Smartphones vertex why the battery runs out quickly. Why is my phone draining fast? Use dark design and Always On Display technology

One of the most common problems with modern gadgets is that the battery on Android runs out quickly. Many users of smartphones from Samsung and other brands note that the battery runs out very quickly (within only 12-15 hours). For active people who cannot imagine their life without a phone, this is absolutely unacceptable. Turning off the phone at the most inopportune moment can lead to the fact that you miss an important call, respectively, remain completely without communication. If the Android OS is eating a battery, you can optimize os performance, calibrate or customize the interface.

Reasons for accelerated discharge

Before answering the question of why the battery on the phone runs out quickly, it is necessary to identify the cause of this trouble. This will help you take the right action. The first and most banal option is the deterioration of the battery. Despite the relatively high development of technology, batteries on phones have a relatively small resource. You can view the life of your battery with the help of special applications such as Battery Info or MacroPinch Battery. Also, the swelling of this element indicates a clear need for replacement. A damaged battery can cause your phone to not charge.

Often, smartphones from Samsung or other manufacturers are equipped with a rather weak battery. The phone is quickly discharged, especially when the processor uses all its capabilities. For modern 4- and 8-core processors, a battery of 2500 milliamps is required. Sometimes the OS and hardware stuffing eat up the entire charge very quickly.

The reason that the device quickly sits down may be directly the OS itself. Numerous processes, background programs, widgets and wallpapers eat up battery power little by little. Also, constantly searching for a network can lead to the fact that the phone starts to discharge quickly. Here you need to configure the OS, i.e. turn off unused software.

Are you the owner of a Samsung or any other Android gadget and your battery runs out quickly? Then we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list of useful tips. These recommendations can both completely solve the problem of fast discharge and extend the life of the smartphone from a single charge.

Optimal charging mode

If you have a brand new, recently purchased Samsung or any other smartphone with a lithium-ion battery, then you can extend the lifespan with the right charging technology. It is necessary to put your gadget on “recharge” when the charge bar has become around 10-20 percent. Fast charging must be carried out up to 80-90 percent.

Lithium-ion batteries on Android do not have a "memory effect", and also do not tolerate a large depth of discharge. How to save battery power? Just exclude the complete discharge of the smartphone, while regularly recharging it. If the percentage has dropped below 15, and there is no way to charge your phone, try not to use your smartphone. You can also disable the gadget. This is the answer to the question of how to save battery life.

Disable unnecessary

It is not uncommon for batteries to drain due to a variety of background processes and multiple active services. Accidentally turned on GPS, flashlight or auto call - all this eats up battery life. To turn off unnecessary processes, you need to take a couple of simple steps:

Be careful as stopping some services may break your phone. Some of the processes are re-enabled after a reboot.

"Lighten" the interface

If your phone or tablet runs out of power quickly, you may have too much brightness and live wallpapers. Using a smartphone is quite convenient even at an average brightness level, and animated wallpapers can always be changed to a regular beautiful screensaver. Also set the smart standby mode. This function unloads inactive processes from memory, while minimizing the power consumption of the device. As a result, Android eats less charge, and the phone works longer. You can change the brightness settings in the "Screen" section of the "Brightness" submenu.

Minimizing network consumption

If "Android" is quickly discharged, try disconnecting the SIM card. In areas with a weak signal, the phone constantly searches for a connection to the network. Together with the operation of the OS, this leads to accelerated discharge. How to disable sim card? This is done using the standard phone settings:

  1. Go to your phone's home screen.
  2. Swipe down to open the shortcut menu.
  3. Activate Airplane Mode.

To prevent the mobile network, GPS and communications from eating up the battery, you can activate this mode.

Battery calibration

What should I do if the system does not bring the charging percentage to 100 when charging? This is a very common question. The smartphone does not charge to the maximum percentage if the battery is not calibrated. The calibration process is to bring the battery to an optimal state. Calibration will also help solve the case when the phone takes a long time to charge.

Calibration can be done using special applications that are distributed free of charge in the Google Play store. For example, the Battery Callibration program automatically adjusts the battery after it has been completely discharged and charged. The user will only need to press one Calibrate button. Some gadgets have a standard analogue of this application in the operating system. If the phone needs to be discharged urgently, activate Wi-Fi, and then simply launch a “heavy” application that will put a heavy load on the processor and OS. This is the easiest way to quickly discharge a mobile device. If the battery does not charge at all, check the power supply or jack on the phone.

