Branch of the economy that produces. State sectors of the economy. Infrastructure of the economy: types and significance for the national economy

SECTORS OF THE ECONOMY, a set of enterprises, institutions, organizations that produce homogeneous products or services and satisfy the homogeneous needs of people. The grouping of production units by industry is a classification of types of economic activity that reflects the technical and economic aspects of reproduction.

The formation of modern industries is the result of a long historical process. From fishing, hunting, and other activities associated with the development of natural resources at the beginning of the historical path of mankind, to modern agriculture and diversified industry, from the initial stages of the exchange of labor products to developed forms of trade, etc. In the conditions of technological progress, everything appears. new areas of activity, which in the future can take shape in special industries (for example, computer science, biotechnology, etc.).

The classification of economic sectors used in the Russian Federation basically corresponds to the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) prepared by the UN. It was developed taking into account the current conditions of the country's transition to market relations and the need to achieve comparability of indicators in the context of the development of integration processes with the international community.

All sectors of the economy are combined into two large groups: industries that produce goods and industries that provide services. Industries that produce goods (material goods) include industry, agriculture, forestry, construction and other activities in the sphere of material production. Moreover, each of the listed industries has several more stages of division.

Industry is the most important branch of the economy. It is a type of economic activity aimed at the extraction and processing of natural resources, processing of agricultural and forestry products.

The industry includes more than 15 consolidated branches, including: electric power industry; fuel industry; ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy; chemical and petrochemical industry; mechanical engineering and metalworking; timber, woodworking and pulp and paper industries; building materials industry; glass and porcelain-faience industry; light industry; textile industry, etc.

Each of these industries is divided into smaller sub-sectors. The main classification feature is the homogeneity of the products produced, in some cases the homogeneity of the processed raw materials (for example, oil refineries belong to the oil refining industry) and the homogeneity of the technological process (for example, chemical industry enterprises).

The branches of industry do not include subdivisions that are part of industrial enterprises and perform non-industrial functions (first-aid posts, organizations of cultural and community services, etc.), as well as government bodies (ministries, their central offices, etc.).

Agriculture is an industry whose main function is the reproduction of plant products, the breeding and rearing of livestock, poultry, fish, bees, and the production of raw livestock products. The same industry includes hunting and fish farming. Agricultural services (organizations providing services for land improvement, zootechnical and veterinary services, etc.) have been singled out as an independent branch in the service sector.

Forestry - an industry that includes forestry, the collection of wild and non-timber forest products, forestry services (logging organizations belong to industry).

Construction includes organizations and enterprises that carry out construction and installation work by contract and economic methods, major repairs of buildings and structures, drilling and design and survey work, as well as economic management of construction.

The sectors providing services include the branches of public administration and servicing the public and personal needs of the population (housing and communal services, banking and pensions, scientific activities, public education, medical care, art, etc.). The service sector also includes transport, communications, logistics, procurement of agricultural products and a number of other industries.

Earlier, in statistical practice in the USSR, freight transport, communications serving production, as well as trade, material and technical supply and procurement belonged to the sphere of material production on the grounds that, although new material goods are not created in these sectors, the production of already developed ones is being completed. material goods through their storage, transportation, packaging, etc., and thereby increases the value of products produced in industry and agriculture. It was believed that in other sectors of the service sector, only the redistribution and final use of national income take place.

Now, in line with international practice, a broader definition of "economic production" (i.e., areas where GDP production and national income generation take place) is applied, which covers the production of almost all goods and services, with the exception of household cooking services. , keeping the home clean, etc. (due to the difficulties of accounting for them). Therefore, transport and other sectors noted above are fully related to the service sector. in. M. Bredova.

1. Solve the crossword and you will find out what the economy is.

Use your textbook to complete the definition.

Economy - This is the economic activity of people.

