Basic principles of work in PowerMILL. Other elements of the PowerMill project The most frequently used commands are duplicated by "hot keys"

7. Basic principles of work inPowerMILL

PowerMILL is a standalone CAM package for creating 2.5, 3 and 5-axis NC programs for CNC milling machines. NCs are created on the basis of mathematical models imported from CAD systems. Models can be presented in IGES, STL, TRI formats, or directly imported from the PowerSHAPE CAD system.

7.1 PowerMILL interface

PowerMILL is launched by double-clicking on the icon on the Windows desktop. After launch, the application window appears on the screen and an empty project is created.

PowerMILL, like other Windows applications, has a standard windowed interface. Some interface elements (icons, menus) are functionally similar to similar PowerSHAPE elements.

Conventionally, the following areas can be distinguished in the working window of PowerMILL.

1.Menu bar - containing a menu and submenus with basic commands.

2.Main toolbar - Provides quick access to the most commonly used PowerMILL commands.

3.Graphic window – in this area all graphic constructions are displayed.

4. View panel - just like in PowerSHAPE, it provides quick access to standard types of geometry display in the graphics window (isometric, orthogonal view, etc.)

5.Explorer - is used to organize work, and allows you to operate with all objects created in the project.

6.Status line – displays current information. This may be a brief description of the command being executed, reference information. Also, at the time of performing any calculations, the status bar displays the degree of completion of these calculations.

7 .Cutter toolbar – allows you to create and edit a tool for machining.

8.Information panel – this area of ​​the screen displays the current values ​​of accuracy, allowance, tolerance, coordinates of the cursor position in the graphics window.

7.2. Preliminary Operations

Before proceeding directly to the creation of UE, it is necessary to perform a number of preliminary settings. Below are the main steps required to create a UE.

Ø Workpiece size assignment

Ø Selecting the tool needed to process the part.

Ø Choice of cutting conditions (spindle speed, feed rate, etc.)

Ø Determination of safe heights

Ø Determining the coordinates of the starting point of the trajectory

7.3. Loading a mathematical model into PowerMILL

As mentioned above, PowerMILL works with most known 3D geometry representation formats. But in this manual it is assumed that the geometry of the future product was created in the PowerSHAPE 3D modeling system. Therefore, let us consider in more detail the transfer of a mathematical model from this particular system.

Launch PwerSHAPE by selecting the appropriate desktop icon.

On the menu File select item Import

Import Model pf.dgk located in the following directory D:\Students\Examples

This model is a shaping element and a parting surface of the vial wall.

For the correct orientation of surfaces in the programpowerMILL, you need to activate the local coordinate system, axisZ which coincides with the direction of the processing tool (if such a coordinate system does not exist, it must be created additionally).


It is also necessary to correctly position the axes. X and Y, which must coincide with the coordinate axes of the machine.

Pay special attention to the position of the coordinate system, as this will avoid a number of difficulties in further work.

Now everything is ready to transfer the mathematical model to the CAM package. Select all surfaces with the left mouse button and click on the PowerMILL icon located on the toolbar.

If the desired position of the model on the screen could not be achieved, then the global coordinate system and the coordinate system in which the mathematical model was created do not match. It was for this case that we created a local coordinate system in PowerSHAPE , which was transferred to PowerMILL along with the model geometry.

To work in the local coordinate system, you need to activate it.

On the left side of PowerMILL is the Explorer window, which is used to organize work. The main Explorer tab (marked with a PowerMILL icon) contains the Project Tree, which displays user-created Toolpaths, Tools, Coordinate Systems, and so on.

Working with the PowerMILL Explorer is similar to working with the standard Windows Explorer. The explorer displays a hierarchical structure of the elements of the current project. It displays information about created Toolpaths, NC files, Tools, etc. With the PowerMILL Explorer, you can create, copy, move, and rename individual project elements within their respective groups. For example, you can open a tab containing information about Tools, change their name, geometric parameters, cutting data, create a copy, delete, etc.

