star anise application. Star anise. Useful properties and application. Application in home cosmetology

Star anise, or star anise, like most spices with an oriental character, has a lot of healing properties. Traditional distribution area: southwest China and Japan. Today, this spice is also grown in India and the Philippines.

Star anise owes its unique licorice aroma and strong antiviral properties to the presence of shikimic acid in its composition.

The oil obtained from anise stars is widely used in the creation of new perfume compositions, in the production of mouth fresheners, in aromatherapy and homeopathy.

In ancient Chinese medicine, star anise was used to treat digestive disorders, including colic in babies.

Later, shikimic acid (otherwise shikimic) was extracted from star anise, which formed the basis of the drug Tamiflu, developed to combat various strains of influenza. The tool has proven to be very effective in the prevention and early treatment of influenza, bird flu and swine flu.

Other natural sources of shikimic acid include foods fermented with a variety of E. coli bacteria, ginger, and amber fruit. Although it is in star anise that the maximum amount of this acid, useful for human immunity, is concentrated.

Some physicians believe that the range of antiviral properties of star anise is not limited to the action of shikimic acid on the influenza virus. Perhaps, at the right time, another component of star-shaped anisabadyan-priprava, linalool alcohol, enters the fight for health.

Asterisk of health

Star anise, like most other natural spices, is high in antioxidants. It has been scientifically proven that eating star anise prevents the oxidation of certain fatty acids responsible for the growth of cholesterol plaques in vital arteries.

The substance limonene, also found in star anise, prevents certain types of cancer.

Traditional medicine to this day uses star anise infusions to relieve abdominal pain caused by gas accumulation, as a diuretic and even as an anesthetic: the tart and refreshing aroma of this seasoning will make the headache that appeared so inopportunely subside.

stomach medicine

Mix 1 drop of star anise oil with 1 tsp. honey and take orally for indigestion, gas, or nausea. But be careful with the concentration: just 1-5 ml of star anise oil, and you risk getting nausea or vomiting.

Star anise will also be of interest to the female audience due to its specific properties for breast enlargement. Suffice it to mention that this star spice has a beneficial effect on milk production in breastfeeding mothers.

Star anise contains two specific substances that, like human estrogens, increase breasts and stimulate milk production.

Works as an aphrodisiac, increasing libido and reducing the intensity of symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) in women. During pregnancy, you should refrain from eating star anise and its derivatives.


Add just 1 drop of star anise oil to your cough mixture to help you clear your throat during an asthma attack, bronchitis, cold or whooping cough. Do not increase the dosage, it threatens with pulmonary edema.

However, star anise oils at the right time may simply not be at hand. In this case, you will need a recipe for an expectorant infusion of ground star anise. Grinding a strong asterisk into fine dust is not easy - the coffee grinder copes with this task by four. Nevertheless, more or less crushed star anise can be an excellent cure for the flu.

Expectorant infusion

  1. 1 tsp crushed star anise pour 200 ml of boiling water, let it brew for at least an hour.
  2. To enhance the therapeutic effect, it is recommended to put a vessel with infusion in a water bath for about 30-40 minutes.
  3. The final stage: filter through a strainer or several layers of gauze, dilute with 1 glass of water and take 100 ml before meals 3 times a day.

This recipe for health is proven in practice. Instead of a water bath, I placed a jar of star anise in the steam basket of a multicooker - also an option. I also advise you to add 1 tbsp to star anise. l. chamomile flowers and 1 tsp. turns.

Considering the significant weight of the beneficial properties of star anise compared to other spices, this product is more than just a culinary food supplement. So feel free to add star anise to desserts, fish sauces and pickles.

Many people have tried star anise at least once in their lives. What it is? The plant is an evergreen shrub that produces star-shaped fruits. They are dark brown in appearance, hard to the touch, and contain seeds.

Clinical picture

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Seeds are widely used in cooking, as well as in folk medicine, they are used to prepare infusions, they are added to food and drinks. A feature of the plant is a unique spicy aroma.