2. Do you know the branches of the economy? Sign the drawings on your own or with the help of a textbook.

3. In addition to those listed in the textbook, there are other sectors of the economy. For example, forestry, communications, catering, housing and communal services, the banking sector, consumer services. Think about and explain (verbally) what each of these industries does.

  • Forestry is a branch of the economy that deals with forests: it studies forests, takes care of their reproduction, protects the forest from pests and fires, and regulates the use of forests for economic purposes.
  • Communication - a branch of the economy that develops and regulates the means of communication: radio, television, the Internet, telephony, etc.
  • Public catering is a branch of the economy engaged in the production and sale of culinary products: restaurants, cafes, canteens, buffets, confectioneries, bakeries, cafeterias, dumplings, etc.
  • Housing and communal services - a branch of the economy that ensures the operation of engineering infrastructure in settlements: hot and cold water supply systems; supply of heat, electricity, gas to houses; waste collection and landscaping systems.
  • The banking sector is a branch of the economy that ensures the operation of banks and the country's financial system. It includes public and private banks, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and other institutions.
  • Household services to the population - a sector of the economy responsible for providing various services to the population: repair services (shoes, clothes, household appliances, etc.), transport services (taxi, transportation of furniture and large items), dry cleaning and laundry services, services repair and decoration of apartments, hairdressing services, manicure services, bicycle, moped and scooter rental services, other services.

4. Our enterprising Parrot offers a task. Collect on p. 69 small collection of coins. To do this, put different coins under the page and use a simple pencil to make their prints.

5. At home, find out from adults in which sectors of the economy they work. Write it down.

My mother works as a teacher in the education sector of the economy, and my father works as a programmer in the information technology sector of the economy.

6. With the help of the book “Encyclopedia of travel. Countries of the world ”fill in the table (according to the model given in the first line).


Monetary units

Hungary Forint
Brazil Real
India Rupee
China Yuan
Poland Zloty
Switzerland Swiss frank
Japan Jena

Further information: message about the monetary units of the world.

Message plan:

  1. What is a monetary unit and why is it needed
  2. Dollar
  3. Euro
  4. GBP
  5. Russian ruble

The most famous monetary units of the world

Once upon a time, people knew nothing about money. They exchanged goods: milk was exchanged for eggs, flour for clothes, and meat for clay hills. Over time, the variety of goods became so great that it became inconvenient to exchange goods and people came up with a universal means of comparing the cost of things and services - money.

Money, or monetary units, is an equivalent with which you can measure and compare the cost of any goods and services. Each country has its own monetary units: in Russia, the ruble, in the United States, the dollar, in the Czech Republic, the crown, in Italy, the lira, etc. At the same time, the monetary unit (currencies) of different countries can be exchanged among themselves at a specially set price (exchange rate) and you can buy goods from other countries with them.

The five most common currencies in the world are: the US dollar, the European Euro, the British pound sterling, the Japanese Yen and the Swiss franc. These currencies are easily exchanged for any other currency in the world.

The US dollar is a fairly old currency. It became the official currency of the United States of America in the 18th century, and before that, various coins were called dollars in many European countries. Now the dollar is the national currency of more than 20 countries, and is also considered an international means of payment.

Euro is a very young currency. The Euro became a legal tender only in 2002. The Euro was coined specifically as a single monetary unit of the countries of the European Union. Now the Euro is the official currency of 29 countries, most of these countries are members of the European Union.

The pound sterling is the national currency of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. This coin appeared in the 12th century and originally its name meant "a pound of pure silver". The coins were really minted from real silver and 240 pieces of such coins had to weigh exactly a pound (about 350 grams). So counterfeit pounds sterling could be easily determined with the help of scales. Now the pound sterling is the most expensive currency in the world and, moreover, one of the most stable.

The Russian ruble is the official currency of our country. The ruble has almost as long a history as the English pound sterling - the ruble has been known since the 13th century. Over the many centuries of its existence, the ruble has changed both its appearance and its value many times. For example, in the 16th century, 1 ruble could buy a live cow or horse, in the 80s of the last century, a ruble could buy half a kilogram of sausage or a great meal in the canteen, and now you can only buy a box of matches for 1 ruble, and even then not in all cities of Russia.