Now you know why the battery drains quickly and how to fix it. If the system works correctly, while nothing volatile is running on the phone, and the battery on the Android runs out quickly, you must always have an alternative power source.

The easiest option is to carry an extra battery with a full charge. This will completely solve the problem when Android is quickly discharged. Users will be able to change quickly and easily. The best is to buy Power Bank. This is a portable charger that contains a high-capacity battery (from 10 thousand milliamps). From it you can charge several devices at once right on the road or in nature.

Modern mobile devices are not just a phone, but also a means for accessing the Internet, a player, a video player, a game console, the ability to read books ... It has a lot of functions, someone uses only the most basic ones, for others it is a real means of communication with environment in every sense.

Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that the battery of such a device is discharged much faster than that of an old black and white mobile phone. However, if the discharge occurs too quickly, this is a reason to suspect that something is wrong here.


Why the phone can start to sit down quickly

All the reasons why the phone’s charge drains too quickly can be divided into two categories: those arising from the battery and those that the phone is to blame for.

Modern phones use rechargeable lithium batteries and have a life expectancy of approximately 500 full discharge and charge cycles. This value is the same for Android, iPhone, and Windows Phone. Having exhausted its resource, the battery begins to hold a charge worse. Depending on the intensity of use, this period varies from one to three years.

Unfavorable conditions of use can accelerate the "death" of the battery:

  • full discharge (deep discharge);
  • frequent charging is not completely, a little bit;
  • overheating or a sudden change in temperature
  • hypothermia is even more fatal;
  • use of "non-native" charging;
  • blows, damage.

If the charge runs out quickly on a new phone, then equipment settings, intensity of use, or marriage may be to blame.

How to determine the cause of the rapid discharge of the phone

To determine why the phone runs out of power quickly, you first need to ask yourself how often you use the device. If you spend the day and night there, using all the functions at the same time, then this is hardly surprising. However, if the device is used only for calls and, for example, to check mail, a fast discharge should arouse suspicion.

In general, what is meant by fast discharge? If by the end of the day, during which the device was repeatedly used for calls, and for accessing the Internet, and for listening to music, half or less of the full scale remained, then this is normal. With less intensive use, you will need to charge even less often - once every few days. If you just had a full battery, and suddenly, after a couple of calls, 15-25% left abruptly, this is a problem.

The first step is to assess the condition of the battery. Even a new battery does not exclude that the reason may be in it. Unfortunately, one comes across a frankly low-quality product that is unable to fully cope with its functions from the very beginning. If more than three years have passed since the acquisition of the battery, then 100% is the reason for it.

The complete uselessness of the battery can also be indicated by its appearance- swelling, deformation and cracks are a signal that such a battery must be replaced immediately.

If you are sure that the battery has nothing to do with it, then you need to carefully study the settings of your equipment. There are many nuances that can "gobble up" the charge in a matter of hours.

Important! If the battery is swollen and deformed, but you still continue to use it, be prepared for the fact that soon you will have to change the whole phone. The fact is that electrolyte can pour out of such a battery at any time. It will flood the phone's microcircuits, as a result, the device will fail. It is better to change the battery on time than to pay several times more for a new phone later.

What to do if the phone quickly sits down due to the battery

The first thing that comes to mind if the phone's battery is draining quickly is to change the battery. However, you should only do this in the following cases:

  • the battery was swollen, deformed, microcracks appeared;
  • more than three years have passed since the start of operation of the battery;
  • the battery is new, but was bought in an unreliable place or from hand;
  • the battery has been damaged.

If no mechanical deformations are noticed, then you can measure the actual capacity of the battery, and if the figure is close to the declared one, then everything is fine with the battery.

In all other cases, if the phone is not so much used, but is still discharged, you can try to do the following:

  • reset all phone settings;
  • discharge it to zero;
  • fully charge (at least 8 hours), without turning it on;
  • after fully charged, disconnect from the mains;
  • take out the battery;
  • after a few minutes, insert the battery back;
  • turn on the phone.

This manipulation is called charge calibration. With a good, serviceable battery, they are able to return it to the ability to keep charging for several days.

