9 dead and 1 survivor. A Kirov woman who survived the massacre near Tver: “I don’t want the murderer to die, let him live and suffer. Investigation in record time

Published on 06/04/17 13:45

The murder near Tver is overgrown with details: a 45-year-old electrician killed his last victim after refusing to dig his own grave.

Nine people were victims of an armed drinking buddy in the Tver region due to a dispute over military service, according to the Mash community telegram channel. The shocking massacre took place in a house on the territory of the garden partnership "50 years of October" in the village of Redkino.

As the only woman who survived the massacre said, the 45-year-old Muscovite lost his temper when those resting with him in the country said that if he intcbatch was not in the ranks of the armed forces, he is "not a man." In response to this, the man went for the Saiga carbine, and when he returned, he began to shoot everyone.

As Topnews previously reported, as a result of the massacre, which was arranged by a 45-year-old electrician from Moscow, four women and five men were killed by the killer.

Among the 9 killed, three are residents of the village of Redkino, Tver region, the rest also came from Moscow. Among the dead are the Smirnov family. They left an orphan daughter.

The last victim of the massacre was found in the trunk of a car parked near a private house. As it turned out, the suspect in the murder of 9 people, before cracking down on the woman, tried to force her to dig her own grave, and when she refused, he killed her. This was reported to TASS by a source familiar with the investigation.

In hot pursuit, the attacker was detained, investigative actions are being carried out with him, all the circumstances and reasons for the incident are being established. Forensic examinations have been appointed, including ballistic, genetic, forensic and medical.

Meanwhile, the REN TV channel published a video from the house where the massacre took place. The footage shows the bodies of the dead, whom the enraged man aimed to shoot in the head. The room where the killer left the bodies is completely covered in blood.

On behalf of Alexander Bastrykin, Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, the case was transferred to the investigators of the central office of the Investigative Committee, a team of investigators and forensic specialists from the central office began to inspect the scene, using the latest forensic equipment. According to Petrenko, neighbors and other witnesses have already been interviewed.

The only girl who survived the massacre in the Tver region gave an exclusive interview to Andrey Malakhov.

Last weekend, the whole country was shocked by the news from the small village of Redkino, Tver region. On Sunday night, 45-year-old Muscovite Sergei Yegorov shot nine people with a hunting rifle.

21-year-old Marina Konygina was the only one who managed to escape from the brutal reprisal. The girl hid under the covers. From her hiding place, she saw how Yegorov killed people and then dragged the corpses. Trembling with fear, the girl managed to call the police.

The shooter, who forced his victims to dig their own graves, offered no resistance during the arrest. “I killed them all because they began to say that I did not serve in the Airborne Forces. I told them that I served, and they laughed ... ”, - Yegorov explained his sinister crime.

The only survivor of the massacre for the first time will tell her version of what happened. What actually caused the massacre?

#let them talk #1channel #andreymalakhov

Tragedy on six acres: nine corpses and one survivor. Let them talk 06/06/2017

Eyewitnesses, neighbors, distant and close relatives, opponents and supporters speak.

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This type of art as animation has been around for a long time. During this time, the quality has improved, which cannot but rejoice. Cartoons are madly in love with children of any generation, everyone, as a child, adored cartoons. Many adults at one time had to wait on TV and had to watch what was shown. Someone at one time was lucky if their parents bought cassettes or discs. And the new generation can already watch what they want and without spending from their parent's wallet, because almost every house already has a computer and the Internet, with the help of which a huge card file of cartoons for every taste and color is opened.

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Those kids who are already slowly and surely moving towards adolescence may already begin to be interested in cartoons that are especially different in plot. In such cartoons in a relaxed form, the child is forced to think about serious things and experience a lot of emotions. They are suitable for viewing by the whole family, because due to the well-thought-out plot, they will be no less interesting for adults. Such cartoons can be safely put on the same shelf with family films.

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Do not forget about adults. Yes, they also draw for adults, only they are somewhat similar to teenage ones, but they are more rude, there may be abusive words, intimate overtones, and adult problems are affected (family life, work, loans, midlife crisis, etc.).

Cartoons are an art form in which the author's hands are completely untied, because you can depict absolutely anything and at the same time add a charming story. We invite you to watch them right now and get great pleasure.

