List of characters in the book series "Tanya Grotter. List of characters in the book series "Tanya Grotter What Tanya Grotter looks like

Tanya Grotter. The daughter of Leopold and Sophia Grotter, two wonderful white magicians who died protecting her from Plague-del-Cake, an evil old woman, a black sorceress who tried to seize dominance over the world with the help of the Talisman of the Four Elements. When she tried to set her scorpion on Tanya, who was protected by the Talisman, the Plague's magic turned against her and she died. Tanya was given to foster relatives, Aunt Ninel and Uncle German Durnev, who also had a daughter, Pipa (short for Penelope). Tanya lived in this "nice" family for ten years, until she got to the Tibidox school of magic. In Tibidox, she first learns the truth about the death of her parents, for the first time she has friends - Bab-Yagun, the grandson of Yagge, and Vanka Valyalkin, the child of drinking parents. Enemies also appear, like the Tomb of the Sklepova from the dark magicians. In Tibidox, Tanya studies magic under the guidance of teachers: Sardanapal Chernomorov, the head of Tibidox, a good-natured person who loves children; Medusia Gorgonova, a strict but fair teacher of nonliving science; The slander of Poklepych, the stern head teacher, Tararakh, the good Pithecanthropus, Zuboderikha and others. Tanya also plays dragonball, a game in which there are five balls, two dragons and ten players in two teams.

Tanya and her friends have been fighting the Plague del Cake for five years. At the moment, 13 books have been published, and it is not known what will happen next, and whether there will be anything else at all, but with each book more and more mysteries appear. Also with the book series "Tanya Grotter" the plot of the book series from the creator of the TG "Mefodiy Buslaev" intersects with the plot.


Bab-Yagun is the son of a rogue magician and a sorceress. However, his father escaped, his mother died in a fight with the Plague del Cake. Little Yagun was brought up by his grandmother Yagge, who is in charge of the medical center. Bab-Yagun spent all his childhood in Tibidokhs, with his grandmother. He was smart and inquisitive and therefore brought a lot of trouble to adults. A couple of times he was removed from the vacuum cleaner on the way to Bald Mountain, and once he was even found at the Creepy Gate, which he tried to open using a carnation as a master key. The most terrible punishment for Yagun was simply to sit silently on a chair with his hands folded. True, Yagge rarely punished him so severely. His ears are unusually protruding. Therefore, he did not like conjured hats in childhood - he said that the ears did not fit in them. Hair wears short. Bab-Yagun studies in the light department, but was in the dark department for some time, and was transferred back through the efforts of Yagge. Bab-Yagun's favorite subject is a dragon ball. Yagun treats the vacuum cleaner reverently. He is said to have the best vacuum cleaner in the school. Yagun also trained in Mugford and got into the world team. Yagun has a very sharp tongue, for which he was appointed as a commentator in dragonball. Yagun knows how to mirror well (read other people's thoughts), this helps him well with a charmed pass. To protect his consciousness, he puts a blockage that is very difficult to break through. However, Yagun has detractors, so Yagun has to wear an anti-evil vest. Dating Katya Lotkova. Baba-Yagun has a double in a parallel world - a wandering "magician" - a crook Yagunni.

Ivan Valyalkin

Vanka Valyalkin was born in the world of moronoids. Vanka had a difficult childhood, his parents were alcoholics and bullied their son in every possible way. The boy was often hungry. His magical abilities manifested when he, dying of hunger, ate the entire supermarket, including the rubber truncheons of the guards. And immediately after this incident, he received an invitation to study at the Tibidox school. At school, he became friends with Bab-Yagun, and then with Tanya Grotter. Tanya and Vanka were inseparable friends from the very beginning, and a strong friendship grew into strong love. Vanka's favorite item in Tibidox was veterinary magic. The boy always found a common language with the undead and magical animals. His room was like an infirmary, with injured animals everywhere, sick undead, and books on veterinary magic.

After graduating from Tibidokhs, Vanka decided to retire from the world of people, and therefore climbed into the dense forest. In his rickety hut, Vanka explored the world of moronoids: he read books, tried to do without magic. In the end, he came to the conclusion that the magicians needlessly cut themselves off from the rest of the world. Soon, Vanka has another friend - a miniature dragon Tangro. The dearest person in Vanka's life is Tanya Grotter. He loves her pure, bright and boundless love. Tanya at one time doubted whether the man Vanka Valyalkin was the one with whom she was ready to spend her whole life? .. However, soon all her doubts dissipated. Fighting with a pagan god in the guise of a sphinx, for the sake of saving Tibidox, Vanka had to give up magic. He became an ordinary person. This was the reason for Tanya moving to him in the forest. In the parallel world, he has a double - the dragon I-Van La Kina.

Coffin Sklepova

Coffin Sklepova in her childhood was an ordinary girl Anya. She was born into a gravedigger's family and inherited from him her coffin humor and passion for grave things, such as the coffin, which she uses as a bed. As a child, she carried dead birds home, many of which served as her toys. Mom didn't like that. Coffinya's older brother mocked her, and during one of such cases, Coffinya awakened a gift. She entered Tibidox in the dark department at the age of 11. It was an unusual mixture: it had the character of dark Tibidokhi magicians - classmates, the character of young magical girls (for example, Guria is jealous of Tanya), the character of Lysegorsk witches (not those ghouls that roam at night, but such spectacular ladies as Gryziana Pripyatskaya). Coffinya's humor, her wit compensated for her complete lack of conscience. She changed her hair every day, painted her nails with varnishes of different colors. She considers magic to be the most important thing in the world. After leaving school, she became a TV presenter, she had fans - "crypts". Coffinya, like many other girls, was in love with Gury Pupper and tried to seduce him. However, her attempts turned against her - instead of Pupper, the annoying Sheikh Spirya fell in love with her, who wanted to give Grobyna several oil rigs. But Coffinya was strongly attached to Guna Glomov. She married him. In the parallel world, she has a double - the maid of honor of the Kingdom of Fire - Grobulia Skleppi.

Aunt Nasturtium

One of the two aunts of Gury Pupper, the aunt hates Tanya Grotter because Gury allegedly nearly died through Tanya's fault. It is a reference to Aunt Petunia from the Harry Potter series, as nasturtiums, like petunias, are flowers.

