Alexandra Bonina lumbar osteochondrosis. Mini-complex for the lower back (exercise lesson). Alexandra Bonina. Free video lessons and exercises for the treatment of the spine

Alexandra Bonina's set of exercises for the neck is quite popular. It is aimed at the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis and the elimination of its symptoms. The author of the technique is a practicing sports doctor and a specialist in the field of physical therapy. She is the creator of the unique Traffic Light program, which consists of four programs for working with problematic parts of the spine and two programs aimed at restoring and strengthening the back. Consider what exercises for the cervical spine recommends Alexander Bonina.

about the author

Before creating the unique project “No Osteochondrosis”, Alexandra Bonina received the appropriate education and completed an internship in the best health centers in the country. In addition to a diploma from the Medical Institute, Alexandra also has a certificate of a professional fitness trainer.

In the programs, the author gives proven techniques that have been used in exercise therapy for a long time, and supplements them with his own complexes. All exercises are carefully analyzed, the methodology for their implementation is explained in an accessible and detailed way, the main mistakes that beginners make are considered. This is the uniqueness of Alexandra Bonina's methodology.

The complexes proposed by the author are clearly structured. A person can choose for himself the necessary recovery program for a specific area of ​​​​the back (cervical, thoracic or lumbar). You do not need to attend the classes in person - the program is aimed at distance learning with the help of relevant videos, answers to common questions, excerpts from seminars and so on.

Indications for use Alexandra Bonina's gymnastics are as follows:

  • hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • weather dependence;
  • deterioration of vision and hearing;
  • bad memory;
  • morning fatigue;
  • increased sweating;
  • panic attacks and other neurotic manifestations;
  • difficulty in moving, stiffness of the neck and shoulders;
  • shortness of breath and arrhythmia.

These symptoms are usually characteristic of those who lead an inactive lifestyle. But it is he who is one of the main causes of osteochondrosis. A simple set of exercises will help eliminate negative manifestations and prevent unpleasant consequences.

The Benefits of Bonina Neck Exercises

The positive features of gymnastics are as follows:

  • The course recommended by Bonina makes it possible to provide a deep study of a specific area of ​​the spine.
  • Exercises according to the method must be performed every day, but they will not require a lot of time - 20 minutes a day is enough to achieve results. It is only important to follow all the recommendations in the video.
  • The author of gymnastics set a goal not only to explain to patients how to get rid of pain, but also to understand why osteochondrosis appears at all. This will help to identify the cause of the disease and get rid of it, preventing the development of the disease in the future.
  • The exercises are designed so that anyone can easily perform them, regardless of the level of training, even those who are severely weakened by the disease. In addition, the program does not involve the use of special simulators and devices - you can do them at any time and in any room.
  • There is very little information on the Internet about what exercises to perform in the acute form of osteochondrosis. Bonina collected them in a separate group. This gymnastics is aimed at eliminating the resulting pain.

Alexandra Bonina's set of exercises for cervical osteochondrosis

You need to start exercising with warm-ups. It includes the following exercises:

  • Circular movements of the shoulder joints. Hands should be placed on the shoulders, and in this position, circular movements of the shoulders should be performed 10-15 times forward, and the same number back. Then shake your hands. At the same time, pay attention to your feelings - the movements should be comfortable, pain is not allowed. This exercise will help improve blood flow to the cervical spine.
  • Flexion and extension of the arms. Squeeze your hands into fists and place them on your shoulders. Perform elbow extensions, keeping them parallel to the floor, and bend, returning your fists to your shoulders. Repeat the exercise 15-20 times, then shake your hands. Movements should be performed at an average rhythm, avoiding sudden movements.

Main part includes the following actions:

  • Cross your fingers into the lock, place them on your forehead. Try to tilt your head forward, while resisting yourself with your hands. You should feel how the back muscles of the cervical region are tensing, and the head should not be tilted forward. Count to five, then relax your neck muscles. Repeat 5-7 times.
  • Cross your fingers again in a lock and place them on the back of your head. Pull your head back, resisting with your hands and making sure that the neck muscles tense. Count to five, then relax your muscles and repeat the exercise 5-7 times.

