Presentation on the topic "electronic money and their properties". Electronic money G.B. Parshukov. Functions of money The very development of market relations required the emergence of a single equivalent of value, acting. Presentation on the topic of types of electronic money

Such monetary obligations meet the following three criteria: Are recorded and stored on an electronic medium. Issued by the issuer upon receipt of funds from other persons in an amount not less than the issued monetary value. Accepted as a means of payment by organizations other than the issuer. Criteria

Electronic money can be anonymous and personalized. By its nature, electronic money is closer to anonymous cash than to personalized non-cash. The presence or absence of anonymity is ensured by the rules and mechanisms for the circulation of electronic money in a particular payment system. Anonymity

The use of cryptography for the implementation of electronic money was proposed by David Chaum. They also proposed several encryption and electronic signature protocols. He used a confidential communication algorithm to achieve the obfuscation of the links between withdrawal and deposit transactions. Cryptographic protection

Excellent divisibility and unity; high portability; very low issuance cost; no need to physically count money; easier to organize the physical protection of electronic money; the moment of payment is fixed, the human factor is reduced; it is impossible to hide funds from taxation; no need to count, pack, transport and organize special storage facilities; perfect storage; perfect quality uniformity; Security. Advantages

Essence and types of electronic money. Cryptocurrency

1. The concept of electronic money

2. Types of electronic money

3. The concept and essence of cryptocurrency

4. Advantages and disadvantages of electronic money

1. The concept of electronic money

The essence of electronic money

The term "electronic money" often used in relation to a wide range of payment instruments based on innovative technical solutions in the field of retail payments.

Often misunderstoodtraditional bank cards (both pre-authorized (microprocessor) and with a magnetic strip), or prepaid cards of trade enterprises (services, services).

The main reason for the fallacy of such a judgment- the lack of a precise definition of the concept of "electronic money".

Electronic devices, electronic cash carriers:

Prepaid cards. In them, the electronic value is stored on a microprocessor embedded in the card, and the value is usually transferred when the card is inserted into the reader - smart cards

("smart" cards)

Prepaid software products. The electronic value is stored on the hard disk of a personal computer and transmitted through a telecommunications network. These are various electronic payment systems for paying for goods and services via the Internet, they serve to carry out fast and secure settlements between numerous Internet users (clients, shops, information and wedding bureaus, etc.), and form a new market sector - the market of payment systems for settlements on the Internet.

Electronic cash

Digital cash in electronic form - electronic banknotes in the form of a set of binary codes, existing on a particular medium, moved in the form of a digital envelope over the network.

Electronic cash like real cash anonymous and reusable , and the numbers of digital banknotes are unique. They can be transferred from one person to another, bypassing the bank, but at the same time keeping them within the network payment systems.

When paying for a product or service, digital money is transferred to the seller, who either transfers it to the bank participating in the system for crediting to his account, or pays it with his partners.

Currently, various network payment systems are widespread on the Internet.

Interpretation of electronic money in Russia

The definition of electronic money is given in Art. 3, paragraph 18. Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On the National Payment System".

Russian legislation treats electronic money as a prepaid financial product that:

represents the issuer's monetary obligation;

issued after receipt by the issuer of funds in an amount not less than the issue value;

does not require the use of bank accounts for transactions;

accepted as a means of payment economic entities other than the issuer;

information about the amount of monetary value stored electronically on a device in the possession of the holder.

Electronic money fully simulates real money. At the same time, the issuing organization - the issuer - issues their electronic equivalents, which are called differently in different systems (for example, coupons).

Interpretation of the ISSUER of electronic

The definition of the ISSUER is the most important political issue in the formation of the circulation of electronic money, namely - list definition

organizations that have the right to issue electronic money in the country.

Approaches of different countries:

EU legislation allows the issue of electronic money to a new class of credit institutions - Electronic money institutions (ELMI).

In India, Mexico, Nigeria, Ukraine, Singapore and Taiwan

E-money can only be issued by banks.