Important! You can help an old, but still quite usable battery to live for some more time by reducing the load on it (read more about this later), as well as using various energy-saving options. They are usually found in the smartphone settings and act in the same way - they limit animation, CPU clock speed, and disable secondary functions. Power saving mode on an Android smartphone will give an average of 1-2 additional hours of battery life.

What to do if the smartphone quickly sits down with a good battery

If the battery is fully functional, but the phone still does not hold a charge, you should look into its settings. Here are the main enemies of charging:

  1. Display brightness. The brighter it works, the more energy it spends. For comfortable work, half or a little more of the maximum indicator is usually enough. The brightness can be adjusted independently when you are in various conditions (outdoors, indoors, day or night), or you can set automatic adjustment. True, in this case, additional energy will be spent on determining the illumination. On some models, battery consumption can be reduced by setting the wallpaper and display theme to dark colors. The main thing is not to forget about comfort for the eyes.
  2. Standby mode. It is also worth adjusting downwards the time until the phone goes into standby mode - when the display goes completely blank. If this period is too long, then the charge is also eaten up in extra seconds.
  3. Internet. Many owners leave the mobile Internet (H +, 3G, 4G, LTE) on the phone or Wi-Fi on even when they are not using it. And they do not even suspect that at this time the device eats up energy. Therefore, data exchange should be enabled only when access to the network is expected.
  4. Bad mobile connection. In some places, communication and mobile Internet are unstable, so the device is forced to constantly look for new towers and switch between them.
  5. GPS. In most cases, the owner of the phone does not need to track his location by satellite at all. And the GPS or GLONASS module, however, for some reason remains on. Do I need to say that at this time the battery power is wasted?
  6. Automatic rotation of the image on the display. This is generally a handy feature. A gyroscope is responsible for it, which also absorbs battery resources with pleasure. Therefore, it is worth considering, is it really necessary?
  7. NFC. This module provides high-frequency wireless communication over short distances. When active, it will constantly look for a nearby device with which to exchange data. This may be required, for example, for contactless cards. In most cases, this module is not needed at all. You can safely turn it off.
  8. Vibration response. This is a real trifle, but it also eats a charge. We are talking about when, when you touch the display, it vibrates slightly.
  9. active programs. Programs that are active unnecessarily, or running in the background, are the first enemies of charging. Therefore, you need to follow the rule: exit all programs that you are not currently using. It can be games, video applications, and so on.
  10. Updates. Those widgets that are constantly trying to go online on their own to update themselves also waste a lot of resources, regardless of whether they manage to pull it off or not.
  11. Notifications. There are applications that regularly send notifications about their updates. For optimization, it is not necessary to uninstall the application, it is enough to turn off notifications.

It is also worth considering that animated wallpapers, smooth transitions, 3D effects and similar, at first glance, little things do not contribute to energy saving. To optimize the performance of your smartphone and reduce battery consumption, you need to carefully study the settings, as well as turn off and delete everything that you do not use and everything that you can completely do without.

Careful attention to your mobile device and its regular "technical inspection" - both external (including the battery) and regarding settings - is the best way to extend the life of both the entire device and its individual components. And of course - do not be left without a means of communication at the most inopportune moment.

Have questions or have something to add? Then write us about it in the comments, this will make the material more useful, complete and accurate.

Many users of modern gadgets often face a problem when the smartphone battery runs out quickly. This can happen due to many reasons, which will be discussed in today's article.

5 Reasons Why Your Phone Battery Dries Quickly

  1. Programs that eat up the charge.
  2. Battery drain on android.
  3. Working internet.
  4. Small battery.
  5. Poor quality battery.

How to find out what application is eating the battery?

In each phone, the menu may differ, but the essence is basically the same. You need to find the button that is responsible for the battery, go into these settings and see which applications are eating a lot of energy.

Consider this process below using Redmi 6 A as an example.

Go to settings and click on power and performance.

Thus, it can be concluded where the charge was spent. The android itself eats the battery very powerfully, as can be seen from the screenshot, it consumes as much as 32.2%. You can also add Screen to it, which eats up 15.1%.

The remaining applications show consumption at the level of small percentages. If you use some program for a long time, naturally in the standard menu it will be displayed that it was she who ate a lot of energy. Therefore, if you want to save a charge, do not sit for a long time in the same viber, YouTube, social network, and other applications.

