accuracy classes 0, 1; 0.2; 0.5 according to GOST 8711;

DC voltage calibrator type B1-12 (voltage measure) with a basic permissible error limit of 0.005 - 0.01%;

programmable calibrator type P320 with a limit of permissible basic error of 0.005 - 0.01%;

digital voltmeter type Shch1516 with the limit of permissible basic error 0.01 - 0.06%;

potentiometric installation;

installation for verification and calibration of electrical measuring instruments and measuring installation according to clause


Wattmeters of accuracy classes 0, 1 and 0, 2 according to GOST 8476;

potentiometric and measuring installations according to clause

when checking devices on alternating current

Installation type U1134 with devices of accuracy class 0, 2 according to GOST 8711, certified as exemplary;

ammeters of accuracy classes 0, 1; 0.2; 0.5 according to GOST 8711;

voltmeters according to clause, wattmeters according to clause;

measuring set type K505 with instruments of accuracy class 0.5 according to GOST 8711, certified as exemplary;

verification unit for direct and alternating current type U3551 with a limit of permissible basic error of 0.03 - 1.5% or a universal semi-automatic verification unit UPPU-1M with a limit of permissible basic error of 0.04 - 0.3%;

installation for verification of microammeters and millivoltmeters of the UPMA-3M type with a limit of permissible basic error of 0.1 - 0.2%;

digital voltmeter type F4830 with a basic error limit of 0.01 - 0.1%;

differential digital voltmeter type B3-58 with a basic error limit of 0.03 - 0.1%;

device for checking voltmeters type V1-9 with amplifier YA1V-22, with the limit of permissible basic error 0.03 - 0.1%


1. It is allowed to use other means of verification that meet the requirements of this standard in terms of accuracy.

2. The electrical strength and insulation resistance are determined only when the devices are released from production and after repair.

3. The ratio of the limits of permissible absolute basic error of exemplary measuring instruments and calibrated ammeters and voltmeters for each checked scale mark should be no more than 1:5 when calibrating instruments of all accuracy classes. A ratio of not more than 1:3 is allowed when checking ammeters and voltmeters of accuracy classes 0.05 - 0.5 and not more than 1:4 - accuracy classes 1, 0 - 5, 0, while the variation in the readings of the device certified as an exemplary one is not must exceed half the absolute value of the limit of its permissible basic error.

The ratio of the limits of the absolute basic error of exemplary measuring instruments and verified wattmeters and varmeters should be no more than 1:3 for each checked scale mark when checking instruments of accuracy classes 0.05 - 0.5 and not more than 1:4 - when checking instruments of accuracy classes 1 , 0 - 5, 0, while the variation in the readings of an instrument certified as an exemplary one should not exceed half of the absolute value of the limit of its permissible basic error. It is allowed to take the indicated ratios equal to 1:2.5, but at the same time it is necessary to introduce amendments to the indications of the exemplary measuring instrument in order to fulfill the requirements indicated above.

4. The ranges of frequencies and measurements of exemplary measuring instruments must include the corresponding ranges of the device being verified.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

2. Verification conditions and preparation for it

2.1. During verification, the following conditions must be met:

ambient temperature:

(20±2)°С - for accuracy classes 0.05 - 0.5;

(20±5)°С - for accuracy classes 1, 0 - 5, 0;

relative air humidity 30 - 80%;

atmospheric pressure 84 - 106 kPa.

The normal values ​​of the remaining influencing quantities and permissible deviations are in accordance with GOST 8711 and GOST 8476.

2.2. Verified devices must be prepared for operation in accordance with the technical documentation (hereinafter - TD) for devices of specific types.

2.1, 2.2. (Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

2.3. The device can be verified without interchangeable auxiliary parts.

2.4. An appliance used with limited interchangeability and non-interchangeability of ancillary parts is verified together with the latter. If the instrument and a limited interchangeable accessory have their own accuracy class designation, the limited interchangeable accessory may be tested separately from the instrument.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

2.5. Instrument readings are taken in the direction perpendicular to the scale.

2.6. Instruments calibrated with calibrated wires are verified together with these wires. Instruments calibrated with connecting wires of a certain resistance are verified together with an equivalent resistance equal to the resistance of these wires.

2.7 Three-phase devices are verified with a symmetrical voltage and a uniform phase load in accordance with GOST 8476.

Note. Three-phase multi-element wattmeters can be verified in a single-phase switching circuit (with current circuits connected in series and voltage circuits connected in parallel), if such an indication is available in the TD for devices of specific types.

2.8. AC and DC devices are verified as follows:

2.8.1 Devices certified as exemplary are verified on the type of current on which they are used.

2.8.2 Instruments used as working ones are verified on direct and alternating current.

2.8.3 During periodic verification, working electrodynamic devices with a frequency of up to 100 Hz are allowed to be verified only at direct current.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

2.9. When calibrating instruments of a magnetoelectric system on a direct current, instruments of the same system are used as exemplary measuring instruments, and when calibrating instruments of other systems, instruments of electrodynamic and electromagnetic systems are used.

2.10. Verification of working devices on alternating current should be carried out at normal frequency values. If the normal frequency value is not indicated or the range of normal frequency values ​​is indicated, which includes a frequency of 50 Hz, then verification is carried out at a frequency of 50 Hz. If a range of normal frequency values ​​is indicated, which does not include a frequency of 50 Hz, then verification is carried out at a frequency calculated by the formula

where f to - the final frequency of the range of normal values ​​of the frequencies of the verified instrument;

f n - the initial frequency of the range of normal values ​​of the frequencies of the verified instrument.

Note. If the device is used at certain frequencies within the frequency range, then during operation and storage, verification is carried out at these frequencies. When devices are released from production and after repair, verification is carried out at one frequency within the range of normal frequencies and at the extreme frequencies of the range.

2.11. Verification of instruments certified as exemplary on alternating current is carried out at frequencies of 50 Hz, the frequency calculated by formula (1), and at the end frequency of the range. If a range of normal frequency values ​​is indicated, which does not include a frequency of 50 Hz, then the device should be verified at the initial frequency of the range.

2.12. Multi-range instruments can be verified at all numerical scale marks in only one measurement range, on the remaining ranges it is sufficient to carry out verification at two scale marks: at a numerical mark corresponding to the normalizing value of the scale, and a numerical mark at which the maximum error is obtained on a fully verified measurement range.

Multi-range instruments used as exemplary instruments are verified at all numerical scale marks on the measurement ranges on which they are used. On the remaining ranges, they are verified at two scale marks, as indicated above.

Instruments with several scales or instruments measuring several quantities must be verified on each scale and for each measured quantity separately.

Instruments with a double-sided scale are verified on all numerical marks of the left and right parts of the scale.

2.13 Working switchboard devices may be checked without dismantling from the switchboard or panel using electrical switching elements that do not affect the metrological characteristics of the devices.

2.14 If, before the start of verification, the measuring instruments were in conditions that differ from the normal conditions of use, then the verification should be started after keeping them under normal conditions for the time specified in the technical documentation for a particular device.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

2.15. Before verification, the following preparatory operations must be performed.

2.15.1. The pointer of the device under test is set by a mechanical corrector to the zero mark of the scale with the current and voltage circuits disconnected.

Note. During the verification process, it is not allowed to set the pointer to zero again.

2.15.2 The devices are included in the circuit and warmed up in order to establish the operating mode for the time and at the loads specified in the TD for devices of specific types. If the TD does not provide for a warm-up time, the devices are not subjected to preheating and the main error is determined immediately after the device is connected to the circuit.

2.15.3. The pointer of wattmeters and varmeters of accuracy classes 0, 5 - 5, 0 is set to the mechanical zero mark immediately after the rated voltage is applied to the device, and the current circuit must be open when the current source is on.

2.15.4. Devices, in the device of which there are controls, settings and corrections, are pre-configured or adjusted in accordance with the requirements of the TD for devices of specific types.

2.15.5. Devices with small measurement limits (micro-milliammeters, millivoltmeters) protect against the occurrence of leakage currents and thermoelectromotive forces in accordance with the TD for devices of specific types.

2.15.6. If the device has a symbol (arrow) indicating the position of the device in the earth's magnetic field, then the device is installed in such a way that this arrow is directed along the magnetic meridian.

3. Security requirements

3.1. When checking instruments, the electrical safety requirements in accordance with GOST 12.1.006, GOST 12.3.019 and GOST must be observed. At the same time, the "Rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations" and the "Safety regulations for the operation of consumer electrical installations" approved by the State Energy Supervision Authority must be observed.

4. Carrying out verification

4.1. Visual inspection

During external inspection of the device, the following should be established:

no external damage and damage to the scale coating;

clarity of all inscriptions according to GOST 8711 and GOST 8476;

completeness of the device with spare parts, accessories necessary for verification.

4.2. Testing

During testing, reliable fastening of instrument clamps, smooth running and clear fixation of switches should be established.

4.3. Dielectric Strength and Insulation Resistance Test

4.3.1. The electrical strength and insulation resistance are checked in accordance with GOST 8711 for ammeters and voltmeters and in accordance with GOST 8476 for wattmeters and varmeters using an installation, the technical characteristics of which are given in Appendix 2.

The electrical insulation resistance should not be less than the value specified in GOST 8711 for ammeters and voltmeters and in GOST 8476 for wattmeters and varmeters.

Note. It is allowed to check the dielectric strength of the insulation at direct current, if it is provided for in the TD for devices of specific types.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

4.4. Determination of the basic error, variation of readings and residual deviation of the instrument pointer from zero

4.4.1. The main error and variation of the readings of single-range instruments of accuracy classes 0.05; 0, 1 and 0, 2 are determined at each numerical scale mark.

Note. For devices of accuracy class 0, 5 and less accurate, as well as for devices with a uniform scale with more than 10 numerical marks, it is allowed to determine the main error and variation of readings only at five scale marks evenly distributed over the measurement range.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

4.4.2. The main error of the instruments as a percentage of the normalizing value is calculated by the formula


where A meas - the value of the measured quantity, determined by the readings of the device being verified;

And d - the actual value of the measured value, determined by the indications of an exemplary measuring instrument;

And n - normalizing value.

