Soft cookies with filling. Delicious shortbread cookies: recipe with photo. Cooking shortbread

In recipes for one or another type of product, methods for preparing glaze, cream, and filling are given.

Here are some recipes for making glazes, fillings and creams that can be used for any kind of product.

White glaze without heating. Mix 300 g of sifted powdered sugar until smooth with 2 egg whites and juice from 1/2 lemon.

Heated white icing. Pour 300 g of sugar with water (100 g) and cook over moderate heat until tender. (The finished frosting will form bubbles when you dip a wire ring into it and blow on it.) During cooking, sugar foam should be removed with a wooden spoon. Pour hot sugar syrup onto a tray and stir with a knife until firm. Knead the cooled hardened mass with wet hands, place in a bowl and melt over steam.

From unheated and heated icing, you can prepare colored icing by adding food colors of the desired color.

Coffee frosting. So, like white icing, you can make coffee, but instead of water, pour sugar into 100 g of strong black coffee.

Chocolate icing for all cakes. Put 100 g of chocolate in a small saucepan, pour 20 g of water and dilute. In a separate saucepan, melt 50 g of butter and add it in small doses to the diluted chocolate until a mass of the desired consistency is obtained.

The surface and edges of the cakes need to be covered with this icing twice.

White cream. 125 g milk, 2 tbsp. Rub the flour well so that there are no lumps left. Put the second 125 g of milk to boil and, when it boils, pour milk with flour into it. In a separate bowl, grind 100 g of butter and 100 g of sugar with vanilla. Mix both masses. White cream can be used to fill or cover the surface of any cookie.

Vanilla cream. Put vanillin, 20 g of flour, 120 g of sugar into 500 g of milk and cook over moderate heat, stirring constantly, until a thick mass is obtained. Then remove the cream from the heat and knead until it becomes slightly warm, add 120 g of butter and continue kneading until completely cooled.

Hazelnut cream. 500 g of milk, 120 g of sugar, 1 pack of vanilla powder, 100 g of toasted ground hazelnut kernel, 20 g of flour, mix well and cook over moderate heat, stirring constantly, until a thick mass is formed. Remove the cream from heat, knead to cool slightly, add 120 g of butter and continue kneading until completely cooled.

Almond cream. In the same way as hazelnut or walnut cream, you can make almond cream.

Lemon cream. Just like vanilla cream, lemon cream is prepared, with the difference that the grated zest from one lemon is added to it, mixed with a little sugar before pouring into milk.

Orange cream. Mix one pack of vanillin (powder) with 20 g of flour, dilute in 500 g of cold milk and add 80 g of sugar. Boil the mixture for 2-3 minutes. (from the moment of boiling), stirring constantly, until thick. Add grated orange zest, previously mixed with 40 g of sugar, to the hot mass, and knead until completely cooled. To the cooled cream, stir in 120 g of butter.

Strawberry cream. 150 G ripe strawberries boiled with 140 G sugar until thick and dilute 250 G milk.

Dissolve a pack of vanilla powder and 20 g of flour in 250 g of milk. Mix both masses and boil with constant stirring, remove from heat, cool and stir in 120 g of soft butter.

Chocolate cream. Beat 4 egg whites in a strong foam, add 100 G sifted powdered sugar, 3 slices of grated chocolate and? packets of vanilla sugar. Knead all products until smooth. This cream is also suitable for glazing.

In the same way, you can make cream from roasted ground walnut or hazelnut kernels, replacing chocolate with nuts and increasing the dose of sugar to 150 G.

Chocolate cream with butter. 4 egg yolks, rubbed well with 160 G powdered sugar and packets of vanilla sugar. Boil the mass over hot steam until thick, then adding 100 G milk, remove from steam, knead until completely cooled, add 2 slices of finely grated chocolate and mashed butter (100 G).

Special chocolate cream. 5 egg yolks, 180 G powdered sugar, packs of vanilla sugar, 100 G Cook the cream until thick over hot steam. Remove the mass from the steam, knead until completely cooled, add 3 slices of grated chocolate and 150 g of butter.

Chocolate orange cream. 5 egg yolks, 150 G sugar, ? packs of vanilla sugar mix, cook until thick and put in a cold place.