What is useful and unique star anise

The described plant has long been famous for its healing properties. The composition of star anise seeds includes the following substances:

  • essential oil;
  • organic acids;
  • tannin;
  • thiamine;
  • vitamin C;
  • trace elements - iron, potassium.

It is known that the component of the essential oil - anethole, has a mild antispasmodic effect, and also has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole.

Star anise fruits are effective for treating inflammation, digestive disorders, including bloating. In folk medicine, star-shaped fruits are used in the form of decoctions, tinctures, tea. But most often they are used as a seasoning for food.

In addition, star anise spice has a diuretic effect, reduces appetite, so fragrant tea can replace the usual sweets.

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The combination of essential oil and tannin helps to get rid of cough, helps to remove phlegm from the lungs, and essential vitamins and minerals increase immunity in case of colds.

Star anise is very useful for lactating women, as it improves lactation, prevents indigestion and other problems of the digestive system. And its spicy taste is uplifting.

Some people do not distinguish between star anise and anise. What is the difference between these plants? The fact is that star anise is a perennial shrub that grows in Asia and North America. It reaches a height of several meters, has a spreading crown and has white flowers. The fruits look like stars, inside them are round brown seeds. Badian, a photo of which can be found on the Internet, is presented for sale in this form.

Representatives of this genus grow as evergreen shrubs or trees. The height of this star anise can reach 18 m. Fruiting begins in the fifth year of growth, the fruit is a woody multi-leaf.

Photo taken from

Where do representatives of the genus star anise grow:

    in North America and also in Jamaica;

    in Asia - from Japan to Indochina and the Philippines.

They are grown in South Korea, Vietnam and India.

Star Anise vs Star Anise: What's the Difference?

Star anise is the second name of the real star anise, the very plant whose fruits are widely used and used for various purposes. They have their own useful properties and contraindications. How bad anise is useful, how to use it and what harm, in addition to benefits, it can cause if used improperly, they are especially well known in its homeland - in the East.

In general, star anise is a kind of anise, which has a bright and especially tart taste. It grows in Southeast Asia - in the southwest of China and in Indochina. Star anise is called because of the characteristic shape of the fruit, which is a six-, seven- or eight-pointed multileaf of dark brown color. It has the shape of a star, in each of the rays of which there is one seed.

Composition and calories

Star anise contains many biologically active substances:


    micro and macro elements;

    essential oil;

  • polysaccharides;

The fruits of this plant are a source of vitamin A, C and PP, vitamins of group B. Of the minerals, they include potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, copper, manganese, sodium, phosphorus, iron and selenium.

It has a high calorie content - 337 kcal per 100 g. However, given the fact that star anise is eaten in very small quantities or not consumed at all, but only used to add flavor to dishes and drinks, you should not be afraid that this seasoning can harm figure.

Nutritional value of anise per 100 g:

  • proteins - 17.6 g;
  • fat - 15.95 g;
  • fat - 35.45 g;
  • fiber - 14.6 g.

Useful properties and contraindications

With regular use, star anise has a healing effect on the body. In medical reference books and encyclopedias, numerous useful properties of this plant are given:

  • stimulating the work of the gastrointestinal tract: improving appetite, normalizing the process of digestion of food, increasing intestinal motility, relieving spasms;
  • carminative action;
  • diuretic effect;
  • normalization of the nervous system;
  • improvement of the endocrine system;
  • increase the body's resistance to infections;
  • the ability to stimulate the production of estrogen, normalize the cycle, reduce pain during menstruation and during PMS;
  • general strengthening action.

You should refrain from using star anise if:

  • allergies;
  • It is contraindicated in neurological disorders;
  • Not recommended for pregnant women and young children.

In all other cases, it can be used as a seasoning for drinks and dishes, but moderation must be observed when using it. After taking a large amount of star anise, overexcitation of the nervous system occurs.


The fruits of this badian find a variety of uses:

  • they are used as a spice;
  • used in medicine;
  • oil is obtained from seeds.

In medicine, star anise is used in the form of decoctions. It is part of various breast fees. Also today it is added to the composition of some medicines to improve their taste.

