21 secrets of successful traders. Secrets of successful trading. System trading by Larry Williams. What are the secrets of successful trading in intraday trading from Larry Williams

William Gann has gone down in trading history forever as he was one of the greatest traders of all time. His methods are still used by successful traders all over the world. This article provides Gann rules that you can use.

Rule 1: Fight for Success

If you want to be successful, then the most important rule is to fight for your success. This means that you have to put in some effort. You must plan for both the short and long term results of your trading. To do this, you must always have up-to-date charts at hand, and you must regularly observe them so that your mind perceives the market movement in price and time. Then you will learn the secrets of trading and see how the full price movement is constantly developing.

Rule 2: Responsibility for results

You have to succeed on your own - it's all up to you. Markets, market makers, brokerage firms, analysts don't owe you anything. Gunn never looked at anyone's newsletters. He did everything on his own. Various market services should provide you with a service so that you can trade in the markets in which you trade. In fact, they don't care if you make a profit or suffer a loss. Brokerage firms are only interested in their commissions - the more you trade, the more money exchanges and brokerage firms make. You must be well aware of the reliable trading method that you can use to make money in the financial markets. This method should be able to help you understand the price structure of the markets in relation to price movement and time.

Rule 3: Trading plan

When you enter a market, you must have a clear game plan in mind for both entering and exiting the market. The plan must be specific and not subject to change during trading hours. Gunn knew exactly what he was doing. You should always have limits on how much you can lose because you never know when the market cycle might turn against you. You must also have profit targets in the market. Many traders today suffer losses because they use computer oscillators to trade and never know where they are going. They usually slip into trading on rumors and analysts' forecasts, and use hope and fear in an attempt to succeed.

Rule 4: Placing Orders

Gann strongly recommended using pending orders to enter the market. This will limit your risk and you will be able to have a predefined stop order for the trade you enter. It also eliminates entry slippage. To exit the market, you can use a limit order based on a price and time target. However, if the price has not been reached by the end of your time cycle, you must exit at the current market price.

Rule 5: Profit Ratio

Gann recommended setting a ratio for profit versus risk. Go back to the previous charts of the market you are trading and determine how much the market has gone up or down and then set your expected profit to potential loss based on that.

Rule 6: Individual Trading

Never, under any circumstances, show your trading positions to anyone. Your opinion should be in perfect harmony with your trading positions. When you show your positions to someone, they immediately begin to be questioned, which begins to destroy your confidence and concentration on the trade. In this case, you will be a less effective trader and, in the long run, will suffer losses.

Rule 7: Leverage

Excessive trading with high leverage explains why so many people lose money when trading the financial markets. You should never risk more than 10% of your trading capital. Every trading position you open in the market must be backed by three times the minimum margin. For example, if the minimum margin on any contract is $700, then you must have $2100 available for that position.

Rule 8: Double Tops

Double tops represent one of the best ways to enter the short side. In this case, we are watching the price high being challenged. In most cases, the time for an upward bias has passed and the market is now in a downtrend. You should use the first rally to test the top as a selling opportunity. In many cases, this ends up with a double top formation. Check historical data for previous double tops in the market you are trading and see what the market had to do to break the double top. Sometimes, this is an excess of 1% - 2% of the current market price. Based on this, you should place your stop orders. The distance between double peaks is also important. The greater the distance, the more reliable the formation. The larger the chart scale, the more important the double tops formed on them. This is why you should always look at longer-term charts first.

Rule 9: Double bases

Just like double tops, good double bottoms offer excellent trading opportunities. Most major bull markets start from these bottoms. Always watch the formation of these graphical figures on all time scales. Place orders to take advantage of these trading opportunities.

Rule 10: Inside days

Watch for formations in the market inside days. This means that the current day's high and low are within the previous day's range. You will see that this signal gives you an early warning that the market is about to change direction.

Rule 11: Reversal Signals

Understand and look for reversal signals. This will show you the market trend in the short term. When the market rallies for more than five days and then gaps up, fills the gap, and closes below it, it indicates a further decline in price. You should expect the trend to reverse as this is one of the strongest reversal signals. Another reversal signal would be when the market rises for 5 days or more and after a strong open goes higher and then closes lower under the previous day's close. In many cases, the market will move at least 3 days in the opposite direction after one of these reversal signals.

Rule 12: Fibonacci Numbers

Gann never talked about Fibonacci numbers, but he actually used them. This was one of his secrets that he kept to himself. A lot of things in nature and in the markets are based on Fibonacci ratios -0.382, 0.500 and 0.618. Markets will often move in Fibonacci patterns. Watch for market reversals at these levels.