The basic error of the calibrated instrument should not exceed the limit of the main permissible error in accordance with GOST 8476 and GOST 8711.

4.4.3. The variation of the instrument readings at the checked mark of the scale is determined as the absolute value of the difference between the actual values ​​of the measured value for the same instrument reading, obtained by smoothly approaching the pointer, first from the side of the smaller, and then from the side of the larger values, with the current polarity unchanged.

For devices calibrated with two directions of current, the largest of the obtained values ​​is taken as the variation at each point of the scale. The variation is determined from the measurement results obtained in determining the basic error.

The variation in the readings of working instruments should not exceed the values ​​established in GOST 8711 and GOST 8476. The variation in the readings of instruments certified as exemplary should not exceed half the values ​​of the maximum permissible basic error of these instruments.

4.4.4. To determine the residual deviation of the pointer from the zero mark, the position of the pointer of the device under test should be noted after a smooth decrease in the value of the measured value from the final mark of the scale to zero.

The residual deviation of the instrument pointer from the zero mark of the scale should not exceed the values ​​specified in GOST 8711 and GOST 8476.

4.4.5. AC and DC devices of accuracy classes 0.05 and 0.1 and devices of accuracy classes 0.05; 0.1; 0.2 and 0.5, certified as exemplary, must be verified in two directions of direct current with decreasing and increasing readings.

If it is necessary to determine the corrections, the basic error of the device under test is determined for each checked mark of the scale as the arithmetic mean of four error values.

None of the error values ​​obtained during four measurements should exceed the value of the maximum permissible basic error of the device under test. Instruments not specified in clause 4.4.5 must be verified in one direction of direct current. The error of such devices is determined with a smooth approach of the pointer to each checked mark of the scale from the side of smaller and larger values ​​of the measured value.

None of the error values ​​obtained during two measurements should exceed the value of the permissible error limit of the device under test.

If it is necessary to determine the corrections, the basic error of the calibrated instrument is determined for each scale mark as the arithmetic mean of two error values.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

4.4.6. DC verification Ammeters of accuracy classes 0.1 - 0.5 are verified by direct measurements using a calibrator or indirect measurements using a potentiometric installation. Ammeters of accuracy classes 1, 0 - 5, 0 are verified by direct comparison using reference ammeters and installations for verification and calibration of electrical measuring instruments according to the schemes given in the TD for reference measuring instruments. Voltmeters of accuracy classes 0, 1 - 0.5 are verified by direct measurement using a calibrator or potentiometric installation (a digital voltmeter can be used instead of a potentiometer), accuracy classes 1, 0 - 5, 0 - by direct comparison using exemplary voltmeters and installations for verification and calibration of electrical measuring instruments according to the schemes given in the TD for exemplary measuring instruments. Wattmeters of accuracy classes 0, 1 - 0.5 are verified by the method of indirect measurements using a potentiometric installation, wattmeters of accuracy classes 1, 0 - 5, 0 - by direct comparison with exemplary wattmeters according to the schemes given in the TD for exemplary measuring instruments.


1. Ammeters, voltmeters and wattmeters of accuracy class 0.5 may be verified by direct comparison with ammeters, voltmeters and wattmeters of accuracy class 0.2 (with amendments) or 0.1.

2. Ammeters, voltmeters and wattmeters of accuracy class 0, 5, certified as exemplary, can be verified by direct comparison only with ammeters, voltmeters and wattmeters of accuracy class 0, 1.

3. Ammeters of accuracy classes 1, 0 - 5, 0 can be verified by direct or indirect measurements.

4. Voltmeters of accuracy classes 1, 0 - 5, 0 can be verified by direct measurements.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

4.4.7. AC verification Ammeters of accuracy classes 0, 1 - 0, 2 are verified by comparison using a comparator, ammeters of accuracy classes 0, 5 - 4, 0 - by direct comparison with exemplary ammeters or by comparison using a comparator according to the schemes given in the TD for exemplary measuring instruments . Voltmeters of accuracy classes 0.1 - 0.5 are verified by direct comparison with standard voltmeters or by direct measurement, or by comparison using a comparator. Instead of a comparator, a digital AC voltmeter can be used to measure the RMS voltage. Voltmeters of accuracy classes 1, 0 - 5, 0 are verified by direct comparison with exemplary voltmeters according to the schemes given in the TD for exemplary measuring instruments.

Note. Voltmeters of accuracy classes 1, 0 - 5, 0 can be verified by direct measurements or by comparison using a comparator. Wattmeters of accuracy classes 0, 1 - 0, 2 are verified by comparison using a comparator, wattmeters and varmeters of accuracy classes 0, 5 - 5, 0 - by direct comparison with exemplary wattmeters and varmeters or by comparison using a comparator according to the schemes given in the TD on exemplary measuring instruments.

4.4.8. Ammeters, voltmeters, wattmeters of accuracy classes 0.1 - 0.5, certified as exemplary, should be verified according to paragraphs. 4.4.6 and 4.4.7.

4.4.9. The results of verification of instruments of accuracy classes 0.05 - 0.5 are entered into the protocol, the form of which is given in Appendix 1.

The results of verification of portable instruments of accuracy classes 1, 0 - 5, 0 are drawn up in a protocol of arbitrary form.

Note. In the case of the use of automatic verification facilities with the registration of the error of the instruments being verified in digital form on a digital printing device, the verification protocol is filled in according to the form specified in the TD for the facility.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

5. Registration of verification results

5.1. Positive results must be issued:

primary verification - by an entry in the passport of the device, certified in the manner established by the manufacturer;

periodic state verification of exemplary instruments - issuing a certificate in the form established by the State Standard, and applying an impression of the verification mark in a place that excludes access to the inside of the device. On the reverse side of the certificate indicate the type of current on which the device is verified, and the variation in the readings of the device;

periodic departmental verification of exemplary instruments - the issuance of a verification certificate drawn up by the departmental metrological service and the application of a verification mark. On the reverse side of the certificate indicate the type of current on which the device is verified, and the variation in the readings of the device;

periodic state and departmental verification of working devices - by applying an impression of a verification mark.

5.2. If the verification results are negative, the stamp of the previous verification is extinguished, the devices are prohibited for release into circulation and use. The certificate of previous verification is canceled, and an entry about unsuitability is made in the passport.

Appendix 1


PROTOCOL N ___________

verification _____________________________ type _______________ N ___________,

Device name

owned by ________________________________________________________________

Owning organization

Verification means:

Verification conditions:

Temperature _______________ °С

Humidity _________________ %

Pressure ___________________ kPa.

Preheating of the device ____________ min.

Verification results:

The variation of the instrument readings does not exceed _________________________________

Residual deviation of the instrument pointer from the zero mark of the scale

is ______________________________________________________________


* Magnetoelectric, electrodynamic, electromagnetic.

** In units of the measured value.

Conclusion ______________________________________________________________

Good, not good


Name of the organization that carried out the verification

Verification was carried out by __________________ _____________________________

Signature surname, name, patronymic

Annex 2

Main technical characteristics
installations for testing the dielectric strength of insulation

The adjusting device must allow smooth voltage adjustment from zero to the maximum value of the test voltage.

Voltage setting error - in accordance with Sec. 4 GOST 22261 and sec. 3 GOST 8476 and GOST 8711.

When testing devices on direct current converted from alternating current, the voltage ripple factor should be no more than 10%.

GOST 8.497-83
(ST SEV 1709-88)
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1)

Group T88.3*
* In the Index "National
standards" 2004
group T88.8 is given. -


State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements


Verification method*

State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements.
Ammeters, voltmeters, wattmeters, varmeters.
Calibration methods*


Introduction date 1985-01-01

APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards of December 9, 1983 N 5815

INSTEAD OF Instructions 184-62 regarding verification of ammeters up to 30 A, voltmeters up to 1000 V, wattmeters and varmeters


INTRODUCED Amendment No. 1 approved by Resolution No. 2652 of the USSR State Committee for Standards dated August 28, 1989 and put into effect on July 1, 1990.

Changes were made by the legal bureau according to the text of IUS N 12 1989.

This standard applies to ammeters, voltmeters, wattmeters and varmeters (hereinafter referred to as instruments) in accordance with GOST 8711-78 and GOST 8476-78, as well as to the measuring parts of these instruments and establishes a methodology for their primary and periodic verification on direct and alternating current in the frequency range 10-20000 Hz.

According to the methodology of this standard, it is allowed to verify electrical measuring instruments with metrological characteristics similar to those of the instruments listed above.

The standard does not apply to electronic, recording and control devices.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).


1.1. During verification, operations are performed and verification tools indicated in the table are used.

the name of the operation

Standard item number

Means of verification and their regulatory and technical characteristics

Visual inspection


Dielectric Strength and Insulation Resistance Test

Ohmmeter according to GOST 23706-79 with an error of no more than 30%; punching unit type VUF5-3
or UPU-10 (see reference appendix 2)

Determination of the basic error, variation of readings and residual deviation of the instrument pointer from the zero mark:

when checking on direct current:


Ammeter accuracy class 0.2 according to GOST 8711-78;

Potentiometric installation of direct current type U355 with a limit of permissible basic error of 0.01-0.035%;

DC calibrator type P321 with a measurement limit of 10 10-10 A and a measurement error of 0.01-0.05%;

installation for verification and calibration of electrical measuring instruments of the U300 type;

measuring unit type U358


Voltmeters of accuracy classes 0.1; 0.2; 0.5 according to GOST 8711-78;

DC voltage calibrator type B1-12 (voltage measure) with a basic permissible error limit of 0.005-0.01%;

programmable calibrator type P320 with a limit of permissible basic error of 0.005-0.01%;

digital voltmeter type Shch1516 with a basic error limit of 0.01-0.06%;

potentiometric installation;

installation for verification and calibration of electrical measuring instruments and measuring installation according to clause


Wattmeters of accuracy classes 0.1 and 0.2 according to GOST 8476-78;

potentiometric and measuring installations according to clause

when checking devices on alternating current

Installation type U1134 with instruments of accuracy class 0.2 according to GOST 8711-78, certified as exemplary;

ammeters of accuracy classes 0.1; 0.2; 0.5 according to GOST 8711-78;

voltmeters according to clause, wattmeters according to clause;

measuring set type K505 with instruments of accuracy class 0.5 according to GOST 8711-78, certified as exemplary;

DC and AC verification unit type U3551 with a basic permissible error limit of 0.03-1.5% or a universal semi-automatic verification device UPPU-1M with a basic permissible error limit of 0.04-0.3%;

installation for verification of microammeters and millivoltmeters of the UPMA-3M type with a limit of permissible basic error of 0.1-0.2%;

digital voltmeter type F4830 with a basic error limit of 0.01-0.1%;

differential digital voltmeter type B3-58 with a basic error limit of 0.03-0.1%;

device for checking voltmeters type V1-9 with amplifier YA1V-22, with a limit of permissible basic error of 0.03-0.1%

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).


