How to assemble a cake in the form. Cake from ready-made biscuit cakes: a step-by-step recipe with a photo. Now consider the design of the main holiday dessert using mastic for adults

For most beginner confectioners, a very interesting question arises. how to assemble a cake.

This is one of the main steps in making a cake!

The final appearance of the cake and the amount of your efforts to achieve the perfect result will depend on this moment.

So how do you assemble the cake?

Cake assembly steps: +

  • First you need to decide on what you will serve the cake, maybe it will be a special substrate, spacing or a plate.
  • We install an assembly form on it, it can be a detachable form in which you baked cakes, a metal ring or a ring with a replaceable diameter.

Choose what to collect the cake on

  • The sides of the mold must be lined with acetate film, foil or baking parchment. This step will prevent the cake and cream from sticking to the pan and also help build the height of the cake.
  • Make sure that the thickness of the cream is the same between all the cakes. I do it with weights. So you certainly can't go wrong!

It is better to lay the sides of the form with acetate film

  • The collected cake must be cooled for 8 hours, at least 4. The cream must stabilize.
  • If the cake will be used as the bottom tier in a multi-tiered cake, I recommend putting a 1-2 kg press on top. Not on the cake itself, but on a board or a substrate !!!
  • After cooling, remove the mold and the acetate film. At this stage, the cake is already even and beautiful!

While snow is streaming from the clouds and frosts are cracking, we warm our loved ones with warmth, hugs and fragrant ones. I propose to prepare the Intrigue cake for tea drinking, which will turn your classic idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthis pastry upside down. The highlight of the recipe, as a smart reader has already guessed, is in the assembly of cakes.

This cake with vertical layers will bring freshness to the practice of both an experienced amateur pastry chef, accustomed to applause, and an inexperienced beginner - because the recipe is simple. But how effective! The applause of the guests is guaranteed!

Such a cake can be made from any proven dough for rolls. Imagination immediately offers a string of options: alternate dark and light cakes, or layer the same light stripes with a contrasting cream of boiled condensed milk and butter (or sour cream), or even drop beet juice into white cream for a pink color and create a delicate dessert. This time I settled on a chocolate and sunny pumpkin biscuit.


Chocolate biscuit:

  • 220-250 g flour
  • 0.7 cup sugar
  • 5 st. spoons of cocoa
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 260 ml water
  • 5 st. spoons of vegetable oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon soda

Pumpkin biscuit:

  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 cup pumpkin puree (fresh or boiled pumpkin)
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 4 tbsp. tablespoons melted butter (or vegetable)
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1/2 teaspoon soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • a pinch of vanillin


  • 250 g sour cream
  • 100 g soft butter
  • 0.7 cups of sugar or 3-4 tbsp. spoons of honey
  • sachet of vanilla sugar

Chocolate glaze:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of cocoa powder
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream
  • 2 tbsp. butter spoons

How to cook a cake "Intrigue" with vertical cakes - recipe:

Put the finished cake with vertical layers in the refrigerator for several hours or overnight for soaking.

Cake “Intrigue”

Bon appetit!

Julia M. recipe author

This article will be useful to you if you are a beginner confectioner and are puzzled by the question of how to make a mousse cake with mirror glaze. First of all, of course, you need a cake recipe, but to get the perfect look, you need to know some subtleties about how to assemble a mousse cake.

Mousse Cake Molds

Most often, either silicone molds or metal rings are used to make such cakes. Silicone molds do not require any additional preparation, the frozen mousse is perfectly removed from the mold. In the case of a metal ring, in order to get a perfect, even surface, some manipulations are needed. Mousse cakes are assembled upside down. Find the right size cutting board, baking sheet, or flat plate. The ring must be tightened with cling film, in order for the film to adhere well, sprinkle the outer surface of the ring with water or lightly heat it with a hair dryer. Place the mold on the board, film down, lay the sides with acetate tape. Such a tape can be bought at pastry shops, if you could not find it, you can use improvised means, for example, cut a file for documents. Now put the mold in the freezer for 3-5 minutes, this is done so that the mousse does not flow out of the mold. The silicone mold must also be placed on a flat surface; it is not necessary to remove it from the freezer.

