What is useful sprouted green buckwheat? Green buckwheat is the "queen of cereals". Benefits and harms Sprouted buckwheat

Buckwheat is the most valuable food of plant origin. Everyone knows it as brown groats. Moreover, many do not even think that these are roasted grains. But the one that is harvested in the fields is green. Brown, however, it acquires only after roasting.

In the article we will talk about what it is, germinated buckwheat. How comparable are its benefits and harms? Let's reveal some more aspects of green grains.

Green buckwheat

Benefits, harms, caloric content, beneficial properties - all this is extremely important to study in order to understand whether such grains are worth consuming or not.

It is clear that non-fried foods have much more vitamins and minerals than after heat treatment. So it is with buckwheat. Everything that was originally laid down by nature can be obtained if you use it in its raw form.

Mild taste, extraordinary nutritional value and numerous beneficial properties characterize these valuable grains. In addition, buckwheat is capable of rapid germination.

Many assure that having tried it only once, people become its devoted fans.


Such a rich composition of nutrients, as in buckwheat, is very difficult to find among other foods. It contains:

  • carbohydrates;


    essential amino acids;

    vitamins A, E, C, PP, B1, B2, B6, B9.

The cereal contains 313 kilocalories per 100 grams. Interestingly, in the form of porridge, its calorie content is much less. This is achieved due to the fact that the grains absorb water.

Of the bulk of the product, 63% is occupied by carbohydrates. Only 12% is allocated to protein, 10% to fiber, and 3% to fats.

The benefits of sprouted green buckwheat

It is convenient to consider the benefits of grains, referring to its rich composition.

Carbohydrates are transformed into glucose slowly, due to which the sugar level decreases, and mental activity is activated. This transformation provides the body with energy for a long period. Therefore, buckwheat perfectly saturates the body and has a low calorie content. It is extremely useful for people engaged in mental activity.

Buckwheat helps in the treatment of stomach and intestinal diseases. It helps cleanse the intestines and liver, relieving constipation. Vessels are significantly strengthened, their elasticity increases. All this is achieved due to the large amount of routine responsible for these properties.

All vitamins are kept unchanged by sprouted green buckwheat. Benefits and harms are not comparable. Visual acuity improves, metabolism normalizes, and potency increases in men.

Another very important property is environmental friendliness. Buckwheat is probably the only cereal that does not undergo any modifications today. This is a 100% natural product. In addition, during ripening, it displaces all the weeds next to it. Therefore, there is no need to treat the crop even with pesticides.

Advantages of sprouted buckwheat

Separately, it is worth mentioning the properties that germinated buckwheat has. The benefits and harms here are completely incomparable. Indeed, in this case, all the power of the embryo lives in it, endowing the body with vitamins and minerals several times more. Also, this buckwheat has vitamin C, which is absent in other forms. Therefore, it is able to fight diseases even better, increase immunity and get rid of viral infections.

Just think: sprouts have 15 grams of protein!

Such food cleanses and rejuvenates a person, adds strength and energy to him, and also resists many diseases, which include even cancer.

This is the enormous power of sprouted buckwheat grains. Benefit and harm, however, coexist in it, as in any strong medicinal plant.

Consider what negative consequences sprouts carry.


Those who are going to eat this product should first of all know that it is contraindicated for those who have increased blood clotting. In addition, germinated buckwheat can cause the accumulation of gases and the formation of black bile. The benefits and harms are obvious. Therefore, those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should definitely consult with a specialist - a gastroenterologist.

How to germinate

Green buckwheat can be sprouted independently. This will require the following.

Grains are poured with cold water. Those remaining on the surface are taken away, the water is poured out and the procedure is repeated. Do this until the cereal is completely cleaned.

Then, grains are poured into a colander covered with gauze, covered with gauze on top and washed in running cold water.

In this wrapped form, it is left for 8 hours, after which it is moistened again and left for another 6 hours.