Rule 13: The Right Broker

You must choose a broker that will fully meet your trading needs. The broker will have to take your orders and execute them as quickly as possible. When trading in today's financial markets, it is imperative that your orders get to the exchange (if we are talking about the exchange market) in a matter of seconds. E-commerce allows you to increase the speed of order processing. Your broker should provide you with the ability to conduct technical and fundamental analysis. He should never question your orders as you have spent a lot of time researching the market. Its sole purpose is to provide you with the best possible service for servicing and executing your trades.

Rule 14: Diversify

You must diversify your trading positions so that they are in different asset groups. For example, if you are a commodity trader, you might have positions in grains, metals, and meats. This will help protect you from the occurrence of adverse circumstances in one sector. When trading the stock market, you could have positions in various sectors for protection.

Rule 15: Interest Stop Orders

The stops you use must be based on a percentage of the current price. Check on historical data what percentage works in your market in most cases. In some markets, a 1% stop order may work fine, in others it may be a different percentage.

Rule 16: Market position

There are three different market positions that you can take at any given time - long, short, and out of the market. Don't be afraid to be out of the market. When cycles change, there are periods of time when you should not be in the market. During the changing cycles, the markets give you weak signals. You often get stopped out in these markets. Psychologically, it will be difficult for you to take another trade if you were stopped out on a stop order in 2-3 trades in a row, and you may miss a trade that could be profitable.

Rule 17: Non-standard orders

When you place pending limit orders, they should not be at round values. For example, if you want to buy grain at $3.00, then place a limit order at $3.01. This is slightly above the price point. The fact is that round levels are often strong psychological levels and many market participants place their orders there. Therefore, there is a possibility that your order will not be filled at this price level, and the market will then rise sharply, but without you.

Rule 18: Fundamentals

You should not ignore fundamental factors. They are the drivers of the market. You should always be aware of upcoming economic data, political events and other fundamental factors. Technical analysis will then give you an idea of ​​how the market might react to this data.

Rule 19: Price Gaps

Gaps are extremely important for analysis. There are three types of gaps. The first is the breakout gap that occurs after an area of ​​price congestion. It usually results in a big move in the market. The next type of gap is the middle gap. This gap occurs after the market has moved in the same direction for some time. It usually indicates that the market will continue to move in the same direction for an extended period of time. The last type of gap is the exhaustion gap. It usually occurs at the end of a market move. For example, in a bull market, the market gaps up and trades there for a while, after which a downtrend finally begins.

Rule 20: Pyramid building positions

Pyramid building positions can be extremely profitable. You can open 50% of your position at a cyclical low or apparent bottom according to your time and price cycle. Place stops below this low. Then on the second wave to the bottom you should add 25% of your position. To do this, you need to use Elliott Wave analysis. Place your stop order for this position below this low. On the fourth wave, add another 25% and place your stop order on this position below this low. On the last fifth wave, you should start to close positions and remove stops from the first positions. When you think the market has peaked, close all positions and cancel all stops and wait for the next major trend to start.

Rule 21: Trading in the direction of the main trend

Gann always said to go with the main trend. It is very important. You can enter on reactions against the main trend, and this can be quite profitable. For a commodity market, for example, reactions can last 1, 3, or 5 days, weeks, or months. This means that if the market reaction continues for more than 5 days, then it will continue for 1, 3 or 5 weeks. If the market reaction lasts more than 5 weeks, then it will last 1, 3 or 5 months.

Rule 22: Harmonic cycles

Harmonic cycles are timing cycles that are very important. Major cycles, for example in commodity markets, last ten years. You should have long-term charts available for as long as possible in a daily format. Overlay these long-term harmonic plots on top of each other. If 90% of them are rising within the same time frame, then there is a high chance that the current trend will also be up.

Rule 23: The square of price and time

If the market bottoms at a certain price, it will then rally on the hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly charts to the square of that price. For example, if the price of wheat made a bottom at 250 in December, it would rally within 250 hours, days, weeks, or months from that bottom.

Rule 24: Timing

The point at which lows and highs form is based on time and may not necessarily be the high or low of the market. Sometimes the momentum will carry the market beyond the high or low.

Rule 25: Watching the swing time

The calculation of the oscillation time is very important. Watch both time frames and prices from lows to highs, highs to lows, bottoms to bottoms, and tops to tops. Keep track of them, as very often they remain the same.