Star anise essential oil, which is obtained from crushed fresh or dried fruits, is used for medical and cosmetic purposes. Thanks to its use, you can improve the condition of the skin:

  • increase the turgor of aging skin;
  • give elasticity to the skin of the chest;
  • normalize the water-fat balance;
  • also the essential oil of star anise has an antiseptic effect.

Seasoning star anise

Culinary use is the main use of star anise. As a spice, use the ripened fruits of this star anise. This seasoning is loved by cooks because of its rich and bright aroma. In the fruits of star anise, tart, bitter, pungent and sweet notes are intertwined, while there is no cloying in them. They are added to dishes either whole or in powder form, and are used mainly in the preparation of meat and fish, confectionery and drinks.

This is what a ready-to-use spice looks like

In each of the Asian countries where star anise grows, there are original traditions of using star anise fruits as a spice. In Asia, they are well aware of the benefits of this spice, so they use it often. So, Chinese chefs add star anise stars to shark fin soup, in Indonesia, star anise is part of almost all sauces, in Vietnam they are used to make beef soup. In Armenia, it is customary to add star anise to vegetable dishes.

Confectioners use star anise in the preparation of cakes, puddings, gingerbread, gingerbread, cookies, pies and jams. Another use case is adding to tinctures, liqueurs and sbitni.

IMPORTANT! If you decide to use star anise, it's up to you to decide where to add it - a variety of combinations are possible. However, when cooking, follow two simple rules. It is necessary to add it at the beginning of cooking, since it gives off all its aroma only when heated. In drinks, the fruits of star anise are placed 10 minutes before the end of cooking. If there is too much of this seasoning, the dishes become bitter, so be sure to use moderation.


Whole star anise should be stored in tightly closed jars, in places protected from high temperatures, direct sunlight and moisture. In this case, it does not lose its properties for a long time. Seasoning in ground form is better to buy in small quantities, so its shelf life is short.

What can replace star anise

If this seasoning is not at hand, it can be replaced with ordinary anise, which has a similar, but less pronounced aroma. Cinnamon and cumin are also considered interchangeable with star anise. They are similar in taste.


Star anise tea

The history of recipes for star anise tea has more than one millennium. To prepare such a drink, you can use whole star anise stars or spice in powder form. Crushed anise gives a better taste and aroma, and whole fruits give the drink an original and interesting look. Since this spice has many useful properties, thanks to its addition, ordinary tea turns into a healing drink. Usually, when preparing tea, it is mixed with other spices.

How to make tea with star anise and cardamom:

  • boil water and pour black tea into it - you can use it both loose and in bags;
  • then add star anise, cinnamon and cloves;
  • put a few slices of orange and lemon;
  • when the water cools down a little, add honey - you don’t need to put it in boiling water, because under the influence of high temperature this product not only loses its beneficial properties, but also becomes harmful.

Another option for a fragrant and tasty drink is oriental tea. For its preparation, cinnamon, star anise, lemon and caramel syrup are used.

Star anise coffee

Star anise goes well with coffee. To make a delicious and aromatic drink, this seasoning can be mixed with cinnamon and cardamom. The recipe for this drink:

  • put 2 teaspoons of coffee beans, 1 star anise, 4 cardamom pods and half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon in a coffee grinder and grind them;
  • put the resulting mixture in a Turk, pour boiling water, cover with a lid or saucer and let it brew for a while;
  • add sugar to the Turk and put it on a slow fire;
  • after the foam starts to rise, turn off the heat and strain the drink through a sieve.

Badian tincture

There are different recipes for making this drink. The most popular tincture is vodka. To prepare it, you need to fill it with vodka at the rate of 10 g of ground seasoning per 100 g of vodka. After three weeks, the drink must be filtered, after which it is ready for use. In the same way, you can prepare a tincture with star anise on moonshine.

Moonshine on star anise

The recipe for this drink is simple. To prepare it, you need to pour star anise with moonshine at the rate of 5 liters of moonshine per 1 kg of spice. It is better to use coarsely crushed star anise. Infuse for three days, then add another 6.5 liters of moonshine and overtake.

