Folk omens for Christmas on January 7th. Beliefs for Christmas: conspiracies and signs. The correct interpretation of Christmas signs for longevity and good health

Orthodox Christians in Russia and some other countries will celebrate Christmas on the night of January 6-7. It was on this night, according to the Julian calendar, that the Savior came into our world in the body of the baby Jesus. Christmas is the second most important church holiday after Easter, so it is customary to celebrate it according to a special rite. Throughout Christmas night, festive services are held in all churches.
The first day after Christmas coincides with the end of the 40-day fast, so lavish feasts are practiced. Many religious traditions originate in paganism, adapting to new canons. Therefore, it was customary to go from house to house and treat the owners with kutya, receiving another treat in return.

The celebration did not end in one day. From the date of Christmas, Christmas time begins, lasting until January 19 - the day of Epiphany. Christmas time also has pagan roots, so these days, as well as Christmas, they arranged group fortune-telling and watched the signs in the world around them in order to guess the future.

Folk omens for Christmas

There are many different signs, they can be divided into groups:
financial well-being;
good luck in life;
on health;
for marriage (for girls).


Weather signs are not connected with superstitions, but are derived with the help of many years of observations. A clear starry Christmas night promised fertility and a great harvest. Clouds in the sky speak of a bad harvest next year. Warm weather heralded a late and cold spring. Snowstorm on Christmas Eve (the evening before Christmas) - by early summer. Morning snow or frost on the trees on the first morning after Christmas - for a rich year.

Financial signs for Christmas

The first male guest on Christmas Eve, regardless of age, promised material gains in the new year. Seeing a mouse on Christmas night is a financial loss. Losing even the smallest thing is an unplanned expense. A Christmas tree toy is broken - for money. There is money in the wallet for Christmas - it will not be transferred there for a whole year.
Signs are inextricably linked with superstitions, there are many things that cannot be done or, on the contrary, must be done at Christmas.

What not to do at Christmas:

Lending money - financial failures will haunt the whole year;
- ask for something from neighbors or acquaintances - you will need a whole year;
- do housework - there will be no profit in the house;
- cut the holiday cake before the first star appears in the sky - do not expect wealth;
- celebrate Christmas in old shabby underwear - scare away money.

What can and should be done for Christmas:

  • pay off all debts so as not to have them in the future;
    - throw away old damaged dishes, this will entail the appearance of funds for the purchase of new things;
    - feed all the household - lure money;
    - water all indoor plants, so you will attract money to the house;
    To throw a coin into a glass with a festive drink means to lure wealth, do not spend a coin, but always carry it with you.


To the great luck of meeting a hunchback, the probability of luck will increase if you touch his hump. Large dog on the street - fortunately. Do not be afraid to step on animal excrement at Christmas, such an incident will bring success in life. Spilling a drink on the table does not portend trouble, but, on the contrary, promises good luck.
You can not wait for accidents, but try to lure luck into the house yourself. To do this, decorate your home with spruce branches, bells, candles. At Christmas, you need to light at least 7 candles in the house.
If you put a coin in any pastry, then the person who found it should lead.

Signs for Christmas on health

Spilled blood portends the appearance of sick people in the family. It doesn't matter whose blood was human or animal. Activities that can cause injury should be avoided.
Health problems may appear after the first person to cross the threshold of the house is a woman.
Quarreled at Christmas - expect illness. Deceased ancestors will help reduce the likelihood of ailments - put a few empty appliances on the festive table for them.

January 6 and 7, even in pre-Christian times in Russia, were considered special days - days when higher powers become closer to people and when a miracle can happen. Therefore, the Slavs noticed the slightest events taking place these days in order to find a clue from the spirits, and also performed many rituals to appease higher powers. And now, almost a thousand years after the baptism of Russia, the customs of our ancestors have not lost their relevance. The bright magic of Christmas Eve and Christmas night can create a miracle and give a sign of what to expect in the coming year. Our contemporaries have repeatedly noticed that folk omens for Christmas certainly come true, and Christmas rituals for marriage, pregnancy, good luck and money really work. We will talk about the most accurate signs on Holy Christmas Eve, as well as customs and folk rituals for unmarried girls, women and men for health, good luck, love and prosperity.