At the end of this time, the grains are removed and placed in a deep container. Wash again in cold water. Ignore the characteristic musty smell that will stand out by this time. This is a common and completely normal occurrence. After you wash the product, the smell of buckwheat will disappear.

The grains obtained in this way can be taken at 50 grams per day. They are stored in the refrigerator for several days, but no more than 4. Then the properties are lost. Therefore, it makes no sense to use it later.

In the optimal case, buckwheat is germinated each time for one serving.

In this way, you can get not only buckwheat grains, but also, for example, wheat. But the benefits and harms of germinated wheat and buckwheat are excellent. They are mainly expressed in the fact that the first contains gluten, the allergy to which is very serious. But in buckwheat this substance is not.

Combination with other products

In cooking, it can be used both separately and with the addition of vegetable, such as olive, oil, various spices to your taste and salt. What can be prepared from sprouted buckwheat? One way or another, it is not recommended to subject the product to heat treatment.

Buckwheat is very popular in the food culture of almost all Slavic peoples. Some consider her the "queen of cereals", others treat her with some coolness. But adherents of a healthy diet, especially raw foodists and dividers, prefer such a product as sprouted buckwheat.

What is this product?

Many cereals are germinated for a healthy diet, for example, the same wheat, lentils or peas. Everyone knows that it is in the state of the first tender sprouts that the grain is able to give all its most useful ingredients: vitamins and microelements. This is due to the fact that germination gives impetus to the awakening of energy, due to which the future plant begins to develop. At the same time, the complex substances contained in the grain break down into simple proteins, carbohydrates, fats and amino acids, which are much easier to digest by our body.

Buckwheat sprouts are no exception, they also significantly enhance the nutritional value of cereals.
For sprouting, the so-called green buckwheat is used - groats, which, unlike brown buckwheat, are not treated with hot steam. That is why it does not lose its germination capacity and the grains, with sufficient moisture, can produce excellent sprouts.

By the way! Choose green cereals for germination. You can find it in pharmacies, health food stores or on the portals of the worldwide network.

Benefit and harm

On many Internet portals, the title above is very popular. Let's try to describe the properties of today's product based on these messages. What are the benefits and harms of sprouted buckwheat?


In order to evaluate the usefulness of the product, first of all, we turn to its chemical composition. Buckwheat contains eighteen amino acids and many macro- and microelements that are beneficial for our body. This combination increases the resistance to diseases of the human immune system, improves the structure of the skeleton and reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.

It is also important that fresh sprouted green buckwheat is an excellent cleansing product. When it is used, toxins are removed from the body, which is undoubtedly a very important factor. This is especially important for people who are overweight or who have digestive problems.

Reference! One hundred grams of green cereal contains:

  • proteins - 12.6 grams;
  • fat - 3.3;
  • carbohydrates - 62;
  • water - 14;
  • dietary fiber - 1.3.

The great benefits of sprouted buckwheat are in the phospholipids contained in it, which are so popular today, at least as many commercials claim. These substances are able to rejuvenate the body and reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood. This is also facilitated by unsaturated acids, such as "Omega-3", the content of which in green cereals is also high.

Organic acids in sprouted buckwheat, let's remember the advertisement again (!), regulate the acid-base balance.

You can still give a lot of advantages of buckwheat, but for today we will limit ourselves to the data given.


It was always surprising that it turns out, no matter how useful this or that product is, there will always be a fly in the ointment. With regard to sprouted buckwheat, these are just three factors:

  • individual intolerance;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • overdose.

We will not talk about the first case, since this is already clear, but the increased content of routine in green buckwheat really makes this product enhance the effect of blood clotting, which is important for some people.

Frequent and increased consumption of green buckwheat can cause gas and other problems with heaviness in the stomach, so when using popular cereals, you need to remember a sense of proportion.


We turn to a conversation about how to germinate buckwheat. In fact, this process is quite simple, but still, some rules will have to be observed.