A similar method Alexander Bonin calls isometric. The secret of classes is that you can perform exercises both at the stage of remission and at the stage of exacerbation of the disease with a strong pain syndrome. This is explained by the fact that in the process of performing these exercises, only the muscles of the neck work, and the upper spine remains at rest. Such exercises are called isometric. The secret of a healthy neck according to Alexandra Bonina includes the implementation of various isometric complexes.

  • Bring your shoulders forward without raising them, linger slightly and slowly spread them back, trying to bring your shoulder blades together. Do the exercise at a calm pace five times.
  • The next exercise is respiratory. Take a deep breath, spread your arms to the horizon line and lower your arms as you exhale. Repeat five times.

This basic complex, which includes 6 simple exercises, Alexandra Bonina advises doing every day at any stage of the disease.

Also exists a couple of exercises for the neck, which are performed with a chair:

  • Stretching the muscles of the upper spine. You need to sit straight on a chair, place your hands on your knees, place your legs parallel to each other, keep your back relaxed. Take a slow breath, tilt your head forward, aiming for your chest with your chin. Hold this position for a while, then raise your head, also slowly, and exhale. Repeat five times at a slow pace.
  • Stretching and relaxing the neck muscles. Sit on a chair with your legs parallel to each other. Bend over and place your torso on your knees. Keep your back relaxed, using only the cervical region and head, which at the same time are beyond the borders of the knees, arms lowered along the legs. Repeat the exercise slowly five times.

The super cool exercises of Alexandra Bonina (namely, those who have tried them speak of them) really help to achieve excellent results with the correct technique for their implementation. We invite you to watch a video on this topic.

Exercise therapy for the neck according to Bonina on video

Cervical osteochondrosis mainly occurs in elderly people. But at the present time, this disease occurs in the population of different ages. Osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic spine is found in school and university students, office workers, drivers, in a word, in everyone who leads a sedentary lifestyle.

Getting rid of this pathology consists in a set of measures consisting of drug therapy and gymnastics. Exercises according to the method of Alexandra Bonina will be very effective.

Alexandra Bonina is an exercise therapy doctor with a higher medical education, a sports medicine doctor, and a practicing fitness trainer. While studying at the Medical University, Alexandra herself suffered from osteochondrosis. Having got a job in a fitness club, she saw that many people have such an ailment and do not know what to do with it. Then Alexandra, using her knowledge and experience, developed her own method for eliminating osteochondrosis. Her video lessons are extremely accessible, understandable to people who do not know special terminology. The exercises themselves are clear and easy to perform. Also, the convenience lies in the fact that no special devices are required to perform the training complex.

Neck exercises

In the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, physiotherapy exercises are indicated for mandatory implementation. A person with any level of physical development can perform. With constant training, the muscles are significantly strengthened, and the development of the disease is inhibited.

Before starting a workout, it is necessary to do a warm-up to warm up the joints and muscles of the upper limbs and shoulder section. When warming up, the neck is at rest.

  • Bend your arms at the elbow joint, put your hands on your shoulders. Rotate your shoulders in a circle from 10 to 15 times in both directions. You need to move very slowly to avoid feeling pain.
  • Place your hands parallel to the floor. Next, we bend and unbend the arms at the elbows, shifting the palms to the shoulders and back.

After performing the warm-up, we begin to perform basic exercises for the cervical spine. They are quite simple, but the actions must be very careful to avoid damage to the ligaments, vertebrae.