1. It is allowed to use other means of verification that meet the requirements of this standard in terms of accuracy.

2. The electrical strength and insulation resistance are determined only when the devices are released from production and after repair.

3. The ratio of the limits of permissible absolute basic error of exemplary measuring instruments and calibrated ammeters and voltmeters for each checked scale mark should be no more than 1:5 when calibrating instruments of all accuracy classes. A ratio of not more than 1:3 is allowed when checking ammeters and voltmeters of accuracy classes 0.05-0.5 and not more than 1:4 - accuracy classes 1.0-5.0, while the variation in the readings of an instrument certified as an exemplary one does not must exceed half the absolute value of the limit of its permissible basic error.

The ratio of the limits of the absolute basic error of exemplary measuring instruments and verified wattmeters and varmeters should be no more than 1:3 for each checked scale mark when checking instruments of accuracy classes 0.05-0.5 and not more than 1:4 - when checking instruments of accuracy classes 1 .0-5.0, while the variation in the readings of an instrument certified as an exemplary one should not exceed half of the absolute value of the limit of its permissible basic error. It is allowed to take the indicated ratios equal to 1:2.5, but at the same time it is necessary to introduce amendments to the indications of the exemplary measuring instrument in order to fulfill the requirements indicated above.

4. The ranges of frequencies and measurements of exemplary measuring instruments must include the corresponding ranges of the device being verified.


2.1. During verification, the following conditions must be met:

Ambient temperature:

(20±2)° С - for accuracy classes 0.05-0.5;

(20±5)° С - for accuracy classes 1.0-5.0;

Relative air humidity 30-80%;

Atmospheric pressure 84-106 kPa.

The normal values ​​of the remaining influencing quantities and permissible deviations are in accordance with GOST 8711-78 and GOST 8476-78.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

2.2. Verified devices must be prepared for operation in accordance with the technical documentation (hereinafter - TD) for devices of specific types.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

2.3. The device can be verified without interchangeable auxiliary parts.

2.4. An appliance used with limited interchangeability and non-interchangeability of ancillary parts is verified together with the latter. If the instrument and a limited interchangeable accessory have their own accuracy class designation, the limited interchangeable accessory may be tested separately from the instrument.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

2.5. Instrument readings are taken in the direction perpendicular to the scale.

2.6. Instruments calibrated with calibrated wires are verified together with these wires. Instruments calibrated with connecting wires of a certain resistance are verified together with an equivalent resistance equal to the resistance of these wires.

2.7. Three-phase devices are verified with a symmetrical voltage and a uniform phase load in accordance with GOST 8476-78.

Note. Three-phase multi-element wattmeters can be verified in a single-phase switching circuit (with current circuits connected in series and voltage circuits connected in parallel), if such an indication is available in the TD for devices of specific types.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

2.8. AC and DC devices are verified as follows:

2.8.1. Devices certified as exemplary are verified on the kind of current on which they are used.

2.8.2. The devices used as workers are verified on direct and alternating current.

2.8.3. During periodic verification, working electrodynamic devices with a frequency of up to 100 Hz can only be verified at direct current.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

2.9. When calibrating instruments of a magnetoelectric system on a direct current, instruments of the same system are used as exemplary measuring instruments, and when calibrating instruments of other systems, instruments of electrodynamic and electromagnetic systems are used.

2.10. Verification of working devices on alternating current should be carried out at normal frequency values. If the normal frequency value is not indicated or the range of normal frequency values ​​is indicated, including the frequency of 50 Hz, then the verification is carried out at a frequency of 50 Hz. If a range of normal frequency values ​​is indicated, which does not include a frequency of 50 Hz, then verification is carried out at a frequency calculated by the formula

where is the final frequency of the range of normal values ​​of the frequencies of the device under test;

The starting frequency of the range of normal frequencies of the device under test.

Note. If the device is used at certain frequencies within the frequency range, then during operation and storage, verification is carried out at these frequencies. When devices are released from production and after repair, verification is carried out at one frequency within the range of normal frequencies and at the extreme frequencies of the range.

2.11. Verification of instruments certified as exemplary on alternating current is carried out at frequencies of 50 Hz, the frequency calculated by formula (1) and at the end frequency of the range. If a range of normal frequency values ​​is indicated, which does not include a frequency of 50 Hz, then the device should be verified at the initial frequency of the range.

2.12. Multi-range instruments can be verified at all numerical scale marks in only one measurement range, on the remaining ranges it is sufficient to carry out verification at two scale marks: at a numerical mark corresponding to the normalizing value of the scale, and a numerical mark at which the maximum error is obtained on a fully verified measurement range.

Multi-range instruments used as exemplary instruments are verified at all numerical scale marks on the measurement ranges on which they are used. On the remaining ranges, they are verified at two scale marks, as indicated above.

Instruments with several scales or instruments measuring several quantities must be verified on each scale and for each measured quantity separately.

Instruments with a double-sided scale are verified on all numerical marks of the left and right parts of the scale.

2.13. It is allowed to check working switchboard devices without dismantling from the shield or panel using electrical switching elements that do not affect the metrological characteristics of the devices.

2.14. If, before the start of verification, the measuring instruments were in conditions different from the normal conditions of use, then the verification should be started after keeping them under normal conditions for the time specified in the technical documentation for a particular device.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

2.15. Before verification, the following preparatory operations must be performed.

2.15.1. The pointer of the device under test is set by a mechanical corrector to the zero mark of the scale with the current and voltage circuits disconnected.

Note. During the verification process, it is not allowed to set the pointer to zero again.

2.15.2. Devices are included in the circuit and warmed up in order to establish the operating mode for the time and at the loads specified in the TD for devices of specific types. If the TD does not provide for a warm-up time, the devices are not subjected to preheating, and the main error is determined immediately after the device is connected to the circuit.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

2.15.3. The pointer of wattmeters and varmeters of accuracy classes 0.5-5.0 is set to the mechanical zero mark immediately after the rated voltage is applied to the device, and the current circuit must be open when the current source is on.

2.15.4. Devices, in the device of which there are controls, settings and corrections, are pre-configured or adjusted in accordance with the requirements of the TD for devices of specific types.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

2.15.5. Devices with small measurement limits (micro-milliammeters, millivoltmeters) protect against the occurrence of leakage currents and thermoelectromotive forces in accordance with the TD for devices of specific types.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

2.15.6. If the device has a symbol (arrow) indicating the position of the device in the earth's magnetic field, then the device is installed in such a way that this arrow is directed along the magnetic meridian.


3.1. When checking instruments, the electrical safety requirements in accordance with GOST 12.1.006-84, GOST 12.3.019-80, GOST - GOST, GOST, GOST 75 - GOST

At the same time, the "Rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations" and the "Safety regulations for the operation of consumer electrical installations" approved by the State Energy Supervision Authority must be observed.


4.1. Visual inspection

During an external inspection of the device, it should be established:

Absence of external damage and damage to the scale coating;

Clarity of all inscriptions according to GOST 8711-78 and GOST 8476-78;

Completion of the device with spare parts, accessories necessary for verification.

4.2. Testing

During testing, reliable fastening of instrument clamps, smooth running and clear fixation of switches should be established.

4.3. Dielectric Strength and Insulation Resistance Test

4.3.1. The electrical strength and insulation resistance are checked in accordance with GOST 8711-78 for ammeters and voltmeters and in accordance with GOST 8476-78 for wattmeters and varmeters using an installation, the technical characteristics of which are given in reference Appendix 2.

The electrical insulation resistance should not be less than the value specified in GOST 8711-78 for ammeters and voltmeters and in GOST 8476-78 for wattmeters and varmeters.

Note. It is allowed to check the dielectric strength of the insulation at direct current, if it is provided for in the TD for devices of specific types.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

4.4. Determination of the basic error, variation of readings and residual deviation of the instrument pointer from zero

4.4.1. The main error and variation of the readings of single-range instruments of accuracy classes 0.05; 0.1 and 0.2 are determined at each numerical scale mark.

Note. For devices of accuracy class 0.5 and less accurate, as well as for devices with a uniform scale with more than 10 numerical marks, it is allowed to determine the main error and variation of readings only at five scale marks evenly distributed over the measurement range.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

4.4.2. The basic error of the instruments as a percentage of the normalizing value is calculated by the formula

, (2)

where is the value of the measured value, determined by the readings of the device under test;

The actual value of the measured quantity, determined by the indications of the exemplary measuring instrument;

Normalizing value.

The basic error of the device under test must not exceed the limit of the main permissible error in accordance with GOST 8476-78 and GOST 8711-78.

4.4.3. The variation of the instrument readings at the checked mark of the scale is determined as the absolute value of the difference between the actual values ​​of the measured value for the same instrument reading, obtained by smoothly approaching the pointer, first from the side of the smaller, and then from the side of the larger values, with the current polarity unchanged.