In Hong Kong, electronic money issuers must obtain a license

deposit company.

In Russia, electronic money issuers can be only credit institutions- banks or NPOs that have licenses to operate as an operator of electronic money and money transfers without opening a bank account.

Options for issuing electronic money

Opening a special account , to which funds are transferred from the buyer's account in exchange for electronic banknotes.

Some banks can issue electronic cash themselves . At the same time, it is issued only at the request of the client, with its subsequent transfer to the computer or card of this client and the withdrawal of the cash equivalent from his account.

When implementing a blind signature the buyer himself creates electronic banknotes , sends them to the bank, where, when real money is credited to the account, they are certified with a seal and sent back to the client.

The main problem of issued electronic money is the instability of the storage of funds - damage to the disk or smart cards turns into an irretrievable loss of electronic money.

Cash electronic money can not only provide the necessary level of confidentiality and anonymity, but also does not require communication with the center to confirm the payment. For this reason, the cost

transactions are kept to a minimum, and such systems can be effectively used to enable micropayments - payments of less than $1 where traditional credit card based systems are not economically viable.It is micropayments that are able to provide the main turnover of sales of information on the Internet..

The essence of electronic money

Electronic money is characterized by an internal contradiction:

on the one hand they are means of payment;

with another - issuer's obligation, which must be executed in traditional non-electronic money.

This paradox can be explained using historical analogy: at one time, banknotes were also considered as an obligation, payable in coins or precious metals.

Obviously, over time, electronic money will be one of the varieties of the form of money (coins, banknotes, non-cash money and electronic money).

It is also obvious that in the future central banks will issue electronic money, just as they now mint coins and print banknotes.

One of the main consequences of the emergence of electronic money will be

internationalization of money circulation , as electronic money provides the possibility of seamless international retail transactions.

2. Types of electronic money

2.1 According to the method of storing electronic money:

electronic money on a hardware basis; electronic money on a software basis.

2.1.1 electronic money on a hardware basis, based on cards (card-based). Electronic money is stored on a chip, the carrier of which is a plastic card ("electronic wallet").

The chip contains the equivalent of the monetary value, prepaid to the issuer, which can be both a bank and a non-bank organization. Examples of card-based electronic money are Mondex cards, VisaCash system. Via electronic wallet you can check the balance on the card and transfer the monetary value to another card, using a special prefix - send by phone etc.

More often these are single-purpose cards, that is, they allow you to pay for services (goods) only in favor of one company (telephone, transport, medical, etc.). As soon as it becomes possible to pay with other clients, they move into the category of electronic money.

It is believed that over time, electronic money of the first group can replace traditional cash and checks..

2.1 Way of storing electronic money:

2.1.2 - software-based electronic money . Electronic money is stored on a computer hard drive and is transferred using software through telecommunication networks.(network-based). Such money is called ("digital money").

Developed with the advent of cryptographic encryption algorithms with public key and blind signature. Of the most famous network money systems (network money) should be noted CyberCash, DigiCash, FirstVirtual, as well as Russian PayCash and WebMoney.

To make payments, you need to install special software, usually free.

These cards are multi-purpose - they are used for payments in favor of not only the card issuers themselves, but also other companies.

It is believed that over time, electronic money of the second group will replace credit cards, and will also take on settlement functions, bypassing central banks.

slide presentation

Slide text: Prepared by: Student of the group Electronic payment systems

Slide text: Electronic payment system (EPS) (Internet Payment System) - a settlement system between financial organizations (commercial banks, non-bank credit organizations, investment organizations), business organizations and Internet users when buying and selling goods and for providing various services through the Internet. EPS are a variety of traditional payment systems and, according to the payment scheme, are divided into: debit (working with electronic checks and digital cash); credit (working with credit cards). The functioning of EPS is a necessary condition for the circulation of electronic money.