Katya Lotkova

Katya Lotkova from the first year is a well-deserved beauty of Tibidox. She has incredible beauty. Katya is a hereditary sorceress, her great-grandmother was engaged in love spells, and Katya got the gift. At school, Katya did not use love spells, her natural beauty was enough to seduce the boys. Katya treated everyone kindly, with tolerance. She had a soul, and therefore she knew who felt her soul and who loved her appearance. Katya became Bab-Yagun's friend when she realized that even if she was ugly, he would still stay with her forever.

Leopold Grotter

Father of Tanya Grotter, one of the greatest dragonball players of all time. For some time he was a member of the Eternity team. The greatest magician, the son of Theophilus Grotter.

The kindest aunt Guria Pupper

The second aunt of Gury Pupper, has a mysterious name that no Englishman dares to pronounce, explaining this with strong magical properties, from which

"The Creepy Gates Will Melt" (Jane "Zhanna Petushkova" Petushkoff).
Instead of a name, the appeal "the kindest aunt" is used, which, however, does not indicate kindness, but is rather sycophantic, used by Pupper's magvokats. It is most likely that S.D.T. is an allusion to the author of the Harry Potter series of novels - JK Rowling, and this is indicated by a number of some facts:
  • Harry Potter didn't have a second aunt.
  • In the books, it was mentioned more than once that SDT bought everything for warts, pimples, etc. J.K. Rowling, in turn, bought all the rights to all kinds of products with Harry.
  • The very concept of "Kind Aunt" refers to Ms. Rowling in the best possible way - at one time she donated a large amount to the fund for single-parent families.
  • "Kind Aunt" often resorts to the help of magvokats (magic lawyers), JK Rowling often files lawsuits to protect her works (including books about Tanya Grotter)

Sofia Grotter

Sofya Grotter (maiden name, as well as patronymic, unknown) Wife of Leopold Grotter and mother of Tanya. Met him in Tibidokhs, later married him. Her husband took her and their daughter Tanya to the taiga wilderness.

First mentioned in the very first book "Tanya Grotter and the magic double bass". The rest are mentioned only in passing, and only in the book “Tanya Grotter and the Hammer of Perun” does she appear again, as a comparison with the appearance of her daughter Tatyana.

Pipa Durneva

Penelope Germanovna Durneva is Tanya's cousin. At first it was a parody of Dudley Dursley, but then it became a separate independent character. Because of intuitive magic, I ended up in Tibidox. She was in love with Gury Pupper, but then she realized that he was beyond her reach, and chose Genka Bulionov, with whom she studied at the Moscow moronoid school.

Gury Pupper

One of the most notable characters in the books, Gury Pupper is a nod to Harry Potter from the series of novels of the same name. Gury is a world class dragonball player and member of the invisible team. Yemets makes many allusions to the J. Rowling series, in various books there are references to an owl, glasses sealed with adhesive tape, Sardanapal mentions the distribution of students in Mugford by skills and abilities, in the first book where G. appears, Tanya is told that Pupper's childhood similar to Tanya's childhood. Gury flies on brooms, there is a mention of a black magician who hunted Guria, and so on. Having played the first match with the Tibidox team, G. falls in love with Tanya Grotter, and Grotter herself does not love him a bit, and thinks that P.'s love is connected with the love spell she carelessly uttered at the request of Coffin Sklepova. But then it turns out that Pupper's love is real. Not having received reciprocity, he tries to bewitch T. with the help of the voodoo witch Circe, but unsuccessfully. The second match with the invisibles was lost through the fault of Tanya, who saved Pupper from the jaws of the dragon Goyaryn. The Tibidox team won the third match due to the fact that Pupper had already saved Tanya from the Kang-King dragon. This happened after his aunts forced Jane Petushkoff on him. Before that, Pupper fights in a duel with Vanka due to the fact that both are tired of uncertainty. Pupper seems to die, but a moment before the fall, he summons a ship of demons and falls into a coma for six months. The ship flies to Transylvania, where it is found by the chairman of the organization V.A.M.P.I.R. G. Durnev, at the same time as the Magic of the Chilly Magic. After that, Pupper can no longer be with Tanya, but continues to love her, and, as already mentioned, saves her from the dragon during the third match. Has loyal guardian fans Prune and Goreanna, who are a nod to Harry Potter's friends Ron and Hermione. In addition to the consonance of names, this is indicated by the fact that Goreanna, like Hermione, is a feminist.

Genk Broths

A lanky guy, a former moronoid. He discovered his magical abilities in the book "Tanya Grotter and Noah's pince-nez", with the help of the Book of Rock. Until the age of 15, he lived with his mother, who made him eternally ill. After meeting with the Book of Doom, he was taken to Tibidox by two ghosts: Eyeless Horror, and Lieutenant Rzhevsky. He was enrolled in the dark department. Was enslaved by the Plague del Cake in one of the books. At the moment, she is in a relationship with Pipa Durneva.

Verka Popugaeva

A curious person, a student of the dark department. At the age of 13, she was taken to Tibidox when she spied on her older sister when she was kissing a boy (peeping through the wall). It was then that she developed the ability to see through objects. After leaving school, she and her friend Dusya opened a place where magical services are provided.

Rita Shito-Kryto

The most mysterious person in Tibidox, absolutely unpredictable, a student of the dark department, is fluent in black magic, voodoo, and special in potions, poisons and evil eye. Favorite of the Great Tooth. She was a member of the Tibidox dragonball team, flies on a guitar with a trailer.

Kuzya Tuzikov

Member of the Tibidox dragonball team. Plays defense. Known for never parting with his broom. (An exception is graduation ball). In love with Rita Shito-Kryto


The first "botanist" of Tibidox. I got there after he, an excellent student, was given a deuce for nothing. This infuriated him so much that mushrooms grew on the teacher's head by themselves, and the class magazine flared up. In the book "Tanya Grotter and the Magic Double Bass" he plays a very important role, namely, he was enslaved by the Plague-Del-Cake, then it becomes less noticeable. In love with Lena Svekolt.

Plague Del Cake

The dark necro-sorceress who killed 7 necromages and acquired their power is now dead. It is a parody of Voldemort. Several times she tried to kill Tanya, as well as take her body. Previously, the Plague del Cake was imprisoned behind the Creepy Gate. But there was a case when the magic failed and all the ancient gods escaped. They managed to catch everyone, except for Plague. She managed to stay free and she began to do her dark deeds.