For devices calibrated with two directions of current, the largest of the obtained values ​​is taken as the variation at each point of the scale. The variation is determined from the measurement results obtained in determining the basic error.

The variation in readings of working instruments should not exceed the values ​​established in GOST 8711-78 and GOST 8476-78. The variation in the readings of instruments certified as exemplary should not exceed half the values ​​of the maximum permissible basic error of this instrument.

4.4.4. To determine the residual deviation of the pointer from the zero mark, the position of the pointer of the device under test should be noted after a smooth decrease in the value of the measured value from the final mark of the scale to zero.

The residual deviation of the instrument pointer from the zero mark of the scale should not exceed the values ​​specified in GOST 8711-78 and GOST 8476-78.

4.4.5. AC and DC devices of accuracy classes 0.05 and 0.1 and devices of accuracy classes 0.05; 0.1; 0.2 and 0.5, certified as exemplary, must be verified in two directions of direct current with decreasing and increasing readings.

If it is necessary to determine the corrections, the basic error of the device under test is determined for each checked mark of the scale as the arithmetic mean of four error values.

None of the error values ​​obtained during four measurements should exceed the value of the maximum permissible basic error of the device under test.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1). Instruments not specified in clause 4.4.5 must be verified in one direction of direct current. The error of such devices is determined with a smooth approach of the pointer to each checked mark of the scale from the side of smaller and larger values ​​of the measured value.

None of the error values ​​obtained during two measurements should exceed the value of the permissible error limit of the device under test.

If it is necessary to determine the corrections, the basic error of the calibrated instrument is determined for each scale mark as the arithmetic mean of two error values.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

4.4.6. DC verification Ammeters of accuracy classes 0.1-0.5 are verified by direct measurements using a calibrator or indirect measurements using a potentiometric installation. Ammeters of accuracy classes 1.0-5.0 are verified by direct comparison using reference ammeters and installations for verification and calibration of electrical measuring instruments according to the schemes given in the TD for reference measuring instruments.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1). Voltmeters of accuracy classes 0.1-0.5 are verified by direct measurement using a calibrator or potentiometric installation (a digital voltmeter can be used instead of a potentiometer), accuracy classes 1.0-5.0 - by direct comparison using standard voltmeters and installations for verification and calibration of electrical measuring instruments according to the schemes given in the TD for exemplary measuring instruments.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1). Wattmeters of accuracy classes 0.1-0.5 are verified by the method of indirect measurements using a potentiometric installation, wattmeters of accuracy classes 1.0-5.0 - by direct comparison with exemplary wattmeters according to the schemes given in the TD for exemplary measuring instruments.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).


1. Ammeters, voltmeters and wattmeters of accuracy class 0.5 can be verified by direct comparison with ammeters, voltmeters and wattmeters of accuracy class 0.2 (with amendments) or 0.1.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

2. Ammeters, voltmeters and wattmeters of accuracy class 0.5, certified as exemplary, can be verified by direct comparison only with ammeters, voltmeters and wattmeters of accuracy class 0.1.

3. Ammeters of accuracy classes 1.0-5.0 can be verified by direct or indirect measurements.

4. Voltmeters of accuracy classes 1.0-5.0 can be verified by direct measurements.

4.4.7. AC verification Ammeters of accuracy classes 0.1-0.2 are verified by comparison using a comparator, ammeters of accuracy classes 0.5-4.0 - by direct comparison with standard ammeters or by comparison using a comparator according to the schemes given in the TD for exemplary measuring instruments .

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1). Voltmeters of accuracy classes 0.1-0.5 are verified by direct comparison with standard voltmeters or by direct measurement, or by comparison using a comparator. Instead of a comparator, a digital AC voltmeter can be used to measure the RMS voltage. Voltmeters of accuracy classes 1.0-5.0 are verified by direct comparison with exemplary voltmeters according to the schemes given in the TD for exemplary measuring instruments.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

Note. Voltmeters of accuracy classes 1.0-5.0 can be verified by direct measurements or by comparison using a comparator. Wattmeters of accuracy classes 0.1-0.2 are verified by comparison using a comparator, wattmeters and varmeters of accuracy classes 0.5-5.0 - by direct comparison with exemplary wattmeters and varmeters or by comparison using a comparator according to the schemes given in the TD on exemplary measuring instruments.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

4.4.8. Ammeters, voltmeters, wattmeters of accuracy classes 0.1-0.5, certified as exemplary, should be verified according to paragraphs. 4.4.6 and 4.4.7.

4.4.9. The results of verification of instruments of accuracy classes 0.05-0.5 are recorded in the protocol, the form of which is given in Appendix 1.

The results of verification of portable instruments of accuracy classes 1.0-5.0 are drawn up in a protocol of arbitrary form.

Note. In the case of the use of automatic verification facilities with the registration of the error of the instruments being verified in digital form on a digital printing device, the verification protocol is filled in according to the form specified in the TD for the facility.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).


5.1. Positive results must be issued:

Primary verification - by an entry in the passport of the device, certified in the manner established by the manufacturer;

Periodic state verification of exemplary instruments - issuing a certificate in the form established by the State Standard, and applying an impression of the verification mark in a place that excludes access to the inside of the device. On the reverse side of the certificate indicate the type of current on which the device is verified, and the variation in the readings of the device;

Periodic departmental verification of exemplary instruments - the issuance of a verification certificate drawn up by the departmental metrological service and the application of a verification mark. On the reverse side of the certificate indicate the type of current on which the device is verified, and the variation in the readings of the device;

Periodic state and departmental verification of working devices - applying an impression of a verification mark.

5.2. If the verification results are negative, the stamp of the previous verification is extinguished, the devices are prohibited for release into circulation and use. The certificate of the previous verification is canceled, and an entry about unsuitability is entered in the passport.


Verification protocol form

PROTOCOL N_________

verification _____________________________________________ type _________________ N_________

device name

owned by ___________________________________________________________________



Type of current

Instrument system*

Device class

Measurement limits

* Magnetoelectric, electrodynamic, electromagnetic.

Verification means:

Verification conditions:

Temperature __________________________ ° С

Humidity _________________________%

Pressure __________________________ kPa.

Preheating of the device __________ min.

Verification results:

Device under test

exemplary device

on a scale, division


Reading on a scale at the forward direction of current, division

** In units of the measured value.

The variation of the instrument readings does not exceed __________________________________________

The residual deviation of the instrument pointer from the zero mark of the scale is _______________

Conclusion __________________________________________________________________________

fit, not fit


Name of the organization that carried out the verification

Verification was carried out by ________________ __________________________
signature Last name, first name, patronymic

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).


Main technical characteristics of the installation for testing the dielectric strength of insulation

Test voltage, kV

Installation power, kVA, not less than

0.5 to 3

The adjusting device must allow smooth voltage adjustment from zero to the maximum value of the test voltage.

Voltage setting error - in accordance with Sec. 4 GOST 22261-82 and sec. 3 GOST 8476-78 and GOST 8711-78.

When testing devices on direct current converted from alternating current, the voltage ripple factor should be no more than 10%.

The text of the document is verified by:
official publication
State Standard of the USSR -
M.: Publishing house of standards, 1986

Legal Bureau
Amendment No. 1 was made to the text of the document,
approved by resolution
USSR State Committee for
standards of 28.08.89 N 2652

State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Ammeters, voltmeters, wattmeters, varmeters. Verification procedure

current This standard applies to ammeters, voltmeters, wattmeters and varmeters according to GOST 8711 and GOST 8476, as well as to the measuring parts of these devices and establishes a methodology for their primary and periodic verification at direct and alternating current in the frequency range 10-20000 Hz.
The standard does not apply to electronic, recording and control devices.

Text GOST 8.497-83

With amendments and changes:
Amendment No. 1 to GOST 8.497-83 of 07/01/1990 (the text is integrated into the text or description of the standard)

Other GOSTs

GOST R ISO 389-4-2011 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Acoustics. Reference zero for calibrating audiometric equipment. Part 4: Narrowband masking noise reference levels
GOST R ISO 389-5-2011 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Acoustics. Reference zero for calibrating audiometric equipment. Part 5: Reference equivalent sound pressure levels for pure tones in the frequency range 8 to 16 kHz
GOST R ISO 389-6-2011 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Acoustics. Reference zero for calibrating audiometric equipment. Part 6. Reference threshold of hearing of test signals of short duration
GOST R ISO 389-7-2011 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Acoustics. Reference zero for calibrating audiometric equipment. Part 7. Reference hearing threshold when listening in free and diffuse sound fields
GOST R ISO 389-8-2011 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Acoustics. Reference zero for calibrating audiometric equipment. Part 8: Reference equivalent pure-tone sound pressure levels for embracing telephones
GOST R ISO 389-9-2014 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Acoustics. Reference zero for calibrating audiometric equipment. Part 9: Recommended test conditions for the determination of reference listening thresholds
GOST 8.350-79 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. High-frequency ammeters. Methods and means of verification
GOST R 8.754-2011 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Analyzers of oxygen dissolved in water. Verification procedure
GOST 8.662-2018 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Analyzers of hydrogen dissolved in water. Verification procedure
GOST R 8.896-2015 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Laser particle size analyzers. Verification procedure
GOST R 8.838-2013 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Ethanol vapor analyzers. Verification procedure

GOST 8.497-83

Group T88.8


State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements


Verification procedure

State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Amperemeters, voltmeters, wattmeters, varmeters. Calibration methods

ISS 17.220.20
OKSTU 0008

Introduction date 1985-01-01


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the USSR State Committee for Standards

2. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards dated 09.12.83 N 5815

3. The standard fully complies with ST SEV 1709-88

4. Instead of Instructions 184-62 (in terms of verification of ammeters up to 30 A, voltmeters up to 1000 V, wattmeters and varmeters)


Number of paragraph, subparagraph, application

Introduction; 1.1; 2.1; 2.7; 4.1; 4.3.1; 4.4.2; 4.4.3; 4.4.4; application 2

Introduction; 1.1; 2.1; 4.1; 4.3.1; 4.4.2; 4.4.3; 4.4.4; application 2

Annex 2

6. EDITION (January 2005) with Amendment No. 1, approved in August 1989 (IUS 12-89)

This standard applies to ammeters, voltmeters, wattmeters and varmeters (hereinafter referred to as devices) according to GOST 8711 and GOST 8476, as well as to the measuring parts of these devices and establishes a methodology for their primary and periodic verification on direct and alternating current in the frequency range 10-20000 Hz .