The ruble is used as a national currency not only in Russia, but also in some other countries: in Belarus, the Belarusian ruble is used, in Moldova, the Transnistrian ruble. Now our state is striving to make the Russian ruble the same world currency as the dollar, euro or pound sterling.

Branches of the economy

The term is a direct translation of the concept used in the German economic theory of the 19th century and was widely used in the works of Russian scientists even before the October Revolution of 1917. Used in Soviet economic science, statistics and practice. However, since the early 1990s, due to the ideological coloration in Russia, the term has been replaced by the concept of economy (country) and is now practically not used.

It is subdivided according to the types of activity of the subjects of relations.

Branches of the national economy


The following consolidated industries were distinguished in OKONH:

  • Chemical and petrochemical industry
  • Mechanical engineering and metalworking
  • Forestry, woodworking and pulp and paper industry
  • Building materials industry
  • Glass and porcelain-faience industry
  • Microbiological industry
  • Flour-grinding and feed industry
  • Medical industry
  • Printing industry
  • Other industrial productions.

In OKONKh, by analogy with the collecting branches of the national economy, the following collecting branches of industry were distinguished: the extractive industry, the industry of building structures, parts and materials, and the packaging industry.


All-Russian classifier of types of economic activity ( abbr. OKVED) - part Unified system of classification and coding of technical, economic and social information of the Russian Federation (ESKK). Created based on the official Russian version Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Economic Community (NACE) Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community ). Adopted by a resolution of the State Standard of November 6, put into effect on January 1. Replaces All-Union classifier of branches of the national economy (OKONH) and parts I and IV of the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities, Products and Services (OKDP) relating to economic activity.


  • Directory OKONH. Detailed information.
  • Deciphering the codes of the State Statistics Committee (OKVED)

see also


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

  • Branches of law
  • Poisonous substances

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  • Branches and sectors of the global economy. Features and tendencies of development, Kondratiev Vladimir Borisovich. In Russia, already at the highest political level, they are talking about the need for reindustrialization of the economy, or new industrialization. There is a growing understanding that in order to increase competitiveness and…

What is economics

Solve the crossword and you will know what the economy is

Use your textbook to complete the definition.

Economy is the economic activity of people. All components of the economy are interconnected.

Do you know the branches of the economy? Sign the drawings on your own or with the help of a textbook.

In addition to those listed in the textbook, there are other branches of the economy. For example, forestry, communications, public catering, housing and communal services, the banking sector, consumer services. Think about and explain what each of these industries does.
Forestry- a branch of the economy, whose functions include: the study and accounting of forests, their reproduction, protection from fires, pests and diseases, regulation of forest use, control over the use of forest resources.
Connection- Anyone who wants to use the services of telephony, television and radio broadcasting, and the Internet faces the communications industry. The postal service is engaged in the receipt, forwarding and delivery of postal items, namely: parcels, letters, parcels, transfers.
Catering- This is a branch of the national economy engaged in the production and sale of ready-made food and semi-finished products.
Department of Housing and Utilities(Housing and communal services) - includes about 30 types of activities. The sub-sectors are housing maintenance; improvement (road and bridge facilities, gardening, sanitation and waste disposal)
Banking sector- providing customers with a wide range of banking services.
Consumer services for the population- part of the service sector, where non-productive and industrial services are provided to the population. (Hairdressing services, Dry cleaning of clothes, laundry services, Photographic services. Bath services. Professional cleaning services, Repair and maintenance services for household radio-electronic equipment, household machines and appliances. Tailoring and repair of garments. Manufacture and repair of furniture, etc. )

At home, find out from adults in which sectors of the economy they work. Write it down.