Double-click the left mouse button to open the tab SK Details, containing information about available local coordinate systems. In our case, the list contains one local coordinate system, passed along with the main geometry.

Double click the left mouse button on the icon of the local coordinate system 2 .

In this section you can find video tutorials on the Powermill program

Coordinate system

Creating and editing a coordinate system in the Powermill program. This lesson demonstrates how to create a Coordinate System. This is where you should start when getting acquainted with any CAM system.

Download material for the lesson

Editing the Coordinate System

Continuation of the topic Coordinate Systems. How to edit an already built Coordinate System? This lesson will help you understand how to edit Coordinate Systems.

Download material for the lesson


Lesson on creating a tool in the Powermill program.

2D processing

Selection by 2D curves

The lesson is devoted to the simplest, but extremely useful strategy Sampling by 2D curves. In this lesson, at the same time, some fundamental points are considered, so DO NOT SKIP THE LESSON.

Profile 2D Curve

The lesson is devoted to the strategy "According to the profile of a 2D curve" of the Powermill program. In this lesson, many fundamental points are also considered. Don't skip it and be patient. Further it will be more interesting.


The lesson is about creating and editing leads in the Powermill CAM system.


The lesson is devoted to the transitions between the work passes of the trajectory in the Powermill program. The basic principles of creating and editing transitions are considered.


Selection by 2D model. According to the profile of the 2D model.

The lesson is devoted to the most common ways of editing a toolpath in the Powermill program. Quite often, when developing complex machining strategies, it becomes necessary to manually adjust the toolpath. Powermill allows you to do almost anything with the trajectory.

3D sampling

3D Sample

This lesson discusses the main differences between the advantages and disadvantages of the 3D sampling strategy over 2D sampling strategies. Also considered are some of the nuances of the strategy that may slip away with a superficial study of the strategy.

Download material for the lesson

Refinement according to the material model

This lesson complements the revision lesson. It is dedicated to the refinement of the material model. The material model allows you to fine-tune the processing parameters using the material model at different stages of processing.

Download material for the lesson

Trajectory check

This lesson discusses how to check the toolpath for gouges and collisions between the model and the tool. This lesson discusses very important points that allow you to avoid model gouges and accidents on the machine during optimization by directly editing the toolpath.

Download material for the lesson

High speed sampling

The lesson covers the functions of high-speed rough sampling. This type of processing is becoming more common because it reduces processing time by up to 40% percent.

Download material for the lesson

Clean Strategies

By template

In this lesson, the "By template" strategy is considered, which allows processing according to pre-prepared leading curves. Suitable for processing decorative items and machine parts. Often the user is faced with the problem when specially designed strategies fail due to the specifics of the surfaces of the product.

Download material for the lesson

Surface treatment

The lesson discusses the surface treatment strategy. It allows you to process the selected surface without affecting the rest.

Download material for the lesson


In this video, the "Raster" strategy is considered. This strategy allows you to process the entire set of surfaces of the model. The strengths and weaknesses of the program are considered.

3D offset

This video discusses the "3D displacement" strategy, this is a finishing strategy that allows you to form passes by displacement of given closed or open contours.

The Autodesk software family covers all phases of the production cycle. It combines functionality with the latest user interface technologies. As a result, a sharp reduction in the design and pre-production phase. Each Delcam product focuses on a specific aspect of design, manufacture and control of complex products and is the best solution for its application.

PowerMILL is the main package in the Autodesk product line. PowerMILL is designed to develop part programs for 3-axis and multi-axis CNC milling machines.

Machining of forming tooling - injection molds for metal and plastics, pattern tooling, dies and more - continues to be PowerMILL's strongest point. The quality of the surface and the absence of gouges are important here. Program optimization and modern processing strategies, where no time is wasted on idle moves, can reduce processing time compared to traditional programming approaches in other systems.

A modern high-speed CNC machine requires a different approach to machining programming. The transition from traditional power cutting to high-speed cutting not only increases productivity and quality of processing, but also extends the life of the machine and tool. PowerMILL was one of the first systems to offer a new approach to machining programming. Currently, the functionality in this area has been significantly improved and expanded, in addition to the existing functions of high-speed milling, the so-called whirl milling (Vortex technology) has been added, as well as the patented DNA technology, which allows, based on microtests, to determine the optimal technical capabilities of the machine for processing.

