Moods of French verbs. Mood in French and tenses in French Indicative mood in French

French verb tenses

There are more tenses in French than in Russian. They are divided into simple and complex. Simple tenses of verbs are formed without an auxiliary verb, complex ones - with its help. There are four auxiliary verbs: être (to be), avoir (to have), aller (to go), venir (to come). The verbs aller and venir are used to create verbs of the immédiat group: aller – for the near future tense, venir – for the nearest past.

Conjugation of French present tense verbs

In addition, French verbs are divided into three groups, which form tense forms in different ways. The verbs of the first group have the ending of the initial form -er, the second - ir. To put French verbs of the first or second group into the desired form, you need to replace the ending of the initial form with the corresponding ending of the other form. The third group of French verbs includes everything that does not fall into the first and second, including modal verbs vouloir (want), pouvoir (can), devoir (must) and individual conjugation verbs. Verbs of the third group do not conjugate according to a single pattern, and therefore they are called “irregular”.

French verbs also change according to moods, showing how the action relates to reality, whether it is real (indicative mood), whether it expresses an assessment (subjunctive mood) or whether it depends on some condition (conditional mood), someone's desire ( imperative mood).

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2nd group

3 group







Conjugating French Past Complete Verbs

The past completed tense (Passé simple) expresses a completed action in the past.

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2nd group

3 group

















Past incomplete tense in French

The past incomplete tense (Imparfait) expresses an action in the past tense at the moment of its commission.

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2nd group

3 group




















Formation of the Passé composé form

Complex past tense expressing a completed action (Passé composé).

To conjugate a French verb in the tense Passé composé, you take the auxiliary verb avoir or être in the present tense and add the past participle.

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2nd group

3 group



nous avons parlé


vous avez parlé


ils ont parlé

Formation of prepast tense forms in French

Complex past tense expressing a completed action (Plus-que-parfait). It is also called pre-past tense.

To conjugate a French verb in the Plus-que-parfait tense, take the auxiliary verb avoir or être in the Imparfait tense and add the past participle.

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2nd group

3 group



nous avions parlé

nous avions fini

nous avions price


vous aviez parlé


ils avaient parlé

ils avaient fini

ils avaient price

Forms of the completed past tense in French

Complete past tense preceding another past (Passé antérieur). This form of French verbs is also called the immediate past tense.

Unlike plus-que-parfait, which also expresses a previous action, the passé antérieur form is used after certain conjunctions and is not used in colloquial speech! The passé antérieur form is followed by the passé simple form in the main clause.

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2nd group

3 group



nous eûmes parlé

nous eûmes fini

nous eûmes price


vous eûtes parlé

vous eûtes fini

vous eûtes price


ils euront parlé

Simple future tense (Futur simple)

To conjugate a French verb in the simple future tense, you need to take the indefinite form of the verb and add the verb ending avoir.

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2nd group

3 group




















Complex future tense (Futur antérieur)

This form is used to express a future action that precedes another future action.

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2nd group

3 group





There are more tenses in French than in Russian. They are divided into simple and complex. Simpler times are formed without an auxiliary verb, complex- using an auxiliary verb. There are 4 auxiliary verbs: avoir, être, aller and venir. The last two are used to form tenses of the immédiat group - the nearest past (venir) and the near future (aller). The remaining tenses are constructed using avoir or être standing in a specific tense.

In addition to tenses (present, past and future), the French verb changes according to moods. Mood The verb shows how the action relates to reality, whether it is real or depends on desire or condition.

There are 4 moods in French:

1. Indicative mood - Indicatif

Verbs in the indicative mood denote a real action that is happening, has happened or will actually happen. Verbs in the indicative mood change tenses.

Chain of basic tenses of the indicative mood

Indicative simpler times difficult times
past tenses passé simple passé composition
passé anterieur
passé immediat
passé immediat dans le passé
present time present
(present dans le passé)
future times
futur dans le passe future antherieur
futur antherieur dans le passé
future immediat
future immediat dans le passé

2. Conditional mood - Conditionnel

Verbs in the conditional mood denote an action that is not real, but possible when some condition is fulfilled (in Russian these are sentences with the particle would). In French, there are two tenses in this mood: present and past. The difference between them is that a verb in the present tense denotes an action that can be carried out; and in the past tense - something that could have happened in the past, but was not realized for some reason and will not happen again.

3. Subjunctive mood - Subjonctif

Verbs in the subjunctive mood denote an action that is presented with a subjective assessment of the speaker (desire, desire, fear, uncertainty, etc.). French has 4 tenses within this mood, but now only 2 are used (présent and passé).

The moods in French are as follows: indicative (indicatif), imperative (impératif), conditional (conditionnel) and subjunctive (subjonctif).

Each mood in French has several tense forms. The tense in which the verb is located determines the moment of speech to which the action refers (present, past or future). In addition, the time of an action can be expressed in different verb forms relative to the time of another action. The following relationships are possible: simultaneity, precedence or succession of the action.