Cultivation and care

In nature, star anise grows in warm, humid climates. He loves non-acidic, light and fertile soils; swampy, loamy and easily ignited soils are not suitable for planting this crop.

How to grow star anise:

  • it is better to first get a young tree from a seed in a tub or pot at home or simply in a heated room;
  • then transfer the seedling to the ground in an open area.

How to plant seeds directly in the ground:

  • the site intended for planting anise must first be prepared, it is better to do this in the fall, it is necessary to dig up the soil by 20-25 cm, clean it from weed roots, add manure or compost to it;
  • in the spring, before planting, the site must be dug up again to a depth of 5-6 cm, leveled and compacted;
  • anise is planted approximately in April, at a soil temperature of at least 3-4 degrees.

Growing in a pot

Seeds must first be soaked in water for three days. The better the soil warms up, the faster they will ascend. The land in which the star anise was planted must be loosened regularly. In dry times, it must be watered abundantly. Nitrogen fertilizers are used for top dressing.

Use as an ornamental plant is another way to use star anise, which has a tart aroma and many beneficial properties.

Star anise or star anise belongs to the Limonnikov family. However, some sources refer him to the Badyanov family, of which he himself is the only representative. It should not be confused with the wild star anise, which is more common in our latitudes, that is, the ash tree, a representative of the Rutov family. The difference between them lies in the ratio of proven beneficial and unsafe properties for health.

Only wild star anise "lives" in our area - a flowering herbaceous plant of the Rutov family, similar in appearance to flowers and seeds with real star anise, but completely different in terms of chemical composition and properties. One of the most famous varieties of the plant is the burning bush.

It is so called because its flowers emit flammable ethers into the air. Therefore, in calm, dry and warm weather, it is enough just to light a match nearby, and a quick flame will run through the air above the panicles of a burning bush. And the plant itself, it never touches. And the juice of wild star anise causes photosensitivity of the skin - it sharply increases its sensitivity to sunlight, which leads to redness and blistering, as if the skin was burned by the plant itself.

Poisonous and another imaginary "analogue" of real star anise - Japanese star anise, the smell of which is completely unlike an edible spice. Star anise, unlike them, does not have such pronounced toxic properties. But he still has similar “features” with them, which is why many contraindications of star anise in medicine are connected.

Composition and useful properties of star anise

From the point of view of taste and aroma given to dishes, confusing anise with star anise is as incorrect as calling star anise. They are similar in appearance, especially similar to the asterisk shape of the arrangement of the fruit, but nothing more. The aroma of anise is sweeter, many even find it too bright and cloying. Star anise produces a more subtle and less "confectionery" smell. And although it just so happened that the use of star anise in our cooking is limited to confectionery, in India and China, various types of meat are willingly baked with it, and added to a number of other savory dishes.

Basically, the plant is used as a seasoning for rolls, buns, muffins, sprinkling them with its whole or ground seeds on top (less often, they season the filling with them). But with it you can also brew mulled wine (a German drink - red wine heated with various spices and sugar), tea and natural coffee. As a spice, star anise is found in preserves, jams, and many homemade spirits, including vermouths and liqueurs.

But the healing properties of star anise are provided not so much by its aroma, but by its composition, which is curious in many respects. Most of all in its seeds, of course, essential oil with a stimulating effect on digestion and the entire central nervous system. Its presence leads to the effect of a slight increase in body temperature and blood pressure, acceleration of metabolic reactions. But star anise is of particular therapeutic value due to the presence of the following substances in its composition.