Sardanapal Chernomorov

The first disciple of Drevnir, the immortal academician of white magic, Sardanapal is the head of Tibidox and the most powerful white magician after Noah and his teacher. Parody of Dumbledore. Awarded with the Magic Suspenders Award. A parody of Merlin's order. It is notable for its lively multi-colored mustache, and no less lively, and very long beard. He owns magical artifacts: the Ring of the Lord of Spirits (thanks to which there is a free staff of dragons in Tibidox), the Amulet of Truth (detects lies). First Deputy: Medusia Gorgonova, with whom he is in love.

Medusia Gorgonova

Associate Professor of the Department of Unliving Studies and Deputy Director. Parody of Minerva McGonagall. It was she who once froze with her gaze the unlucky heroes of Ancient Greece. She was in love with Perseus, who betrayed her (cut off her head). She was saved and revived again by Sardanapal Chernomorov. The current love is Sardanapal.

Slander Poklepych

Head teacher of Tibidokhs and part-time teacher of protection from spirits. Every student knows his famous chilling look. The most favorite measure of punishment for students is zombification, and, to our great regret, Slander of Slander, which has never been brought to an end. He is in love with the mermaid Milulya because Cupid was offended by him and launched an arrow at him. Terribly jealous of her to the water. The slander is partly a parody of Severus Snape, this is hinted at by his icy look, like Snape's, and the strange transition from dark magic to light, accompanied by misunderstanding and distrust in the ranks of students.

In my opinion, he is not very much written off from Snape ... More likely from Filch.


A teacher on removing the evil eye from the white and applying the evil eye from the dark department. Among the students, she is called the Great Zubi. A very romantic person, despite her ability to cast such evil eyes that even Academician Chernomorov does not always succeed in disenchanting her victim. She loves to read poetry and classic novels. Because of her marriage to Godfried of Bouillon, whom she disenchanted from the spell of Drewnir, her ardor for literature cooled. Real name is Julia.

Gottfried of Bouillon

Before his marriage to Zuboderikha, he was Sleeping Beauty. Was awakened by the kiss of the Great Tooth. In Tibidox, with the spear of Apollo, he drives the undead out of the cellars and performs small assignments from teachers.


Veterinary medicine teacher. Parody of Rubeus Hagrid from Harry Potter. An immortal pithecanthropus whose history of immortality the whole school knows by heart. During the time of the Pithecanthropes, his tribe caught a white dragon and ate it. Tararah got only a piece of meat near the tail. The dragon turned out to be poisonous, so the tribe died. And the piece of meat that Tararakh ate gave immortality. Not a magician. Good-natured, has a favorite student, Vanya Valyalkin.

Nightingale O. (Odikhmantievich) Rogue

Black magician, magic aerobatics trainer. Blind in one eye. He lost the battle with Ilya Muromets, as a result of which he was captured. Simulated physical death in the courtyard of Prince Vladimir. Taken on bail by Sardanapal Chernomorov. In the last book, he donated his little finger so that the match between the World Team and the Team of Eternity would take place. Favorite student - Tanya Grotter.

Immortelle Koshcheev

Head of the Magic of the Chilly Magic. He hates Sardanapal and the Tibidox school (perhaps he is jealous of Medusa, for whom he feels something like love). One of the referees of dragonball matches, he plays against the Tibidox team all the time, judging its rivals. On good terms with Guria Pupper's aunt - Nasturtium. Also B.K. - one of the richest magicians in the world, wears armor from Paco Grobano.


Pervomag, teacher of Sardanapal. Created all the magic, wrote many prophecies. Light Guardian.

Gleb Baibarsov

Adopted child of a dark witch - an ally of Plague-del-cake, who grew up in the wilderness. Once, as a child, he turned a dead kitten into a zombie after swallowing a fishhook. After that, the witch took him. Received most of the gift after her death. Secretive and hardly talks to anyone. He draws, but his drawing, and even then only one, was seen only by Tanya. Once in Tibidox, Gleb gets the nickname "voodoo boy". Gleb has another secret: he loved Tanya Grotter even before he saw her in Tibidox. But in the 13th book it turns out that his love is just a passion. At the end of the thirteenth book, he lost his magic and went to the moronoid world. Gleb himself is in love with Zhanna Abatikova, who was brought up with him by a dark sorceress.

Lena Svekolt

Necromage. Shurasika's girl, and as smart as he is. Cold-blooded, like the rest of the necromages. Hair braids in two pigtails of different colors (blue and green).

Zhanna Abbatikova

Necromage, guessing by the eyes. As a child, she loved Gleb and swore that either he or no one would get it on the book of the old woman, from whom all three (Gleb, Zhanna and Lena) studied. As a result of an oath, he has a scar on his wrist. More sensitive and emotional than other necromages. When she is worried, she swallows consonants, and it is very difficult to understand her.

Liza Zalizina

The worst enemy of Tanya Grotter, a member of the Tibidox dragonball team, flies on a cuckoo clock. He hates Tanya because Vanka Valyalkin and Gleb Beybarsov love her. In "Tanya the Grotter and the Hammer of Perun" she is surprised that Tanya likes to be among the dark magicians, but in "Tanya the Grotter and the Ring with a Pearl" knocks down the door with a double red spark. Therefore, it is not known to which magicians to rank her. At school, she tried many times to bewitch Valyalkin, as a result of which he became very resistant to love magic. After graduation, she lived with Gleb Beybarsov in Ivanovo. Prone to drama. During her stay at Mugford she became friends with Jane Petushkoff. She has the nickname "Poor Lizon", which Tanya awarded her.

The main character is a girl Tanya Grotter, whose parents died at the hands of the evil sorceress Plague-del-Cake. Tanya herself could not be killed, as she was protected by the Talisman of the Four Elements.

The director of the magic school Tibidokhs, an academician, left Tanya in a double bass case in front of the door of the girl's only relatives - the family of deputy Durnev. Tanya spent her childhood with them, constantly enduring ridicule and bullying from the Durnevs, their daughter Pipa (short for "Penelope") and her classmates.

Because of the revealed magical abilities of Tanya, the girl was taken to Tibidox, which became her home. Here Tanya experienced many adventures and found new friends.