Signs on Christmas for girls for marriage

And a thousand years ago, and now, girls dream of meeting their soul mate and creating a happy strong family with their beloved. But when exactly the fateful meeting will take place and when the chosen one will utter the cherished words, it is impossible to know in advance. However, on the magical Christmas holidays, the veil of secrecy opens slightly, and signs for marriage on Christmas Day can tell whether a girl should expect a marriage proposal in the coming year. The following folk remarks say that the girl will soon get married:

  • If a girl on the night of January 6-7, accidentally raising her head, sees the growing Moon in the sky to the right, she will soon be taken
  • If an unmarried girl is seated at the festive table between two brothers or two sisters, she will marry this year
  • If on Christmas Eve, after dark, a girl goes out into the yard and sees a man walking down the street from the north side, she should wait for an offer in the next 12 months (but if a man walks from the south, then this year the girl will still have to start a family early).

Divination for marriage on Christmas

To find out if a girl will get married this year, it is not at all necessary to notice signs, because you can just tell fortunes. For centuries, people have believed that Christmas Eve fortune-telling is the most accurate, since good forces at this time tend to help people and answer their questions. There are a lot of options for folk fortune-telling for marriage, and the simplest and most accurate of them are:

1. On Christmas Day, tie a white towel to a balcony or window frame with the words “Narrowed-mummers, come,” and leave it there overnight. If the towel is wet in the morning, it means that soon the girl will meet her fate.

2. Before going to bed on Christmas night, the girl needs to take her comb in her hands and say “Narrowed-dressed, come to me dressed up”, and then put the comb under the pillow. In a dream, she will see a man whom she will marry.

3. On a holy day, take the first onion that comes across and plant it on your window. If the bulb sprouts, then there will be a wedding in the coming year.

Signs and rituals on Christmas for pregnancy

The Russian people have long believed that women who are destined to conceive a child in the New Year will be given a sign by higher powers on Christmas Eve. Therefore, those representatives of the beautiful half of humanity who dream of a baby, on this bright winter holiday, should remember such signs for pregnancy on Christmas Day:

  • To get pregnant in the coming year, a woman should take a piece of bread from the festive table and say: “Lord Jesus, as you gave bread to people, give me a child. I will raise him, cherish, love. After that, take out the spoken bread to the dog.
  • If a married woman at the festive table eats caviar, eggs and porridge from whole grains, then she will become pregnant.
  • If a homeless animal strays to the house on Christmas Eve, it should be left, as it is a messenger of the imminent addition to the family
  • Pregnant women on Christmas are forbidden to knit and cut their hair, so as not to give birth to a sick child.

Ritual for pregnancy

For women who dream of becoming pregnant, folk wisdom advises to place a candle in front of the icon of the Virgin Mary on Christmas in their home and sincerely ask her for a child. It is believed that on the feast of Christmas, prayers for a child to the Mother of God will certainly be heard, because January 7 is the day when the Holy Virgin herself gave birth to the Messiah.

Folk signs for Christmas for health

Our ancestors believed that a number of rules should be observed during the Christmas holidays in order not to anger the higher powers, but to enlist their blessing and support. And those who will not break the unwritten rules will be healthy and happy in the coming year. Therefore, signs for the glorious feast of the Nativity of Christ on health deserve special attention. And the most accurate of them are as follows:

  • You can’t sew on holidays, otherwise one of the family members will have poor eyesight
  • The first of all the guests on January 7, a man should enter the house, and then the whole family will be healthy
  • If a person gets sick at Christmas, then he will be sick all year
  • On Christmas Eve, the whole family should dance near a Christmas tree growing on the street - this will scare away all diseases for a whole year
  • If kutya turned out to be lush and tasty, then the whole family will be healthy, and if it is burnt and fresh, you need to wait for trouble
  • If chickens at Christmas first peck grain, and then drink water, it means that the owners of the disease in the coming year are not afraid; if on the contrary, then one of the family members will get sick.

Christmas Eve habits to keep healthy

It has long been believed that higher powers bestow health and happiness on those people who themselves are ready to help those in need and follow traditions. Therefore, in order to be healthy in the coming year, one must not skimp on treats for guests and carolers, as well as feed pets generously and to the full.

According to custom, when leaving a church service, it is imperative to give alms to the poor, not only with money, but also with refreshments. Folk wisdom claims that compliance with this rule will be the key to good health for all family members.

Rituals and signs for good luck on Christmas Day

Signs on Christmas Eve and Christmas cannot be counted for good luck, since it is luck that is the key to both happiness and prosperity. Therefore, people noticed the slightest coincidences and made a lot of rules that will help determine whether the year will be successful or not. Of course, some of them are irrelevant for city dwellers, but still, some of the Christmas remarks for good luck “work” to this day.