The speaker is aware of the action as definite, real, which occurs in the present (this moment), past or future time.

This mood is divided into 9 verb tenses, 5 of which are simple: le Présent, l'Imparfait, le Passé simple, le Futur simple, le Futur dans le passé, and 4 are complex: le Passé composé, le Plus-que-parfait, le Passé immédiat (Le Passé récent), le Futur immédiat (Le Futur proche).

This mood encourages a certain action, request, wish or order and exists in three forms: 2nd l. units and many more numbers, 1st l. pl. numbers. In the imperative mood, the subject pronoun is not used.

Regarde! - Look! Regardez! - Look!

Regardons! - Let's see! (Let's get a look!)

Fais! - Do it! Choisis! - Choose!

Faites! - Do it! Choisissez! - Choose!

Faisons! - Let's do! Choisissons! - Let's choose!

Reflexive verbs:

Lève-toi! - Get up! Levez-vous! - Get up! Levons-nous! - Let's get up!

Le Conditionnel denotes an action that may be possible, contemplated or desired. This mood denotes an action, the possibility of which depends on specific and specific conditions.

Le Conditionnel has two tenses: le Conditionnel présent and le Conditionnel passé. Both tenses are translated by one form of the conditional mood.

Le Conditionnel présent coincides in form with le Futur dans le passé.

Il voudrait lire ce roman. — He would like to read this novel.

Il pourrait etre là. - He's probably there.

Si j'étais fort, je t'aidais. - If I were strong, I would help you.

Le Conditionnel passé is formed with the help of the auxiliary verbs avoir or être, which are found in le Conditionnel présent and le Participe passé of the conjugated verb.

Si j'avais eu ton numéro, je t'aurais téléphoné le soir. - If I had your number, I would call you in the evening.

Si tu étais venu au stade, tu aurais assisté à un match splendide. — If you came to the stadium, you would be present at a great match.

Le Subjonctif denotes an action expected, possible under certain circumstances, conditions, or desired. It is usually used after impersonal phrases and verbs expressing will, command, prohibition (vouloir, prier, il faut, il semble), as well as in subordinate clauses after some allied words and conjunctions.

Il faut que j'aille à la poste. - I need to go to the post office.

Je veux que vous écoutiez l'instructeur. - I want you to listen to the instructor.

Le Subjonctif présent is formed by adding the 3rd person plural to the stem. indicative number endings: -е, -es, -е, -ions, -iez, -ent.

Exceptions to this rule are the verbs avoir, être and some verbs: parler, finir, mettre.

Examples of using le Subjonctif

Je ne suis pas sûr qu’il fasse beau demain. — I'm not sure that the weather will be good tomorrow.

Il n'y a personne qui puisse l'aider. - Nobody can help him.

Je serais bien content qu’il soit là. “I would be very pleased that he would be there.”

Il me demande que je revienne le lendemain. — He asks me to come back the next day.

Que personne ne sorte! - So that no one comes out! (let no one leave!)

Note: Le Subjonctif has other tenses, but the most commonly used tense is le Subjonctif présent.

Before you get acquainted with the conjugations of various verbs, let's talk about the tense system in French. It is worth warning that it is a little more complicated than in Russian, but do not be afraid: a methodical study of the theory will not let you get confused!
Here are some important facts. Firstly, in the French language there are three tenses: present, past and future, but there are many more tense forms. Secondly, tenses in French are divided into simple and complex. Simple tenses are formed without an auxiliary verb, complex tenses, on the contrary, with the help of an auxiliary verb. There are only four auxiliary verbs: avoir (to have), être (to be), aller (to go) and venir (to come, to happen).
To choose the correct form for a verb, you also need to know its mood. The mood shows the attitude of the action to reality: whether it is real or depends on some conditions. There are four moods in total. Let's look at each of them.

Indicative mood - Indicatif

Verbs in this mood denote real action. This action actually happened, is happening, or will actually happen. The main times of this time are given in the table:

Past tense Present tense Future
Passé composition
Passé simple
Passé immediat
Passé anterieur
Present progressif
Future simple
Futur antherieur
Futur immediat

Present- simple tense, which denotes action in the present tense. This tense can also be used instead of the past tense. In this case, the use of the present tense is considered a stylistic device that makes the text more picturesque.

Present progressif– the tense is complex and expresses the action taking place at the moment. Very often it is replaced Present.

As for past tenses, only three are used in colloquial speech: passé compose (past perfect), imparfait (past imperfect) and plus-que-parfait (pre-past).
Passé composition And plus-que-parfait are complex tenses, they are formed using the auxiliary verbs avoir or être and the desired participle. Both tenses are translated into Russian by a verb with the past tense.
Imparfait- this is a simple time. The remaining two are past tenses, passé simple And passé anterieur, are used only in written speech.
Passé simple is a simple tense, and Passé antérieur is a complex tense (it is formed using the auxiliary verb in passé simple and a participle).
Passé immediat or in other words, passé récent is the past tense, which denotes an action that happened recently, just now.