Rule 26: Psychology and health

Psychology is a very important element of trading. Trade only when you feel strong mentally and physically. Your mind and body need to be at their best when making critical decisions when you are risking large sums of money.

Based on the theory of William Gann

The first question that any of the novice traders asks themselves is - What forex secrets should you know in order to have a guaranteed income and not drain the deposit.

It seems to many that there is a certain Grail that allows you to earn big money in a short time and only knowing the secret of trading allows you to get guaranteed profits.

Indeed, there are a number of important points, the knowledge of which can help you to conduct almost break-even Forex trading with the least risk, some of them relate to money management, and some relate directly to the practical conduct of trading.

Trade high only with a leading broker

1. Grail does not exist- this is the main secret of forex, there are no absolutely break-even strategies in the foreign exchange market, no one will tell you how to trade without losses. The main task of any trader is to bring the final financial result into a plus - in a day, week, month or year.

2. Deposit amount- the main thing is that when opening transactions, the ratio of the cost of one lot and the amount on deposit is more than 0.1%, that is, if you have $ 1,000 in your account, trade with a volume of 0.1 lot.
In this case, you will be able to survive almost any rollback and keep your deposit from being drained.

3. Don't make trading difficult– the more complex your trading system, the less likely you are to make a profit while you analyze the market, the price will go further and you will make a mistake when entering. This is especially true for opening positions during the day, the analysis should not take more than a few minutes.

4. Trade when profitable- my main personal secret of forex is that I open trades when it is profitable, and not when I want to. You should not have time to work - you opened a trading terminal, looked at the chart, found a pattern in the price movement - placed an order.
Or vice versa - they launched the terminal, but the situation is not certain, they refused to enter and went to rest. Surprisingly, such a trading system brings excellent results, the number of losing trades is reduced significantly.

5. Stop orders– never close a deal before the stop loss is triggered, at the same time, on the contrary, it is recommended to close the order if the price did not reach the take profit trigger and went back.

6. Always learn- you should not devote all your time only to trading, read books by famous traders, learn theory, do analysis. You will always find something new for yourself and will be able to apply the acquired knowledge in trading. At the same time, do not disdain free seminars that are held by large forex dealing centers, it is there that you can gain knowledge that is not described in books.

7. Always have a clear plan- only this will avoid psychological pressure - if you decide. If you close the deal with a loss of no more than 20 points, then close it or lose the entire deposit.

8. Forex secrets to increase profits- leave part of the profit to increase the deposit, use a trailing stop to get the maximum profit from one transaction, do not forget to participate in contests in parallel, always use bonuses when replenishing your account.

Sometimes the last two points can also bring quite tangible profits. and without spending too much time and effort.

9. Any transaction should consist of three stages– market analysis, calculation of the size of stop orders, determination of the entry point.

10. If you can't trade on your own- use automatic advisers or a system of copying trades.

These 10 forex secrets are the basis of my trading, each trader may have his own forex trading secrets, but they only apply to his trading strategy and sometimes require some adjustment.

Forex secrets are something that is not customary to talk about, but it is due to secrets that you can make good money on the currency exchange. Some of the secrets of Forex are on the surface, and some need to be reached. Moreover, each trader has his own secrets of making money in the financial market, and not everyone will share them with you.

You must understand that traders compete with each other and if someone has earned money, then someone has lost it. To increase your capital, and not lose it, you need to act differently than other traders do. The more unique and refined your trading strategy is, the more and more often you will have the opportunity to earn. Of course, without secrets, this will be difficult to do.

Beware of Private Traders and Create

What about blogs of private traders? If you want to lose all your money, listen to them and copy their trading strategies. If you want to make money and - you should go your own way and not listen to any dubious bloggers. You must develop your own trading system, your own analytics. Create!

The international financial exchange Forex has gained immense popularity due to its high level of liquidity and trillion-dollar turnover. Of course, before starting "adult" trading, you need to go through in order to understand the basics and principles.

The currency exchange has become a source of income for many beginners and experienced traders. But without the ability to make money in the foreign exchange market, this does not matter, so we go directly to the secrets of Forex for all traders.

The most important Forex secrets for you

Naturally, there is no "holy grail" that will help you make successful Forex trades all the time. But there are a number of principles, if you adhere to which, you can significantly succeed in currency trading. Here are the eight essential Forex secrets for successful trading:

  1. Choose one trading method and keep it simple and clear.
    Do not waste your time trying to figure out the 15 indicators placed on all your charts that have become like an abstract picture.

    The truth about trading strategies is that finding a strategy that will bring you profit with a high probability is not so difficult. But if you complicate your trading strategy and thereby confuse yourself, then this will only bring serious harm to your trading and trading account.