Cake assembly

Prepare the main cake mousse, center and biscuit. Remove the prepared ring from the freezer, put a layer of mousse, then the frozen center, lightly drown it in the mousse, some more mousse and a biscuit. It is better if the biscuit protrudes slightly above the surface of the mousse, by 3-4 mm. This is especially important to consider if you want to cover the cake with chocolate velor, this will avoid cracking the velor at the bottom of the cake. A little more about how much mousse to pour in the first layer. It depends on the cake recipe and how thin or thick the base mousse is. For example, a cake consists of a main mousse, a layer of jelly and a biscuit. In this case, feel free to pour half the mousse into the mold. If the mousse is quite thin, you can put the mousse mold in the freezer for 2-3 minutes so that the mousse sets slightly. The second example: if the center of the cake consists of several layers, and the mousse should only frame this middle with a thin (1-1.5 cm) layer, then pour the mousse into the mold with a layer of about 1.5-2 cm, spread it with a spoon or spatula mousse up the walls and carefully lower the center with the biscuit. We put the cake in the freezer for at least 6-8 hours. Nothing complicated, as you can see.

How to make a mousse cake perfectly smooth, you now know. Watch the video, if you have any more questions, ask in the comments. And I will tell you some more useful tips for a novice confectioner.

How and how long can you store the cake

After you cover the cake with icing or velor, rearrange it in the refrigerator. Depending on the size of the cake, it takes 3-5 hours for all the layers to thaw. You can store mousse cake for 2-3 days in the refrigerator. Serve ideally also from the refrigerator, they took out the cake, cut what was left, put it back in the refrigerator. The situation when during a feast (especially in the heat) the cake stands on the table for hours is not for a mousse cake. It may not spread like a beautiful colored puddle all over the table, but it’s better not to risk it, especially since the ingredients are perishable.

What is convenient mousse cakes, they can be prepared for the future. As far as willpower and the size of the freezer are enough) A frozen cake in the form can be wrapped with cling film and stored frozen for up to 3 months. For cakes, it is better to allocate, if not a separate freezer, then at least a separate shelf, away from fish, meat and other products that do not go well with cakes.

How to cut a cake beautifully

I am often told that it is a pity to cut such beautiful cakes. It’s not a pity) If you cut it correctly, then even greater beauty opens up inside! To get a beautiful cut, take a long, thin knife and a tall glass (jar, jug) of boiling water. Dip the knife in boiling water, wipe it with a paper towel and make an incision with a confident movement. Again, lower the knife into boiling water, wipe, cut. You get a beautiful piece of cake where all the layers are visible. As an option, heat the knife with a gas burner or over the stove, but boiling water is still more accessible.

How to calculate how many people a cake

The question is also quite popular. Mousse cakes are generally not too sweet, and lighter than cream sponge cakes, you can eat more of this cake. It is generally accepted that a piece of 150 g is enough for one person, but everything, of course, depends on appetite. If you focus on this figure, then a 1 kg mousse cake will be a good treat for 6-7 people.

How to recalculate the recipe for the desired form

I’ll tell you how I do it, I know how to count, but I don’t always like it) Therefore, my method is very simple. For example, you have a recipe for a 18 cm cake, and you have a 20 cm mold. Divide 20 by 18, we get 1, 11111 ... Round up to 1, 11. Now we multiply all the ingredients by this number and get the recipe we need for a mold of 20 cm.
For clarity, I will recount the mousse from a recent lime-strawberry cake.

It is worth noting that these calculations are correct if we recalculate two round shapes, the same height but different diameters, or two square ones. If you need to recalculate the recipe for a round shape of 20 cm to a square of 16 cm, for example, and of different heights, then either calculate the volumes of the forms, or rely on your intuition and calculate a little with a margin. From excess mousse and scraps of biscuit, you can always assemble a pie and please yourself for breakfast.