According to the methodology of this standard, it is allowed to verify electrical measuring instruments with metrological characteristics similar to those of the instruments listed above.

The standard does not apply to electronic, recording and control devices.


1.1. During verification, operations are performed and verification tools indicated in the table are used.

the name of the operation

Standard item number

Means of verification and their regulatory and technical characteristics

Visual inspection


Dielectric Strength and Insulation Resistance Test

potentiometric installation of direct current type U355 with a limit of permissible basic error of 0.01-0.035%;

DC calibrator type P321 with a measurement limit of 10 10-10 A and a measurement error of 0.01-0.05%;

installation for verification and calibration of electrical measuring instruments of the U300 type;

measuring unit type U358


Voltmeters of accuracy classes 0.1; 0.2; 0.5 according to GOST 8711;

DC voltage calibrator type B1-12 (voltage measure) with a basic permissible error limit of 0.005-0.01%;

programmable calibrator type P320 with a limit of permissible basic error of 0.005-0.01%;

digital voltmeter type Shch1516 with a basic error limit of 0.01-0.06%;

potentiometric installation;

installation for verification and calibration of electrical measuring instruments and measuring installation according to clause


Wattmeters of accuracy classes 0.1 and 0.2 according to GOST 8476;

potentiometric and measuring installations according to clause

when checking devices on alternating current

Installation type U1134 with instruments of accuracy class 0.2 according to GOST 8711

ammeters of accuracy classes 0.1; 0.2; 0.5 according to GOST 8711;

voltmeters according to clause, wattmeters according to clause;

measuring set type K505 with instruments of accuracy class 0.5 according to GOST 8711, certified as exemplary;

DC and AC verification unit type U3551 with a basic permissible error limit of 0.03-1.5% or a universal semi-automatic verification device UPPU-1M with a basic permissible error limit of 0.04-0.3%;

installation for verification of microammeters and millivoltmeters of the UPMA-3M type with a limit of permissible basic error of 0.1-0.2%;

digital voltmeter type F4830 with a basic error limit of 0.01-0.1%;

differential digital voltmeter type B3-58 with a basic error limit of 0.03-0.1%;

device for checking voltmeters type V1-9 with amplifier YA1V-22, with a limit of permissible basic error of 0.03-0.1%


1. It is allowed to use other means of verification that meet the requirements of this standard in terms of accuracy.

2. The electrical strength and insulation resistance are determined only when the devices are released from production and after repair.

3. The ratio of the limits of permissible absolute basic error of exemplary measuring instruments and calibrated ammeters and voltmeters for each checked scale mark should be no more than 1:5 when calibrating instruments of all accuracy classes. A ratio of not more than 1:3 is allowed when checking ammeters and voltmeters of accuracy classes 0.05-0.5 and not more than 1:4 - accuracy classes 1.0-5.0, while the variation in the readings of an instrument certified as an exemplary one does not must exceed half the absolute value of the limit of its permissible basic error.

The ratio of the limits of the absolute basic error of exemplary measuring instruments and verified wattmeters and varmeters should be no more than 1:3 for each checked scale mark when checking instruments of accuracy classes 0.05-0.5 and not more than 1:4 - when checking instruments of accuracy classes 1 .0-5.0, while the variation in the readings of an instrument certified as an exemplary one should not exceed half of the absolute value of the limit of its permissible basic error. It is allowed to take the indicated ratios equal to 1:2.5, but at the same time it is necessary to introduce amendments to the indications of the exemplary measuring instrument in order to fulfill the requirements indicated above.

4. The ranges of frequencies and measurements of exemplary measuring instruments must include the corresponding ranges of the device being verified.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).


2.1. During verification, the following conditions must be met:

ambient temperature:

(20±2) °С - for accuracy classes 0.05-0.5;

(20±5) °С - for accuracy classes 1.0-5.0;

relative air humidity 30-80%;

atmospheric pressure 84-106 kPa.

The normal values ​​of the remaining influencing quantities and permissible deviations are in accordance with GOST 8711 and GOST 8476.

2.2. Verified devices must be prepared for operation in accordance with the technical documentation (hereinafter - TD) for devices of specific types.

2.1, 2.2. (Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

2.3. The device can be verified without interchangeable auxiliary parts.

2.4. An appliance used with limited interchangeability and non-interchangeability of ancillary parts is verified together with the latter. If the instrument and a limited interchangeable accessory have their own accuracy class designation, the limited interchangeable accessory may be tested separately from the instrument.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

2.5. Instrument readings are taken in the direction perpendicular to the scale.

2.6. Instruments calibrated with calibrated wires are verified together with these wires. Instruments calibrated with connecting wires of a certain resistance are verified together with an equivalent resistance equal to the resistance of these wires.

2.7. Three-phase devices are verified with a symmetrical voltage and a uniform phase load in accordance with GOST 8476.

Note. Three-phase multi-element wattmeters can be verified in a single-phase switching circuit (with current circuits connected in series and voltage circuits connected in parallel), if such an indication is available in the TD for devices of specific types.

2.8. AC and DC devices are verified as follows:

2.8.1. Devices certified as exemplary are verified on the kind of current on which they are used.

2.8.2. The devices used as workers are verified on direct and alternating current.

2.8.3. During periodic verification, working electrodynamic devices with a frequency of up to 100 Hz can only be verified at direct current.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

2.9. When calibrating instruments of a magnetoelectric system on a direct current, instruments of the same system are used as exemplary measuring instruments, and when calibrating instruments of other systems, instruments of electrodynamic and electromagnetic systems are used.

2.10. Verification of working devices on alternating current should be carried out at normal frequency values. If the normal frequency value is not indicated or the range of normal frequency values ​​is indicated, which includes a frequency of 50 Hz, then verification is carried out at a frequency of 50 Hz. If a range of normal frequency values ​​is indicated, which does not include a frequency of 50 Hz, then verification is carried out at a frequency calculated by the formula

where is the final frequency of the range of normal values ​​of the frequencies of the device under test;

- initial frequency of the range of normal values ​​of frequencies of the checked instrument.

Note. If the device is used at certain frequencies within the frequency range, then during operation and storage, verification is carried out at these frequencies. When devices are released from production and after repair, verification is carried out at one frequency within the range of normal frequencies and at the extreme frequencies of the range.

2.11. Verification of instruments certified as exemplary on alternating current is carried out at frequencies of 50 Hz, the frequency calculated by formula (1), and at the end frequency of the range. If a range of normal frequency values ​​is indicated, which does not include a frequency of 50 Hz, then the device should be verified at the initial frequency of the range.

2.12. Multi-range instruments can be verified at all numerical scale marks in only one measurement range, on the remaining ranges it is sufficient to carry out verification at two scale marks: at a numerical mark corresponding to the normalizing value of the scale, and a numerical mark at which the maximum error is obtained on a fully verified measurement range.

Multi-range instruments used as exemplary instruments are verified at all numerical scale marks on the measurement ranges on which they are used. On the remaining ranges, they are verified at two scale marks, as indicated above.

Instruments with several scales or instruments measuring several quantities must be verified on each scale and for each measured quantity separately.

Instruments with a double-sided scale are verified on all numerical marks of the left and right parts of the scale.

2.13. It is allowed to check working switchboard devices without dismantling from the shield or panel using electrical switching elements that do not affect the metrological characteristics of the devices.

2.14. If, before the start of verification, the measuring instruments were in conditions different from the normal conditions of use, then the verification should be started after keeping them under normal conditions for the time specified in the technical documentation for a particular device.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

2.15. Before verification, the following preparatory operations must be performed.

2.15.1. The pointer of the device under test is set by a mechanical corrector to the zero mark of the scale with the current and voltage circuits disconnected.

Note. During the verification process, it is not allowed to set the pointer to zero again.

2.15.2. Devices are included in the circuit and warmed up in order to establish the operating mode for the time and at the loads specified in the TD for devices of specific types. If the TD does not provide for a warm-up time, the devices are not subjected to preheating and the main error is determined immediately after the device is connected to the circuit.

2.15.3. The pointer of wattmeters and varmeters of accuracy classes 0.5-5.0 is set to the mechanical zero mark immediately after the rated voltage is applied to the device, and the current circuit must be open when the current source is on.

2.15.4. Devices, in the device of which there are controls, settings and corrections, are pre-configured or adjusted in accordance with the requirements of the TD for devices of specific types.

2.15.5. Devices with small measurement limits (micro-milliammeters, millivoltmeters) protect against the occurrence of leakage currents and thermoelectromotive forces in accordance with the TD for devices of specific types.

2.15.6. If the device has a symbol (arrow) indicating the position of the device in the earth's magnetic field, then the device is installed in such a way that this arrow is directed along the magnetic meridian.


3.1. When checking instruments, the electrical safety requirements in accordance with GOST 12.1.006, GOST 12.3.019 and GOST must be observed. At the same time, the "Rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations" * and "Safety regulations for the operation of consumer electrical installations" **, approved by the State Energy Supervision Authority, must be observed.
* The document is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. The "Rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations" are in force;
** The document is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. The "Intersectoral rules for labor protection (safety rules) for the operation of electrical installations" (POT R M-016-2001, RD 153-34.0-03.150-00) are in force. - Database manufacturer's notes.


4.1. Visual inspection

During external inspection of the device, the following should be established:

absence of external damage and damage to the scale coating;

clarity of all inscriptions according to GOST 8711 and GOST 8476;

completeness of the device with spare parts, accessories necessary for verification.

4.2. Testing

During testing, reliable fastening of instrument clamps, smooth running and clear fixation of switches should be established.