Released books

Tanya Grotter and magic double bass (September 2002)

Tanya Grotter and the Hammer of Perun (2003)

Someone, night after night, breaks Buyan's magical protection, knocking out mysterious symbols on the impenetrable dome. At the same time, Coffinya loses her magic and is forced to return to moronoids, Gunya Glomov loses her strength, Katya Lotkova loses her beauty. Something incomprehensible is happening in Tibidox… Meanwhile, life does not stand still. Pipa Durneva, who has discovered intuitive magic, ends up in a school of magic. Tanya Grotter experiences the effect of voodoo magic and, like a cat, falls in love with Pupper. And the Tibidokhs dragonball team will have to fight with the team of eternity, which includes the most famous players of all times and peoples, among which is himself ... Tanya's father - Leopold Grotter and other famous people who lived at different times, because the outcome of this match depends on whether the match will take place - revenge with the invisible team, and for this the Tibidox team needs to score at least one goal.

Tanya Grotter and Noah's pince-nez (2003)

The hour has come when magical artifacts acquire tremendous power. Someone throws a magic book at the novice magician Genka Bulonov and forces him to utter a formidable spell. The main bet is on the "Soul Reaver" wand. When touched on the chest, the wand takes the soul, leaving the body intact, which can be inhabited by any other magician. For unknown reasons, the Khmyrs begin to hunt for an old portrait of Noah, which has been safely covered with dust on the Main Staircase of Tibidox for many centuries ... Meanwhile, the question of life and death is being decided: who will Tanya choose? Vanka Valyalkin and Gury Pupper are fed up with uncertainty. Only a duel - a magical duel according to harsh ancient rules - can put an end to this protracted romance. So, the third extra or the third dead?.. As a result, Vanka, through negligence, releases a spark into Guria, but, fortunately, it falls into his broom. Everyone believes that Gury died, and Valyalkin is blamed for this. Vanka goes to the moronoids - Durnev, as he is threatened by Dubody - a magical prison, unusual in that every prisoner who gets there ages a week in a day, and ages a year in a week, and can die there. Vanka is sent there on suspicion of Guria's murder. He learns that Tanya is in Dubodam and hurries there. But all this turns out to be a trap, and Vanka ends up in prison himself. Tanya wants to help Vanka, and she and Yagun fly to Dubodam. Vanka must be saved, because the fate of Tibidox depends on it. This was stated at the council by Sardanapal, and if Vanka is not saved in time, the academician will resign, and then there will be a new head of Tibidokhs. Teachers fly after Tanya, because they know that Vanka did not kill Guria (German Durnev found him on the Demon Galley alive and well). With the help of Noah's pince-nez, Tanya learns the spell to be cast by Immortelle Koshcheev and with his help frees Vanka. Everyone returns to Tibidokhs with Vanka.

Tanya Grotter and the Centaur Boots (2004)

Tanya Grotter, Vanka Valyalkin, Gunya Glomov, Bab-Yagun, Coffinya Sklepova and Shurasik fall into a parallel world. There, all magic is divided into four elements, and each of them, except for Tanya, has a double. Tanya is the last in the parallel world. She is hunted by a dwarf killer, wanting to get her blood in a bowl. This blood is needed by the creature Elementary, who made a deal with Theophilus Grotter many years ago. Theophilus did not fulfill the conditions and imprisoned the Elementary in a parallel world, tying him to the boots of a centaur. Transferring Tanya and others with magic, the Elementary controls Coffinya, Gunya and Shurasik with the help of magic bracelets.

Urg, Tanya's new acquaintance, saves her from death. In the forest they meet the magician Yaguni. Together they go to Tyr - to the homeland of Urg. There Urg and Tanya quarrel, and Tanya leaves with Yaguni. The Elemental Chalice remains with Urg. He follows them. Grobulia Skleppi in the realm of Fire is sentenced to death, but she manages to escape. She meets Urg and follows him. The magician Shurasino in the realm of Air escapes from Boreas on a flying fortress and meets Grobulia at the order of the bracelet. I-Van is also in danger in the kingdom of Water, he hides with the help of the centaur Mardonius. Gunnio in the Earth Kingdom tries to put a bracelet on Yaguni, but can't. In the kingdom of the Earth there are Grobulia, Urg, Yaguni, Tanya, I-Van, Shurasino and Gunnio. But is everything the way Tanya thinks?

Together they go to the forest, to the hut where the centaur's boots are. There, the Elementary controls them so that Tanya's blood is in the bowl. But can Tanya be saved? Tanya finds herself in the office of Academician Sardanapal, where the teaching council met. It was attended by Medusia Gorgonova, Zuboderikha, Slander Poklepych and Pithecanthropus Tararakh. Sardanapal tells about the mysterious mirror and the world of Methodius Buslaev, who made a deal with Theophilus Grotter. It turns out that the passage to the parallel world is carried out with the help of a magic mirror that connects everyone between the two worlds, because Tanya did not cast the forbidden spell in vain, she had no other way out, and it was this spell that could open the passage to the parallel world. And now she, along with Coffinya, Gunya, Yagun, Shurasik and Vanka, herself visited this world. Trainer Nightingale O. Robber also joins the teaching council, who checks if Tanya's double bass is intact in order to prepare for new dragonball matches.

Tanya Grotter and Poseidon's Well (2004)

The year began as usual, with teachers and students studying the theory of eidos in the classroom. But the sudden disappearance of teachers turned Tibidox upside down. Many lacked the commanding roars of Slander and the absent-minded gaze of Academician Sardanapal. There was a lack of Yagge, without which the store was empty. The juicy bass of Tararakh and the sounds of the great Zubi were missing. The itch connection is also disabled. And only the library genie Abdullah escaped extinction. Now, because of the well of Poseidon, the senior students had to do everything themselves: teach themselves, monitor the junior students and prepare for a rematch with the invisible team, since the coach Nightingale O. Robber disappeared along with all the teachers. And find a way to get the teachers back. For the first time, three necromages appear - Gleb Beybarsov, Lena Svekolt and Zhanna Abbatikova.