For a more accurate calculation, you can use an online calculator to calculate the volume of a cylinder (round shape) and a parallelepiped (square shape), then we divide the volume of one shape by another and get the coefficient we need.

And yes, scales are important in the confectionery business. Please don't ask me how to count this into spoons and glasses) But there is good news - you don't have to have expensive professional forms and tools, start cooking with those that you have. I was very impressed by the story of one girl about how she made a detachable form from cardboard and foil to make a cake according to my recipe. This is the inspiration of a person, imagine! Accuracy in ingredients is important, technology is important, do everything carefully and correctly. The form is secondary, fine if everything is perfect, but this is not the main thing. Even the most simple and not perfect cake will be delicious if you have prepared it with inspiration and love.


Mousse cake is one of the most popular trends in the modern confectionery world. This European dessert captivates not only with its spectacular appearance, but also with an unusual combination of textures and limitless flavor variations. This is the case when every confectioner

can show his imagination. But in order to learn how to cook such a dessert, you need basic knowledge, which we will share with you right now.
So, ideally, a mousse cake should consist of several important layers from bottom to top: base, mousse, filling, coating (mirror glaze or velor coating). Also, a crispy layer, or crumble, can be included as a separate layer.
To begin with, we propose to understand the terms. Reading descriptions of mousse cakes for the first time, every beginner is faced with a mass of incomprehensible words: dacquoise, confit, coolie, and so on. Let's be clear about the amazing goodies behind these words.

Glossary of terms:
. Dacquoise (from the French dacquoise) is a type of biscuit based on whipped proteins and any nut flour, with a minimal addition of wheat flour. Most often it is made on almond, hazelnut or walnut flour. You can also add chocolate chips to this biscuit.
. Brownie is a moist sponge cake with the addition of chocolate, eggs, butter and a minimum amount of wheat flour. When used in mousse cakes, pieces of fruit or berries are often added to it.
. Gioconda biscuit - named after the famous Mona Lisa - this French almond fluffy biscuit, containing a minimum of flour, serves as the basis for the famous Opera cake.
. Sablé (from French Sablé) is a classic chopped French shortcrust pastry made from butter and flour crumbs, sugar, an egg and a small amount of salt. Also, nut flour can be added to it.
. Sponge biscuit - porous biscuit, similar to moss, used to decorate the cake.
. Ganache is a chocolate emulsion - a mixture of cream, chocolate and butter in different proportions.
. Confit (from the French. Confit) - confectioners call this term the type of filling in a mousse cake with fruit or berry puree, sugar and a gelling component.
. Coolie (from the French Coulis) is a fruit or berry sauce thickened with the gelling component of pectin.
. Curd, or curd (from English curd) is an English dessert custard made from berries or fruits. It can also be used as a filling. The most famous Kurd is lemon curd.
. Compote is a type of fruit or berry filling in a mousse cake. Fruits or berries are used pureed and / or cut into pieces with the addition of sugar and a gelling agent (gelatin, pectin).
. Cremu is a type of filling in a mousse cake, which consists of boiled yolks with sugar, fruit or berry puree and butter. It can be independent or an additional layer to the confit.
. Creme Angles - yolks mixed with sugar and brewed to a temperature of 82-83 ° C in milk and cream 35%. Often it is used in the preparation of mousse.
. Pralines are caramelized nuts. Mousse cake often uses praline paste, that is, caramelized nuts ground into a paste.
. Crumble is the crispy layer in a mousse cake that can be made from, for example, a mixture of Belgian waffle crumble, chocolate, praline nut paste and/or ground nuts, or simply chocolate, butter and waffle crumble.
. Velor - chocolate velvet cake coating, which consists in the classic version of a mixture of melted white chocolate and cocoa butter in a 1: 1 ratio.
. Mirror glaze - a glossy glaze that serves to cover the cake. As a rule, it consists of a fatty base - condensed milk / cream, glucose syrup, chocolate and gelatin.
. Glaze Leopard - glaze based on neutral gel / glaze, water and dye. Used to decorate a cake, able to create spotty stains on the base mirror glaze, applied over the base glaze with a spatula.
. Neutral gel/icing - pectin-based icing, used to cover fruits and berries in cake decoration to add shine and also to create leopard icing.