  • For good luck to accompany all family members, at Christmas it is necessary to put a generous treat for the brownie
  • For good luck, family members should at least symbolically shower each other with millet (or other grain)
  • If a dark-haired man enters the house first, happiness and good luck will enter with him.
  • Before going to bed, on Christmas night, you need to light a candle and honor the dead relatives so that they ward off misfortunes from home
  • From Christmas until Epiphany you can’t hunt, otherwise you can invite trouble for the whole family
  • For the holiday, you need to bake a pie by putting a coin in the dough; whoever gets a piece of cake with a coin from family members will be the luckiest one in the coming year.

Rituals to attract happiness on a festive night

To attract good luck to your home, folk wisdom advises to perform the following simple ceremony on Christmas night: at exactly 00:00, the head of the family should open the doors wide open and invite happiness, joy and good luck aloud.

Also, in order not to scare away luck, you can not get out. Cleaning can be carried out only on January 14, after the Old New Year, and all garbage should not be thrown into the trash, but burned.

Signs of January 6-7 on Christmas for prosperity and money

As customs and rituals to attract good luck, signs on Orthodox Christmas on January 6-7 for money occupy a significant place in the treasury of folk wisdom. In past centuries, there was a whole system of rules on how to properly cook food and set the Christmas table, how to meet guests and carolers, what to wear on Christmas, etc. And by observing these unwritten rules, people believed that they were attracting wealth to their home. Perhaps signs for money still work, because they have come down to us centuries later. Therefore, for those who want to learn about the financial prospects for the coming year, as well as attract prosperity to their home, the following remarks will be of interest:

  • Meet the holiday in elegant clothes - to wealth, and in everyday and torn clothes - to poverty
  • To see a young month at Christmas - to financial losses
  • In order for the whole year to be prosperous in the house, on January 7, in the morning, you must definitely go to the market and spare no money to buy treats and sweets
  • All guests need to be given at least symbolic gifts in order to receive good gifts from fate throughout the year
  • Household items and household items bought for the Christmas holidays will last a long time
  • At Christmas, to attract wealth, you need to light a fireplace in the house (or at least candles).

Rite on Christmas Eve to attract money to the house

The ritual for attracting prosperity in the coming year is very simple. So that the family does not lack money, on the morning of Christmas, you need to take clean deep bowls, pour grain cleaned from chaff into them and place them in all corners of the house. Grain symbolizes material wealth, and the observance of this simple custom will not be superfluous.

Signs and fortune-telling on Christmas night for unmarried girls

Despite the fact that unmarried girls were forbidden to guess on Christmas night, it was for this reason that young girls ran away to their friends and performed rituals together. Signs on Christmas night for unmarried girls are fun and interesting, and in many ways similar to entertainment. Here are some of them:

  • To find out if a girl will get married in the coming year, she needs to eat an apple, and then count the apple seeds. If the number of bones is even, she will soon go down the aisle; odd - this year she will remain a free girl
  • On Christmas night, a girl should go outside and take a walk where there are a lot of people. The first male name that she hears from one of the passers-by is the name of her future husband.
  • If on a festive night some thing falls on an unmarried girl from the table (shelves, walls), it means that she will soon get married and move from her parents' house to her husband's house
  • A dream that occurred on Christmas night is prophetic, so a girl can try to remember and interpret it.

A simple rite on Holy Christmas Eve for girls

The time from 00:00 to 03:00 on Christmas night is considered magical, since, according to legend, it is during these hours that angels descend to earth to hear prayers and convey them to God. Therefore, unmarried girls who dream of love and family happiness should go outside at this time, and raising their eyes to the night sky, say a sincere prayer-request. If the prayer really comes from a pure heart, the higher powers will grant what is desired.

Folk omens for Christmas Eve and Christmas

Since Christmas time is a special time, people believed that according to what the weather is like on these holidays, one can predict the weather and harvest in the coming year. Folk omens for Orthodox Christmas Eve and Christmas relating to weather and agriculture are as follows:

  • It often snows on Christmas holidays or the stars sparkle in the sky every night - for a good harvest
  • Warm Christmas - cold spring
  • Snow on Christmas Eve - by early spring
  • Severe frost on Christmas - to a warm summer
  • Hoarfrost on trees on a holiday - to a rich harvest of grain
  • Snowfall - to a successful year in every sense.