The Russians are still in shock because of the news about the tragedy in the village of Redkino. Last weekend, on the night from Saturday to Sunday, 45-year-old Muscovite Sergei Yegorov shot nine people with a hunting rifle.


21-year-old Marina Konygina was the only witness who managed to escape the brutal reprisal. The girl who survived the bloody massacre will appear on Channel One on June 6 in Andrey Malakhov's program "Let them talk" and share her version of what happened.

Konygina managed to hide on the second floor of a country house, while a resident of the capital, who worked as an electrician, cold-bloodedly shot people from a hunting weapon in the garden partnership "50 years of October" near the village of Redkino in the Konakovo district. In connection with the incident, June 7 will be a day of mourning in this locality.

Earlier, the girl told reporters that she miraculously managed to escape - she hid under a blanket. According to her, the shooter went into her room twice. “He didn’t know that I was, he just looked to see if there was anyone,” Marina explained. “I saw and heard when he dragged the corpses, I saw how he finished off, everyone wheezed ... I kept hearing how this scum washed his hands later,” Konygina concluded.

Recall, according to one version of the investigation, the owners and guests of the gardening association suggested that Yegorov did not serve in the army, and the man was offended that they did not listen to his counterarguments. He went away for a short while, after which he returned with a Saiga carbine. The shooter killed five men and four women. Now he is in custody.

A week ago, the “Let them talk” program discussed a shocking high-profile incident that occurred in the village of Redkino, Tver Region, when 45-year-old electrician Sergei Yegorov killed 9 people as a result of a domestic conflict, reports p. A few days later, another mass murder takes place in the Moscow region: in the village of Kratovo on June 10, 49-year-old Igor Zenkov killed four people.

A few hours later, the 49-year-old shooter was liquidated by special forces soldiers. Among those killed was Zenkov's uncle, 63-year-old Viktor Biryukov. Miraculously, the wife of the murdered man, Lyudmila Biryukova, was saved - the woman was hiding in the basement of the burning house. Why did Zenkov start shooting people? Today in Let them talk, you have to understand how a quiet and seemingly harmless neighbor could suddenly turn into a cruel, ruthless killer.

A whole arsenal of weapons was found by investigators in a shed at the site of a former employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, who on June 10 shot four people in the village of Kratovo near Moscow. Three rifles, including those from the First and Second World Wars, a submachine gun, grenades, mines.

Igor Zenkov also left two suicide notes. Their content has not yet been disclosed. It is known that law enforcement officers have already interviewed neighbors. They claim that they had no previous conflicts with the man.

The tragedy in Kratov was dedicated on June 13 to the release of the program “Let them talk”. In Andrei Malakhov's studio, there were eyewitnesses, psychologists, acquaintances tried to find an answer, which made a seemingly harmless person take up arms and shoot passers-by from his own window.

One of the witnesses of the terrible incident in the studio Let them say: the neighbor of the “Kratovsky shooter” Viktor Obrubin. Here is what he says about Zenkov:

I have known him for a long time, he was always calm, balanced, he never clashed with anyone. He never had a family.

The operation with the participation of special forces soldiers continued that evening for several hours. Firefighters, an ambulance, and the police drove up to the killer's house. Zenkov could only be found thanks to thermal imagers.

I went to the bakery for bread. From there I go and hear shots. I got worried and leaned against the fence. And then the explosions went off ... I could not even imagine about Igor's weapons depot! He was a silent man. Say hello and move on.

One of his relatives, who refused to come to the “Let them talk” program, tells in more detail about the “Kratovo killer”:

He once robbed a store, and my late father-in-law saved him. Moreover, he also helped him with his career - after that, Igor even worked in the Ministry of Emergencies. In fact, a good life was organized for him. His dad, Yura, once introduced him to be a “black digger,” so grenades, pistols, and machine guns were later found in their possession. He was taciturn, reserved, but that's not even the point: such a terrible act cannot be explained by isolation.

Opinion of psychologist Anna Iotko:

It does not matter at all whether a quiet person or an active one. Here we see that the man had no purpose in life. "Black digger" is certainly an interesting business and can even bring a small income. But when a person has a desire to raise children, build a house, love a wife, this is a completely different matter.

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