Tanya Grotter and the lock of Aphrodite (2005)

For many centuries, the lock of golden hair of the goddess of love Aphrodite has been wandering around the world. A long time ago she gave it to her lover, and it is not clear what this artifact brought to the world more - joy or sorrow ... And now Aphrodite's curl mysteriously ends up with Tanya Grotter. This artifact can connect the destinies of two people. On one end you need to say your name, and on the other - the name of the person with whom you want to spend the rest of your life. But if Tanya does not name names within the allotted time, then she will never know love in her life. Tanya hesitates, not knowing whether to choose Vanka or Guria Pupper or Urga from a parallel world.

At graduation, Tanya is with Vanka Valyalkin, and Gleb Baibarsov invites her to drink the blood of a boar with him in order to unite their destinies forever.

Tibidox's dragonball team travels to Mugford to play with the invisibles and other foreign players against the world team. At the match, Tanya almost crashes, but Vanka saves her. Gleb Baibarsov finds out about the curl and threatens to force Tanya to give his name. Tanya has very little time left to choose. She learns that the name of Lisa Zalizina has already been said at one end. Tanya has a cunning plan in her head. Why not get rid of two problems at once? Liza is tired of Vanka, Gleb is tired of Tanya. And she decides on this insidious plan. As a result, she wins doubly: she eliminates her rival, and gets rid of annoying Gleb!

Tanya Grotter and the pearl ring (2006)

A year has passed since the end of Tibidox. Time scattered everything, everything mixed up. Tanya and Yagun remained in the graduate school. Seven-Stump-Holes, Popugaeva and Zalizina with Beibarsov moved into the world to moronoids. Coffin Sklepova and Gunya settled on Lysa Gora. Shurasik in Mugford. Vanka climbed into the wilderness and lives far from the world, communicating only with leshaks. True, sometimes cupids bring letters from him to Tanya... Restless Yagun comes up with the idea to arrange an evening of alumni meeting and bring the whole course together. And now the invitations have been sent out, the guests have gathered. But Vanka has a surprise - the dragon Tangro. It would seem that everything is almost the same as before, but not quite ... Immortelle Koshcheev wants to transfer the school from Buyana Island to the Arctic, where there is permafrost. To do this, he sends the auditor Zerbagan to Tibidox, who is connected with the island by some secret.

Tanya Grotter and full Tibidox! Phrases, quotes and aphorisms (2006)

A collection of quotes and aphorisms from all books about Tanya Grotter.

The Worlds of Tanya Grotter (2006)

Gryziana Pripyatskaya- host of the information program "The Last Magvosti". He also works at the Kolduybaba station. Famous all over the world, including her high-profile weddings or divorces. Has a short stature and an eyesore. Friends with Coffin.

Coffin Sklepova- together with Gryziana Pripyatskaya, leads "Meetings with the famous dead." Aspiring TV presenter.


Goyaryn- the old dragon of Tibidox, who participated in all the games of the Tibidox team (note "description in books").

Mercury, Ash, Sparkling, Flamethrower, Smoky- Sons of Goyaryn.

Ishak-ibn-Shaitan- the dragon of the genie team.

spittle- the dragon of the Gandharv team.

Zmiulan- the first dragon team of eternity.

Python- the dragon of the team of muses.

Gerardion- the second dragon team of eternity.

snow dragon- dragon polar spirits.

Agrippa Eilach Flux- the three-headed dragon of the world team.

Meatball- dragon babaev.

glad- rock dragon She once lived in Tibidox, along with Goyaryn and other adult dragons. During the last battle against the Plague, del Cake was wounded in the wing by a poisonous arrow, so Nightingale and Medusa took her to an island where she hibernated for 300 years until she was awakened by Tararakh, Nightingale, Tanya, Yagun and Vanka for a match in dragonball (team of eternity against the team of the world).

Kang King- the dragon of the stealth team.

Tangro- the Peloponnesian small dragon, discovered by Vanka after a snowfall and groomed after a long hibernation, became Vanka's friend, very energetic and frisky. Although it is small, it is actually one and a half thousand years old. Dragons of this species were excellent swimmers and lovers of everything shiny. Subsequently, they were almost completely exterminated (the exception is Tangro), they were found turned to stone and broken. It turned out that this was done by Zerbagan and his lord Ligul, the head of the Office of Gloom, in order to find the stolen pearl.

Lefiathan - a water dragon from a parallel world, from the Kingdom of Water (found in the book "Tanya Grotter and Centaur Boots").


Lieutenant Rzhevsky- Tanya's friend. He has 12 knives and one dagger in his back. Likes to tell jokes and ask newbies to fix their daggers. Married to an Undertreated Lady. Despite outward frivolity and bravado, he can be understanding and even wise.

Undertreated Lady- Tanya's friend. She loves to complain to everyone about her illnesses and talk about how the surgeon forgot her glasses in her stomach during the operation. Married to lieutenant Rzhevsky. Very romantic and exalted, distinguished by meticulousness. Calls his spouse Voldemar.

Blue Uncle. A dead ghost who sometimes sits in a wheelchair. "It can be driven away, of course, but then there will be a terrible stench" - as the yagun said.

Eyeless Horror- an old ghost. He lived in the Middle Ages, until his castle was captured by enemies, terribly mutilated and walled up alive in the wall of himself. Until his death, he was called Heinrich and had a bride - Baroness Adele Krampf, very fat and strong. Horror saw the reincarnation of his beloved in Aunt Ninel and fell in love with her again.

Disabled carriage- squeaks and ride all over Tibidokhsu.

Crazy Grandpa- an old ghost. According to unverified information, one of the few who knew the secret passage to the Disappearing Floor. For this he was killed by the Ghost King.

ghost king- lives on the Disappearing Floor, can kill and give birth to ghosts. He wanted to return the Plague del Cake, but Tanya prevented him. He appears only on New Year's Eve when he is going to pick up a new ghost. In the book Tanya Grotter and The Disappearing Floor, Tanya scared him away with the spell "caravagdis feoxiris". He also prophesies.

Mad Mathematician he was eaten by the king of ghosts.

Other characters



  • German Durnev- Pipa's father and Tanya Grotter's uncle. Inherited the title of Lord of the Vampires. He has never drunk blood, is allergic even to tomato juice. Mad about his wife and daughter. Very skinny, with a greenish face that makes him look like a vampire. He is distinguished by practicality, has an evil and nasty character, however, after several years of Tanya's studies at Tibidox and Pipa's admission there, he became noticeably more bearable. Having sheltered Khalyaviy at home, Uncle Herman became a terribly rich man.
  • Malyuta Skuratoff- Chief Justice of Transylvania, keeper of the relics of Count Dracula.
  • Boom- a huge bodyguard of Malyuta Skuratoff.
  • Wenceslas and Francis- half-vampires sent by the Magic to search for Gleb Beybarsov.