Main training complex:

  • Fold your fingers into the castle and rest your forehead in your palms. Further, using the back muscles of the neck, you need to try to move your palms away with your head, and with your hands to hold your head in its original place. In this exercise, it is the cervical muscles that work, not the vertebrae. It is necessary to perform the exercises every evening 7 times, the duration of one approach is 5 seconds.
  • As in the previous exercise, clasp your hands in the lock and place them on the back of your head. Then try to move your head back, while using your hands to prevent the neck from bending. In this case, the muscles of the back of the neck are also trained, and the spinal column is not loaded. It is necessary to repeat 5-7 times lasting 5 seconds.

At the end of the workout, stretch the muscles. This will restore joint mobility and blood supply to the cervical region.

To do this, you need to make a hitch:

  • Lowered shoulders slowly back, trying to connect the shoulder blades to each other. It is important to ensure that the shoulders do not rise.
  • Inhale deeply and at the same time raise your arms above your head or parallel to the floor. Exhaling, slowly lower your shoulders down and relax them.

Bonina assures that the spine restoration system she developed is suitable for absolutely everyone. But still, a number of contraindications should be taken into account:

  • with an unspecified diagnosis;
  • the presence of implants in the neck;
  • severe abnormal defects in the spine.

Course - eliminate thoracic osteochondrosis

Alexandra Bonina also developed a system for the treatment of thoracic osteochondrosis. The course "7 effective physical therapy exercises to eliminate chest osteochondrosis" offers 20-minute exercises on a daily basis. Organized and disciplined training helps to get rid of severe pain within the first two weeks.

The duration of the course is from 3 to 6 months. After six months of regular exercise, you can get rid of osteochondrosis in the thoracic region. In addition, in 6 months, daily training becomes an integral part of the patient's lifestyle. With this approach, the back muscles are strengthened, the person gets rid of pain.

Before purchasing the full course of exercises, it is recommended to watch Alexandra Bonina's free introductory videos to understand if this set of exercises is right for you.

There are also negative reviews from patients. They are usually associated with the fact that the course was ineffective. This, unfortunately, is quite likely, the author of the technique does not guarantee a 100% result. But since most people still leave positive feedback, the course of A. Bonina can be called effective, helping to get rid of osteochondrosis of all parts of the spine.

A mini-set of exercises for the prevention and remission of cervical osteochondrosis - see the video tutorial by Alexandra Bonina. The content of the lesson “Mini-complex for the Cervical Department” exercises for the cervical region: we use it in remission and for prevention; neck: warm-up; exercises for the cervical region: semicircles with shoulder joints; with cervical osteochondrosis: exercise on the cervical region in the warm-up; exercises for the cervical region: the main part; at […]

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A set of exercises for the prevention of osteochondrosis in travelers - see the video tutorial by Alexandra Bonina. “To make the trip more interesting and beneficial for your health, I suggest you use a small set of simple exercises. You can do them on the train and some on the plane. Thanks to such a simple and effective warm-up, you will improve blood circulation in the muscles of the whole body, stretch all […]

Alexandra Bonina is a successful businesswoman, physical therapy doctor, certified trainer, fitness instructor.

Alexandra's medical career began after graduating from the Medical Institute.

Studying at the institute was not easy - every day I had to learn a lot and study various literature. Coming home from school, Alexandra sat with books until late in the evening, not thinking about the harm she was doing to her eyesight and spine.

But over time, she began to notice that the muscles of her neck became less mobile, she could not move her neck normally. Gradually, the pain moved to the cervical region, and later a headache appeared.

When semi-consciousness began to arise, Alexandra decided to turn to a therapist who advised her to drink painkillers. But since Alexandra studied at a medical institute, she was well aware that these pills did not bring any benefit, but only harmed the stomach. And she decided that if the doctors could not help her, she would help herself.

While studying in the fourth year of the institute, Alexandra studied the topic of osteochondrosis and for the first time thought about such a diagnosis. She began to independently study this topic, reading additional literature.

And in the last year, Alexandra got acquainted with physiotherapy and sports medicine and learned that many diseases can be cured with therapeutic exercises and movements. In addition, she learned that there are special exercises that can be done even when in pain.