Mom and dad work in the field of consumer services. Mom works in a tailoring shop, and dad is engaged in the repair of household appliances and equipment. Grandmother works in the education industry - she is a teacher, and grandfather is in the transport industry - he is a driver.

Using the book "Encyclopedia of travel. Countries of the world" fill in the table (according to the model given in the first line).

Branches of the economy

Spheres of economy are subdivided into specialized branches. Industry - a group of qualitatively homogeneous economic units (enterprises, organizations, institutions) characterized by special conditions of production in the system of social division of labor, homogeneous products and performing a common (specific) function in the national economy.

For example, the sphere of material production includes industries in which the means of production and consumer goods necessary for the life and development of society are created. The rest of the activities in the process of which material goods are not created form in their totality a non-productive sphere of activity.

The sphere of material production includes 14 sectors of the national economy: industry, forestry, transport and communications, trade and public catering, information and computing services, agriculture, fisheries, construction, procurement, real estate operations, general commercial activities to ensure the functioning market, logistics and sales, geology and exploration of subsoil, geodetic and hydrometeorological services; other activities in the sphere of material production.

The non-production sphere includes 9 sectors of the national economy and types of activities: housing and communal services; healthcare; physical culture and social security; Culture and art; finance, credit, insurance, pension provision; public education; governing body; non-productive types of consumer services for the population; science and scientific service; public associations.

The sectoral division of the economy is the result of a historical process, the development of the social division of labor.

Each of the specialized industries, in turn, is subdivided into complex industries and types of industries. In the industry, for example, there are more than 15 such large industries as electric power, fuel industry, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical and petrochemical industries, mechanical engineering and metalworking, forestry, pulp and paper industry, building materials industry, light and food industries and others. industries.

Specialized industries are characterized by varying degrees of differentiation of production. The development of society and the economy, the further deepening of the specialization of production leads to the formation of new industries and types of production. Simultaneously with specialization and differentiation, there are processes of cooperation, integration of production, leading to the development of stable production relations between industries, to the creation of mixed industries and intersectoral complexes.


Agriculture - a branch of the economy aimed at providing the population with food (food, food) and obtaining raw materials for a number of industries. The industry is one of the most important, represented in almost all countries. About 1.1 billion economically active population (EAP) is employed in global agriculture.

The problems of agriculture are directly or indirectly related to such sciences as agronomy, animal husbandry, land reclamation, plant growing, forestry, etc.

The role of agriculture in the economy.

The role of agriculture in the economy of a country or region shows its structure and level of development. As indicators of the role of agriculture, the share of those employed in agriculture among the economically active population, as well as the share of agriculture in the structure of GDP, is used. These figures are quite high in most developing countries, where more than half of EAN is employed in agriculture. Agriculture there follows an extensive path of development, that is, an increase in production is achieved by expanding the area under crops, increasing the number of livestock, and increasing the number of people employed in agriculture. In such countries, whose economies are of the agrarian type, the indicators of mechanization, chemicalization, melioration, etc. are low.

The agriculture of the developed countries of Europe and North America, which have entered the post-industrial stage, has reached the highest level. In agriculture, 2-6% of EAN are employed there. In these countries, the “green revolution” took place as early as the middle of the 20th century, agriculture is characterized by a scientifically based organization, increased productivity, the use of new technologies, agricultural machine systems, pesticides and mineral fertilizers, the use of genetic engineering and biotechnology, robotics and electronics, that is, develops in an intensive way.

Similar progressive changes are also taking place in industrial countries, but the level of intensification in them is still much lower, and the share of people employed in agriculture is higher than in post-industrial ones.

At the same time, in developed countries there is a crisis of food overproduction, and in agrarian countries, on the contrary, one of the most acute problems is the food problem (the problem of malnutrition and hunger).

Branch and regional features.

As a branch of agriculture, agriculture has the following main features:

The economic process of reproduction is intertwined with the natural process of growth and development of living organisms, developing on the basis of biological laws;

The cyclical process of natural growth and development of plants and animals determined the seasonality of agricultural labor.