Plague-del-Cake (Ta-Who-No)- Tanya's biggest enemy. Killed her parents. Appeared in many books. A creepy-looking old woman with a laugh like sandpaper. Plague is the only one who managed to make an organized army out of the undead. All mages are terrified of her. In her youth, she looked like Tanya like two drops of water, which is why she wanted to get her body. " Tanya Grotter” was first published with illustrations. Since only 10 books were published at that time, this edition was released in the form of a five-volume set - two books in each volume.

  • Released in the spring of 2008, the book "Tanya Grotter and the Chatty Sphinx" was released in a new cover, after which the previous thirteen books were reprinted in this design.
  • In parallel with the release in the spring of 2012, " Tanya Grotter and the bird of the Titans» the entire series (not in chronological order) was re-released with covers close to the design of the original edition.
  • In September 2015, the series began to be reprinted with new covers and some minor editing of the text. New covers for the reissue were drawn by Latvian artist Eva Elfimova.
  • Was accused of plagiarism by Rowling's lawyers and lost the case. However, a Dutch translation of "Tanja Grotter en de magische contrabas" was published in Belgium by the Flemish publishing house "Roularta Books" in a print run of 1000 copies in 2003. Rowling did not file a lawsuit at the time, and the print run quickly sold out. However, Yemets said that the books about Tanya Grotter are purely Russian and, in his opinion, they could hardly have had the same success abroad as they had in Russia. However, his official website has an English translation of the first four books by Jane Buckingham.

    Similarities to the Harry Potter series They treated him badly, but loved their son Dudley (Didi). They treated her badly, but loved their daughter Penelope (Pipa). When he was 11 years old and unaware of his abilities, he was invited to Hogwarts, a school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. When she was 10 years old, she did not know anything about her abilities, she was invited to Tibidox, a school of magic and wizardry. Harry has two best friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. Tanya has two best friends, Bab Yagun and Vanka Valyalkin, with whom she is in love. He becomes an excellent Quidditch player by flying on a broomstick. She becomes an excellent dragonball player by flying the double bass. Voldemort looking for Links

    About a sorceress girl studying at Tibidox magic school. And also about a young man endowed with a magical gift. The series began to be published in 2002, when the first book " Tanya Grotter and magic double bass". The main article about the young man; "Mefodiy Buslaev"

    Released books

    Tanya Grotter and magic double bass (2002)

    Tanya Grotter, who has lived for 10 years with her distant relatives Durnev, finds out that she is a sorceress. She goes to the magic school Tibidox, where she learns magic and finds new friends. But the evil that killed her parents many years ago has not gone away forever - Tanya is in danger again. At the same time, someone is looking for something in her things - the Talisman of the Four Elements, which once saved her from the evil sorceress Plague-del-Cake. And in the ancient prophecy of Drevnir, it is said about the impending danger. (“In the finale, a strange paradox awaits you: Tatiana Grotter will erase Tibidox.”)

    Tanya Grotter and the Vanishing Floor (2002)

    Tibidox is almost destroyed, the students have nowhere to live, and Tanya with two ghosts is sent home to the Durnevs. Finally returning, she learns about the strange Disappearing Floor - the Tibidox floor, which appears and disappears, taking with it into oblivion everyone who was there. At the same time, among the students or teachers, someone begins to serve and help the returned Plague del Cake. Tanya needs to find out who it is and once again save the magical world from the evil sorceress.

    Tanya Grotter and Golden Leech (2003)

    Having fulfilled the ancient prophecy of Drevnir, Tanya, during a dragonball match, collides with the star of the invisible team Gury Pupper, and the rope of seventeen hangmen bursts in her double bass. It turns everything upside down, Plague-del-Cake becomes the director of the school, Tanya becomes her favorite student, good becomes evil and vice versa, and Sardanapal languishes in prison for the murder of Tanya's parents. She must fix everything, and the only way to do this is to crush the Golden Leech by stepping into the furnace.

    Tanya Grotter and the Throne of Drewnir (2003)

    Magic disappears to no one knows where, someone steals it from the world. Schoolchildren are again sent to moronoids. Magic items - a canopy, a cauldron and a rocking chair of Drevnir, which bestow magic on the world, are stolen. The school has a new teacher, Fujii. Tanya, Vanka and Yagun must find out who is stealing the magic, otherwise everything will end.

    But another surprise has been prepared for Tanya. Tanya thought that Vanka was her friend. But it turned out to be something more than friendship. (Vanka confesses her love to Tanya)

    Tanya Grotter and the Staff of the Magi (2003)

    Someone cut down the world tree stored on Buyan Island. The only remaining part of it is the staff of the Magi; it is stolen by vampires. But they fail to keep it - it is stolen from them too. Tanya utters a forbidden spell, instilling an evil spirit into the mirror. He opens a passage to our world for the ancient pagan gods who want to return the Tree. Tanya is transferred to the dark department. You need to find the Staff of the Magi, otherwise the ancient gods will break into the world and their wrath will be terrible.

    The hour has come when magical artifacts acquire tremendous power. Someone throws a magic book at the novice magician Genka Bulonov and forces him to utter a formidable spell. The main bet is on the "Soul Thief" wand. When touched on the chest, the wand takes the soul, leaving the body intact, which can be inhabited by any other magician. For unknown reasons, the Khmyrs begin to hunt for an old portrait of Noah, which for many centuries has been safely covered with dust on the Main Staircase of Tibidox... Meanwhile, the question of life and death is being decided: who will Tanya choose? Vanka Valyalkin and Gury Pupper are fed up with uncertainty. Only a duel - a magical duel according to harsh ancient rules - can put an end to this protracted romance. So, the third extra or the third dead? ..