Let's start with a trip to the store. In order for the product to be useful and really alive, you need to choose cereals carefully. Transparent packaging will clearly show you the composition of the grains contained in it. They should be aligned, the same color, not have extraneous inclusions.

The shelf life of cereals should not exceed one year, that is, it should be from a new crop. After opening the package, make sure that the smell of buckwheat is natural, vegetable, without foreign aromas and mustiness.

Attention! Only a fresh product can be useful!


Before sprouting green buckwheat, it must be thoroughly washed in a sieve or colander. Moreover, this must be done with greater care than when handling ordinary steamed brown cereals. This naturally follows from the characteristics of product processing - steam additionally cleans the grain from dust and dirt.

Germination of buckwheat, by the way, can be carried out directly in the same sieve or colander under a damp, clean cloth.

Many copies are broken in the issue of the timing of germination. Some argue that the process lasts 10-12 hours, others say more than a day. It seems to us that everything depends on the state of the cereal and the temperature in the room, so it is better to navigate not by time, but by the size of the seedlings. The strongest energy is observed in newly hatched grains, when the sprouts do not exceed half a centimeter in length.

Of course, the seedlings cannot reach such a length at the same time, but they should not exceed ten millimeters.

Let's summarize the conversation about germination by describing all the steps in detail:

  1. Thoroughly wash the buckwheat in several waters.
  2. We distribute the grains in a thin layer, 10-15 millimeters on a plate or in a sieve.
  3. Fill the buckwheat with water so that it covers the grains by a centimeter, lower the sieve into a pot of water to the desired depth.
  4. Cover the top with a damp cloth.
  5. After 5-6 hours, the water must be drained, and the grits should be washed from the unpleasant mucus that has appeared. however, some raw foodists like it and eat it.
  6. We cover the swollen washed cereal again with gauze and leave to germinate.
  7. When the sprouts reach the desired size, you can cook the healthiest dishes or eat them in the form of cereals.

Recipes with green buckwheat

Yes, supporters of a healthy diet will forgive me, but green buckwheat porridge is very tasty and to some extent healthy, so let's start the description of sprouted buckwheat recipes with cooking porridge. Then we move on to more healthy dishes.

Simple buckwheat porridge

There are two ways to prepare this porridge. They differ in the soaking time of the grains. In the first, simpler version, you need to soak the cereal in water for at least half an hour. The second method involves boiling already germinated cereals. For a glass of cereal, you need to take three glasses of water.

  1. Put the pot on the stove and bring the water to a boil.
  2. We pour the grains into the water and again wait for the water to boil. At this time, remove the foam and add salt to the porridge.
  3. After the water boils again, turn off the heat and insist the grains under the lid for 15-25 minutes.
  4. When the water is absorbed into the cereals, the buckwheat is ready.

With this preparation, useful substances are preserved in the maximum amount. Porridge will be even more useful when steaming cereals in a thermos for 4-6 hours.

You can add additional ingredients to the finished porridge according to your taste, for example:

  • butter;
  • dried apricots or prunes;
  • raisin;
  • cardamom;
  • any berries;
  • fennel.

Porridge with pumpkin

Pumpkin itself is very useful, therefore it can enrich buckwheat porridge. To prepare this dish you will need:

  • green buckwheat - 80 grams;
  • milk, whole or baked - 250 milliliters;
  • sweet pumpkin pulp - 100 grams;
  • prunes or dried apricots;
  • honey - 10-20 grams;
  • cardamom, fennel, nutmeg to taste.

The order of preparation is as follows:

  1. Prepare buckwheat, soak in a quick or long way.
  2. Cut the pumpkin into 1 centimeter pieces.
  3. Add pumpkin pieces to warmed milk.
  4. Bring to a boil and boil the pumpkin in milk for about five minutes.
  5. Add the washed buckwheat to the pan.
  6. After boiling, turn off the heat and let it brew for 15-30 minutes.
  7. Put the porridge on a plate and add the rest of the ingredients.