Mousse Cake Architecture:
The basis.
The basis in the mousse cake can be any kind of classic biscuit, honey, shortbread dough saber, brownie, daquoise or biscuit Gioconda. As a rule, it is baked in a ring with a diameter 1-2 cm smaller than the form in which you will collect the cake. The height of the biscuit in the mousse cake is small, on average from 0.7 cm to 1.8 cm.

The mousse options are endless, but the basic ones are three chocolate mousses: based on white, dark and milk Belgian chocolate and whipped cream.
Chocolate mousse is usually gelled with quality gelatin or agar agar. There is also a cream cheese mousse based on cream and curd cheese. Fruit or berry puree can be added to these types of mousse. Mousse is prepared last, since we use it directly at the moment of assembling the cake, it must remain liquid at this moment.

The filling can be fruit or berry coolies, confit, curd or compote. The filling is poured into a ring, which is about 2 cm smaller than the diameter of the cake mold, and frozen in the freezer. The ring must be pre-covered with cling film.
The filling is the most imaginative part of your cake, but also the most dangerous! You have to carefully combine flavors and be sure that the fruit or berry you choose will go well with the chosen type of mousse and cake base. In the filling, it is desirable to use 1-2 and maximum 3 types of fruits and / or berries - this is how our receptors are arranged, more complex combinations are unlikely to be recognized and understood. But even a combination of 2 components in the filling requires experience and a virtuoso sense of taste, which only experienced confectioners can do! We advise you to start experimenting with one of the traditional flavors of the filling, such as raspberry, strawberry, cherry, pear, banana, apricot, mango, passion fruit, and only then start tasty experiments.

The following are the most successful and popular flavor combinations in mousse cakes:

Raspberry - dark / milk / white chocolate.
. Strawberry - dark / milk / white chocolate.
. Cherry - dark / milk / white chocolate.
. Coffee - banana - dark / milk chocolate.
. Banana - caramel - chocolate mousse / creamy mousse.
. Passion fruit and/or mango - milk chocolate.
. Apple - pear - cinnamon - chocolate mousse / creamy mousse.
. Blueberries - raspberries - dark / milk / white chocolate.
. Apricot - dark / milk / white chocolate.

Mousse cake cut:

Crispy layer.
The crispy layer is the most savory part of the cake, it can transform your dessert and diversify the texture. Someone thinks that this is the most delicious part of the cake, while others, on the contrary, do not like such surprises in delicate mousse desserts. Therefore, it is up to you to decide whether to add a crispy layer or not, but it is definitely worth a try. Just be sure to use quality ingredients here! No need to replace delicate wafer crumbs with corn flakes, even the most delicate ones - it will still be a completely different story, far from the classics of a modern dessert.

Assembling a cake is a very responsible and exciting moment. Here everything is important to do accurately, evenly and accurately. So, by the time of assembly, your filling and crispy layer should be frozen in an ice pebble in the freezer. The biscuit should be already cooled down, and the mousse is ready.
We begin to collect the cake in the form upside down, so first we pour a layer of mousse (about 1 cm) onto the bottom - this will be the top of our cake, send it to the freezer for a few minutes so that the top layer grabs a little and our filling does not drown in it. Then we take out the form from the freezer and put the filling there, carefully aligning and centering it, so that as a result the cut of the cake is even. Immediately pour more mousse on top of the filling (you need to cover the filling). If you have a crispy layer, then you can place it directly in front of the biscuit, close to it, or a little earlier. At this stage, we simply melt the crispy layer into the mousse with twisting movements. We add more mousse so that there is literally a little space left 0.5-1 cm, depending on the thickness of your biscuit. We put the biscuit on top of the mousse, melting with twisting movements. Now we level the surface of the mold, removing excess mousse, cover the surface with cling film and put it in the freezer overnight or for about 8 hours, until the dessert is completely solidified.