  • Hydroquinone. This is a well-known reducing agent (participant in alkalization reactions as opposed to oxidation reactions), which is used to develop photographic film in old cameras. It is also used in dentistry as a curing agent for certain types of fillings. He also participates in the production of cosmetics - hair dyes (to form a lasting color) and whitening creams for the face and body. Currently, the use of hydroquinone in cosmetology is limited due to its carcinogenic effect on the skin. It discolors it (blocks the coloring pigment melanin), opening access to ultraviolet radiation, which is radioactive in nature, into its deep layers. And they are not designed to endure such an influence, and often react to it with the degeneration of cells. Plus, when it enters the bloodstream, it promotes the conversion of erythrocyte hemoglobin into methemoglobin, which loses its ability to bind and transport oxygen / carbon dioxide. An excess of methemoglobin leads to hypoxia, and its high concentrations lead to death from oxygen starvation. However, there is another side to the use of hydroquinone. It is a weak antiseptic and significantly reduces the overall intensity of oxidative stress reactions (formation of free radicals) in the body.
  • Safrole. This substance is found in many essential oils, but most of all it is in star anise seed oil. Safrole does not have medicinal properties, however, it serves as a participant in the reaction, as a result of which the famous “ecstasy” is obtained, a mild amphetamine-type drug. Currently, "ecstasy" and everything from which it can be made is classified as a narcotic substance, although this assessment remains controversial from a scientific point of view. In any case, the concentration of safrole in the essential oil of star anise seeds is well below the legal threshold of 15%. Therefore, in their composition as a spice, it only provides an improvement in mood, vigor and tone, which are characteristic of all other permitted CNS stimulants, including caffeine. The presence of safrole in star anise seeds allows them to relieve symptoms of minor ailments, create a positive attitude in the patient, which is also important for recovery.
  • Tannins. This is the name of a number of tannins with a characteristic bitter, astringent taste and a weak toxic effect on any living organisms, including human or any pathogen. Simply put, tannins are strong natural antibiotics and antiseptics, and plants rich in them have always been especially valued by folk medicine for their ability to suppress even large-scale infections. The highest concentration of tannins can boast of oak bark and wood (hence their name), but there are many of them in the bark of other trees, pomegranate peel, wormwood grass, celandine and St. John's wort. Their presence provides the seeds of star anise with the lion's share of choleretic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Shikimic acid. In the body, it performs the function of a precursor substance, from which several different amino acids are synthesized (elements of any animal protein, and proteins in our body are everything - from cells to hormones and blood bodies). That is why its consumption after entering our digestive tract is very high, and it does not accumulate in the tissues of the body in its pure form. But there is a lot of it in star anise seeds. Its participation in strengthening the body's own immunity is small and indirect, since it simply promotes the growth and renewal of tissues, the synthesis of new bodies, including blood cells, as well as hormones and other proteins, including immune ones. However, the pharmaceutical industry uses it as a reagent in the production of oseltamivir, a compound with an antiviral effect that blocks the reproduction of the pathogen. For a long time, oseltamivir was obtained exclusively from star anise seeds. But the complexity and high cost of the method prompted scientists to look for ways to produce it synthetically. So at present, star anise is no longer used for this purpose. True, the effectiveness of oseltamivir treatment of influenza since its discovery has been repeatedly questioned, and its role in the development of some side effects is still being discussed.

Most often, the medicinal properties of star anise are associated with the presence of shikimic acid in its seeds. In fact, in the body, reactions for the synthesis of oseltamivir do not occur from it - only in the laboratory. Thus, star anise seeds have weak antibiotic properties due not to her at all, but to tannins.

Action on the body

With this composition, the health benefits of star anise are as follows.

  • Sweatshop. Stimulation of the activity of the central nervous system, characteristic of star anise along with other spices, is always accompanied by an acceleration of blood circulation and an increase in blood pressure. That is, by heating all the tissues of the body, since their temperature depends on it directly.
  • Choleretic. The tannins in the star anise give it a bitter-tart taste and a strong specific aroma. And the digestive system always reacts to them with active bile secretion (without any relationship with the presence or absence of any fats in the product).
  • Anti-inflammatory. Because tannins are antiseptics.

This means that the regular use of star anise seeds in food or as part of a medicine can really help with a number of diseases.

With the help of star anise, the fair sex has been caring for their face and hair since ancient times. Moreover, reviews about the use of decoctions, infusions and pastes from it are even better than about other recognized "guardians of female beauty." It's all about the high content of hydroquinone in star anise seeds, a reducing agent with unsafe properties. Therefore, despite outwardly good results, the use of its extracts to improve complexion and hair is strongly not recommended, especially in summer.