  2. Predict your trades and follow a specific course of action.
    This means that you must be sure that you will never enter the market by accident or without a good and justified reason.

    Your trading decisions should always be objective and logical, not irrational and emotional (like most traders).

  3. Keep a diary of your trades so that you have statistics on your trading results and progress.
    If you do not keep a trading journal, or at least regularly analyze your trading history, then most likely you have very little chance of making consistent profits in Forex.
  4. Pay no attention to anything but the charts.
    A chart is a display of all basic information. And do not trade on the basis of any speculation or conjecture. Just study your charts and make a logical and informed decision.
  5. Don't be led by greed or you won't see profit.
    Greed is probably the most common reason many Forex traders fail. Therefore, you need to have a trading plan that includes your target profit and the placement of the stop loss function, which will help you avoid failure.
  6. Don't be led by emotions.
    You don't need to treat trades as if they were on the verge of life and death, because trades alone do not define you as a trader. Your trading success depends on many months of trading results, not on 1 or 2 trades.
  7. Don't change your trading method. Stick to it. Believe in him.
    All trading methods have unsuccessful periods, so you should not abandon it at the first failure. In order to get a constant profit with the chosen trading method, you need to constantly supplement and improve it.
  8. Make sure you can sleep at night because if you're having trouble sleeping because of trading, you've put too much money at risk.
    Follow the principles and rules of your money management system, which will help you protect your account from serious losses.

Look for and use secrets to make money on Forex

Remember that successful trading is the result of good preparation and hard work. And now that you have learned about 8 Forex secrets for successful trading, you have no obstacles on the way to profit, except for your own fear or lack of motivation.

Each case has its own nuances and secrets, and the forex currency market has certainly not escaped this fate. Well, how else? Such an extensive financial platform and without its court secrets - it just does not happen. In this review, we will try to reveal some of the small forex secrets, making it possible to facilitate your activities as a currency speculator. Many of you use Forex strategies to work on the market and open trading operations, but few people know about the existence of additional "goodies" for more comfortable earnings. We will talk about "forex lock", position reversal, averaging algorithms. For experienced traders, this is certainly not news for a long time, but for the most novice exchange participants, this information will undoubtedly bring a lot of usefulness in future trading. And it is guaranteed to increase the profitability of any method used. And therefore - this topic should be, no matter how our old-timers grumble :)

Let's start with forex basics, namely the forex lock and its application in your forex strategies as an alternative to stop orders. When using any tactic known to you, the authors of the developers often advise setting stop losses at lows or highs, this has its own specific meaning in many market situations. Since the most likely accumulation of volumes of a major player is located exactly there, which means that in these zones he will more diligently defend his positions. However, often too many regular traders place their stop orders at these price points. What makes them especially tasty morsels for a "strong hand" and it is quite logical that the market maker wants to go through the stop loss of the crowd, earning additional profits on this and freeing the "departing train from passengers". Given this probability, unlike most, you place not a stop order, but a pending buy stop or sell stop order. Depending on the direction of your trade: that is, if you have a buy position open, instead of a stop order, you place a sell stop order at the same level with a volume equal to the originally opened order. In order to use the forex lock effectively, you should have at least an average special understanding of price levels. That is, where the price rebound in the originally intended direction is most likely. Example: you have entered a long position at 1.3300, a sell stop order is set instead of a stop order at 1.3270 and the next support zone (let it be a pivot or murrey level) is at 1.3220.

Now let's see what we have - the price really went in the opposite direction, your loss is locked in the lock, since the reverse stop order now balances the original position. Wherever the market goes - you have nothing to lose! The price has reached the level of 1.3220 and you close an already working sell stop order with a profit of 50 pips. Your loss is still only 30 points (the distance between the opening and the level from which the "lock" worked), then at the level of 1.3200 you either set a stop order, or again a stop order and, if it is triggered, lead the lock to the next level. Here is such a simple technique that allows you to earn on any market movements, but without building effective trading levels, it will not bring you the desired effect.

We increase the effectiveness of the forex strategy by turning positions!

Forex Secrets do not end with just one lock, there are also interesting methods of reversing a position. This option differs from the previous one in the following way - you believe that your stop order is ideal. And if the price breaks through it, it will undoubtedly rush in the opposite direction. Although, of course, it can play in the channel for some time, well, so be it. We have another interesting "trick" in our backpack of secrets. Let's imagine the following situation: you again opened a long position at the price of 1.3300 and are sure that if the price can break through the level of 1.3250, then it will be a bearish trend. Even if the price tests both levels several times: 1.3300 and 1.3250. You also set a pending sell stop order instead of a stop order, only with a doubled lot, for example, the first order was 1 lot, so you set a sell stop order - 2 lots.