4.3. Dielectric Strength and Insulation Resistance Test

4.3.1. The electrical strength and insulation resistance are checked in accordance with GOST 8711 for ammeters and voltmeters and in accordance with GOST 8476 for wattmeters and varmeters using an installation, the technical characteristics of which are given in Appendix 2.

The electrical insulation resistance should not be less than the value specified in GOST 8711 for ammeters and voltmeters and in GOST 8476 for wattmeters and varmeters.

Note. It is allowed to check the dielectric strength of the insulation at direct current, if it is provided for in the TD for devices of specific types.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

4.4. Determination of the basic error, variation of readings and residual deviation of the instrument pointer from zero

4.4.1. The main error and variation of the readings of single-range instruments of accuracy classes 0.05; 0.1 and 0.2 are determined at each numerical scale mark.

Note. For devices of accuracy class 0.5 and less accurate, as well as for devices with a uniform scale with more than 10 numerical marks, it is allowed to determine the main error and variation of readings only at five scale marks evenly distributed over the measurement range.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

4.4.2. The main error of the instruments as a percentage of the normalizing value is calculated by the formula

where is the value of the measured value, determined by the readings of the device under test;

The actual value of the measured quantity, determined by the indications of the exemplary measuring instrument;

Normalizing value.

The basic error of the device under test should not exceed the limit of the main permissible error in accordance with GOST 8476 and GOST 8711.

4.4.3. The variation of the instrument readings at the checked mark of the scale is determined as the absolute value of the difference between the actual values ​​of the measured value for the same instrument reading, obtained by smoothly approaching the pointer, first from the side of the smaller, and then from the side of the larger values, with the current polarity unchanged.

For devices calibrated with two directions of current, the largest of the obtained values ​​is taken as the variation at each point of the scale. The variation is determined from the measurement results obtained in determining the basic error.

The variation in the readings of working instruments should not exceed the values ​​\u200b\u200bestablished in GOST 8711 and GOST 8476. The variation in the readings of instruments certified as exemplary should not exceed half the values ​​of the maximum permissible basic error of these instruments.

4.4.4. To determine the residual deviation of the pointer from the zero mark, the position of the pointer of the device under test should be noted after a smooth decrease in the value of the measured value from the final mark of the scale to zero.

The residual deviation of the instrument pointer from the zero mark of the scale should not exceed the values ​​specified in GOST 8711 and GOST 8476.

4.4.5. AC and DC devices of accuracy classes 0.05 and 0.1 and devices of accuracy classes 0.05; 0.1; 0.2 and 0.5, certified as exemplary, must be verified in two directions of direct current with decreasing and increasing readings.

If it is necessary to determine the corrections, the basic error of the device under test is determined for each checked mark of the scale as the arithmetic mean of four error values.

None of the error values ​​obtained during four measurements should exceed the value of the maximum permissible basic error of the device under test. Instruments not specified in clause 4.4.5 must be verified in one direction of direct current. The error of such devices is determined with a smooth approach of the pointer to each checked mark of the scale from the side of smaller and larger values ​​of the measured value.

None of the error values ​​obtained during two measurements should exceed the value of the permissible error limit of the device under test.

If it is necessary to determine the corrections, the basic error of the calibrated instrument is determined for each scale mark as the arithmetic mean of two error values.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

4.4.6. DC verification Ammeters of accuracy classes 0.1-0.5 are verified by direct measurements using a calibrator or indirect measurements using a potentiometric installation. Ammeters of accuracy classes 1.0-5.0 are verified by direct comparison using reference ammeters and installations for verification and calibration of electrical measuring instruments according to the schemes given in the TD for reference measuring instruments. Voltmeters of accuracy classes 0.1-0.5 are verified by direct measurement using a calibrator or potentiometric installation (a digital voltmeter can be used instead of a potentiometer), accuracy classes 1.0-5.0 - by direct comparison using standard voltmeters and installations for verification and calibration of electrical measuring instruments according to the schemes given in the TD for exemplary measuring instruments. Wattmeters of accuracy classes 0.1-0.5 are verified by the method of indirect measurements using a potentiometric installation, wattmeters of accuracy classes 1.0-5.0 - by direct comparison with exemplary wattmeters according to the schemes given in the TD for exemplary measuring instruments.


1. Ammeters, voltmeters and wattmeters of accuracy class 0.5 can be verified by direct comparison with ammeters, voltmeters and wattmeters of accuracy class 0.2 (with amendments) or 0.1.

2. Ammeters, voltmeters and wattmeters of accuracy class 0.5, certified as exemplary, can be verified by direct comparison only with ammeters, voltmeters and wattmeters of accuracy class 0.1.

3. Ammeters of accuracy classes 1.0-5.0 can be verified by direct or indirect measurements.

4. Voltmeters of accuracy classes 1.0-5.0 can be verified by direct measurements.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

4.4.7. AC verification Ammeters of accuracy classes 0.1-0.2 are verified by comparison using a comparator, ammeters of accuracy classes 0.5-4.0 - by direct comparison with standard ammeters or by comparison using a comparator according to the schemes given in the TD for exemplary measuring instruments . Voltmeters of accuracy classes 0.1-0.5 are verified by direct comparison with standard voltmeters or by direct measurement, or by comparison using a comparator. Instead of a comparator, a digital AC voltmeter can be used to measure the RMS voltage. Voltmeters of accuracy classes 1.0-5.0 are verified by direct comparison with exemplary voltmeters according to the schemes given in the TD for exemplary measuring instruments.

Note. Voltmeters of accuracy classes 1.0-5.0 can be verified by direct measurements or by comparison using a comparator. Wattmeters of accuracy classes 0.1-0.2 are verified by comparison using a comparator, wattmeters and varmeters of accuracy classes 0.5-5.0 - by direct comparison with exemplary wattmeters and varmeters or by comparison using a comparator according to the schemes given in the TD on exemplary measuring instruments.

4.4.8. Ammeters, voltmeters, wattmeters of accuracy classes 0.1-0.5, certified as exemplary, should be verified according to clauses 4.4.6 and 4.4.7.

4.4.9. The results of verification of instruments of accuracy classes 0.05-0.5 are entered into the protocol, the form of which is given in Appendix 1.

The results of verification of portable instruments of accuracy classes 1.0-5.0 are drawn up in a protocol of arbitrary form.

Note. In the case of the use of automatic verification facilities with the registration of the error of the instruments being verified in digital form on a digital printing device, the verification protocol is filled in according to the form specified in the TD for the facility.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).


5.1. Positive results must be issued:

primary verification - by an entry in the passport of the device, certified in the manner established by the manufacturer;

periodic state verification of exemplary instruments - issuing a certificate in the form established by the State Standard, and applying an impression of the verification mark in a place that excludes access to the inside of the device. On the reverse side of the certificate indicate the type of current on which the device is verified, and the variation in the readings of the device;

periodic departmental verification of exemplary instruments - the issuance of a verification certificate drawn up by the departmental metrological service, and the application of a verification mark. On the reverse side of the certificate indicate the type of current on which the device is verified, and the variation in the readings of the device;

periodic state and departmental verification of working devices - by applying an impression of a verification mark.

5.2. If the verification results are negative, the stamp of the previous verification is extinguished, the devices are prohibited for release into circulation and use. The certificate of the previous verification is canceled, and an entry about unsuitability is entered in the passport.

APPENDIX 1 (Mandatory) Verification protocol form


PROTOCOL N_________

device name




Instrument system*

Device class

Measurement limits

Verification means:

Verification conditions:

temperature __________________________ °С

humidity _________________________%

pressure __________________________ kPa.

Preheating of the device __________ min.

Verification results:

Device under test

exemplary device

Basic error of the device under test**

Variation of readings**

on a scale, division


Reading on a scale at the forward direction of current, division

Reading on a scale at the reverse direction of current, division

Actual value**

The average

The average

The variation of instrument readings does not exceed

The residual deviation of the instrument pointer from the zero mark of the scale is


fit, not fit

name of the organization that carried out the verification

Verification carried out

Full Name

* Magnetoelectric, electrodynamic, electromagnetic.

** In units of the measured value.

APPENDIX 2 (Informative) Main technical characteristics of the installation for testing the dielectric strength of insulation


Test voltage, kV

Installation power, kVA, not less than

0.5 to 3

The adjusting device must allow smooth voltage adjustment from zero to the maximum value of the test voltage.

Voltage setting error - in accordance with section 4 of GOST 22261 and section 3 of GOST 8476 and GOST 8711.

When testing devices on direct current converted from alternating current, the voltage ripple factor should be no more than 10%.

Electronic text of the document
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official publication
Moscow: IPK Standards Publishing House, 2005

GOST 8.497-83 (ST SEV 1709-79) GSI. Ammeters, voltmeters, wattmeters, varmeters. Methods and means of verification (With Change No. 1)

Adopted December 09, 1983
USSR State Committee for Standards
  1. GOST 8.497-83
  2. (ST SEV 1709-88)
  3. (Changed edition, Rev. N 1)
  4. Group T88.3*
  5. _________________________
    * In the Index "National
    standards" 2004
    group T88.8 is given. -
    Note "CODE".