Should we believe Christmas signs?

Folk omens for Christmas and Christmas Eve have been compiled by people for centuries, observing and noticing coincidences and patterns, so many beliefs about money, luck, marriage and pregnancy often come true. And signs on Christmas night for unmarried girls can be seen not only as a way to look into the future, but also as great entertainment for a group of friends. In any case, everyone decides for himself which folk wisdom for health, luck, love and prosperity to believe in. The main thing is to have confidence that some kind of, at least a small, bright Christmas miracle will happen on a holy holiday.

Many signs and customs are associated with Christmas - they were given special attention. It was believed that as Christmas passed, so the year would be.

Christmas in the lives of many people occupies an important place, it is a holiday of love, warmth, faith, kindness and happiness.

January 7 is the best time to visit and receive guests. It is also important that it is better to communicate at Christmas only with those people who can bring happiness to you - happy families, or those families who are expected to have an addition, or a new family member has already been born. As a rule, edible gifts are presented at Christmas. Be sure to bring kutya, sweets, jam and pickles. You can also give a toy if it is a child, or some kind of winter accessory.

Nowadays, of course, you can get by with a phone call, the main thing is to make it clear to people who care about you that you remember them and wish them the very best. Be sure to congratulate all your friends and loved ones on this holiday, Christmas greetings filled with joy and warmth will help people become brighter, happier and forget about everyday problems and worries.

At Christmas, it is customary to light more candles, lights, a fireplace - if any. Candles bring warmth and wealth to your home. If you have pets, then at Christmas you need to feed them plentifully - then the whole year will be satisfying and financially successful.

One, special candle must be lit for the deceased relatives - then they will help you attract good luck and prosperity in the coming year.

Christmas is a great time for shopping, big and small. Buying something good for Christmas is a great omen and a sign that the purchase will serve you faithfully.

From Christmas until the very Epiphany, during all the days of Christmas time, certain prohibitions apply, which are due to the ideas that go back centuries about the holiday as a stop of time, a kind of temporary pause during which one cannot engage in productive labor and everything that is associated with birth, beginning, development. Therefore, a significant part of the prohibitions concerns crafts related to spinning, sewing, knitting, weaving, weaving, that is, everything related to thread (rope). The thread is a symbol of life and destiny.

On Christmas you can not do cleaning and all sorts of household chores. This day was created for peace and joy. It's even better if you don't clean up until January 14th (the next day of the old New Year). All garbage collected on January 14 should be taken out into the street and dispelled by the wind, or burned. According to signs, after that, no evil spirits will bother you for a whole year.

You can't swear on a holy day. Whoever swears takes away the hope of salvation from his ancestors.

There is a widespread belief associated with the arrival of the first guest. If you are inviting guests for Christmas, see who enters your house first. If a woman enters first, then the whole year the women of your family will be ill.

Christmas rules also applied to clothing: on Christmas, one more tradition has long been adhered to: to wear only new clothes. Not clean, washed, but new, not yet worn. And do not sit at the Christmas table in black. Our ancestors believed that in the new year such people would face failure in business.

It is not recommended to guess at Christmas - in order to ask the higher powers what awaits you in the future, there will still be a lot of time: it is best to do this in the so-called Christmas time - from January 8 to Epiphany, it is not for nothing that the fortune-telling of this time is called - saints.

You can't drink water at Christmas, so clear all the mineral water off the table. There is coffee, tea and other great drinks. To be honest, this omen is a bit strange, but it’s better not to drink water than to suffer all year for no reason.

7 Seven blessings of Christmas

The number seven is considered sacred. There is a belief that he who has done seven blessings on Orthodox Christmas will live happily all year and even has the right to ask the angels for the fulfillment of his most cherished desire. On this day, it is customary to give seven alms for the sake of happiness in the coming year. Usually these are 7 identical coins, which you need to give to someone who arouses sincere sympathy in the soul, accompanying the alms with a silent prayer. You can also give seven useful gifts. As a rule, these were towels, giving which, the giver necessarily uttered the words: “I give towels, it’s fine to die, I’ll correct evil with good, fortunately I will send my family (my family).” At Christmas we greet each other with the words: "Christ is born!" and we answer these words: “We praise Him!”.


Many different rituals have long been performed at Christmas, but so that you are not completely accused of obscurantism, make the prettiest and not tied to magic - it doesn’t matter if it is black or white. For example, starting from January 7, for forty (!) days (this period is called the world - our ancestors believed that at this time angels help people in all matters), every morning, waking up, make a new wish - imagine how much good will come into your life!