Live sweet breakfast

In this and subsequent recipes, sprouted buckwheat will be used. Dishes from such a product are most useful. For a "live" breakfast we need:

  • buckwheat - 100 grams;
  • any nuts - 50 grams;
  • honey - 50 grams;
  • any fruit: apples, pears, plums, pineapple - optional.

Preparing it is very simple - take and mix the ingredients.

breakfast is serious

The seriousness of this salad is that, unlike the previous one, it does not contain sweet ingredients.

  • sprouted buckwheat - 150 grams;
  • olive oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt, dill, sesame.

This breakfast is also very easy to prepare. Groats are salted to taste and seasoned with oil, ground sesame seeds and finely chopped dill.

non-greek salad

Sprouted grains of buckwheat can also be used in the preparation of various vegetable salads. The composition of one of the interesting recipes is given below:

  • "live" buckwheat - 200 grams;
  • sweet pepper - 2 pieces;
  • small zucchini - 2 pieces;
  • anchovies or sprats - 2-4 pieces;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

All ingredients must be cut into small pieces and mixed with sprouted buckwheat grains. Put the salad on a dish garnished with arugula or other lettuce leaves.

strawberry dessert

Finally, we will again delight lovers of sweets with a strawberry dessert with sprouted buckwheat. To prepare it, you need to take the following products:

  • sprouted buckwheat - 200 grams;
  • raw almonds - 1 glass;
  • strawberries - 1 glass;
  • dates - 1 cup;
  • cocoa powder - 2 teaspoons;
  • melted coconut oil or honey - 50 grams.

Cooking yummy in this order

  1. Soak the dates for half an hour to make them softer.
  2. Grind all ingredients in a food processor or blender.
  3. At the end, add oil or honey.
  4. Form small cakes.
  5. Put the cakes on a baking sheet, previously greased with oil.
  6. Dry in the oven with the door open for half an hour at a temperature of 35-40 degrees.

Such preparation will not reduce the usefulness of the products that make up the dish.

Let's finish the article with a video recipe from green buckwheat:

All materials on the site are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

The benefits and harms of germinated wheat
100 g of sprouted wheat contains 198 kcal.

The nutritional value:
7.5 g proteins;
1.3 g fat;
41.4 g of carbohydrates.

Sprouted wheat grains are perfectly absorbed by the body
and help him to effectively resist the adverse effects
environment, restore damaged tissues and body systems.

Germinating, wheat is actually reborn at the biochemical level, and absolutely independently. The human body can only take from plant foods those components that it needs at the moment.
During germination, wheat grains break down proteins into amino acids. Partially they are assimilated, partially they are decomposed into nucleotides. Completely grain fiber the body does not absorb. It swells under the influence of acids and alkalis of the gastrointestinal tract and absorbs all toxins, removing them from the body.

What useful germinated wheat is the possibility of use by obese people. This product fills you up very quickly. In medicine, such useful properties of germinated wheat are also recognized:
regulation and normalization of vital processes in the body;
normalization of metabolism;
increased immunity;
stabilization and rejuvenation of the nervous, circulatory, endocrine, digestive, respiratory, lymphatic, thermoregulatory and other body systems.
The benefits of germinated wheat are also great in resolving malignant tumors, cysts, fibroids, polyps, etc., enriching the blood with oxygen. What are the benefits of germinated wheat can be felt after two weeks of daily use.
However, no beneficial properties of sprouted wheat will help if you regularly use honey, royal jelly, pollen, ginseng, mummy, etc. with it. This can cause hives - due to an imbalance of substances in the body. Therefore, it is important not to overdo it with the amount of product used. In addition, in order not to feel the harm of germinated wheat, carefully approach the selection of grains, excluding pickled ones.