  7. State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements
  9. Verification method*
  10. State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements.
  11. Ammeters, voltmeters, wattmeters, varmeters.
  12. Calibration methods*
  13. __________
  14. * (Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
  15. OKSTU 0008
  16. Introduction date 1985-01-01
  17. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards of December 9, 1983 N 5815
  18. INSTEAD OF Instructions 184-62 regarding verification of ammeters up to 30 A, voltmeters up to 1000 V, wattmeters and varmeters
  19. REPUBLICATION. April 1985
  20. INTRODUCED Amendment No. 1 approved by Resolution No. 2652 of the USSR State Committee for Standards dated August 28, 1989 and put into effect on July 1, 1990.
  21. Changes were made by the legal bureau "Kodeks" according to the text of IUS N 12, 1989.
  22. This standard applies to ammeters, voltmeters, wattmeters and varmeters (hereinafter referred to as instruments) in accordance with GOST 8711-78 and GOST 8476-78, as well as to the measuring parts of these instruments and establishes a methodology for their primary and periodic verification on direct and alternating current in the frequency range 10-20000 Hz.
  23. According to the methodology of this standard, it is allowed to verify electrical measuring instruments with metrological characteristics similar to those of the instruments listed above.
  24. The standard does not apply to electronic, recording and control devices.
  26. 1.1. During verification, operations are performed and verification tools indicated in the table are used.
  27. Name of the operation Item number of the standard Means of verification and their regulatory and technical characteristicsExternal inspection 4.1 -Trial 4.2 -Checking the electrical strength and insulation resistance 4.3 Ohmmeter according to GOST 23706-79 with an error of not more than 30%; breakdown installation of the VUF5-3 or UPU-10 type (see reference appendix 2)Determination of the basic error, variation of readings and residual deviation of the instrument pointer from zero: 4.4 -when checking on direct current:ammeters Ammeter accuracy class 0.2 according to GOST 8711-78; potentiometric installation of direct current type U355 with a limit of permissible basic error of 0.01-0.035%;DC calibrator type P321 with a measurement limit of 10 10-10 A and a measurement error of 0.01-0.05%;installation for verification and calibration of electrical measuring instruments of the U300 type;measuring unit type U358voltmeters Voltmeters of accuracy classes 0.1; 0.2; 0.5 according to GOST 8711-78;DC voltage calibrator type B1-12 (voltage measure) with a basic permissible error limit of 0.005-0.01%;programmable calibrator type P320 with a limit of permissible basic error of 0.005-0.01%;digital voltmeter type Shch1516 with a basic error limit of 0.01-0.06%;potentiometric installation;installation for verification and calibration of electrical measuring instruments and measuring installation according to clause Wattmeters of accuracy classes 0.1 and 0.2 according to GOST 8476-78;potentiometric and measuring installations according to clause checking devices on alternating current 4.4.7 U1134 installation with devices of accuracy class 0.2 according to GOST 8711-78, certified as exemplary;ammeters of accuracy classes 0.1; 0.2; 0.5 according to GOST 8711-78;voltmeters according to clause, wattmeters according to clause;measuring set type K505 with instruments of accuracy class 0.5 according to GOST 8711-78, certified as exemplary;DC and AC verification unit type U3551 with a basic permissible error limit of 0.03-1.5% or a universal semi-automatic verification device UPPU-1M with a basic permissible error limit of 0.04-0.3%;installation for verification of microammeters and millivoltmeters of the UPMA-3M type with a limit of permissible basic error of 0.1-0.2%;digital voltmeter type F4830 with a basic error limit of 0.01-0.1%;differential digital voltmeter type B3-58 with a basic error limit of 0.03-0.1%;device for checking voltmeters type V1-9 with amplifier YA1V-22, with a limit of permissible basic error of 0.03-0.1%
  28. (Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
  29. Notes:
  30. 1. It is allowed to use other means of verification that meet the requirements of this standard in terms of accuracy.
  31. 2. The electrical strength and insulation resistance are determined only when the devices are released from production and after repair.
  32. 3. The ratio of the limits of permissible absolute basic error of exemplary measuring instruments and calibrated ammeters and voltmeters for each checked scale mark should be no more than 1:5 when calibrating instruments of all accuracy classes. A ratio of not more than 1:3 is allowed when checking ammeters and voltmeters of accuracy classes 0.05-0.5 and not more than 1:4 - accuracy classes 1.0-5.0, while the variation in the readings of an instrument certified as an exemplary one does not must exceed half the absolute value of the limit of its permissible basic error.
  33. The ratio of the limits of the absolute basic error of exemplary measuring instruments and verified wattmeters and varmeters should be no more than 1:3 for each checked scale mark when checking instruments of accuracy classes 0.05-0.5 and not more than 1:4 - when checking instruments of accuracy classes 1 .0-5.0, while the variation in the readings of an instrument certified as an exemplary one should not exceed half of the absolute value of the limit of its permissible basic error. It is allowed to take the indicated ratios equal to 1:2.5, but at the same time it is necessary to introduce amendments to the indications of the exemplary measuring instrument in order to fulfill the requirements indicated above.
  34. 4. The ranges of frequencies and measurements of exemplary measuring instruments must include the corresponding ranges of the device being verified.
  36. 2.1. During verification, the following conditions must be met:
  37. ambient temperature:
  38. (20±2)° С - for accuracy classes 0.05-0.5;
  39. (20±5)° С - for accuracy classes 1.0-5.0;
  40. relative air humidity 30-80%;
  41. atmospheric pressure 84-106 kPa.
  42. The normal values ​​of the remaining influencing quantities and permissible deviations are in accordance with GOST 8711-78 and GOST 8476-78.
  43. (Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
  44. 2.2. Verified devices must be prepared for operation in accordance with the technical documentation (hereinafter - TD) for devices of specific types.
  45. (Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
  46. 2.3. The device can be verified without interchangeable auxiliary parts.
  47. 2.4. An appliance used with limited interchangeability and non-interchangeability of ancillary parts is verified together with the latter. If the instrument and a limited interchangeable accessory have their own accuracy class designation, the limited interchangeable accessory may be tested separately from the instrument.
  48. (Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
  49. 2.5. Instrument readings are taken in the direction perpendicular to the scale.
  50. 2.6. Instruments calibrated with calibrated wires are verified together with these wires. Instruments calibrated with connecting wires of a certain resistance are verified together with an equivalent resistance equal to the resistance of these wires.
  51. 2.7. Three-phase devices are verified with a symmetrical voltage and a uniform phase load in accordance with GOST 8476-78.
  52. Note. Three-phase multi-element wattmeters can be verified in a single-phase switching circuit (with current circuits connected in series and voltage circuits connected in parallel), if such an indication is available in the TD for devices of specific types.
  53. (Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
  54. 2.8. AC and DC devices are verified as follows:
  55. 2.8.1. Devices certified as exemplary are verified on the kind of current on which they are used.
  56. 2.8.2. The devices used as workers are verified on direct and alternating current.
  57. 2.8.3. During periodic verification, working electrodynamic devices with a frequency of up to 100 Hz can only be verified at direct current.
  58. (Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
  59. 2.9. When calibrating instruments of a magnetoelectric system on a direct current, instruments of the same system are used as exemplary measuring instruments, and when calibrating instruments of other systems, instruments of electrodynamic and electromagnetic systems are used.
  60. 2.10. Verification of working devices on alternating current should be carried out at normal frequency values. If the normal frequency value is not indicated or the range of normal frequency values ​​is indicated, including the frequency of 50 Hz, then the verification is carried out at a frequency of 50 Hz. If a range of normal frequency values ​​is indicated, which does not include a frequency of 50 Hz, then verification is carried out at a frequency calculated by the formula
  61. , (1)
  62. where is the final frequency of the range of normal values ​​of the frequencies of the device under test;
  63. - initial frequency of the range of normal values ​​of frequencies of the checked instrument.
  64. Note. If the device is used at certain frequencies within the frequency range, then during operation and storage, verification is carried out at these frequencies. When devices are released from production and after repair, verification is carried out at one frequency within the range of normal frequencies and at the extreme frequencies of the range.
  65. 2.11. Verification of instruments certified as exemplary on alternating current is carried out at frequencies of 50 Hz, the frequency calculated by formula (1) and at the end frequency of the range. If a range of normal frequency values ​​is indicated, which does not include a frequency of 50 Hz, then the device should be verified at the initial frequency of the range.
  66. 2.12. Multi-range instruments can be verified at all numerical scale marks in only one measurement range, on the remaining ranges it is sufficient to carry out verification at two scale marks: at a numerical mark corresponding to the normalizing value of the scale, and a numerical mark at which the maximum error is obtained on a fully verified measurement range.
  67. Multi-range instruments used as exemplary instruments are verified at all numerical scale marks on the measurement ranges on which they are used. On the remaining ranges, they are verified at two scale marks, as indicated above.
  68. Instruments with several scales or instruments measuring several quantities must be verified on each scale and for each measured quantity separately.
  69. Instruments with a double-sided scale are verified on all numerical marks of the left and right parts of the scale.
  70. 2.13. It is allowed to check working switchboard devices without dismantling from the shield or panel using electrical switching elements that do not affect the metrological characteristics of the devices.
  71. 2.14. If, before the start of verification, the measuring instruments were in conditions different from the normal conditions of use, then the verification should be started after keeping them under normal conditions for the time specified in the technical documentation for a particular device.
  72. (Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
  73. 2.15. Before verification, the following preparatory operations must be performed.
  74. 2.15.1. The pointer of the device under test is set by a mechanical corrector to the zero mark of the scale with the current and voltage circuits disconnected.
  75. Note. During the verification process, it is not allowed to set the pointer to zero again.
  76. 2.15.2. Devices are included in the circuit and warmed up in order to establish the operating mode for the time and at the loads specified in the TD for devices of specific types. If the TD does not provide for a warm-up time, the devices are not subjected to preheating, and the main error is determined immediately after the device is connected to the circuit.
  77. (Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
  78. 2.15.3. The pointer of wattmeters and varmeters of accuracy classes 0.5-5.0 is set to the mechanical zero mark immediately after the rated voltage is applied to the device, and the current circuit must be open when the current source is on.
  79. 2.15.4. Devices, in the device of which there are controls, settings and corrections, are pre-configured or adjusted in accordance with the requirements of the TD for devices of specific types.
  80. (Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
  81. 2.15.5. Devices with small measurement limits (micro-milliammeters, millivoltmeters) protect against the occurrence of leakage currents and thermoelectromotive forces in accordance with the TD for devices of specific types.
  82. (Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