For many years, multi-axis machining has been used in the aerospace industry due to the processing of specific shapes of parts and the high cost of machine tools, but recently this type of machining has been used in other areas, for example, in tool production, which made it possible to eliminate the creation of additional devices, as well as erosion machining at large vertical walls. Multi-axis machining involves the simultaneous movement of the machine along more than 3 axes, which imposes additional requirements on the safety of the toolpath. PowerMILL has numerous features for creating multi-axis toolpaths, notable among them are: auto-collision avoidance, cutter tilt smoothing, manual cutter tilt axis editing, etc.

Delcam's latest developments in conjunction with aircraft engine manufacturers and incorporated into a new blade machining module have made PowerMILL a leader in this field. Prior to the appearance of this module, the user had to program products in manual mode: select the desired strategy, build auxiliary surfaces, which took several hours of work. The new module provides simplicity and convenience in work, because. special strategies have been created, where it is enough for the user to select data on the CAD model and assign the necessary processing options.

Video about VSO strategy Vortex:

Developer: Autodesk

PowerMILL is a software product from Delcam plc. (Great Britain), appeared in the second half of the 90s from the UNIX-oriented Duct system, which was developed since the 70s of the last century. The package is designed for programming milling on CNC machines. PowerMILL is the world leader in 2, 3 and 5 axial milling, offers a wide range of tools for solving problems in various industries.

Delcam was acquired by Autodesk in 2015. The following PowerMILL packages are currently available:

PowerMILL Standard
Supports 3-, 3+2- and 4-axis machining, import of neutral formats, simulation of cutter movement, workpiece cutting, movement of machine tools.

PowerMILL Premium
A complete package for 3-axis and multi-axis milling, support for robots, control and collision avoidance functions, support for all available third-party CAD formats.

PowerMILL Ultimate
It has all the functionality of the Premium module + specialized processing strategies for impellers, blades, monowheels, fins, channels, direct interfaces to verifiers.

3 axis machining

The use of PowerMILL in this area allows you to get the most effective control programs, because. Initially, the package was developed for processing complex forming elements, molds, dies, molds, etc., therefore it has the best functionality. The figure below shows the processing of a mold matrix.

PowerMILL calculates toolpaths internally by triangulating the CAD model to ensure no gouges. This is especially important in high-speed machining, where overcutting can lead to serious consequences. It is worth noting that PowerMILL was the first CAM system in which this processing method was implemented. High-speed milling involves a small section of the cut, and therefore low cutting forces, which prolongs the life of tools and equipment.
about high-speed processing in PowerMILL.

5 axis machining

Until recently, machining with more than three axes was considered a special type of machining and was used, as a rule, in the aerospace industry, and specialized scientific institutes considered control programs. Currently, multi-axis machining is also used in other areas, such as the processing of body parts, where the rotary elements of the machine position the part in the desired position, which eliminates the creation of fixtures.
Multi-axis machining functions are also widely available in PowerMILL and, in combination with specialized strategies, allow you to machine parts of impellers, blades, monowheels, where constant positioning of the part is required (continuous machining).

The figure below shows the processing of a turbine blade on a 4-axis machine.

BBI module (blades, monowheels, impellers)

A specialized module for processing blades, monowheels, impellers. Contains special strategies that make it easier to calculate toolpaths for the above products. Currently contains three strategies:

- Sample unicycle
- Blade processing
- Hub processing

The classic task of programming such products requires a software engineer to have deep knowledge in PowerMILL multi-axis machining, the ability to build reference surfaces in a CAD system. Programming time can take from several hours to several days (depending on the complexity of the product).
When developing a new module, the difficulties of "manual" programming were taken into account. It is enough for the user to select the geometry that defines the unicycle or impeller into separate data sets, for example, the surfaces of the left and right blades, the separation blade, the rim and the hub; set the depth and width of cut; method of tilting the cutter (attack).