The topping of the cake takes place the next day. To do this, use the mirror glaze or velor prepared the day before.
Mirror glaze is applied at a certain working temperature. Depending on the type of glaze, the temperature varies, but usually it is 32-35°C. The cake is removed from the mold, placed on a stand, for example, an inverted glass from a blender, which, in turn, is placed on a plate or baking sheet covered with cling film. The icing is poured onto the cake in a quick and sure motion in a circle. Excess glaze from the flat surface of the mold is brushed off with a long and flat confectionery spatula. Let the icing drain and then remove the excess along the bottom edge of the cake by cutting or tucking it inward with a small knife or spatula. Now, using two spatulas or a spatula and a knife, carefully transfer the cake to the substrate.
To cover the cake with velor, you need an airbrush. Be sure to buy a high-quality spray gun that will be able to gently spray velor, creating a small drop that solidifies into velvet crumbs, otherwise it will be splashes that will fall on the cake in untidy blots. For velor, melted chocolate and cocoa butter are mixed in a 1: 1 ratio and pierced with a blender with the addition of a fat-soluble dye. Be careful! Gel dyes are usually not suitable as they do not dissolve in velor. For coloring chocolate, helium dyes can only be used in conjunction with Americolor Flo-Coat. Test your dye: First, dissolve it in a tablespoon of velour, to be safe for yourself and your cake. It is most convenient to apply velor by placing the cake on a stand in a large box placed vertically. The second convenient way: use the spray gun in the bathroom, the walls of which are covered with tiles. Keep in mind that splashes will be everywhere and washing it off the walls is a laborious process.

And now you have a biscuit ready and even invented the taste of the filling. It remains the case for the small. Gather your courage and collect the cake. Ideally, the cake should not look like the Leaning Tower of Pisa or any other unstable figure. The smoother the assembly, the easier and more convenient it is to work with the cake in the future. The smoother the build, the more professional the cut will look. We will talk in more detail about how and with what tools to organize all this.

Basic set of tools.

  • pastry table;
  • pastry bags;
  • spatula;
  • confectionery ring;
  • acetate film;
  • substrates;
  • plastic or wooden tubes.

A pastry table is a must have for a pastry chef. And both professional and beginner. Without it, assembling and leveling the cake is extremely difficult and even exhausting. Of course, it is quite possible to level the cake without it, but for this you must have a lot of skill. You can choose the height and diameter of the table according to your personal preferences. In addition to the standard options, there are also tables that can be tilted.

With the help of pastry bags with wide round nozzles, it is insanely convenient to distribute creams and other fillings between the layers of biscuit. Of course, you can do without them, but in this case you can forget about even, slender layers.

Spatulas of various sizes are your assistants not only in matters of alignment, but also in matters of "internal". With a spatula, you can easily distribute the cream between the layers during assembly without the use of molds.

Confectionery rings and split molds of various shapes and sizes are the best friends of an equal cake. If you have little practice, then assembling the cake in the ring is the best solution. If you add an acetate film to the ring, you are on the way to success.

Acetate film.

Acetate or board film is one of the most useful tools when assembling cakes. If you are assembling the mousse cake in a ring rather than a silicone mold, acetate film is the only possible way to achieve a smooth edge. Using a film when assembling cream cakes in a ring is one of the best solutions. It is this technique that allows you to achieve a perfectly even edge. With it, you do not have to puzzle over the question: “how to remove the confectionery ring and not cut off the floor of the cake.” Among other things, acetate film is ultra-necessary when assembling tall cakes. With its help, you can easily "build up" the sides to the desired length.

If your cake contains berries, berry puree, juices and similar ingredients, then do not forget that all of the above have a tendency to oxidize when in contact with metal. It is better to collect such cakes without using a confectionery ring at all, or in a ring with the obligatory use of an onboard film.

Assembly without ring.