Battery monitoring program for android

In fact, at the moment there are a large number of such applications. All of them are aimed at conserving the battery of your smartphone. But you should think several times before installing this software. Perhaps your phone already has a pre-installed program for monitoring the battery charge under the control of android. Therefore, this should be checked.

Below is a list of battery regulator applications.

  1. AccuBatteru.
  2. super battery.
  3. battery life.
  4. Max battery.
  5. battery.
  6. Battery.
  7. Nova Battery Tester
  8. Battery HD Pro
  9. power battery
  10. battery alarm
  11. GSam Battery Monitor
  12. 3C Battery Monitor Widget
  13. battery doctor
  14. Ampere

Having installed one of these utilities, you will no longer wonder what to do if the battery on the android runs out quickly?

Here's what these programs can do:

  • Identify phone batteries.
  • Show voltage.
  • Provides information about current.
  • They provide information about the charging current.
  • Optimize energy consumption.
  • Show the type of battery in chemistry (Li-ion, Li-poly, etc.).
  • Some of them provide data on which application consumes more energy.

In reality this is not full list Each program has its own extensions.

Battery wear

The wear level of a battery determines how long it can hold a charge. Finding out how much your smartphone battery has worn out is quite problematic. This is due to the fact that there are practically no applications for android showing this parameter. But under the iPhone or IOS, similar programs exist.

To understand that battery wear has actually reached a critical point, you can resort to indirect signs. Here is their list:

  1. The android system incorrectly shows the battery charge.
  2. Charge indicators jump.
  3. The battery life has been noticeably reduced.
  4. Charging is not complete.
  5. The battery gets very hot.
  6. The battery takes a long time to charge.
  7. Progressive loss of capacity.

Thus, if the smartphone incorrectly shows the battery charge, it jumps, heats up, etc., then it is better to replace the battery.

Many would like to understand how to find out the real battery capacity on an android program. That's just what? Many simply show which battery is bad or good. But out of all the variety of the same type of software, there was still one that can more or less calculate battery wear on android. This app is AccuBattery.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to quickly calculate how much the battery is worn out. It will take about a week to charge and discharge. And then go to a special menu and see the data collected by the program. From them it will become clear what is the real capacity of your smartphone.

AppendixAccuBatteryto check battery wear

This program will check the android battery and make it last longer! It gives the user all the necessary data such as voltage and charging. After a few charge and discharge cycles, you will know how much battery wear your smartphone has.

Every time the charging process takes place, the battery wears out and, as a result, the energy volume decreases. Scientists conducted studies during which it turned out that if you charge the battery up to 80%, you can extend its life by 200%.

Through the AccuBattery program, you can find out how much damage one charge cycle brings. You can also adjust the charge up to 80%.

About using the appAccuBattery

This software actually measures the level of battery usage. The application takes such data from the battery charge controller. It also shows which application was using the battery. The android system calculates battery wear according to the data provided by the device manufacturer. And they, in turn, are based on the consumption of electrical energy by the processor.

The program allows:

  1. Check device deep sleep interrupt.
  2. Find out how much energy each android application takes.
  3. Track how much battery the smartphone consumes in general and for how long.
  4. Shows how long one charge will last.
  5. Determines the charge rate, and this allows you to choose the fastest charger.
  6. Indicates when the recharge will end.
  7. Measures the actual capacity in mAh.
  8. Makes a charge alert.
  9. Indicates how long it will take for the battery to fully discharge.

The AccuBattery program also delivers in the PRO version and here are the main things it can do:

  • Lets you choose to install a black theme to save power.
  • Everything is displayed without ads.
  • Provides access to the history of sessions older than 12 hours.
  • Shows accurate battery usage statistics in notifications.

How to check battery wear withAccuBattery?

Below is the main algorithm of actions that should be done.

  • Fully charge your phone.
  • Install the AccuBattery app on your Android smartphone. It can be found on Google Play.
  • Run the program and disconnect the power supply from the network.
  • Go to the "Health" section and pay attention to the "Battery Status". Here, the wear of the battery will be displayed in the future. But this requires a week to discharge the phone up to 7% and charge it up to 100%.
  • Log in to the app after a few days and it will show battery wear.

This program will simply make a test and give you all the necessary information about the power source.

Once you determine battery wear and tear, you can take steps to increase battery life.

Working Internet

The included Internet significantly eats up the battery level. Often this happens due to the fact that the user forgot to turn it off. Well, many do not turn it off at all. As a result, this type of communication consumes a huge amount of energy.