Alexandra began to experiment on herself, doing such exercises. In parallel, she went for a massage to a chiropractor. Over time, the pain went away, the condition improved.

Alexandra realized that despite the large amount of available literature on the topic of osteochondrosis, there are very few people who are able to understand what it is. And all this is “thanks” to the fact that all literature is written in a very complex language.

After graduating from the institute, Alexandra got a job as a doctor and studied residency for another two years. In addition, she managed to study to be a fitness trainer.

Alexandra Bonina is a sought-after exercise therapy doctor, the only one in our country who treats osteochondrosis online

Alexandra is happy to help people who want to improve the health of the spine. Her courses are understandable to everyone, as they are written in an accessible language, without the use of complex terms. They allow you to return the pleasure of movement without pain.

Alexandra has recorded many free courses. She is always happy to help her students.

Alexandra Bonina - main projects:

  • "5 proven principles of treatment of osteochondrosis of the spine";
  • "Secrets of the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis";
  • “We eliminate thoracic osteochondrosis! 2.0";
  • "Secrets of a healthy neck 2.0";
  • "Secrets of a healthy lower back"

Alexandra Bonina - official site

You can get to know Alexandra better and purchase her courses on the official website - website. Alexandra's courses help to cure osteochondrosis and get rid of pain at home. Her courses are designed for both adults and children.

Alexandra is happy to help people cure their spine. She is sure that our health depends only on ourselves.

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Alexandra Bonina's gymnastics courses are designed to prevent and treat various diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Most effectively, such physical education has proven itself in cervical osteochondrosis and thoracic kyphosis.

The charging method of Alexandra Bonina is good because it does not require initially high physical fitness of the user. The entire course of exercise therapy consists of simple exercises that can be performed at home.

Some exercises (for example, for the office) are more like a warm-up. There is also a complex of articular gymnastics.

1 Briefly about the author

The author of gymnastics for the joints and back is Alexandra Bonina: she is a sports doctor and a doctor of therapeutic physical education by education. Alexandra also has skills in rehabilitation (restorative medicine).

After graduating from the Medical Institute, Alexandra completed 2 years of residency in the listed specializations. After that, she interned at the medical center for restorative medicine, while studying to be a fitness trainer.

Now Alexandra works as a personal trainer and at the same time a sports doctor in a well-known fitness club. Creating her gymnastics, Alexandra relied not only on her experience, but also on medical knowledge of human anatomy and physiology.

2 General description: what is Bonina's gymnastics?

Gymnastics Bonina is a set of exercises for all parts of the spine and limbs, designed for physically unprepared people. What does it mean? It means that the exercises from the course can be performed even by people who have never done anything before.

In addition, the sports complex is designed for different age groups, both children and the elderly can do it. However, for the elderly, some exercises will be prohibited (only the simplest - basic - elements are allowed).

The purpose of doing such gymnastics is to strengthen the muscular corset of the back and peritoneum, strengthen and increase joint mobility, and train the ligamentous apparatus. In addition to training the musculoskeletal system, the cardiovascular system is strengthened.

2.1 Who is Bonina's gymnastics for: indications for training

First of all, the treatment course is recommended for people leading a sedentary lifestyle. They are at risk of developing several dozen diseases of the spine and joints. But if there are already diseases, then this gymnastics will also be useful.

  1. Dorsalgia.
  2. Pain in the neck and back.
  3. Weakness of the muscles of the top and bottom of the peritoneum, spinal corset, muscles of the limbs and shoulders.
  4. Degenerative-dystrophic diseases (osteochondrosis, spondylosis).
  5. Violations of the position of the spine (scoliosis, pathological kyphosis and lordosis, idiopathic posture disorders).
  6. Joint diseases, including arthritis and arthrosis (including autoimmune etiology).

3 List of Alexandra Bonina courses

There are 5 basic physical education courses from Alexandra Bonina, as well as one mini-set of exercises (morning exercises). It is not at all necessary to engage in parallel with all the available sets of exercises: one course is enough to start.