Pass 200 g of orange peel in sugar (glazed) through a meat grinder, mix with 2 slices of grated chocolate and 180 g of soft butter. Mix both masses well. Grated orange zest can be used instead of glazed orange peel.

Cheap nut cream. 120 G ground walnut kernel, 100 G sugar, 150 G Boil milk into a thick mass and cool. To the chilled cream, add a mixture of butter kneaded into foam (120 G) and? packets of vanilla sugar. At the end, stir in 2 teaspoons of rum or cognac.

Hazelnut cream. 120 G powdered sugar, 4 egg yolks, ? packs of vanilla sugar and some milk (approximately 70-100 G) cook until a thick mass is obtained, then cool it.

To the chilled mass add 150 G roasted ground hazelnut kernel and 120 g warmed butter.

homemade coffee cream, 2 egg yolks, 150 G sugar, / 2 packs of vanilla sugar, 30 G flour (flour should first be diluted in a small amount of milk so that lumps do not form), 200 G milk and 100–120 G Boil strong natural black coffee over moderate heat until thick, remove from heat and stir until cool.

To the cooled mass add 120 G butter.

Rum punch cream. 4 egg yolks, 150 G sugar, 1 pack of vanilla sugar, 120-150 G boil strong sweet red wine over hot steam until thick, remove from steam, stir in 2 teaspoons of rum, cool and add 150 G frothy butter.

Orange cream. 3 egg yolks, 100 G sugar, 20 G flour, ? packs of vanilla sugar, strained juice from 2 oranges, cook until thick. Grated orange zest mixed with 1 tbsp. spoon of powdered sugar, stir into the cream, and at the end add 120 G butter.

Homemade walnut filling. 200 G ground walnut kernel, packs of vanilla sugar, grated zest from 1 lemon, 100 G sugar, 50 G raisins, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of white crushed sifted crackers, mix 200 g of water and cook over hot steam until thick.

Special nut filling. 350 G ground walnut kernel, 300 G milk, 1 pack of vanilla sugar, grated zest from 1 lemon, 200 G boil sugar until thick. Remove the mass from the stove and stir until completely cooled. During cooling, add 50–80 G chopped chopped almonds, 2-3 tbsp. spoons of apricot jam and strong foam from 2 egg whites. At the end, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of rum or cognac.

Homemade poppy seed filling. 300 G ground poppy seeds, grated zest from 1 lemon, 200 g sugar, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sifted crackers, 200 G boil water until thick and add 50 G raisins.

Poppy stuffing with honey. 400 G ground poppy, 200 G honey, grated zest from 1 lemon, 1 pack of vanilla sugar, 200 G boil milk until thick, remove from heat and add 50 G raisins, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of rum and strong foam from 2 egg whites.

Special cheese filling. 4 egg yolks, 60 G sugar and 1 pack of vanilla sugar grind until foamy, add 50 G raisins, 400 G grated cottage cheese, 2 tbsp. spoons of thick sour cream and mix everything well. At the end, add a strong foam of 4 egg whites.

Homemade cottage cheese filling. 2 egg yolks, 60 G butter, ? packs of vanilla sugar, 50 G raisins, 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, 500 G grated cottage cheese and 100 G Mix sugar well and add to them a strong foam of 2 egg whites.

Special foamy hazelnut filling. Strong foam from 5 egg whites, 200 G toasted ground hazelnut kernels, 200 G sugar, juice and grated zest from 1 lemon, ? packs of vanilla sugar, one egg, 1 tbsp. mix a spoonful of sifted crackers in a deep bowl.

Vanilla sugar for sprinkling confectionery. 500 G powdered sugar, mix well with 2 packs of vanilla sugar, ground into powder. Store vanilla sugar in a tightly sealed tin.

You can bake plain cookies for tea in a hurry. Or work on the shape and design and prepare holiday or themed cookies. The main thing is to show imagination and be patient. The product is covered with glaze, decorated with various confectionery toppings. Homemade cookies are a quick and inexpensive dessert option. And its taste cannot be compared with the purchased one. Homemade baked goods are safe for children because they do not contain obscure ingredients that are listed in abundance on the packaging of store goods. For aromatization and taste variety, vanilla, cocoa, ginger, lemon or orange zest are added to the dough. For decoration, sprinkle with sugar, nuts, coconut, etc.