    Tanya Grotter and centaur boots

    Tanya Grotter, Grobynya, Vanka Valyalkin, Gunya Glomov, Yagun and Shurasik fall into a parallel world. The forests of this eerie world are inhabited by the undead, and the mountains and dungeons by spirits. Four elements reign in it: fire, water, air and earth, to which all magicians living in this world are subject. No one is able to use the magic of a different element, except for the one that gives him strength. Here the Elementalist is invisibly present - an incorporeal creature whose powers are dozens of times greater than those of an ordinary sorcerer. Once the Elementalist was transferred here by the magic of Theophilus Grotter. Once, Tanya's ancestor used the help of the Elementalist, but, considering the set price to be excessive, violated the contract and, without paying him off, by cunning transferred the Elementalist to a parallel world. In order to leave him and return to his own dimension, the Elementary needs to drink the runes of his bowl with the blood of Theophilus Grotter, which now runs in the only veins - the veins of Tanya Grotter ...

    Tanya Grotter and Poseidon's Well

    Tibidox continued to live, although it was no longer the same Tibidox... Many lacked the commanding roars of Slander and the distracted look of Academician Sardanapal. There was a lack of Yagge, without which the store was empty. The juicy bass of Tararakh and the sounds of the great Zubi were missing. Instead of the red-haired Copper, the undead science of the junior courses was now taught by the Incomplete Lady. And all because the teachers disappeared. Not a single adult magician remained in Tibidox. It was directly connected with Poseidon's well. For several centuries, he accumulated strength in the depths of Tartarus in order to splash them out again. And then the well woke up ... Now the senior students had to do everything themselves. To teach by ourselves, to look after the kids by ourselves, to prepare for the rematch with the invisible team. And find a way to get the teachers back...

    Tanya Grotter and Aphrodite's curl

    For many centuries, the curl of the golden hair of the goddess of love Aphrodite has been wandering around the world. A long time ago she gave it to her lover, and it is not clear what this artifact brought to the world more - joy or sorrow ... And now Aphrodite's curl mysteriously ends up with Tanya Grotter. And her life is full of events. The studies in Tibidox are coming to an end. Final exams ahead! Then she will fly to Mugford, where, as part of the invisible team, she will take part in a match with the world team. However, the time allotted by the artifact is inexorably running out. In order for the curl of Aphrodite to connect destinies, you need to pronounce your name on one end of the strand and the name of the chosen one on the other. If you do not name names, Tanya will never know love. Who to choose? Vanka Valyalkin? Guria Pupper? Gleb Beybarsova? But most importantly, who and why sent her this insidious artifact? ..

    Tanya Grotter and a ring with a pearl

    A year has passed since the end of Tibidox. Time scattered everything, everything mixed up. Tanya and Yagun remained in the graduate school. Seven-Stump-Holes, Popugaeva and Zalizina moved into the world to moronoids. Coffin Sklepova and Gunya settled on Lysa Gora. Vanka climbed into the wilderness and lives far from the world, communicating only with leshaks. True, sometimes cupids bring Tanya letters from him... Restless Yagun comes up with the idea to arrange an evening of alumni meeting and bring the whole course together. And now the invitations have been sent out, the guests have gathered. It would seem that everything is as before, but not quite ... Immortelle Koshcheev wants to transfer the school from Buyan Island to the Arctic, where there is permafrost. To do this, he sends the auditor Zerbagan to Tibidox, who is connected with the island by some secret...

    Tanya Grotter and the Necromage's Curse

    Necromage Tantalum's Liquid Mirror... A hideous dark artifact that bestows the gift of a special abomination. The lives of two people - yours and the one whose appearance you will take at least once - from this moment merge together. One pricks - both of them bleed. Gradually, their consciousness also begins to unite. The one of the two who is morally stronger will influence the weaker one ... Tanya is painfully trying to understand why Beyborsov might need a liquid Tantalum mirror? Why did he steal it from the vault for especially dangerous artifacts? Now the Magic is looking for the necromage as a criminal. And Gleb is hiding somewhere in Buyan. Soon Tanya and her friends become aware that the spirit of Tantalus is imprisoned in the dungeon of Plague-del-Cake. All this is very strange. And then there is the dragonball match between the world team and the team of eternity ...

    The evil sorceress Plague del Cake spares no one in her quest for power. She mercilessly destroys all the light wizards that come across her way. One of the victims is the white magician Leopold Grotter. His daughter Tanya miraculously survives, but she always has a mysterious mark on the tip of her nose. Now the girl is forced to live in a foster family Durnev. Upon reaching 10 years old, she finally finds herself and goes to study at the Tibidox magic school ...

    Tanya Grotter and the Disappearing Floor (2002)

    Tanya Grotter is upset. Due to a serious renovation at the Tibidox magic school, all students need to go home. But the main character does not want to return to the Durnev family at all. But, fortunately, time flies by and the girl goes to her favorite school again. Tibidox has become even better than before. However, the Disappearing Floor began to terrify all the inhabitants of the institution. No one dared to penetrate there, because they did not return alive from there ...

    Tanya Grotter and Golden Leech (2003)

    Once Tanya Grotter happened to come across a mysterious prophecy of Drevnir, which she finds in an old lodge near a swamp. According to him, if the ancient spirit breaks free, then the Golden Leech will penetrate the magical fire and time will be turned back. All this will lead to the destruction of the Creepy Gates, which threatens with a real disaster. During the World Dragonball Championship, Tanya notices that all the events from the terrible prophecy are beginning to come true...

    Tanya Grotter and the Throne of Drewnir (2003)

    In Tibidox, someone stole the main sources of magic - things that previously belonged to Drevnir. Of course, there is also the throne of an ancient magician with a supply of energy for another millennium. But the problem is that no one knows where it is located. In addition, the upcoming dragonball is on the nose, which everyone is looking forward to. Events are also heating up due to the fact that Gury Pupper unexpectedly falls in love. Who won his heart and is it really someone's magic tricks? ...

    Tanya Grotter and the Staff of the Magi (2003)

    Between other worlds and the world of magicians, there has long been a strict law of balance. No one is allowed to move from world to world, as this will upset this balance. However, this law was still violated. Something incredibly valuable has been stolen from other worlds...
    Tanya, by an absurd accident, opens and passes between the worlds and encounters three ancient gods who demand to find and return what was stolen, otherwise the magical world will be destroyed ... Meanwhile, Gury Pupper still cannot win the heart of the main character ...