PowerMILL automatically determines the angle of inclination of the surfaces of the blades that form the interblade space, which allows you to create a seamless trajectory without breaks. When processing these products, this is especially important, because. sometimes a vertical plunge into the material (due to a break in the path) is not acceptable.
It is enough to calculate the trajectories for one sector of the product, the rest are obtained by circular copying.
The figure below shows the finishing of the base and impeller blades.

There are currently the following limitations in using this module:

The use of spherical tools (spherical, conical spherical and disk spherical cutters);
- the hub is given by an unlimited (closed) surface of revolution;
- the presence in the model of at least two blades (left and right);
- if there is a short blade, one of its edges should extend to the outer radius of the hub;

The special PowerMILL module is designed for processing closed areas, internal cavities, channels. Contains three processing strategies:

- Channel selection;
- Channel by immersion;
- Spiral channel;

A feature of the module strategies is the automatic selection of the milling mode, which begins with 3-axis machining of the open part of the product. When moving to the initial part of the closed area, an attempt is made to apply positional processing (3+2). Finally, the deep part of the closed zone uses continuous multi-axis processing. Switching between modes is done automatically by PowerMILL without breaking the toolpath.

In the figure above, channels are processed in a workpiece from a solid block, the tool is supplied from two sides. PowerMILL is one of the few CAM systems that implements the possibility of multiprocessor calculations. When a personal computer (PC) has multiple processors or a single processor with multiple compute modules (cores), PowerMILL uses all these tools to calculate toolpaths and other objects.

This function works in two modes:

1. Background computing
The user does not calculate immediately, but puts the calculation of the object In queue. This makes it possible to carry out other activities to create a part project while a queue of one or more objects is being processed in the so-called background. If the PC has only one processor, then all calculations are performed on it.

2. Current calculations
All calculations are made after pressing the button Calculate on all available PC calculation modules. Currently, multiprocessor computing supports the following strategies:

- Draft selection;
- Finishing raster;
- With constant Z;
- Fine 3D Offset;
- Sheer + Sloping;
- Optimized Z;
- Borders;
- Material model;


For the PowerMILL software package, there are two modules that can translate CLDATA to the control program: Ductpost and PM Post(currently Delcam Postprocessor).

1. Module Ductpost has existed since the creation of the DUCT product from which PowerMILL subsequently emerged. The postprocessor for it is presented as a text file with the .opt extension (also called an option file). Inside, the postprocessor file has a certain structure - a description of variables, blocks for processing commands (for example, linear, rapid movements), etc. When writing NC to PowerMILL, the Ductpost module reads information from the postprocessor file and performs translation. Essentially, an .opt file is a file that allows you to modify the built-in standard Delcam postprocessor to obtain the required output format of the NC file. Modification of the .opt file is carried out with the simplest Text Editor (for example, Notepad). Due to a number of limitations, the development of the Ductpost module is no longer carried out, which, however, does not prevent the use of a huge number of already developed postprocessors. The figure below shows a fragment of the option file for the Ductpost module.

2. Module PM-POST(Delcam Postprocessor) - a complete development environment with a graphical interface.

Appeared in the Delcam product line in 2003. The post processor was originally intended for the PowerMILL product and was supposed to replace the Ductpost module in a few years. However, the latter is still widely used due to the large number of post-processors already available and is revered by true fans of option file customization.
PM-Post provides more convenient options for configuring and debugging post processors. Built-in Functions VB Script and JavaScript allow solving a whole complex of complex tasks for post-processing NC, especially for positional (3 + 2) and continuous processing, as well as measurements. It is allowed to connect COM - objects to implement additional features. Postprocessors (optional files) have the extension .pmopt or .pmoptz (in recent versions). Has a converter to convert .opt files to the new environment.
Works in two modes: post-processing and editor.

Consider in this section the basic principles of operation and functionality on examples from a specialized course on post-processing, developed by the authors of the site (in the upper right corner of the page the contents of some of the main chapters).