The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes are:

Products are given absolutely any shape: circles, rhombuses, hearts, tubes, stripes. The dough can be shortbread, puff, rich, curd. Some homemade cookie recipes are so simple that even a schoolboy will understand. And it will be interesting for children of kindergarten age to sculpt and cut out figures with molds.

Prepare the necessary products, a mixer with whisks for whipping and a small dry container, a baking sheet, baking paper. For the filling you will need blackcurrant jam, take any if you wish. Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance and leave for 1 hour in the room.

First of all, you need to knead the dough, in a bowl, combine the sifted wheat flour, baking soda and salt. Then pour sugar to taste, it should be noted that the filling will be very sweet. Mix dry ingredients until smooth.

Cut the softened piece of butter into small pieces. Add to a plate and chop with a knife, then grind with a spoon.

Gently crack the raw egg, pour the yolk into the dough, stir until smooth. And put the protein in another bowl, send it to the refrigerator for at least half an hour.

Pour cold milk into the bulk, you can replace it with ice water. First stir with a cutlery, and then with your hands. As a result, the mixture should form into a smooth and elastic lump. Cover it with cling film or a bag, put it in the cold for 30 minutes. In 20 minutes. you can start mixing the filling.

In a deep container, shift all the jam or jam at your discretion. You will need crumbly cookies, you need to crumble it and pour it into a bowl. Crackers are also suitable, only they should be passed through a meat grinder, as they are too hard. In extreme cases, replace this ingredient with starch.

Then add cocoa powder, milk and red wine, it gives the filling a pleasant aroma. You can take any drink to taste, for example, rum or liquor.

Mix the contents until a uniform color consistency is formed.

Roll out the chilled dough with a rolling pin to a thickness of 4-5 mm. You can form it directly on a cutting board or table with or without flour, between two sheets of parchment.

On the narrow side of the cakes, place 3-4 tsp in a row. fillings, while slightly retreating from the edge.

Wrap the filling and cut off with a knife so that the tool does not stick, you need to dip it in flour.

Similarly, make the rest of the blanks, lay them out on a tray or other flat dish with the seam down. From the indicated amount, I got 4 pieces, put in the freezer for 20-30 minutes. Thanks to this, the base will become solid, and it will be well cut.

Pour some salt into the egg white and beat with a mixer until fluffy foam forms, about 2 minutes. Then gradually add sugar, you should get a thick consistency.


  • Butter - 200 gr.
  • Sugar - 200 gr.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Vanillin - 2 gr.
  • Soda - 1 tsp
  • Flour - 2.5 cups

People are such creatures that love to eat delicious food, despite all the usefulness of the product, sometimes you really want sweets. So sometimes we really want just crispy, sweet shortbread cookies, the recipe of which I share in this article. There is one caveat in this recipe: it is better for children to cook shortbread cookies in butter, and not in margarine.

It is still better for children under 3 years old to cook more dietary cookies, for example, and when they grow up, you can sometimes indulge in shortbread.

Cookie shortbread recipe:

1. Mix two eggs with a glass of sugar.

2. Add 200 grams of soft butter and mix. To make the butter softer faster, you can use the microwave (timer for 10 seconds).

3. Quench a teaspoon of soda in vinegar and add to the dough. Mix.

4. Sift 2 cups of flour and start kneading the dough. If during the kneading process you can see that there is not enough flour, add more.

5. As a result, you should get such shortbread dough that does not stick to your hands. It holds its shape, but at the same time is soft and it is easy to tear off a piece from it.

6. Put the finished shortbread dough in a plastic bag and refrigerate for 20 minutes.

Preparing shortbread cookies:

7. After 20 minutes, you need to get the dough out of the refrigerator and gently roll it into a layer on a table sprinkled with flour. I roll out the dough with a thickness of 0.5-0.7 cm. We squeeze out different figures from the dough or simply cut it into squares. Or you can make neat round cookies without molds using a glass. The remaining dough is again formed into a ball, rolled out and cut out cookies.

8. Cover the baking sheet with baking paper (parchment) and lay out the cookies. Put in a preheated oven (180 degrees).

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