At first glance, it is much easier to assemble a cake without a ring, but this simplicity is deceptive. Yes, such an assembly does not require many tools, but, like any responsible process, it requires accuracy and care. You can’t do without a pastry table with such an assembly. It will allow you to see inaccuracies and flaws. The cream is most conveniently spread using a pastry bag. When assembling without a ring, you can use a pastry spatula. It will help to even out the layer of filling creams. With any kind of assembly, pay attention to the biscuit. All biscuits must be the same diameter or size.

Ring assembly.

Ring assembly is a great option for beginners. If you are still afraid of the word "cake", then this particular type of assembly will help you cope with all fears. From the ring or shape, the cake will not lean anywhere, will not squint and will not run away. The ring will strictly fix the shape of the future cake. It will be easier to straighten it out later. When assembling the filling and cream in a ring, we also recommend distributing with pastry bags. You can use both fixed diameter molds and expandable rings. The latter are more versatile. With them, you do not have to buy dozens of molds of different diameters.

Dam and radial assembly.

Everyone knows the problem: how to assemble a cake with a soft tender filling. For example, with Kurd or jelly. What if the jelly is poured into a ring of the same diameter as the biscuit and just put it on the biscuit?! If you suddenly haven’t tried this method yet, then don’t try it, it doesn’t work! The so-called “dam” can be an ideal solution for this task. This method involves drowning any delicate filling in the cream ring. In the case of jelly cream it is best to put it around after placing the layer on the biscuit.If your filling is less stable, then it is recommended to first make a ring of cream and only then put the layer into this ring.

For a more "honest" distribution of the filling in the layers, a radial assembly is used. It allows for a more even distribution of flavors. Also, radial assembly is good for tiered cakes - with its help, you can equally divide the physical pressure and make the cake more stable and strong. For this assembly fork, you will need several pastry bags (according to the number of creams and toppings). Layers are laid out in radial circles one after another. It is more convenient to lay out stable creams in the first place, and only then fill the remaining voids with more delicate layers.

Assembly of tiered cakes.

The assembly of multi-tiered tori first of all assumes the correct strategy from the calculation of physics. The bottom tier, as a rule, should be more stable and dense. For him, it is better to use dense biscuits and creams. Each of the tiers can be preliminarily put under a press before assembly. The cake may sag during the resting process, but this is easy to fix when finishing. Each of the tiers of the cake should be placed on a substrate that will hide when the cake is leveled with cream. The substrates are primarily needed for the convenience of cutting the cake itself. In each of the tiers, except for the top one, plastic or wooden skewers are installed. This is to ease the pressure of the tier on the tier.

So, I have a biscuit, syrup to soak it and cream. I baked a biscuit in the form of a slightly larger diameter than our cake should be. We cut it with a serrated knife into cakes of the desired thickness. Now we take a plate or a lid of the same diameter as we want to make a cake. Flip over and cut out a circle. So we do with all the cakes.

With the resulting circle, lay out the edge along the edge of the cake.

Soak the resulting "bowl" with syrup, lay out part of the cream.

We lay the next cake on top, again we form a side, syrup, cream. And so with all the cakes, except for the last one. You can leave the side from it for tea) You get such a smooth cake.

Rough, but not quite. I am going to cover the cake with fondant, so I need to achieve the most even surface.

I use a protein-oil cream for smoothing. You can use any convenient for you (butter + condensed milk, ganache, etc.).

Somehow I didn’t make friends with special scrapers for leveling, somehow the usual ruler-triangle is more convenient. So, put the cake on the turntable (if available), apply cream on top of the cake, level with a scraper. Now, we place the scraper at an angle to the surface (about 45 degrees), and rotate the table, keeping the scraper motionless.

Now let's move on to the side surface. We also apply cream, put the scraper at an angle relative to the surface of the cake, but try to make it perpendicular to the table. Rotate the turntable. This will smooth out the rough edges.

A small "crown" is formed along the upper edge. You shouldn't touch her. While the cream is soft, it will be difficult to remove it gently. Put the cake in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.

We repeat the alignment. Again, first the top, then the sides. And again in the cold. Now for 30 minutes. If two approaches were not enough for you, you can repeat the procedure. And sometimes, one approach is enough for a perfectly even alignment.

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