3.1 Secrets of a healthy neck

The course is divided into two parts. The first part is a theoretical section, where the methodology of treatment with the help of physical exercises is analyzed in detail. The second part contains a description of the neck exercises themselves, which must be performed.

This course not suitable for the treatment of existing diseases of the cervical region: it is more intended for their prevention. In particular, with the help of "Secrets of a Healthy Neck" it is possible to prevent the development of spondylosis, spondylolisthesis and osteochondrosis of the neck.

The gymnastic elements from the course are very easy to perform and do not require much time. Most of the exercises can be done in ten-minute breaks between work, which should be especially useful for office workers.

3.2 Healthy spine in 2 weeks

It is impossible to completely improve the spine (if there are problems with it) in two weeks: the name of the course is metaphorical. The author implies that in two weeks it will be possible to partially put the spine in order, mobilize it for subsequent training.

We can say that this is an introductory complex that opens the way for the user to more intense back training. It is recommended for beginners who have not previously been involved in physical education (apart from the basic five-minute gymnastics, this is not physical education).

This complex does not guarantee a cure for your back in two weeks from all diseases: it is designed to tighten your posture and prepare the back muscle corset for subsequent workouts. The course is recommended for passing before more serious workouts, or as a regular warm-up.

3.3 Morning exercises

Are you sure that you are doing morning exercises correctly? Most of the respondents will answer without a shadow of a doubt: “yes”. And most of them are mistaken, because without a theoretical base, it is unlikely that you will be able to perform morning exercises correctly.

This course does not just talk about the most effective and safe exercises for morning exercises. In addition, he also teaches how to perform them without harming health, in what sequence and for how long.

He also teaches how to warm up just before the morning exercises. The course, in addition to everything, describes tips on such activities, talks about the potential benefits of morning exercises, and about possible negative aspects.

3.4 Secrets of the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

One of the most common and painful diseases of our time is cervical osteochondrosis. It often occurs due to the fact that most people in developed countries lead a sedentary lifestyle.

In addition to inactivity, most people have a chronic overload of the neck muscles, since many people have a sedentary job. This course is designed to eradicate cervical osteochondrosis of any stage or form (except for completely neglected ones that require surgery).

If you do not have osteochondrosis of the neck, but you think that you are at risk (for example, you have an office job) - this course will also be useful to you. It not only treats cervical osteochondrosis, but also prevents its development (not with a 100% guarantee, of course).

3.5 7 basic exercises for the treatment of thoracic osteochondrosis

Thoracic osteochondrosis is much less common than cervical. And if it does occur, it is usually combined (cervicothoracic or thoracic-lumbar osteochondrosis). By itself, such osteochondrosis is not as dangerous (as cervical or lumbar), but it can also be very painful.

Exercises from the course are focused on the elimination of any form of thoracic osteochondrosis. Whether it's classic thoracic osteochondrosis, or cervicothoracic/thoracolumbar osteochondrosis.

But what does "7 basic exercises" mean?

And this means that the exercises of this course are universal, easy to perform and do not require any prior physical training of the user. The training system is suitable for both young men and elderly people suffering from osteochondrosis of the thoracic region.

3.6 The course of treatment of osteochondrosis from Alexandra Bonina (video)

3.7 7 harmful exercises for morning exercises

Morning exercise is not as simple as it might seem: if you do it incorrectly, then the effectiveness will be zero. In some cases, mistakes during warm-up can even worsen the situation (if there is some kind of disease), or lead to the appearance of diseases.

The course talks about the seven most dangerous exercises for morning exercises. Doing them is putting your health at risk. What is most sad, the exercises described in the course are extremely popular among the inhabitants: many speak of them as “useful” and even “necessary”. This is the biggest danger of the exercises described in the course.

In addition to describing harmful exercises, this course talks about which exercises, on the contrary, should be emphasized.

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