Low battery capacity

At the moment, there are smartphones with a large capacity and not very much on sale. A battery of 2000 - 3000 mAh is considered a stable norm. Anything above is already a fairly large energy volume.

Due to the low capacity, the battery quickly consumes energy and, as a result, the smartphone user is left without communication after a couple of hours. Therefore, always buy phones with a battery that will not be lower than 2500 mAh, but better let it be higher.

Poor quality battery

Some phones may not have a very good battery. Or the capacity indicated on the package may be several times higher than the real one. You should not buy a smartphone in questionable places, such as markets and underground passages. It is best to go to well-known and trusted stores. So you can significantly reduce the risk of buying a fake.

How to save battery on android?

In order to increase, that is, save the battery of a smartphone on the Android operating system, you should follow a number of rules indicated in this section.

To optimize your android battery, follow these tips:

  1. Install one of the battery saving programs.
  2. Find the application that eats up a lot of energy and turn it off or use it less often.
  3. Disable Wi-Fi, GPS, Internet or reduce their use.
  4. You should not put the battery to zero. Lithium-ion batteries do not tolerate this well.
  5. Under no circumstances should the battery be used in cold or hot weather. It is better that the operating temperature is 20 - 25 degrees Celsius.
  6. Do not frequently charge your phone with wireless power adapters as they heat up the battery.
  7. Always store a lithium-ion battery with a 30-50% charge. If you have it discharged to zero, then it will be extremely problematic to revive it after a long time.
  8. Decrease screen brightness.
  9. Remove apps you don't use.

Better battery control android performs any application, but with your participation it will be much more effective to extend the battery charge.

Thus, following these rules, it will become very easy for you to save battery power on android.

Which smartphone has the longest battery life?

Each of us wants the phone to be able to work on a single charge for as long as possible. But most often after 12 hours the battery sits down. There are reasons for this, which were discussed above.

The autonomy champion is the smartphone in which the battery with the largest is installed, for example, 5000 - 6000 mAh, etc. The higher, the longer it will work without recharging. But do not forget about applications that eat up your energy supply and various other things.

Battery indicator

Not every user manages to install the energy level widget. This is such a battery level bar on the smartphone screen.

It is often problematic to display the battery charge on the android screen, but now an algorithm will be given on how to do this. All data and screenshots are taken on the example of the Xiaomi Redmi 6A phone.

  1. Go to your smartphone settings.
  2. Tap Power & performance.
  3. Click on the gear icon.
  4. Click on the battery indicator.
  5. Select the desired widget. There are 3 of them in total: Graphical, percentage, a bar at the top of the screen.

After you select the percentage indicator, the battery level for android will be displayed in numbers.

How to charge a new smartphone battery?

As you know, the battery life of a smartphone depends on the correct charge. Sometimes, due to improper charging, a smartphone can show the wrong battery charge and this is unfortunate.


But according to some reports, you should not charge the phone to 100%, it is best to bring the charge to 80%. Also, do not let it discharge to 40%. This will increase its service life. Lithium-ion batteries do not have a memory effect, so if you charge at 50%, nothing bad will happen.

How to charge a smartphone with a finger battery?

You can use 2 methods for this:

  • Purchase a special adapter for 1-2 batteries. Usually such things are sold on Aliexpress or in the market.
  • Make the device yourself according to the scheme below.

Charging for a smartphone from batteries can be used as a last resort. Alkaline and batteries are not very reliable and can give only a small part of their charge.

Video on how to charge a smartphone with a battery

Smartphone turns off when battery is fully charged

In some phones, after 100% charge, they turn off. This is certainly not a very terrible problem, but still it causes inconvenience. It's hard to figure out why this is happening. Sometimes a shutdown occurs after connecting the power supply.