Slide text: Electronic money is the financial obligations of the issuer in electronic form, which are on an electronic medium at the disposal of the user. meet the following three criteria: Are recorded and stored on an electronic medium; Issued by the issuer upon receipt from other persons of funds in an amount not less than the issued monetary value; Accepted as a means of payment by organizations other than the issuer.

Slide text: Federal Law “On the National Payment System” dated June 27, 2011 N 161-FZ gives the following definition of electronic money: “this is money that has been previously provided by one person (the person who provided the money) to another person, taking into account information about the amount of funds provided without opening a bank account (to an obligated person), to fulfill the monetary obligations of the person who provided the funds to third parties and in respect of which the person who provided the funds has the right to transfer orders exclusively using electronic means of payment "

Slide text: Schematically and simplified, the process of creating (issuing) ED can be represented as follows: A set of clients participating in an electronic payment system A client is a participant in an electronic payment system Electronic payment system Transferring money (cash or non-cash) to an electronic payment system Issuing electronic means of payment in circulation environment of users of the electronic payment system

Slide text: Thus, the process of issuing electronic money, as a rule, is carried out after the issuance of traditional money. In this sense, the issue of electronic money is secondary, in other words, it is derived from the issue of cash and non-cash money, which in its original form was not electronic money. In Russia, only credit institutions - banks or NPOs that have licenses to operate as an operator of electronic money and money transfers without opening a bank account can be issuers of electronic money.

Slide text: Varieties of electronic money:

Slide text: Electronic money is divided into two types: based on smart cards (they are plastic cards with an integrated microcircuit) and based on Internet networks. Anonymous systems - systems in which it is allowed to carry out transactions without user identification. Personalized systems are systems that require mandatory user identification.

Slide text: Electronic fiat money is necessarily expressed in one of the state currencies and is a kind of monetary unit of the payment system of one of the states. The state by law obliges all citizens to accept fiat money for payment. Accordingly, the emission, circulation and redemption of electronic fiat money takes place according to the rules of national legislation, central banks or other state regulators.

Slide #10

Slide text: Electronic non-fiat money - are electronic units of value of non-state payment systems. Accordingly, the emission, circulation and redemption (exchange for fiat money) of electronic non-fiat money occur according to the rules of non-state payment systems. The degree of control and regulation by government agencies of such payment systems in different countries varies greatly. Often, non-state payment systems tie their electronic non-fiat money to the rates of world currencies, but the states do not ensure the reliability and real value of such units of value.

Slide #11

Slide text: It is a mistake to attribute modern means of accessing a bank account to electronic money (traditional bank payment cards and Internet banking). In electronic payment systems, bank accounts are used only when entering and withdrawing money from the system. In this case, the consolidated bank account of the issuer of electronic money is used, and not card or current accounts of users. When issuing electronic money, traditional money is credited to the consolidated bank account of the issuer. When electronic money is presented for redemption, traditional money is debited from the issuer's consolidated bank account.

Slide #12

Slide text: Also, prepaid single-purpose cards (gift card, fuel card, transport card, phone card, etc.) are not electronic money, since the use of such a payment instrument does not mean a new payment is made. The real payment is made at the time of purchase or replenishment of such a card. Its use does not generate new cash flows and is a simple exchange of information about consumed goods or services.

Slide #13

Slide text: EPS examples:

Slide #14

Slide text: Electronic money is especially useful and convenient when making mass payments of small amounts. For example, when making payments in transport, cinemas, clubs, paying utility bills, paying various fines, making payments on the Internet, etc. Electronic money has the following advantages over cash: excellent divisibility and integrability - when making a payment, there is no need for change; high portability - the value of the amount is not related to the overall or weight dimensions of money, as is the case with cash; very low cost of issue;

Slide #15

Slide text: no need to physically count the money, this function is transferred to the storage instrument or payment instrument; it is easier than in the case of cash to organize the physical protection of electronic money; the moment of payment is recorded by electronic systems, the impact of the human factor is reduced; when paying through a fiscalized acquiring device, it is impossible for a merchant to hide funds from taxation; perfect persistence - electronic money does not lose its qualities over time; ideal qualitative homogeneity - individual copies of electronic money do not have unique properties (such as scratches on coins);