Unlike industry, the technological process in agriculture is closely connected with nature, where land acts as the main means of production.

FAO experts note that 78% of the earth's surface is experiencing serious natural limitations for the development of agriculture, 13% of the area is characterized by low productivity, 6% medium and 3% high. Currently, about 11% of all land is plowed up, another 24% is used for pastures. Features of the agro-resource situation and the specialization of agriculture vary significantly by region. There are several thermal zones, each of which is characterized by a unique set of crop and livestock industries:

cold belt occupies vast areas in the north of Eurasia and North America. Agriculture here is limited by lack of heat and permafrost. Plant growing here is possible only in closed ground conditions, and reindeer husbandry is developing on low-productive pastures.

cool belt covers vast territories of Eurasia and North America, as well as a narrow strip in the south of the Andes in South America. Insignificant heat resources limit the range of crops that can be grown here (early crops - gray bread, vegetables, some root crops, early potatoes). Agriculture has a focal character.

Temperate zone in the southern hemisphere it is represented in Patagonia, on the coast of Chile, the islands of Tasmania and New Zealand, and in the northern hemisphere it occupies almost all of Europe (except for the southern peninsulas), southern Siberia and the Far East, Mongolia, Tibet, northeast China, south Canada, north eastern states of the USA. This is the belt of mass farming. Arable land occupies almost all the territories suitable for the relief, its specific area reaches 60-70%. There is a wide range of cultivated crops: wheat, barley, rye, oats, flax, potatoes, vegetables, root crops, forage grasses. Corn, sunflower, rice, grapes, fruit and fruit trees grow in the southern part of the belt. Pastures are limited in area, they dominate in the mountains and arid zones, where transhumance and camel breeding are developed.

warm belt corresponds to the subtropical geographical zone and is represented on all continents except Antarctica: it covers the Mediterranean, most of the United States, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, southern Africa and Australia, and southern China. Two crops are grown here a year: in winter - crops of the temperate zone (cereals, vegetables), in summer - tropical annuals (cotton) or perennials (olive tree, citrus fruits, tea, walnuts, figs, etc.). It is dominated by low-productive, highly degraded pastures from uncontrolled grazing.

hot belt occupies vast expanses of Africa, South America, northern and central Australia, the Malay Archipelago, the Arabian Peninsula, and South Asia. Coffee and chocolate trees, date palm, sweet potato, cassava, etc. are grown. In the subarid zones there are vast pastures with poor vegetation.

The structure of agriculture.

Agriculture is part of the agro-industrial complex and includes the following main sectors:

-crop production. The industry is subdivided into sub-sectors according to the type of plants grown: grain crops (wheat, barley, rye, oats, etc.); legumes (peas, beans, etc.); fodder crops (forage grasses, silage crops, fodder root crops, fodder melons); industrial crops: a) food crops (sugar cane, sugar beets, hops, starch crops, medicinal plants); b) textile crops (cotton, flax, jute, hemp); c) rubber plants (hevea); vegetable and melon crops: a) potatoes, b) leafy crops (cabbage, lettuce, spinach, etc.); c) fruit crops (tomato, cucumber, pumpkin, zucchini, squash, eggplant, pepper); d) bulb crops (onion and garlic); e) root crops (carrots, table beets, parsnips, etc.); f) gourds (watermelon, melon, etc.); citrus crops (orange, grapefruit, tangerine, etc.); tonic crops (narcotic crops, tea, coffee, cocoa); oil and essential oil crops: a) oil crops (sunflower, castor oil, mustard, rapeseed, sesame, camelina (plant), hemp, flax, coconut palm, oil palm, olive tree); b) essential oil crops (coriander, anise, cumin, etc.); hop growing; viticulture; gardening; grassland - obtaining suitable pastures and fodder for livestock.

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