    Tanya Grotter and the Hammer of Perun (2003)

    Buyan's magical protection is at risk due to the fact that someone regularly leaves strange symbols on the dome. Meanwhile, Coffinya loses her magical powers and has to return to the moronoids. Gunya Glomov is also deprived of his powers, and Katya Lotkova of her beauty. Something strange is definitely going on in Tibidox. At the same time, Tanya Grotter becomes a victim of voodoo magic, which is why she suddenly falls in love with Pupper. And Tibidox’s dragonball team is getting ready to fight against the national team of eternity, which includes all the best players…

    Tanya Grotter and Noah's pince-nez (2003)

    The time has come when magical artifacts are filled with great power. An unknown person throws a magic book on the young magician Genka Bulonov and forces him to utter a serious spell. The main bet is on the wand "Soul Thief". When touched on the chest, the wand is able to take the soul, leaving the body intact, into which any other magician can later penetrate. For unknown reasons, the Khmyrs suddenly open the hunt for an old portrait of Noah, which for many centuries, out of habit, has been covered with dust on the Main Staircase of Tibidox ... In the meantime, an important question must be resolved: who will Tanya choose? Vanka Valyalkin and Gury Pupper are already pretty tired of this love triangle. Only a duel - a magical duel according to strict ancient rules - can solve the problem of a protracted romance.

    Tanya Grotter and the Centaur Boots (2004)

    Tanya Grotter, Grobynya, Vanka Valyalkin, Gunya Glomov, Yagun and Shurasik find themselves in a parallel world. In the forests of this terrible world, evil spirits live, and the dungeons are teeming with spirits. 4 elements reign in it: fire, water, air and earth, to which all living in this magical world are subject. No one can use the magic of another element, except for the one that feeds him. Here, the Elementalist, an incorporeal being, whose powers are many times greater than the powers of a simple sorcerer, reigns unofficially. Once the Elementary was moved here by the forces of Theophilus Grotter. Once, Tanya's ancestor asked for the help of the Elementalist, but, considering the set price to be excessive, he violated the agreement and, without paying him off, sent the Elementalist to a parallel world by cunning. In order to get out of it and return to his native dimension, the Elementary needs to drink the runes of his bowl with the blood of Theophilus Grotter, which now remains only with Tanya Grotter ...

    Tanya Grotter and Poseidon's Well (2004)

    Tibidox is going through hard times. The fact is that all the teachers disappeared at the school. Now all the students are missing their favorite teachers - Yagge, the great Zubi, the absent-minded Sardanapal and many others. The reason for the disappearance is connected with the well of Poseidon. For many centuries he accumulated strength in the depths of Tartarus, in order to wake up again later ... The students have no choice but to manage the entire learning process themselves - to teach, supervise the lower grades, prepare for dragonball competitions and solve the problem of the disappearance of teachers ...

    Tanya Grotter and the lock of Aphrodite (2005)

    For many centuries, the hair of the famous Aphrodite has been wandering around the world. Once upon a time, she gave it to her beloved, but in the end, this artifact turned out to be not the most joyful events for the world. Tanya Grotter accidentally discovers it in her home. Someone dropped it on her on purpose. But you need to act quickly, because the power of the artifact has a time limit and time is inexorably running out. Tanya will have to name the chosen one so that the curl can connect their destinies ... Otherwise, the main character will never see love ..

    Tanya Grotter and the pearl ring (2006)

    The main characters finally finished their studies at Tibidokhse. Tanya and Yagun chose graduate school for themselves. Seven-Stump-Holes, Popugaeva and Zalizina went into the world to the moronoids.
    Yagun comes up with a crazy idea - to arrange a reunion of graduates, inviting everyone who studied with them. Together with Tanya, he sends out invitations. Many guests gather at the evening, but something is still wrong ... Immortelle Koshcheev plans to transfer the school from Buyana Island to the Arctic, where eternal cold reigns. In order to accomplish this, he sends the auditor Zerbagan to Tibidox, who is connected by some secret with this island ...

    Tanya Grotter and full Tibidox! Phrases, quotes and aphorisms (2006)

    We present to your attention a funny collection that has absorbed the most interesting and funny quotes from a series of books about the adventures of a young sorceress Tanya Grotter. Only thanks to the activity and initiative of the fans of the series, it was possible to compile this amazing collection.

    The Worlds of Tanya Grotter (2006)

    Tanya Grotter and the Curse of the Necromage (2007)

    The liquid mirror of the necromagic Tantalum was unexpectedly needed by Bayborsov. This dark artifact is extremely dangerous, because it is able to connect the lives of 2 people forever and all this leads to serious consequences. However, Bayborsov manages to decorate him from the vault and is now wanted by the Might. Tanya and her companions find out that the spirit of Tantalum is in the dungeon of the Plague-del-Cake, which is suggestive ... Meanwhile, everyone is preoccupied with the upcoming tournament between the world team and the team of eternity ...

    Tanya Grotter and the Talkative Sphinx (2008)

    Sphinxes are very different. However, among them there is only one who likes to make magical deals. At the most inopportune moment, when the undead almost defeated Tibidox, it was to him, if successful, that Drevnir promised the key to the Creepy Gates. True, the Sphinx mentioned several hundred years of delay. And so they passed ... Not everything that you once gave can be returned back. Gleb Beybarsov realizes that having abandoned Tanya, he hastened. However, now Vanka is in his rivals. Because of the mirror of Tantalus, Gleb himself cannot defeat him and therefore chooses a rather peculiar duel. But this fact does not make the upcoming fight safer, rather the opposite...

    Tanya Grotter and the Bird of the Titans (2012)

    Many centuries ago, the insidious sorceress Plague-del-Cake wanted to destroy baby Tanya Grotter, but Ancient Magic managed to save the girl and forced the black sorceress into another world - a mirror image of ours. The plague was able to survive there and even gain power. Since then, her main desire has been to free herself from the twin world and take revenge. To do this, it is enough just to destroy the thin and very strong boundary between realities. But no one can do this. With the exception of a small gray bird - the birds of the titans. Only for her, neither time, nor space, nor physical barriers matter. If you destroy it, then the Glass of Worlds will collapse, and then Plague-del-Cake will be able to break free! And the ideal candidate for such a task... of course, a girl who bears a striking resemblance to Tanya Grotter and was brought up specifically for this mission..

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