Delcam PowerMill
is an independent CAM system for preparing high-performance part programs for CNC milling machines, which allows you to quickly create NC toolpaths without gouge from mathematical models using 2.5D machining, 3-axis machining or multi-axis simultaneous machining. These toolpaths can then be checked for collisions with other models (eg clamps) and chuck before outputting the toolpath to tap files.
PowerMILL has a wide range of CAD file reading capabilities. It supports IGES, VDA and STL formats, which allows you to import data from any CAD system that supports these formats.
Using PowerMILL simulation, you can load entire machines to check toolpaths and visualize machine and tool actions from different perspectives.
PowerMILL is the leading CAM software product for making complex shapes commonly found in the tool, automotive and aerospace industries.

Additional Information:
Project Mirroring
A new function has been developed to mirror the entire project.
All objects are mirrored, and all toolpaths retain the cutting direction.
All of the following objects will be mirrored:
Patterns and Borders
2D models
Material Models
Coordinate systems
Trajectory parameters such as points, vectors, and azimuths

Collision Departure Adjustment
A new toolpath check option (called Modify Overhang Only) limits the scope for tool assembly changes in the event of a collision.
In previous versions of PowerMILL toolpath checking changed both Shank Length and Stickout Length to avoid collisions.
However, this often required a new tool, which is undesirable.
The new option Edit Stick Only limits the tool change to Stick Length only.
Shank collisions remain and the toolpath is marked as unsafe.

Simulation of a tool change in a tool changer
Now you can simulate tool changes in the carousel. This allows:
Load multiple tools in the correct carousel position
Simulate all machine movements during a tool change
And also, machine parts that interfere with viewing automatically become transparent.

Display safe areas
Several improvements have been made to the Safe Heights strategy page.
which make it possible to display rapid and plunge surfaces as transparent.
This makes it easier to define and use safe areas.

Tool Position dialog
There is a new Tool Position dialog that shows the position of the tool being used.
This dialog can be opened via the Machine toolbar or from the Machine Position dialog.
It shows the position of the tool tip, the position of the tool center, and the position of the spindle nose.
It also allows you to select these positions based on multiple anchor points.

Finishing with constant Z for rib machining
There is a new constant Z finishing option on the Edge Machining strategy page.
In addition to the Shift Up and Merge options, you can now select a Constant Z offset.
The constant Z creates a toolpath by dividing the model into layers at the given Z heights.

Blade processing
There is a new finishing strategy for single blades that:
Eliminates the need to create reference surfaces
Allows you to create Sturtz helical milling toolpaths

Applications of PowerMILL:
Simulation for production:
High Speed ​​Machining (HSM):
5 axis machining:
Robotic processing:
Processing of blades, monowheels and impellers:
Channel processing:
Electrode manufacturing:
Processing of prismatic parts:
Measurement of parts on the machine:
Advanced Simulation & Verification:
Rib Machining:

Treatment procedure:
1) Install PowerMILL, Exchange and PostProcessor.
2) In the Crack folder, run the MK 0.7.2 64bit.exe emulator installer

My actions:
Press the number 3 - Remove.
Reboot your computer - it will now run in test mode.

And restart the emulator installer.
Press number 1 - Install

Press Esc
Windows may vary.
Then number 2 - Restart

Press Enter
After that, PowerMILL will start without a license error.
The work of the emulator and the program was tested only on win 10 x64
3) For full-fledged work, you need to connect a USB flash drive and change the VID of the flash drive.
In most cases, a flashing will be required.
The easiest way for flash drives with Alcor controller:
Run the ChipGenius program in the Crack folder and connect the flash drive. At the bottom, the program will indicate the manufacturer of the controller:

If the flash drive is from Alcor Micro, run Rework as Administrator. You do not need to go into the settings (Setup), everything is already configured there. Select the flash drive in the list of devices with the mouse and click Start.

In a few seconds, everything will be ready.

Reconnect the flash drive, and you can work with PowerMILL.
For flash drives with other controllers, detailed instructions for firmware in the Crack folder readme en.pdf and readme ru.pdf

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