Sprouted buckwheat benefits and harms

Buckwheat is not in vain such a popular cereal, because it contains a rich complex of vitamins and minerals. Recently, an increasing number of people give green, so-called "live" buckwheat, as it has not been subjected to heat treatment, which means it has retained all the useful properties.
But how do the benefits and harms of sprouted buckwheat compare? Let's try to understand this issue.
Let's start with the positives, because, fortunately, there are many more.

Due to the fact that green buckwheat contains complex carbohydrates, its use will provide you with a feeling of satiety for a long time. By the amount of antioxidants, no grain can be compared with sprouted buckwheat.
The germinated buckwheat contains rutin, which has a positive effect on the vessels (their walls are strengthened). Eating buckwheat contributes to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, as it helps to eliminate cholesterol.
Sprouted buckwheat is useful in that it has an excellent cleansing property, removes toxins and helps to normalize metabolism. Accordingly, if you have had diseases of the digestive tract, liver or intestines, eating sprouted buckwheat will help improve the situation.
Overweight people should pay attention to sprouted buckwheat, as its regular use contributes to weight loss without negative consequences for the body.
But still, if you decide to include sprouted buckwheat in your diet, you should do it gradually, since its use, especially in large quantities, can contribute to a feeling of discomfort in the stomach and the formation of gases.
With caution, the use of sprouted buckwheat should be taken by people with increased blood clotting.
Undoubtedly, sprouted buckwheat, the benefits and harms of which we discussed, deserves attention and can please you with its unusual and fresh taste.

Buckwheat is the most valuable food of plant origin. Everyone knows it as brown groats. Moreover, many do not even think that these are roasted grains. But the one that is harvested in the fields is green. Brown, however, it acquires only after roasting.

In the article we will talk about what it is, germinated buckwheat. How comparable are its benefits and harms? Let's reveal some more aspects of green grains.

Green buckwheat

Benefits, harms, caloric content, beneficial properties - all this is extremely important to study in order to understand whether such grains are worth consuming or not.

It is clear that non-fried foods have much more vitamins and minerals than after heat treatment. So it is with buckwheat. Everything that was originally laid down by nature can be obtained if you use it in its raw form.

Mild taste, extraordinary nutritional value and numerous beneficial properties characterize these valuable grains. In addition, buckwheat is capable of rapid germination.

Many assure that having tried it only once, people become its devoted fans.


Such a rich composition of nutrients, as in buckwheat, is very difficult to find among other foods. It contains:

  • carbohydrates;


    essential amino acids;

    vitamins A, E, C, PP, B1, B2, B6, B9.

The cereal contains 313 kilocalories per 100 grams. Interestingly, in the form of porridge, its calorie content is much less. This is achieved due to the fact that the grains absorb water.

Of the bulk of the product, 63% is occupied by carbohydrates. Only 12% is allocated to protein, 10% to fiber, and 3% to fats.

The benefits of sprouted green buckwheat

It is convenient to consider the benefits of grains, referring to its rich composition.

Carbohydrates are transformed into glucose slowly, due to which the sugar level decreases, and mental activity is activated. This transformation provides the body with energy for a long period. Therefore, buckwheat perfectly saturates the body and has a low calorie content. It is extremely useful for people engaged in mental activity.

Buckwheat helps in the treatment of stomach and intestinal diseases. It helps cleanse the intestines and liver, relieving constipation. Vessels are significantly strengthened, their elasticity increases. All this is achieved due to the large amount of routine responsible for these properties.

All vitamins are kept unchanged by sprouted green buckwheat. Benefits and harms are not comparable. Visual acuity improves, metabolism normalizes, and potency increases in men.

Another very important property is environmental friendliness. Buckwheat is probably the only cereal that does not undergo any modifications today. This is a 100% natural product. In addition, during ripening, it displaces all the weeds next to it. Therefore, there is no need to treat the crop even with pesticides.