A number of reasons why the smartphone turns off when the battery is fully charged:

  1. A hardware failure in the Android system that arose due to the fall of the phone and its impact.
  2. Bad battery. For example, it may have dirty contacts, it may be damaged, or the battery may be so old that it causes the phone to turn off. A swollen battery can also cause performance problems.
  3. The reason for the shutdown may be a malfunction of the charging unit.
  4. Firmware corruption due to system failure. This happens due to viruses or installation of programs from unprotected sources.
  5. If the android incorrectly displays the battery charge, this may indicate damage to the internal modules. It is impossible to independently determine what exactly is causing the failure, so you will have to contact a specialist.
  6. The charging socket may be damaged. Dirt, debris, or something else can get into this hole. As a result, contact may be broken. Worst of all, if the phone is dropped and the connector is damaged.
  7. Malfunction of the power controller due to moisture ingress. This can happen when you move your phone from a cold place to a warm place. At this point, oxidation can occur on the contacts, preventing the passage of current.
  8. Test the lock button, which is responsible for turning off and on the phone. It may be faulty and cause involuntary shutdown of the smartphone.

What is the battery life of a smartphone?

Recently, Li-ion and Li-pol batteries of different capacities have been put into mobile devices. As you know, every year the energy volume of batteries decreases by 10-20%. But here you need to look at the number of charge and discharge cycles. Usually, after 900 cycles, the smartphone battery fails. Manufacturers give a 1 year warranty. Phones with original batteries can easily last from 3-6.5 years. For at least six and a half years I can work out a battery from a Nokia 1208 device. To make the battery last longer, do not discharge it below 30-40%.

If the old “babushkophones” could boast of battery life lasting a week, high-tech smartphones live away from the outlet for a maximum of two days. The increase in productivity has led to a decrease in the service life - it is now considered normal to buy a mobile phone once a year. This affects all of its components.

I consider buying a phone a lottery. For example, my old battery swelled after the warranty period. And Mom's Fly has been living in good health for 4 years.

In this article, I will tell you what to do if the battery runs out quickly even in a new phone. Often the wrong gadget settings are to blame, but there are 15 more reasons that we will talk about in detail.

I have compiled a table that will help you understand in advance what actions you need in a particular situation:

SymptomCausesWhat to do?
The phone charges and discharges quickly.1. Battery wear.
2. Battery calibration failure.
3. Failure of the electronic part of the device (charge controller).
There is an opinion that from fast charging (available on Samsung) the battery wears out faster. Try not to use this feature unnecessarily. Night charging with low currents will increase the battery life.
The smartphone takes a long time to charge and quickly discharges.Long charging is the norm for high-capacity batteries. Rapid discharge is usually due to heavy applications.Remember what software you installed on the eve of the problems that arose and remove it.
The phone heats up and drains quicklyAn overloaded processor causes heat and drains the battery.Similarly to the second point, you need to identify the culprit program and disable / remove it. Reboot your phone. If these steps did not help, back up the information and reset to factory settings.

Reasons and solution

Having studied all the known cases of fast battery discharge of mobile gadgets, I have identified 12 main ones:

  • The battery capacity is lower than specified in the specifications.
  • The battery is not suitable for iron.
  • Natural or artificial battery wear.
  • Extreme environmental conditions.
  • Screen brightness is constantly at maximum.
  • Power guzzlers included: GPS, Bluetooth, NFC, etc.
  • Poor signal of the base stations of the mobile operator.
  • Lots of apps running in the background.
  • Constant switching on and off of the gadget.
  • The device is infected with viruses.
  • Problems with the software or hardware of the device.
  • Incorrect charge display.

Let's take a closer look at each situation (some are separated into different points) and figure out how to solve the problem that has arisen.


Trying to save money, the manufacturer sometimes puts a battery of insufficient capacity for the installed processor and screen in budget devices. Even a healthy battery will drain quickly under these conditions. The only way out is to use portable power banks.

Battery wear

The resource of lithium batteries for mobile devices is about 3 years. After 1.5 years of use, the capacity begins to gradually decrease. By adhering to some rules, you will extend the life of the battery:

  1. Do not charge the battery with currents higher than those provided by the manufacturer (see the parameters on your original charger).
  2. Do not use your mobile phone at high and low temperatures (reference is room temperature).
  3. Do not fully discharge (0%)
  4. Store an unused battery charged to 40-50% of its nominal capacity at a temperature of about 5-10°C.
  1. Go to the "Settings" menu.
  2. Battery - the item "Using applications since the moment it is fully charged."
  3. Click on the ones you don't need and click the "Stop" button.

Selecting programs that will run in battery saver mode:

  1. Go to "Settings" - "Apps and notifications" - "Advanced settings" - "Special access" - "Battery saver"
  2. Select the desired item from the menu and set the appropriate mode for each program.