Signs and superstitions

At Christmas, folk signs and superstitions acquire special power, as if nature itself and every object are trying to tell us something: how to live, what to fear. Here are just a few of them.

Prosperity note. If you lose any item at Christmas, this means that you may face losses next year. But if you find a thing and even some kind of jewelry, then money is already rushing to you in full swing!

A sign of good luck. If you accidentally spilled tea or coffee at the Christmas table (this does not apply to alcohol), then this is good news and great success for all your endeavors.

Money omens for Christmas

On Christmas Eve (January 7-19) look at nature. If the sky is most often strewn with stars, or it often snows, or there is a lot of frost on the trees, the year will be rich, satisfying, profitable. If it snows on Christmas Day itself, it is a very good omen and promises a good year.

If on Christmas a young month flaunts in the sky, the year will be extremely unsuccessful financially.

The most monetary sign of Christmas is a tradition. A coin is baked into the pie - and whoever gets a piece with a coin will have great monetary luck in the New Year.

Let the coin be in your piece of Christmas cake!

Many look forward to the magical holiday of Christmas. Hopes lurk in it, dreams for the fulfillment of innermost desires are associated with it, it smells of tangerines, pine needles and miracles.

On the eve of Christmas, our ancestors did special magical rites, gaining their strength precisely at this magical time. The description of the rituals has come down to our days, so those who want to be successful with the opposite sex during the coming year, solve financial problems or improve their health can resort to the knowledge of the past.

Ritual for the fulfillment of a dream

Thinking about the fulfillment of your cherished desire, you need to make a witch's candle. It is done in this way: a small container of heat-resistant glass is taken (a glass, as an option) and 8 candles of different colors of any shape (blue - creativity, white - purity of thoughts, green - finances, blue - health, red - love, yellow - good luck, purple - soul and orange - life energy).

On the night before Christmas, you should write your wish on a small piece of paper. Then put a heat-resistant mold (cup) on the table and focus on what you want. First you need to take a white candle, which will be the height of this form, set it on fire and set it on the bottom of the glass with a few drops of wax. Lighting the candles one by one, pour their wax into a vessel, visualizing your desire and correlating it with the direction that the color corresponds to. Thus, draining the wax, you need to fill the entire form with it. A leaf with a desire is burned on the fire of a white candle, while the candle itself must burn out to the end.

Christmas ritual to strengthen the family

For this ritual, you should take a few kilograms of salt, place it on a baking sheet and put it in the oven, heated to about 150 degrees. Salt should be there before it takes on a yellowish tint. As soon as this happens, you need to get and read the prayer “Our Father” on it. The words are repeated forty times, and only after that the salt will gain magical power. The main thing in this process is not to lose count, so take care of this in advance, marking each “residue” with a stick on a piece of paper, putting the matches aside one by one or in another convenient way. Then the salt needs to be cooled, poured into a jar and covered with a lid - all residents of the house use it for a year with food (you can mix the "spell" salt with the usual one in a salt shaker on the table, salt the prepared dishes with it, etc.)

Magic ritual from 9 troubles

To protect yourself and your loved ones from nine misfortunes, on the night before Christmas, you need to read the following conspiracy nine times:

“Take, Lord, 9 sharpened arrows from me, protect me from a sharp knife, from cruel water and fire, from judgment and a thief, from a noose and slander, from encroachments on the body and shelter, and also from damage to blood. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. So be it".

The person pronouncing these words should stand on the threshold of the dwelling facing the inside of the room.

Prosperous Christmas Ritual

This ceremony is done by all family members on the morning of the holiday. A pre-prepared clay pot is placed in the middle of a table covered with a white or green tablecloth, and the family is seated around it. A note should be placed in the pot with the following content:

"Money to money, money comes - they attract each other."

Now you need to light a thin wax candle and set it firmly on the paper. Each participant in the ritual, who has a handful of coins with him, must, in strict order, say the contents of the note to himself and put a coin in the pot. And so, in turn, clockwise, everyone does this action until all the coins are in the pot. By the way, the vessel must be filled to the top, so everyone should take care of the presence of a sufficient amount of small things in advance.

Next, the candle should burn out completely, and the neck of the pot should be covered with a piece of green fabric of the right size, tied with a green rope or ribbon, and already, in turn, tied with 8 knots. For each node, you need to repeat the slander, and after that put the dish in the kitchen in an inaccessible place so that no one can accidentally break it.