Among other things, in their homeland, star anise seeds are considered an aphrodisiac, useful for both women and men. Judging by their composition, if they provide any assistance in improving the ability to conceive, then only indirectly. But their stimulating effect on the central nervous system is certainly able to temporarily increase attraction. And the content in them of substances that contribute to the synthesis of hormones somewhat stabilizes the hormonal background.

Theoretically, the stimulating effects of star anise seeds on metabolism, the central nervous system, and circulation can also help with weight loss by reducing the tendency to deposit "excess" calories from food into fat stores. But almost all spices have a similar effect, and in “invigorating” caffeine, it is even more pronounced.

Possible harm

The harm of star anise for health in most cases is limited to allergies. That is why it is strictly contraindicated to be treated with star anise at home if the patient is allergic to any substances, whether of vegetable or other origin. For other immune disorders, including those for which star anise is indicated (eg, psoriasis), star anise should be used with caution. That is, exclusively externally and in limited areas of the skin. Of the other side effects, star anise seeds can provoke:

  • burns - both skin and mucous membranes, especially when applying or swallowing a paste / oil from them;
  • nausea - or even vomiting, due to overexcitation of taste buds, an excessive increase in the intensity of the peristalsis of the digestive system and the irritating effect of star anise on the intestines;
  • hypertension - in predisposed persons, due to the stimulating effect on the central nervous system;
  • heart palpitations- and shortness of breath, as common signs of CNS overexcitation in people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

Due to the pronounced stimulating effect of star anise and the presence of partially toxic substances in it, it is contraindicated for use in case of problematic pregnancy (carried out by IVF, with threats of miscarriage.).

It is also undesirable to abuse star anise in the third trimester of a normal pregnancy, since it can provoke premature birth. And like all spices, it is better not to add star anise seeds even to food during breastfeeding, especially if there are allergies among the closest blood relatives of the child.

Methods for preparing remedies from star anise

In our culture, star anise seeds are primarily perceived as a seasoning for sweets, and only then - a medicine and an additive to unsweetened foods / dishes. In particular, it is freely combined with many types of home preservation, especially sweet ones - in the form of marmalade and jam.

The recipe for star anise jam remains the same as written in the cookbook. Just on a three-liter jar of it at the stage of cooking fruits with sugar, you need to add one star anise. You can break it into several parts, but you should not exceed the indicated proportion, since the aroma of star anise in the end can drown out the aroma of the product itself instead of emphasizing it. Connoisseurs say that the aroma of star anise seeds is best in harmony with plum, currant, apricot, cranberry, blueberry and blackberry jam.

As for how to brew tea with star anise, there is no particular wisdom here either - it is enough to withstand the required dosage and not “overdo it”. It is customary to put a whole star anise on one cup of black tea. But since this is too much with its bright aroma, after a minute from the start of brewing, the star anise must be removed from the cup. Then you can add a mint leaf or a bit of cinnamon to the drink, and leave it to brew for another seven to ten “classic” minutes.

water infusion

Peculiarities. It is prepared mainly for liver and gallbladder problems, decreased appetite, intestinal motility disorders, flatulence and stale food poisoning. That is why they drink an infusion of star anise seeds not in courses, but on a one-time basis, during the day or a little longer (until the symptoms disappear).

You will need:

  • a teaspoon of star anise seed powder;
  • 350 ml (mug) of boiling water;

Preparation and application

  1. Preheat the thermos with boiling water, pour powdered star anise seeds into it.
  2. Fill the raw material with fresh boiling water, close the lid and leave to infuse for an hour.
  3. Strain the star anise seeds through a folded cheesecloth.
  4. Take such a remedy from star anise should be a third of a glass, three times a day, half an hour before meals.

Alcohol tincture

Peculiarities. But the tincture of star anise on moonshine or vodka takes longer to prepare, although the alcoholic extract of its seeds turns out to be concentrated, with a pronounced therapeutic effect. Alcohol tincture of star anise seeds is especially effective for sore throat, bronchitis and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

You will need:

  • 10 g of star anise seed powder;
  • 100 ml of moonshine with a strength of 40% or vodka without additives / flavors;
  • glassware with a dense, ground stopper.