Advantages of sprouted buckwheat

Separately, it is worth mentioning the properties that germinated buckwheat has. The benefits and harms here are completely incomparable. Indeed, in this case, all the power of the embryo lives in it, endowing the body with vitamins and minerals several times more. Also, this buckwheat has vitamin C, which is absent in other forms. Therefore, it is able to fight diseases even better, increase immunity and get rid of viral infections.

Just think: sprouts have 15 grams of protein!

Such food cleanses and rejuvenates a person, adds strength and energy to him, and also resists many diseases, which include even cancer.

This is the enormous power of sprouted buckwheat grains. Benefit and harm, however, coexist in it, as in any strong medicinal plant.

Consider what negative consequences sprouts carry.


Those who are going to eat this product should first of all know that it is contraindicated for those who have increased blood clotting. In addition, germinated buckwheat can cause the accumulation of gases and the formation of black bile. The benefits and harms are obvious. Therefore, those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should definitely consult with a specialist - a gastroenterologist.

How to germinate

Green buckwheat can be sprouted independently. This will require the following.

Grains are poured with cold water. Those remaining on the surface are taken away, the water is poured out and the procedure is repeated. Do this until the cereal is completely cleaned.

Then, grains are poured into a colander covered with gauze, covered with gauze on top and washed in running cold water.

In this wrapped form, it is left for 8 hours, after which it is moistened again and left for another 6 hours.

At the end of this time, the grains are removed and placed in a deep container. Wash again in cold water. Ignore the characteristic musty smell that will stand out by this time. This is a common and completely normal occurrence. After you wash the product, the smell of buckwheat will disappear.

The grains obtained in this way can be taken at 50 grams per day. They are stored in the refrigerator for several days, but no more than 4. Then the properties are lost. Therefore, it makes no sense to use it later.

In the optimal case, buckwheat is germinated each time for one serving.

In this way, you can get not only buckwheat grains, but also, for example, wheat. But the benefits and harms of germinated wheat and buckwheat are excellent. They are mainly expressed in the fact that the first contains gluten, the allergy to which is very serious. But in buckwheat this substance is not.

Combination with other products

In cooking, it can be used both separately and with the addition of vegetable, such as olive, oil, various spices to your taste and salt. What can be prepared from sprouted buckwheat? One way or another, it is not recommended to subject the product to heat treatment.

Buckwheat is one of the most popular products. Dishes prepared from this cereal are hearty and nutritious. And the low cost elevated buckwheat to the rank of products that meet the condition "cheap and healthy." The magnificent composition of this cereal culture fully justifies the name once given to it - the queen of the fields. And the popular cereal has not lost this high title over the years, but, on the contrary, has strengthened its position and, in a sense, it has acquired a completely new “face”. After all, most average citizens are used to seeing fried buckwheat dishes on their table, but few people know about green groats. Although this option is even more useful than the usual product for us.

With regular use, green buckwheat can work wonders: it starts healing processes in the body, cleanses it, rejuvenates and protects against diseases. Adherents of natural nutrition have long appreciated the merits of green buckwheat and introduced it into their daily diet. Especially popular in such circles is sprouted green buckwheat, which is called “live” due to the high value of the product.

Feature of sprouted cereals

It should be noted right away that cereals are germinated in order to obtain products that provide a healthy diet, almost all known cereals are peas, rice, millet, lentils, and many other cereals. This trend is explained by the fact that the embryos of the plant contain the maximum number of useful ingredients. But the peculiarity lies in the fact that it is in the first sprouts that all complex substances are in a split state, which contributes to their easy and rapid absorption by the body.

It is this feature that explains the unusual color for this type of cereal - green. After all, grain that has not undergone heat treatment retains all components, unlike buckwheat, which has a standard brown color. Since green groats have not been exposed to high temperatures, they germinate well and have a mild, pleasant taste.