The pot is opened exactly one year later, on the next Christmas, the coins are taken out and for this money something necessary for the house is bought or distributed as alms. After that, you can fill a new magic pot.

Holy week 2020: a variety of divination options

Holy week is the perfect time to tell fortunes, recharge with magic and magic. It is believed that during this period, an unclean force enters the world, which wants to make contact with people. That is why it is customary to guess on Christmas Eve, when Christmas spirits are happy to help during rituals and ceremonies.

Divination options for Holy Week

Divination by dreams

You need to go to someone to visit with an overnight stay. Before you go to sleep, you need to say to yourself: “I’m sleeping in a new place, dream of the bridegroom. Show your face with which you will go down the aisle. The betrothed must appear in a dream to his beloved. Also, under the pillow, you can leave a piece of rye bread, going to bed, say to yourself: “The betrothed-mummer, come to me in a dream.”

Divination with a wedding ring

You can ask for a wedding ring from one of the married relatives. A transparent glass must be filled with well water. Throwing the ring into the glass, say: “Narrowed-mummer, show yourself to me!”. Next, you need to peer into the water, into the oval of the ring. It is worth waiting a bit and the face of a loved one will begin to be seen.

Divination by water and wax

You will need melted wax from a hot candle, it needs to be dripped onto a saucer of water. This must be done until some figures begin to be seen. Then you can start guessing:

  • long drops - travel;
  • small drops - many small problems;
  • one big drop - loneliness;
  • a figure in the form of a ring - a wedding;
  • cross - illness, trouble;
  • a figure in the shape of a bell - unexpected news.

Divination on a towel

At night, they leave a towel on the street and say: “The betrothed-mummer, come soon, wash yourself.” In the morning you need to check the towel, if it is wet - you should expect an early marriage, dry - there will be no wedding this year.

There is another type of divination with a towel. You need to leave it under the pillow and say: “The betrothed-mummer, come to me, wash yourself, dry yourself with a towel.” My future husband will definitely appear in me.

What you need to know about Holy Week

One of the most fun holidays is Christmas time. During this period, you need to tune in exclusively to the positive. It is necessary to build your life so that in the future there will always be luck, happiness and success.

On Holy Week, you need to take care of your appearance. Clothing should not be "sad and dull." It is advisable to avoid black outfits. Ideally, festive clothes should be new, beautiful.

What Not to Do on Holy Week

What not to do on Holy Week:

  • take a bath;
  • arrange general cleaning;
  • take out the garbage from the house;
  • sew, knit and embroider;
  • do not envy;
  • be lazy;
  • it is desirable not to work;
  • swear, scandal, especially at the table;
  • hunt, fish;
  • put on old clothes;
  • refuse to help those in need;
  • rake the ashes out of the furnace;
  • leave the house after sunset;
  • have sexual intercourse;
  • All dishes on the festive table must be tasted.

The Orthodox Church also insists that one cannot guess on Holy Week. Any magic and ways to know the future are considered unacceptable. Everything that happens next is known only to the Almighty.

Signs for Christmas from January 6 to 7, 2020 can help you find out what the weather will be like in the future

According to the signs for Christmas from January 6 to 7, you can find out what weather to expect in the future and what is not recommended to do on a holiday so as not to bring trouble into the house. These signs appeared in the days of Kievan Rus. Some of them are already outdated, but many remain relevant to this day. But to believe them or not, this is an individual matter.

Folk signs for Christmas from January 6 to 7

According to folk signs, on Christmas Eve on January 6, as well as on Christmas Day on January 7, you should be very careful and monitor your behavior, because every wrong step can bring misfortune.

In Russia, signs were treated very reverently and blindly believed them. They appeared as a result of decades of observation and are not at all someone's invention. So, great-grandfathers believed that if something was broken or spilled in the house on Christmas Eve or Christmas, then soon the household would quarrel. Trouble also promises if the dog howls on the night of January 6-7. To avoid grief, you need to go out into the yard, untie the dog and at the same time say that just as the rope does not hold the dog, the trouble will not take root. A person who stumbles at the entrance to the church will become very ill in 12 years. But, the power of this sign can be eliminated if, entering the temple, you say: "I'm going to God, he will save me."

