Development of PPR regulations for ak transneft. Regulations for the development of projects for the production of works for the construction, technical re-equipment and reconstruction of oil trunk pipeline facilities. The duration of the regulation

- an obligatory organizational stage in construction. With its competent development, the planning of construction processes is facilitated, and all organizational stages are completed within the required time frame without violating the technology for performing construction and installation works and minimizing the risks associated with stops from regulatory authorities. The project for the production of works indicates the sequence of organizational, preparatory and main types of work performed according to the design documentation for the facility.

Our company has been working in this direction since 2007 at various construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment and overhaul facilities. At the beginning of 2018, a WEP was developed for more than 2,000 facilities.

We, as an organization that develops projects for the production of works, provide copies of all permits in the application: SRO certificate for design and certificates of specialists. There is a permit for design work of especially dangerous facilities: oil, petrochemical, etc.

Developers are certified in the field of industrial safety, have at least 3 years of experience in drafting work execution projects. The accumulated base of ready-made PPR allows us to set prices much lower than those of competitors, and the deadlines are the shortest.

The quality of the developed WEPs

Less "water", more technology for performing work and higher quality of PPR!

We have fully adapted to the requirements of various customers, including foreign companies (IKEA, DAEWOO, ...), customers with internal standards of enterprises (Transneft, Gazprom, Rosneft, Rosavtodor ...), supervising organizations (OATI, GATI, ...). We know their requirements for the development of production projects and technology of construction and installation works.

We provide a lifetime warranty on all completed projects. It consists in the constant support of the PPR until it is fully agreed. If we undertake the development of the object in full, then we assume all obligations to supplement the necessary missing data during construction.

The cost of developing a PPR in construction

How to order a service

You can order the development of a project for the production of works by calling the numbers indicated in the Contacts section or by sending the entire set of initial data to us by e-mail: . Turning to us, you can be sure of the competence of our specialists.

After receiving all the data, we estimate the cost of development and send you a commercial offer and / or contract. After signing the contract, we start work. Payment occurs only after the WEP is developed and sent to you for verification of its compliance with your requirements.

Deadlines for the preparation of the PPR

The terms for the development of WEP depend on the completeness of the submitted initial data, the volume and complexity of the work performed on the project and are approximately 2-4 days. The staff of the company allows you to prepare everything in 1 day, in which case the cost of services increases.

Even for the largest object, it is possible to make a project for the production of works in 2 days if all IDs are presented in the development format and you promptly answer all questions that arise.

The procedure for the development of projects for the production of works

The procedure for developing a project for the production of works in our company:

  • study of the terms of reference for the PPR and the submitted materials on the object;
  • selection of the list of main types of work;
  • drawing up an explanatory note and applications;
  • registration of technological maps with their binding to the object;
  • inserting links from software to technical maps;
  • if necessary, adjustment of applications (schedules, construction plan).

All responsibilities for the design of each section are distributed to individual responsible and trained specialists. Following this procedure for the development of WEPs, we control each stage and are responsible for the relevance of all applicable regulatory documents.

Technology sections are drawn up only by technologists, industrial safety, labor and environmental protection - HSE specialist, electrical safety and flow charts for electrical work - power engineer, etc. The order of development of projects for the production of works may vary depending on the complexity of the object.

Development of WEP by stages

The WEP project is developed both for the entire facility and for individual stages of ongoing construction, overhaul, technical re-equipment and reconstruction of facilities:

  • preparatory period (installation of fences, arrangement of a household year, temporary roads, installation of scaffolding, geodetic works, dismantling of buildings and structures);
  • zero cycle works: pile, earthworks, installation of monolithic and reinforced concrete foundations;
  • construction of monolithic structures: concreting and reinforcement of foundations, walls, floor and floor slabs, columns;
  • installation of enclosing structures (walls, partitions) made of ceramic and silicate bricks, blocks, metal structures, sandwich panels;
  • erection of metal structures of overpasses, buildings, structures, tanks, tanks: columns, beams, girders, trusses, connections, sheet and roll assembly of tanks;
  • welding and installation works;
  • installation of roofs using various materials: rolled, soft roofs of membrane type, from corrugated board;
  • finishing works inside (floors, ceilings, walls) and outside (facades, plinth) of the building;
  • filling openings: doors, gates, windows;
  • arrangement of intra-quarter and main roads from slabs and asphalt, footpaths, bridges;
  • laying of external and internal engineering networks: electrical work, laying of heating networks, heating, water supply, sewerage, ventilation, gas pipelines, cables, oil pipelines, overhead lines, technological pipelines, etc.