Useful qualities

In order to objectively evaluate the beneficial properties of the product, it is necessary to study its chemical composition. Buckwheat contains eighteen amino acids, vitamins, and mineral components that are vital for the full functioning of the body. The harmonious combination of all elements is reflected in the body as follows:

  • provides a high resistance of the organism to diseases;
  • improves the structure of bone tissue;
  • strengthens muscles;
  • counteracts the development of atherosclerosis.

No less valuable is another property of sprouted buckwheat - fresh cereal is an excellent antioxidant. With the systematic use of such cereals, the removal of metabolic products and toxins is activated. This ability helps overweight people lose extra pounds, and those who have digestive problems normalize this process.

Helpful information! For clarity, the following data should be given: one hundred grams of green buckwheat, the energy value of which is 310 kcal, contains (grams):
  • carbohydrates - 62;
  • food fibers - 1.3;
  • water - 14;
  • proteins - 12.6
  • fats - 3.3.

According to some information, phospholipids are present in germinated buckwheat. These substances promote rejuvenation and reduce the concentration of cholesterol. In addition, due to the content of organic acids, it is possible to normalize the acid-base balance in the body.

Of course, buckwheat has many other useful characteristics for humans. But even what was given here as an example is enough to recognize this cereal as the most valuable food product.

Negative sides

Life is arranged in such a way that next to the positive there is always a share of the negative. Green buckwheat is no exception. Sprouted buckwheat should not be introduced into the diet of persons:

  • with increased blood clotting;
  • people prone to allergic manifestations to one of the components of the composition of green cereal.

Also, we must not forget that everything is good that is used in moderation. Frequent use of buckwheat can cause intestinal disorders: flatulence, poor absorption of food.

This is not as complicated a process as it might seem at first glance. But still, some rules are recommended to be strictly observed so as not to harm health.

So, the first stage is preparatory. It fully meets the task that needs to be solved: in order to germinate cereal, you must first purchase a product of good quality. For this purpose, grains of a homogeneous structure, the same color, without obvious defects and foreign inclusions are suitable. Be sure to pay attention to the product label: the shelf life of the product should not exceed a year. After opening the package, buckwheat should emit a natural smell without mustiness and foreign aromas.

Growing cereals. The process of sprouting green buckwheat itself is not difficult, but it requires some effort and patience. On average, all actions will take about a day. The step-by-step process of making a unique product looks like this:

  1. First, the cereal must undergo primary processing: it must be thoroughly washed, changing the water several times, removing debris and defective grains.
  2. Then the cereal is to be filtered: it is best to use a colander, on the bottom of which spread clean gauze. Washed grains should be poured into the indicated container.
  3. From above, the colander should also be covered with a gauze cloth so that the grains can breathe. Then all this is crammed under a stream of running water and washed.
  4. When the water drains, the colander, along with the contents, is left aside for eight hours. During this time, the germination process should begin there.
  5. After 8 hours, the gauze from above must be re-moistened with water, let the liquid drain and wait another 6 hours until the first sprouts hatch.
  6. After another six hours, the mass is removed from the colander, placed in a deep bowl, washed from mucus formations. It is recommended to store such a useful workpiece in the refrigerator for no more than 4 days.

Harvesting a germinated product for the future, of course, is convenient. But experts advise to germinate buckwheat in small portions.

Helpful and efficient

In conclusion, I would like to draw attention to another advantage of green sprouted buckwheat - it does not accumulate pesticides and other harmful substances that may be in fertilizers. This argument is probably no less important than the others. After all, today people are trying to build a menu that is healthy for their health from environmentally friendly products.

The inclusion of their sprouted cereals in the daily menu of dishes will only strengthen health, relieve heart problems, and help improve digestive functions. From such buckwheat, you can cook healthy breakfasts for the whole family, if you add a little dried fruit to the porridge. With the help of this product, you can prepare original salads, they even make flour from sprouted buckwheat, and then bake bread. The scope of cereals with sprouts is very extensive. This cereal is used in cosmetology, it is a basic product in many diets for weight loss.

Video: Sprouted Green Buckwheat Porridge Recipe

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