Slide #16

Slide text: Disadvantages of electronic money: lack of well-established legal regulation - many states have not yet decided on their unambiguous attitude to electronic money; despite excellent portability, electronic money needs special storage and circulation tools; as in the case of cash, when the electronic money carrier is physically destroyed, it is impossible to restore the monetary value to the owner; lack of recognition - without special electronic devices it is impossible to easily and quickly determine the owner, amount, etc.;

Slide #17

Slide text: cryptographic protection tools that protect electronic money systems do not yet have a long history of successful operation; theoretically, interested parties may try to track the personal data of payers and the circulation of electronic money outside the banking system; security (protection against theft, counterfeiting, denomination changes, etc.) - not confirmed by wide circulation and a trouble-free history; Theft of electronic money is theoretically possible, using innovative methods, using the insufficient maturity of protection technologies.

Slide #18

Slide text: The main payment systems created and doing business in Russia are WebMoney Transfer and Yandex.Money. With their help, you can make a purchase in almost any online store. It should be borne in mind that the WebMoney system is older than its main competitor and, therefore, has a higher popularity. There are also complaints about the design and convenience of the Yandex.Money wallet program. However, the support of a large information portal means a lot, and Yandex.Money, no doubt, has a bright future ahead of it. Oleg Kolyamkin "Electronic payment systems of Russia"

Slide #19

Slide text: The Yandex.Money system was built using PayCash technology and launched on July 24, 2002. Initially, it was a joint product, but on March 30, 2007, Yandex bought out the partner's share and became 100% owner of the payment system. On November 14, 2002, the Yandex.Money system received the first specialized banking certificate in the history of Russia for the Internet payment system. On March 31, 2008, Yandex.Money made a revolutionary breakthrough - it introduced a new way to replenish a wallet and, most importantly, withdraw funds - through a bank card. The first bank to join the project was the Russian Development Bank.

Slide #20

Slide text: The “pluses” of the Yandex.Money electronic payment system are: ease of registration in the system convenient and intuitive web interface the ability to work only through the web interface or use the Internet wallet from any computer, having previously written it to a portable storage device simplicity authorization and a minimum of additional actions in the system when sending a payment (authorization on Yandex + payment password) integration into the system of almost all online stores, the ability to pay for a wide range of services excludes the risk of fraudulent actions by other users of the system; the possibility of replenishing the account by bank transfer from any individual

Slide #21

Slide text: The “minuses” of the Yandex.Money system can be considered: difficulties in filling out documents for bank transfers of money to a virtual account relatively high commission for withdrawing funds from the system prohibition of using the system for business activities monocurrency focus on the Russian Federation and residents of the Russian Federation

Slide #22

Slide text: November 20, 1998 - the day of the first transaction should be considered the day the history of WebMoney began. The owner and administrator of the WebMoney Transfer payment system is WM Transfer Ltd. The developer of the system software, which also provides its technical support to this day, is Computing Forces CJSC. Thus, the idea of ​​creating a new payment system originated in Russia, and it was here that this idea was implemented.

Slide #23

Slide text: The advantages of the system can be called: an extremely high level of security in the system arbitration system multi-currency internationality (the ability to access the system, withdraw and deposit funds from almost any country in the world) The disadvantages of the system are: high requirements for security settings; adaptation

Slide #24

Slide text: Electronic money market in the Russian Federation (figures): In fact, the turnover of payments in Russian electronic money systems in 2010 amounted to 70 billion rubles (with 15,267.6 billion rubles in the money supply for the M2 aggregate), 30 million people had electronic wallets ( about 21% of the population). The industry leaders are Yandex.Money and WebMoney e-wallets - together they occupy 90% of the market. In 2011, the QIWI brand joined the two leaders. According to the results of the study, among 18-45-year-old Muscovites, the most famous brands were Yandex.Money (78% of respondents), WebMoney (66%) and QIWI (26%).