  83. 2.15.6. If the device has a symbol (arrow) indicating the position of the device in the earth's magnetic field, then the device is installed in such a way that this arrow is directed along the magnetic meridian.
  85. 3.1. When checking instruments, the electrical safety requirements in accordance with GOST 12.1.006-84, GOST 12.3.019-80, GOST - GOST, GOST, GOST 75 - GOST
  86. At the same time, the "Rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations" and the "Safety regulations for the operation of consumer electrical installations" approved by the State Energy Supervision Authority must be observed.
  88. 4.1. Visual inspection
  89. During an external inspection of the device, it should be established:
  90. absence of external damage and damage to the scale coating;
  91. clarity of all inscriptions according to GOST 8711-78 and GOST 8476-78;
  92. completeness of the device with spare parts, accessories necessary for verification.
  93. 4.2. Testing
  94. During testing, reliable fastening of instrument clamps, smooth running and clear fixation of switches should be established.
  95. 4.3. Dielectric Strength and Insulation Resistance Test
  96. 4.3.1. The electrical strength and insulation resistance are checked in accordance with GOST 8711-78 for ammeters and voltmeters and in accordance with GOST 8476-78 for wattmeters and varmeters using an installation, the technical characteristics of which are given in reference Appendix 2.
  97. The electrical insulation resistance should not be less than the value specified in GOST 8711-78 for ammeters and voltmeters and in GOST 8476-78 for wattmeters and varmeters.
  98. Note. It is allowed to check the dielectric strength of the insulation at direct current, if it is provided for in the TD for devices of specific types.
  99. (Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
  100. 4.4. Determination of the basic error, variation of readings and residual deviation of the instrument pointer from zero
  101. 4.4.1. The main error and variation of the readings of single-range instruments of accuracy classes 0.05; 0.1 and 0.2 are determined at each numerical scale mark.
  102. Note. For devices of accuracy class 0.5 and less accurate, as well as for devices with a uniform scale with more than 10 numerical marks, it is allowed to determine the main error and variation of readings only at five scale marks evenly distributed over the measurement range.
  103. (Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
  104. 4.4.2. The basic error of the instruments as a percentage of the normalizing value is calculated by the formula
  105. , (2)
  106. where is the value of the measured value, determined by the readings of the device under test;
  107. - the actual value of the measured quantity, determined by the indications of the exemplary measuring instrument;
  108. - normalizing value.
  109. The basic error of the device under test must not exceed the limit of the main permissible error in accordance with GOST 8476-78 and GOST 8711-7
  110. 4.4.3. The variation of the instrument readings at the checked mark of the scale is determined as the absolute value of the difference between the actual values ​​of the measured value for the same instrument reading, obtained by smoothly approaching the pointer, first from the side of the smaller, and then from the side of the larger values, with the current polarity unchanged.
  111. For devices calibrated with two directions of current, the largest of the obtained values ​​is taken as the variation at each point of the scale. The variation is determined from the measurement results obtained in determining the basic error.
  112. The variation in readings of working instruments should not exceed the values ​​established in GOST 8711-78 and GOST 8476-78. The variation in the readings of instruments certified as exemplary should not exceed half the values ​​of the maximum permissible basic error of this instrument.
  113. 4.4.4. To determine the residual deviation of the pointer from the zero mark, the position of the pointer of the device under test should be noted after a smooth decrease in the value of the measured value from the final mark of the scale to zero.
  114. The residual deviation of the instrument pointer from the zero mark of the scale should not exceed the values ​​specified in GOST 8711-78 and GOST 8476-78.
  115. 4.4.5. AC and DC devices of accuracy classes 0.05 and 0.1 and devices of accuracy classes 0.05; 0.1; 0.2 and 0.5, certified as exemplary, must be verified in two directions of direct current with decreasing and increasing readings.
  116. If it is necessary to determine the corrections, the basic error of the device under test is determined for each checked mark of the scale as the arithmetic mean of four error values.
  117. None of the error values ​​obtained during four measurements should exceed the value of the maximum permissible basic error of the device under test.
  118. (Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
  119. Instruments not specified in clause 4.4.5 must be verified in one direction of direct current. The error of such devices is determined with a smooth approach of the pointer to each checked mark of the scale from the side of smaller and larger values ​​of the measured value.
  120. None of the error values ​​obtained during two measurements should exceed the value of the permissible error limit of the device under test.
  121. If it is necessary to determine the corrections, the basic error of the calibrated instrument is determined for each scale mark as the arithmetic mean of two error values.
  122. (Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
  123. 4.4.6. DC verification
  124. Ammeters of accuracy classes 0.1-0.5 are verified by direct measurements using a calibrator or indirect measurements using a potentiometric installation. Ammeters of accuracy classes 1.0-5.0 are verified by direct comparison using reference ammeters and installations for verification and calibration of electrical measuring instruments according to the schemes given in the TD for reference measuring instruments.
  125. (Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
  126. Voltmeters of accuracy classes 0.1-0.5 are verified by direct measurement using a calibrator or potentiometric installation (a digital voltmeter can be used instead of a potentiometer), accuracy classes 1.0-5.0 - by direct comparison using standard voltmeters and installations for verification and calibration of electrical measuring instruments according to the schemes given in the TD for exemplary measuring instruments.
  127. (Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
  128. Wattmeters of accuracy classes 0.1-0.5 are verified by the method of indirect measurements using a potentiometric installation, wattmeters of accuracy classes 1.0-5.0 - by direct comparison with exemplary wattmeters according to the schemes given in the TD for exemplary measuring instruments.
  129. (Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
  130. Notes:
  131. 1. Ammeters, voltmeters and wattmeters of accuracy class 0.5 can be verified by direct comparison with ammeters, voltmeters and wattmeters of accuracy class 0.2 (with amendments) or 0.1.
  132. (Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
  133. 2. Ammeters, voltmeters and wattmeters of accuracy class 0.5, certified as exemplary, can be verified by direct comparison only with ammeters, voltmeters and wattmeters of accuracy class 0.1.
  134. 3. Ammeters of accuracy classes 1.0-5.0 can be verified by direct or indirect measurements.
  135. 4. Voltmeters of accuracy classes 1.0-5.0 can be verified by direct measurements.
  136. 4.4.7. AC verification
  137. Ammeters of accuracy classes 0.1-0.2 are verified by comparison using a comparator, ammeters of accuracy classes 0.5-4.0 - by direct comparison with standard ammeters or by comparison using a comparator according to the schemes given in the TD for exemplary measuring instruments .
  138. (Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
  139. Voltmeters of accuracy classes 0.1-0.5 are verified by direct comparison with standard voltmeters or by direct measurement, or by comparison using a comparator. Instead of a comparator, a digital AC voltmeter can be used to measure the RMS voltage. Voltmeters of accuracy classes 1.0-5.0 are verified by direct comparison with exemplary voltmeters according to the schemes given in the TD for exemplary measuring instruments.
  140. (Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
  141. Note. Voltmeters of accuracy classes 1.0-5.0 can be verified by direct measurements or by comparison using a comparator.
  142. Wattmeters of accuracy classes 0.1-0.2 are verified by comparison using a comparator, wattmeters and varmeters of accuracy classes 0.5-5.0 - by direct comparison with exemplary wattmeters and varmeters or by comparison using a comparator according to the schemes given in the TD on exemplary measuring instruments.
  143. (Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
  144. 4.4.8. Ammeters, voltmeters, wattmeters of accuracy classes 0.1-0.5, certified as exemplary, should be verified according to paragraphs. 4.4.6 and 4.4.7.
  145. 4.4.9. The results of verification of instruments of accuracy classes 0.05-0.5 are recorded in the protocol, the form of which is given in Appendix 1.
  146. The results of verification of portable instruments of accuracy classes 1.0-5.0 are drawn up in a protocol of arbitrary form.
  147. Note. In the case of the use of automatic verification facilities with the registration of the error of the instruments being verified in digital form on a digital printing device, the verification protocol is filled in according to the form specified in the TD for the facility.
  148. (Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
  150. 5.1. Positive results must be issued:
  151. primary verification - by an entry in the passport of the device, certified in the manner established by the manufacturer;
  152. periodic state verification of exemplary instruments - issuing a certificate in the form established by the State Standard, and applying an impression of the verification mark in a place that excludes access to the inside of the device. On the reverse side of the certificate indicate the type of current on which the device is verified, and the variation in the readings of the device;
  153. periodic departmental verification of exemplary instruments - the issuance of a verification certificate drawn up by the departmental metrological service and the application of a verification mark. On the reverse side of the certificate indicate the type of current on which the device is verified, and the variation in the readings of the device;
  154. periodic state and departmental verification of working devices - by applying an impression of a verification mark.
  155. 5.2. If the verification results are negative, the stamp of the previous verification is extinguished, the devices are prohibited for release into circulation and use. The certificate of the previous verification is canceled, and an entry about unsuitability is entered in the passport.
verification _____________________________________________ type _________________ N_________
  • device name
  • owned by ___________________________________________________________________
  • organization-owner
  • ________________
  • * Magnetoelectric, electrodynamic, electromagnetic.
  • Verification means:
  • Verification conditions:
  • temperature __________________________ ° C
  • humidity _________________________%
  • pressure __________________________ kPa.
  • Preheating of the device __________ min.
  • Verification results:
  • ________________
  • ** In units of the measured value.
  • The variation of the instrument readings does not exceed __________________________________________
  • The residual deviation of the instrument pointer from the zero mark of the scale is _______________
  • Conclusion __________________________________________________________________________
  • fit, not fit
  • _____________________________________________________________________________________
  • Name of the organization that carried out the verification
  • Reference
  • Main technical characteristics of the installation for testing the dielectric strength of insulation
  • The adjusting device must allow smooth voltage adjustment from zero to the maximum value of the test voltage.
  • Voltage setting error - in accordance with Sec. 4 GOST 22261-82 and sec. 3 GOST 8476-78 and GOST 8711-78.
  • When testing devices on direct current converted from alternating current, the voltage ripple factor should be no more than 10%.
  • The text of the document is verified by:
  • official publication
  • State Standard of the USSR -
  • M. : Publishing house of standards, 1986
  • Law office "Kodeks"
  • Amendment No. 1 was made to the text of the document,
  • approved by resolution
  • USSR State Committee for
  • standards of 28.08.89 N 2652
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