Registration of the project for the production of PPR

We carry out the execution of the developed PPR in accordance with all applicable NTD. Like all test documents in accordance with SPDS, the project contains a cover, title page, table of contents, general data, main sections on MDS, literature, familiarization and approval sheets, applications.

The title page and cover provide data on the object, the Customer, Contractors, and the year of development. At the design stage, the document is divided into volumes containing no more than 250 sheets.

PPR and the process charts included in it are developed by us in accordance with the requirements of the MDS and the internal regulatory documents of the Customer. The entire technology for performing work is tied to the human resources, machines and mechanisms provided in the TOR.

All documents presented in the catalog are not their official publication and are intended for informational purposes only. Electronic copies of these documents can be distributed without any restrictions. You can post information from this site on any other site.






Moscow 2003

The regulations developed and approved by OAO AK Transneft establish industry-wide mandatory requirements for the organization and performance of work in the field of trunk oil pipeline transport, as well as mandatory requirements for formalizing the results of these works.

Regulations (enterprise standards) are developed in the system of OAO AK Transneft to ensure the reliability, industrial and environmental safety of main oil pipelines, regulate and establish uniformity of interaction between the Company’s divisions and OAO MN when conducting work on the main production activities both among themselves and with contractors , state supervision bodies, as well as unification of the application and mandatory implementation of the requirements of the relevant federal and industry standards, rules and other regulatory documents.



1.1. The project for the production of works is developed by the contractor (contractor, own construction and installation organization) for the construction of new, expansion and reconstruction of existing facilities.

1.2. Construction, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of main pipeline transport facilities without approved work execution projects is prohibited. Deviations from the decisions of the project for the production of works without the consent of the organizations that developed and approved them are not allowed.

1.3. A PPR approved and agreed with all interested organizations should be issued:

Directly to the performers of construction and installation works;


VET (SU, SMU) or services for the operation of UMN (RNU);

PPR developer;

1.4. Technological maps (driving piles, bricklaying, ceiling welding, insulation, etc.) are issued directly to brigades and units at the place of work.

1.5. This Regulation does not cancel the requirements of regulatory documents (SN and P, VSN, RD, etc.) and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


Stages of development and approval PPR

Responsible executor

Period of execution

Development of WEP by the general contracting, subcontracting construction organizations, on their own by the structural divisions of the OJSC or, on their instructions, by the design organization

General contracting construction organization, Ch. engineer UMN (RNU), (in case of work performed on their own)

30 days after signing the contract

Coordination with interested organizations, approval and issuance of WEP for the construction site

Chief engineer of the general contracting organization, Ch. engineer UMN (RNU), (in case of work performed on their own)

Not later than 15 days before the start of work


The project for the production of works must contain:

3.1. The calendar plan for the production of work on the object (application f.).

3.2. Building master plan.

3.3. The transport scheme for the transportation of materials, structures and products, indicating the main and intermediate storage bases for materials and products.

3.4. Schedules for the receipt of building structures, products, materials and equipment at the facility (Appendix f.) with data on the receipt of these resources for each contract team with the application of picking lists.

3.5. Schedules for the movement of workers (appendix f.) and the main construction machines around the facility (appendix f.).

The schedules for the movement of the main construction machines should be developed taking into account the timely completion of the set of works assigned to it by each team.

3.6. Technological maps (schemes) for the performance of certain types of work with the inclusion of schemes for operational quality control, a description of the methods of work, an indication of labor costs and the need for materials, machines, equipment, devices and protective equipment for workers.

3.7. During the reconstruction of buildings and structures - the sequence of dismantling works.

3.8. Solutions for the production of geodetic works, including layouts of signs for performing geodetic constructions and measurements, as well as instructions on the need for accuracy and technical means of geodetic control of construction and installation works.

3.9. Safety decision in the composition defined by SNiP 12-03-99.

3.10. Activities for the performance of work on a rotational basis, including work schedules, work and rest schedules, as well as the composition and equipment of teams.

3.11. Solution for the laying of temporary networks of water, heat and power supply and lighting (including emergency) of the construction site and workplaces with the development, if necessary, of working drawings for supplying networks from power sources.

3.12. Explanatory note.


4.1. This regulation comes into force from the date of its approval and is subject to revision at least once every 5 years.