If your device does not have Accessibility, please update your operating system or enable Developer Mode. To do this, go to the menu "Settings" - "System" - "About phone" and tap 7 times on the "Build number" item.

Way to save money for Android 8 using an example:

  1. "Settings" - "Optimization" - "Battery"
  2. In the Energy Monitoring section, there is a list of background processes with an indication of the percentage of battery usage.
  3. Select the checkboxes for unnecessary applications and press the "Sleep Mode" button
  4. All selected processes will be temporarily disabled.
  5. To transfer the program to "Sleep Mode" on an ongoing basis, use the corresponding (last in the list) item.
  6. In order to include an application in the white list, there is also a point (in this case, it will never go to sleep.

Games at maximum settings

Fans of mobile toys often face the problem of quickly running out of battery. A modern 3D shooter is able to bring the battery to zero in a few hours.

To increase the battery life of your mobile device, change the detail quality settings (water, shadows, light, shaders) to less energy-intensive ones. This will affect the realism of the game, but will allow you to keep the charge longer. Or hang out less in virtual worlds.

Update and firmware

Developer errors often lead to various operating system glitches. After updating with poorly optimized firmware, one of the symptoms can be rapid battery drain.

Incorrect charge display

The reason may be unsuccessful firmware, battery wear (I talked about this above), and incorrect calibration.

To automatically calibrate the battery, follow these steps:

  1. Discharge the battery completely until the phone turns off by itself.
  2. Remove the battery (if possible) for 10 minutes and reinsert.
  3. Charge your device to 100%.
  4. Disconnect the charger, remove the battery again for 10 minutes and reinsert.
  5. Start your smartphone.

The second option is possible with a custom Recovery Menu installed, which has a battery statistics reset (in TWRP, open the "Wipe" section and select "Wipe Battery Stats".

Or go to the menu "Recovery" - "Advanced" - "File Manager". In the data/system folder, delete the batterystats.bin file.

The procedure should help bring the gadget in order.

Many wireless modules activated (resource-intensive features)

Always-on mobile Internet (3G, 4G), Bluetooth, NFC, Wi-Fi, GPS, animated (live) wallpapers can discharge a portable gadget much faster than the standard time. Especially if all these modules along with the programs are activated at the same time.

Wi-Fi and GPS can increase power while searching for a signal, so if you are not using them, then keep them turned off.

Maximum Display Brightness

The screen of a mobile phone is the main energy eater. The higher its brightness, the faster the battery will run out. An acceptable level is 40-50% of the maximum. Vision in this mode is not strained, and the battery of the device "lives" longer. It is convenient to change the brightness through the top curtain. It also helps to conserve battery by using sleep mode, which automatically turns on after 30-60 seconds of inactivity.

At first, I didn't like the "auto-brightness" mode that comes with most phones. But the AMOLED display on my Samsung has a high margin of brightness, over time my eyes got used to it.

Using the gadget in the cold or heat

The phone battery (also any other devices) is sensitive to high and low temperatures. When it reaches +30°C, my Samsung A5 2017 automatically turns on protection and does not allow any applications to run until the heat drops. Cold conditions are considered to be less than +5°C. It is better to hide the gadget in your pocket or bag at such temperatures. A headset is suitable for calls.

Frequent use of a smartphone in adverse conditions leads to degradation of the battery cells, when it can no longer restore the factory capacity values.

Unstable cellular connection

In places of constantly disappearing, bad signal, the phone's battery drains faster. More energy is spent on maintaining an unstable connection. In the suburbs, on a summer cottage or on a wild seashore, there are fewer base stations of cellular operators, and the smartphone tries to amplify the signal for comfortable work, which will certainly affect the battery life.

In a dual-SIM device, it is advisable to temporarily remove the operator's SIM card with a missing tower nearby. A good option is a communication amplifier sold in electronics stores.

Back in 2005, when I got the first phone with a local, now deceased, Akos operator, I could only talk normally while sitting on the windowsill. But then it had little effect on the battery - manufacturers took into account such nuances. For example, Nokia 3310 was not killed and caught the network in the most severe conditions.

Frequent reboots and turning on/off the device

Contrary to popular belief, turning off your phone regularly does not help conserve battery life, especially if you do it several times a day. When you start the gadget, the energy consumption is close to the maximum, which reduces all the savings to zero.

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