It's good if your forex strategies there is a good reputation in testing and you have observed that in case of its error, the trend finally reversed and you placed stop orders for a reason. So, what we see and do next: the price reached the level of 1.3250 and a pending order with a double lot was triggered, now, if you are a little versed in mathematics, our position has started earning with a volume of 1 lot (that is, the initial volume). If the price decides to play with us, it's okay, because at the opening level we have already set the next pending stop order - buy stop. Same with 2 lots. That is, if the price reaches the level of 1.3300 - in the buy position, we will again earn with the same 1 lot. Be sure to check and double-check to be sure. The only danger of this technique lies in the rather long stay of the price within the price corridor you have chosen, so calculate risk management more carefully or look for other Forex strategies that filter flat areas.

We help our forex strategy - we average the open position.

Almost any indicator forex strategies need averaging, especially during periods when the position was accidentally left open or the stop order did not work. In general, there can be many variations. But what should a trader do when the position he has opened has greatly gone into the red and only one thought looms in his head - how to get out of the drawdown? You and I know very well that the market does not have such a property - as a constant fall or constant growth - there are always corrections (places where the market "refuels" in the form of crowd volumes), that is, rollbacks from the main trend. Most often, they are formed at important price levels or fibbonacci markings (levels: 38.2, 50 and 61.8), it is in these places that in the averaging technique we open additional orders with increased volume in the direction of the transaction preceding the averaging. If the result is successful, the position is brought to breakeven and we exhale happily in anticipation of the next signals. Averaging steps can have the same value or different when averaging from levels (recommended), they can also increase or decrease the lot. However, in the latter option, you will have to count on a longer movement in your direction; although of course this significantly reduces the load on the deposit itself. You can read more about averaging methods

The world-famous American William Gann, born back in 1878, entered the history of trading as the best trader of all time. Many to this day are trying to calculate the formula for his success, thereby ensuring the conquest of financial peaks. And yet it is worth noting that there is no usual recipe for successful trading! It all just comes down to common practice. As a result, the longer you are passionate about this topic, the greater your experience and knowledge of this market. But, all the same, having made a thorough analysis of the available information, and William Gann's many years of experience, we present to your attention a kind of cheat sheet. Secrets of successful traders, in other words.

Rule #1

Develop your own trading system
It is very important to formulate a trading scheme specifically for yourself. During the formation, consider a number of important factors:

  • Time frame for trading
  • Consider your moral principles and type of temperament
  • The developed formula should include the use of your best qualities

Spontaneous trading is the first and main mistake of beginners. Smart learn from the mistakes of others, so do not check the veracity of the above concept. Over time, you must develop a trading intuition, which, of course, will help you and bring great earnings.

Rule #2

Every idea can be profitable
Remember that a personally designed system is not usable until you have thoroughly tested it. Each idea can bring you a solid income, but before resorting to use, you need to test the idea. The ideal period is three or four months.
To begin with, allocate a minimum amount of funds to work according to the new scheme. If for several months you will have a stable income, then it's time to increase the rates. The secrets of successful traders are not magic, so everyone can use them.

Rule #3

Organize your personal trading capital
Break down all available funds according to different currency pairs. With their help, you can get a stable income. Moreover, you must understand the price change algorithm. Also in such a case, you can have a separate trading system for each currency pair.

Rule #4

The ideal in trading does not exist
Each trader is in constant search of the ideal system. However, I dare to disappoint you, today there is no trading scheme that will bring you a constant and stable profit. Many are mistaken, after a couple of successful transactions, the trader believes that the trick is in the bag. Despite the fact that you have significantly increased your deposit, you should by no means become primitive. Otherwise, you will lose all profits very quickly.
You should always rely on the trading system and not on emotions, because they are a bad adviser.

Rule #5

The trading system must take into account the risk - management
Any financial losses should not exceed three percent of the deposit in one transaction. It is also worth using only proven lots, and trading them accordingly. Know that after small losses comes big gains.

Rule #6

Don't use losing trades
Resort to using the trailing stop function in relation to unsuccessful trades. The size of the potential profit should be twice as high as the size of the potential loss. Do not focus on conducting transactions with meager profits.
The secrets of successful traders described above will maximize your income over time. Remember, the key to trading is practice. Think carefully about the trading system and then you can make good money.

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