All past tenses in French can be translated into Russian using verbs in the past tense.

From future tenses, in colloquial speech from future tenses only future simple, just time. Futur antherieur- the tense is complex and is used in written language.

Imperative mood - Imperatif

Verbs in this mood denote an order, advice, or request. There are only two tenses used in this mood:

Past tense Present tense Future
Passé Present
Subjunctive mood - Subjunctive

This mood denotes a possible or desired action or assumption. Simple tense forms in this mood are: présent du Subjonctif and imparfait du Subjonctif, complex: passé du Subjonctif and plus-que-parfait du Subjonctif. Of these forms, only two are used in real French: présent du Subjonctif and passé du Subjonctif.

Conditional mood - Conditionnel

This mood denotes an action that is desirable or possible under certain conditions (in Russian these are sentences with the particle “would”). In this mood the forms Conditionnel présent and Conditionnel passé are used.

In addition to the indicated forms, non-finite forms of the verb are distinguished: infinitive (infinitif présent, infinitif passé), participles (participe présent, participe passé), gerund / gerund (gérondif).

We will look at each of the tenses listed above in more detail in subsequent lessons, but for now check the material you have learned on the questions from the exercise.

Lesson assignments

Exercise 1. Answer the questions:
1. How many moods are there in French?
2. How many tense forms are used in the indicative mood?
3. What tense can be used instead of the past to give expressiveness to the text?
4. What is a complex tense form?
5. How many tense forms are used to indicate the past tense in the indicative mood?

Answer 1.
1. Four inclinations.
2. Eleven species-temporal forms.
3. Present.
4. A complex tense form is formed using two verbs: auxiliary and main.
5. Six: Passé compose, Imparfait, Passé simple, Passé immédiat, Plus-que-parfait, Passé antérieur.

Mode indication. Pésent de l'indicatif


Present indicative tense

  • Indicatif denotes a real action in the present, past or future.
  • Each tense has a primary meaning and secondary meanings that arise in the context.

Forms and meaning of Present

is formed as follows:

Infinitive stem + ending

Igroupmarcher e-ons


je march e nous march ons

tu march es vous march ez

il march e ils march ent

IIgrouprougir -is -iss-ons

-is -iss-ez

-it -iss-ent

je rougis nous rougissons

tu rougis vous rougissez

il rougit ils rougissent

IIIgroupcourier -s -e -x -ons

-s -es -x -ez

-t -e -t(d) -ent

je cours nous courons

tu cours vous courez

il court ils court


1- e units h.- j'ai je vais je suis

2- e units h. – tu as tu vas tu es

3- e units h.- il a il va il estil vainc

2- e pl. h. - vous etesvous faites vous dites

3- e pl. h. - ils ontils vont ils sont ils font

denotes an action that occurs at the moment of speech:

J'ai Besoin d'une pile pour ma radio. I need a battery for the radio.

Vous classez vos papiers? Are you sorting out your papers?

Pré sentin context means

a common, repeated action often indicated by the circumstances of the time:



tous les dimanches

chaque jour


Tous les matins, je fais ma gymnastique. Every morning I do exercises.

Tu n' écoutes jamais ce qu'on te dit.You never listen to what they tell you.

À la maison nous dejeunonsà midi. At home we have lunch at noon.

timeless action (in laws, rules, sayings, ...):

Le soleil se lèveà l'est. The sun rises in the east.

L'habitude est une second nature . Habitsecond nature.

On n' attrape pas les mouches avec du vinaigre. Anger Nothing Not you will achieve.

the recent past, which is expressed by a combination of terminal verbs arrivequitter, party, sortir, … with the circumstance of time:

— Où est Paul? WherePaul?

—Il sort à l'instant. — He just went out.

Elle sort de chez moi à l’instant . SheonlyWhatleft.

the near future, which is indicated by the circumstances of time:

J' enfile mon manteau et je vous rejoins. I put on my coat and join you.

Monique revient ce soir. Monica is coming back todayIn the evening.

L'été prochain, nous partons pour l'Espagne. This in summer We let's go V Spain.

Alos, c'est promis, tu m' appelles.So we agreed, you will call me.

future action depending on the condition (after the conjunction si instead of Futur simple ):

S'il pleut je resterai chez moi. If it rains I I'll stayHouses.

Si tu es en retard, je partiraisans toi. If you're late, I'll leave without you.

advice, request, order:

Vous allez tout droit, puis vous tournezà gauche. You go straight, then turn left.

Toi, tu rests ici. You're staying here

to denote long-term situations or actions:

Il deviant dur d'oreille. He hears worse and worse.

Cette semaine nous aménageons le grenier. This week we are furnishing the attic.

to describe a chain of events in the past in order to “revive” them in the present tense, i.e. to talk about the past:

Il s'était évanoui. Je le saisis et je le souleve, je le transport et je l' along sur son lit... Helostconsciousness.I grab him, lift him, carry him and lay him on his bed. .

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