Slide #25

Slide text: Materials used in preparation:;;


  • Tutorial: give the concept of "electronic money".
  • Developing: learn how to shop online
  • Nurturing: develop with children an attitude towards money, including electronic


  • personal computers with Internet access, Itest Client testing system;
  • teacher's computer Itest Server;
  • multimedia projector;

Training and handout material:

  • worksheets with tasks for independent work;
  • electronic workshop;

Lesson plan:

  1. Learning new material.
  2. Practical work No. 1
  3. Independent work in worksheets
  4. Working with an interactive whiteboard, independent work in worksheets
  5. Practical work №2
  6. Summary of the lesson.
  7. Homework.

During the classes

1. Learning new material.

Hello guys! And I want you to determine the topic of the lesson today yourself. Attention to the screen.


So what do you think the topic of our lesson is?

(Children answer the question)

That's right, today we will talk about money, but not about ordinary, but electronic. So subject of our lesson Electronic money. (Slide "Electronic money").

I don’t know about you guys, but many times I have heard people tell that money on the Internet is dangerous, unreliable, illegal, that they don’t exist there at all, and the Americans came up with this whole topic.

More recently, we got acquainted with VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS and others. So, while we were mastering plastic cards with great difficulty and hardly realized that keeping money in cash under the pillow is the most dead end option, the world stepped even further and puzzled us with such a completely incomprehensible phenomenon as electronic or digital money.

Do you know that 9 out of 10 people in Russia today (according to opinion polls of people, especially older people) do not use electronic money?

Question: “Why do you think most people prefer cash?”

Slide “Reasons that hinder the use of electronic money”

The absence of a personal computer, or you have one, then you are afraid of it and keep more for furniture.

Computer wallets and all sorts of exotics in the form of digital money are not for you.

There is no time for the procedure of using electronic money.

Not knowing what it is.

specific terms. Even if people go to the sites of Internet payment systems, they are mortally frightened by the words that are found there in the description of the technical side of using these services: authorization, activation, web interface, account...

Therefore, the purpose of our lesson is not only to learn what electronic money is, to understand its disadvantages and advantages, but also to learn how to make purchases in online stores using electronic money.

Question: " Do you think it is possible to say that the use of a plastic card is the use of electronic money?”

A common misconception is the identification of electronic money with non-cash money .

The concept of “electronic money” is mistakenly understood as traditional bank cards.

Distinctive features of making payments using “electronic money” from making transactions using traditional bank cards: settlements for transactions made using bank cards are carried out in a non-cash manner, that is, through banks, and in the case of using “electronic money”, settlements are carried out, bypassing the banking system.

Let's try to define electronic money. ( The children answer

Now let's find it on the Internet and compare whether you gave the definition correctly (search for a definition on the Internet)

2. Practical work No. 1 “Using the Yandex search engine”.


Electronic money - these are the financial obligations of the issuer in electronic form, which are on an electronic medium at the disposal of the user.

6. Conclusions and suggestions.

“Money is the most important tool for managing one's life, and electronic money is one of the most important nodes of the whole mechanism in the near future. Either you study today, master it, and tomorrow you master this mechanism, or you quickly and hopelessly lose all control levers and miss all the opportunities to direct work with money for your own good. With the current pace of development, in five to ten years in this matter you will look like a Neanderthal who got a TV in his hands ... ”

7. Homework.

Find information about the following in sources.

fiat electronic money

  • PayPal
  • PrivatePay
  • Visa Cash
  • Mondex

Non-fiat electronic

  • WebMoney
  • Yandex money
  • RBK Money
  • Rapida
  • EasyPay


  1. Educational and methodical newspaper “Informatics” // No. 4 / 2011
  5.› Dictionary of Economics and Law. – 2005
  6. Izvestiya SPbGUEF: “Electronic forms of money and new types of payment systems” S. A. Belozerov
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