On Christmas from January 6 to 7, there are also positive signs and most of them. So, if a wedding is celebrated on a holiday, then the young will live in a couple happily ever after. On Christmas Eve, January 6, you can sit down at the table only after the first star appears in the sky. All 12 Lenten dishes must be tried, otherwise you will not see happiness. It is worth inviting only close and dear people to the festive table. At Christmas, a bird knocks on the window, then the owners should wait for good news. Also on this day, it is necessary to feed all domestic animals heartily so that the whole year passes safely for them. The thing that will be bought for Christmas will last a very long time.

Natural signs for Christmas from January 6 to 7

Carols for Christmas - photo from open sources

Like other Orthodox holidays, Christmas Eve is rich in natural signs, according to which great-grandfathers in Russia could predict what kind of weather they should expect in the future. For example, if a thaw began on January 6-7, then the coming spring portends to be warm and early.

Severe frosts hit at Christmas, then it will also be cold on Epiphany on January 19th. The year will be favorable if it snows on the night of January 6-7. The more snow, the better. A bright moon shines in the sky on Christmas Eve, and on Christmas morning the sky is cloudless - to frost. If the weather turned out to be warm for the holiday, then spring will not please you with warmth.

According to an old legend, on the night before Christmas
"The heavenly gates open,
and from the heights beyond the clouds descends to earth the Son of God.
Glorious paradise during this solemn apparition
reveals to the eyes of righteous people all its priceless treasures, all its secrets inexplicable. All springs are turned into wine and endowed on this great night with miraculous healing power; in the gardens of Eden, flowers bloom and golden apples are poured. If anyone prays for anything at midnight,
Whatever he asks for, everything will come true, it will come true as written.

Christmas for all Christians of the world is the most important holiday of the year

And, although many traditions have been lost, let's try to remember what to do for Christmas

What are the Christmas signs for good luck and prosperity

After all - "as Christmas passes, so the year will be set."

First of all, on the eve of Christmas, until the evening - try not to eat anything.

The only exception is for small children.

The table is traditionally covered with a tablecloth, under which a garlic clove is placed in the corners. Garlic protects against evil forces and diseases.

There should be twelve Lenten dishes on the table. Traditionally, these are borsch, potatoes, cabbage rolls, porridge, beans or beans, dumplings, fish, mushrooms, cookies, kutya, uzvar.

And each of the guests should definitely try each. It is impossible to drink dishes with water - only with a uzvar.

It is impossible, also, to eat all the dishes completely, there should be at least a little of each dish - "so that the refrigerator does not remain empty."

The main dish is kutya, or sochivo.

This is rice or wheat porridge with raisins and poppy seeds.

This is where the meal begins.

Another important dish is Christmas cake. There is also a Christmas money omen associated with it.

A coin is baked into a Christmas cake - whoever gets a piece with a coin will have great monetary luck in the New Year.

But remember, you can't cut the Christmas cake before Christmas Eve.

Christmas should be celebrated at home, with family and loved ones.

A friendly atmosphere at the table is important. All misunderstandings need to be put aside, and even better, everyone who needs to make peace at all.

It is a good tradition to light a large number of candles and lights at Christmas.

It is worth lighting a fireplace - if there is one. They will bring warmth and wealth to your home.

On the eve of Christmas, light and fire should not be taken out of the house.

No plate should be empty.

Sitting at the table, you can not leave it until the end of the meal.

And, even more so, to leave the house, so as not to accidentally let in evil spirits.

The first evening star notifies people about a great miracle - the birth of the Son of God!

We saw a star - you can start the Holy Dinner - light a candle, pray.

When the clock strikes twelve on the night before Christmas, all doors must be thrown wide open to drive out evil spirits.

Don't celebrate Christmas alone.

Christmas is a family holiday, and even if you don’t have your own family, invite guests, or go to visit yourself, but it’s not recommended to be alone on this day.

But when inviting guests, call only those who can bring you good luck in the new year.

Avoid socializing with people you don't like on Christmas Day.

If you have pets - feed them better, so that they don’t say that the owner is bad, because on Christmas, according to legend, “the cattle talks”.

For the celebration of Christmas, girls and women tried to dress up before evening came.

It was believed that those who did not have time to do this in the first case would not marry rich grooms, and in the second they would not be loved by their husbands.

Previously, the Christmas meal was invariably accompanied by the commemoration of deceased relatives, sometimes separate dishes were even placed for them. It was the belief in the invisible presence of the souls of the dead that gave rise to certain rules and prohibitions.