Appendix 1


Form 1

Schedule for the production of work on the object (type of work)

Job Title


Labor costs, man-days

Required machines

Duration of work, days

Number of shifts

Number of workers per shift

The composition of the brigade

Working hours (days, months)

unit of measurement



Number of machine-shifts

Form 2

receipt of building structures, products, materials and equipment at the facility

Responsible executor ___________________________


Form 3

The schedule of the movement of workers on the object

Name of occupations of workers (separately for the general contracting and subcontracting organization)

Number of workers

Average daily number of workers by months, weeks, days

Responsible executor ___________________________


Form 4

Schedule of movement of the main construction machines on the object

Responsible executor ___________________________


Forms should be specified in accordance with the specification of objects.


1. SNiP 3.01.01-85 *. Organization of construction production. - M.: Gosstroy, 1990.

2. SNiP III-42-80 *. Rules for the production and acceptance of work. Main pipelines. - M.: Gosstroy, 1999.

3. SNiP 3.01.01-87. Acceptance into operation of completed construction projects. Basic provisions. - Gosstroy, 1988.

4. VSN 012-88. Construction of main and field pipelines. Quality control and acceptance of works. Part P. Forms of documentation and rules for its execution in the process of acceptance. - M.: Minneftegazstroy, 1989.

5. VSN 004-88. Construction of main pipelines. Technology and organization. - M.: Minneftegazstroy, 1989.

6. VSN 31-81. Instructions for the production of construction work in the protected zones of the main pipelines of the Ministry of the Oil Industry. - M.

7. Rules for the protection of main oil pipelines. - M.: Mintopenergo, 1992.

8. Fire safety rules for the operation of main oil pipelines. - M.: Rosneftegaz Corporation, 1992.

9. RD 39-110-91. Instructions for the elimination of accidents and damage on the main oil pipelines. - Ufa: IPTER, 1992.

10. RD 39-00147105-015-98. Rules for the overhaul of main oil pipelines. - Ufa: IPTER, 1998.

11. Safety rules for the operation of main oil pipelines. - M.: Nedra, 1989.

12. Instructions for the development of a project for the construction of oil and gas products pipelines. - M.: AO VNIIST 2000 (Order of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy No. 37 dated February 4, 2000).

Note.The composition and content of the WEP for the construction and reconstruction of the linear part of oil pipelines is carried out on the basis of the "Instructions for the development of a project for the construction of oil and gas pipelines".

PPR is done by a group in the office, before they went to coordinate it, now they can hang it on you. This is a special kind of occupation and, as with ID, few people know how to do it correctly and therefore cannot properly check. The part on special installation work can also be reflected in the construction part, according to the rules (a separate PPR is not done for such types of work), it should be reflected there, but, as a rule, special installation organizations do their part. The WEP is agreed upon by the departments of the customer, so in the end it can differ greatly from the requirements of regulatory documents. For example, PPR for automation is done according to the instructions of VSN 161-82, for communications - Guidelines for the preparation of projects for the production of works (PPR) for the construction of linear structures of trunk and intrazonal cable communication lines, for substations - RD 34.04.122, separately for electrical installation work, the Roselectromontazh Association never gave birth, but, as a rule, Transneft requires that everything be done according to the instructions for oil product pipelines or oil pipeline facilities (according to OR-91.010.10-KTN-125-07 and according to OR-91.010.30-KTN-133-07 , and now according to the new OR-91.010.30-KTN-345-09).

This working PPR linked to the construction part with the planning of labor and technical resources, with a competent work schedule, with non-standard technical maps and SOCC should already be signed and agreed upon at the facility 2 months before the start of work. In the conditions of Transneft, with its unrealistic timing regulations, it is practically impossible to do this, nor to plan physics normally, and as a result, we get an unrealistically planned disbursement of funds. Often the contract is signed retroactively, so the deadlines are automatically reduced, the PPR needs to be done in two days and then agreed for the same amount. In the MCC, everyone signs "fuck off" so that later they poke you in the face. It is also necessary to know that only engineers and foremen should sign in familiarization with the PPR in accordance with clause 2.2 d) of SNiP3.05.06-85, otherwise you will get tired of running around looking for installers and forging signatures. Again, in theory, an organization must have a license and an SRO to develop a PPR.

Everyone is now paying more attention and solving the problems of control and accounting in construction, forgetting that any of these actions are complete bullshit if a normal plan is not made, which, in principle, requires a normal work with POS and PPR.

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