Preparation and application

  1. Pour the star anise seed powder into the infusion bowl, pour in slightly warmed alcohol.
  2. Close the container with a stopper, shake it several times.
  3. Leave the tincture in a dry, warm, dark place for twenty days, taking it out every two or three days to shake without opening. At the end of the infusion period, drain the plant part using gauze folded into three or four layers.
  4. You need to take the tincture three times a day, between meals, mixing a teaspoon of star anise tincture with a teaspoon of honey before each meal. The course of treatment of influenza with tincture of star anise seeds lasts one to two weeks.

Anthelmintic drug

Peculiarities. This remedy is prepared with pinworms. If the infusion does not help, it is better to consult a doctor, because the invasion can be mixed.

You will need:

  • a heaping tablespoon of star anise seed powder;
  • a glass of boiling water;
  • thermos with a glass inner flask.


  1. Preheat a thermos with boiling water, put star anise raw materials into it.
  2. Fill with fresh boiling water, close the lid and shake the thermos several times, like a shaker.
  3. Leave the star anise to infuse until completely cooled (about three hours - depending on the quality of the thermos).
  4. You need to take such a strong infusion of star anise seeds from worms only twice a day, morning and evening, on an empty stomach, for two weeks, but no more.

The use of star anise as an anthelmintic usually does not imply seeds, but roots. It's just that their action is not much different, and getting roots in the middle lane is more difficult than in the homeland of the plant (that is, in China). However, if there is such an opportunity, it should not be neglected, since the concentration of tannins in the roots of any plants is higher.

Star anise is the dried fruit of a tropical tree that was brought to Europe in the 16th century from Japan. Star anise fruits resemble reddish-burgundy stars, from the center of which rays emanate in the form of miniature boats, each of which contains a seed. Now star anise is grown in India, Cambodia, South Korea, Vietnam, Jamaica and the Philippines.

The name of this spice comes from the Tatar name for anise - badzhan. However, star anise is really often called anise - Chinese, Indian, star-shaped, Siberian and ship. Despite the fact that star anise is a kind of anise, its taste and aroma have brighter specific shades, in which sharp, tart, bitter and sweet notes are intertwined without too much cloying. Thanks to its rich and refined aroma, this spice is loved by confectioners and perfumers.

Star anise makes dishes gourmet

In cooking, star anise is used either in its original form or as a coarse powder. In Asian cuisine, star anise often complements meat dishes, as it makes the meat softer and more tender, giving it an exquisite taste and aroma. In this case, star anise is mixed with sugar and vegetable oil or with onions, garlic and other spices - cloves, cinnamon, ginger, fennel and pepper.

Vietnamese chefs add star anise to beef soup, in Indonesia not a single sauce can do without this spice, Chinese gourmets shade shark fin soup with star anise, and in Armenian cuisine they put it in vegetable dishes. Aromatic spice gives a pleasant taste to tea, grog and soft drinks, is part of many mixtures of spices.

Star anise is used by confectioners in the preparation of cakes, pies, cookies, cakes, jams, puddings and gingerbread. Thanks to Indian anise, liqueurs, tinctures and sbitni are especially tasty and original.

Badian handling rules are easy

The most important rule for using star anise is moderation, since its excess makes food taste bitter. The second rule is that it is better to add star anise to the dish at the very beginning of cooking, since it gives off its aroma only during heating, or 10 minutes before the end of cooking (if we are talking about drinks). Star anise has one valuable advantage - it extends the shelf life of products, therefore it is indispensable for canning vegetables and fruits.

By the way, star anise should not be used by allergy sufferers and people suffering from nervous diseases. All other fans of spices can safely add star anise to their food and enjoy new shades of familiar dishes. Moreover, star anise is, in addition, a useful spice. It contains aromatic essential oils, tannins, sugars, tannins, resins, malic acid and mineral salts.

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