For example, it was forbidden to sit at the table too closely, to stand up and sit down abruptly, to use knives and forks, to pick up a fallen spoon from the floor, etc.

Be sure to light a special candle in honor of the deceased relatives - then they will definitely help you in the new year, attract good luck and prosperity to the house.

In the old days, bringing fresh water into the house was an important action on Christmas morning: the owners went to fetch water as early as possible in order to get it before others.

This water was considered especially healing, all members of the family washed themselves with it for health, and part of it was poured to knead the dough for ceremonial bread.

When kneading the dough for baking Christmas bread, the hostess did not have to talk to anyone.

With hands smeared in dough, she touched home icons; went out into the garden and hugged the fruit trees so that they would be fertile.

Breakfast and lunch that day were hearty and plentiful.

After the meal, other magical rites were performed.

For the yield of fruit trees, the owner went out into the garden with an ax, swung at each tree, threatening to cut it down, and asked if it would bear fruit this year.

Then he tied the trunks with Christmas straw; buried the remains of a festive dinner under the roots; shaking branches or showering them with grain, etc.

It was also customary to visit your cattle, congratulate him on Christmas, treat him with ritual food. The housewives brought chickens and geese into the house and fed them with grain, surrounding them with a rope in a circle so that they would not fight back from the house during the year.

Despite the fact that any work on Christmas was considered a sin, some peoples had a custom to symbolically redo the main things. Many believed that this would ensure success in all works in the coming year.

According to the church charter, at that time it was possible to eat only sochivo, honey pancakes and lenten pies. The remnants of food did not clean the table, believing that the souls of the dead would eat them. Breaking the fast was allowed the next morning after early mass.

According to an old legend, on the night before Christmas, “the heavenly gates open, and from the heights beyond the clouds the Son of God descends to earth. During this solemn appearance, the bright paradise opens to the eyes of righteous people all its invaluable treasures, all its inexplicable secrets. All springs are turned into wine and endowed on this great night with miraculous healing power; in the gardens of Eden, flowers bloom and golden apples are poured. If someone prays for something at midnight, asks for something, everything will come true, it will come true as written.

All day on January 7, it is best to visit and receive guests. It is also important that you need to communicate at Christmas only with those people who can bring you happiness.

Christmas is a great time for shopping, big and small.

Buying something good for Christmas is a great omen and a sign that the purchase will serve you faithfully.

If you have pets, you need to feed them abundantly at Christmas - then the year will be satisfying, financially successful.

What not to do at Christmas

There are things that you should not do at Christmas - if you believe the signs, they can bring trouble to your home.

If you decide to have some fun hunting, you can’t do this from Christmas to Epiphany (until January 19). At this time, nature patronizes animals, so killing animals is considered a grave sin.

On Christmas Day, girls are not allowed to guess - wait a bit, you have all the Christmas time ahead!

Also on Christmas you can not clean the house, do all kinds of housekeeping and sewing.

You can't drink water at Christmas, so clear all the mineral water off the table. There is coffee, tea and other great drinks. To be honest, this omen is a little strange, but it’s better not to drink water than to suffer all year for no reason.

Money omens for Christmas

On Christmas Eve (January 7-19) observe nature. If the sky is most often strewn with stars, or it often snows, or there is a lot of frost on the trees, the year will be rich, satisfying, profitable.

If it snows on Christmas Day itself, it is a very good omen and promises a good year. If on Christmas a young month flaunts in the sky, the year will be extremely unsuccessful financially.

That's all Christmas signs. Happy Christmas to you! Let the coin be in your piece of Christmas cake.

Signs for prosperity and happiness:

Christmas tree

It would seem that this is a matter of course. But in fact, many people take apart the Christmas tree right after the New Year. Therefore, if you are one of them, do not rush to get rid of the elegant beauty this year.
The tradition of putting up a Christmas tree at Christmas dates back to the 8th century in Germany. It was taken up by many peoples and countries, including the Slavic ones. After that, they began to dress her up, comparing her with a paradise tree strewn with apples.

Gifts and visits

Even if all the gifts are given away on New Year's Day, leave a few nice souvenirs for Christmas. The emergence of this tradition in Russia is associated with St. Nicholas, who later became the prototype of Santa Claus. Today it is customary to put gifts in New Year's socks.

Buying or getting something nice for Christmas is considered a good omen. Also on this day, until the evening, it is advisable to visit or receive them. But you need to communicate only with those who can bring you happiness.

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