How to add or change okved codes for ooo. Step-by-step instructions for changing OKVED codes Do I need to change OKVED in

The change and addition of OKVED LLC codes is carried out in the manner prescribed by the norms of the current legislation. The basis for the implementation of the procedure is a change in the main direction in the work of the enterprise, as well as the addition of additional directions and the exclusion of existing ones. According to civil law, changes of this kind are subject to mandatory recording in the state register.

The article provides detailed information on how to add a direction in the activities of an LLC, replace an existing one with a new one, or simply exclude it from the list. The step-by-step instructions presented in the article will help you quickly and without additional difficulties to cope with the implementation of the procedure on your own, without involving third parties. The procedure for performing the operation to change codes in 2017 has changed somewhat, so the topic is relevant and requires detailing.

Additional Information! The concept of OKVED codes means directions in the activities of the enterprise. In accordance with the norms of the law, they must be indicated during the registration of the company. The first in the list, as a rule, indicates the direction that is a priority for the company, followed by secondary activities.

How to change the OKVED LLC code and when to do it

  1. if it is necessary to add the type of activity of LLC (main or additional). Often, when expanding a business, the founders decide to add a line of work, thus diversifying its activities and making it more attractive to large companies;
  2. if you want to change the type of activity of the LLC. The business direction in which the enterprise worked earlier became irrelevant and unprofitable, so the founders decided to change it. Sometimes a change in the type of activity is associated with great competition in this area, for example, if several business entities are registered in one region that provide similar services. In this case, the best solution to the problem is to replace this direction with another one;
  3. to exclude the activity. If there is an unclaimed destination in the list of destinations, it can be completely excluded from the list;
  4. if the founders wish to replace the main business line with one of the additional ones. Despite the fact that new codes are not introduced, but only a replacement takes place within the list, this change must be reported to the tax service in order to fix the information in the register.

Note! It is necessary to notify tax officials about changes regarding OKVED codes so that they fix the amendments in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. The notice of the IFTS is given a period specified by law, the omission of which threatens the violator with legal liability.

The source of the codes is the corresponding classifier, it is with its help that you can choose the required direction. In connection with the changes in the legislation carried out in 2017, the previously used OK 029-2007 ceased to be valid. Now OK 029-2014, approved by order of Rosstandart, is applied. Companies founded after July 2016 were required to use OK 029-2014 during registration activities. As for those LLCs that were created earlier, their registration took place using OK 029-2001.

In connection with the amendments to the tax legislation, it is now necessary to apply codes from the new classifier to determine the possibility of using tax benefits.

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Changing the main direction step by step

To change the main code, you can use the following algorithm of actions.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. making a decision by the founders of the company to change the main code. The decision is made by voting, the result of which is recorded in the minutes;
  2. updating the charter, fixing information about the changes made in the text of the document. The charter is the main document of the LLC, therefore any information relating to the activities of the company, including the change of codes, is recorded in it;
  3. notification of the IFTS body about the decision adopted at the meeting of participants of the LLC. Notification of the tax service is carried out by submitting an application in the established format. Together with the application to the tax office, it is necessary to submit a new version of the Charter, taking into account the amendments made, as well as a receipt confirming the fact of payment of the state duty in full;
  4. fixing changes in the state register. The implementation of the procedure is within the competence of tax officials. Information about the new details of the Articles of Association and data on the change of the code / codes are subject to entry;
  5. receiving ready documents. After 5 days from the date of application, the applicant can pick up a new version of the Charter and an entry sheet in the state register.

The passage of the described stages is necessary to change the main type of activity, read further about the adjustment of additional areas.

According to the established rules, when registering an enterprise, data on the main type of activity of the organization and additional ones are recorded. Under the main code is meant the direction in which the society works most often. Secondary activities are carried out on an occasional basis, if necessary.

To change the additional code, an algorithm similar to that described earlier is used. The only difference is that the need to change the Charter does not arise in all cases. So, if the text of the document contains the phrase “and other types of activities not prohibited by law”, there is no need to change the Charter.

Note! If activities that require a license are subject to inclusion in or exclusion from the code list, the Charter must be changed.

If the text of the Charter does not change, an application to the tax office is submitted in form 14001. In this case, you do not need to pay a state duty, since the changes will be recorded only in the register.

How long does it take to make changes

Despite the amendments to the legislation, as a result of which new codes were introduced into the classifier, the procedure for registering changes remained the same. The requirement regarding notice periods has not changed either. An application for making changes to the register must be submitted within 3 days from the date of the relevant decision. This requirement is enshrined in Article 5 of the Law “On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs”, the main purpose of which is to regulate the conditions and procedure for registering business entities.

Violation of the established requirement is the basis for bringing the general director of the enterprise to administrative responsibility in the form of a fine. Penalties are applied not only if the head of the LLC did not report the change of codes to the Federal Tax Service, but also if the deadline set by the legislator for the implementation of this procedure is missed. The amount of the fine is assigned in accordance with paragraphs of Art. 14.25 Administrative Code.

In some cases, it is necessary to add or change the OKVED codes. For example, a company decided to engage in activities that were not foreseen when it was founded. In this case, you need to carry out the procedure for adding codes for LLC. She is uncomplicated.

How to choose the right OKVED codes

First of all, select the codes that you need. This can only be done according to OKVED2, aka OKVED OK 029-2014. Despite the fact that three editions of OKVED are currently working in Russia, changes can only be made according to this one. Use the site, which is engaged in the selection of economic activities for free. This will make the task as easy as possible. Or download the document and select the necessary codes from it yourself. Also on some sites you can get a free consultation of professional classifiers.

If you choose OKVED 1 or OKVED 1.1., the documents in the tax office will simply not be accepted from you. In this case, the procedure for holding the meeting and certifying the application will have to be checked again. To save time and money from the very beginning, be careful and choose the right classifier.

Change of charter and application form

In some cases, when changing or adding a type of economic activity, you have to change. Then you need to fill out the form P13001. In this situation, changes to the OKVED LLC codes will be paid. True, the fee is low - only 800 rubles. If the charter does not change, form P14001 is used, and the state duty does not need to be paid.

When is a bylaw change required? If it does not spell out the possibility of engaging in other permitted activities in addition to those mentioned in it. Both applications can be found online. You need to type in the search engine “form P13001” or “form P14001”, respectively, and it will give you what you need.


Before submitting an application, you need to make a decision at the meeting of the participants in the company and formalize it accordingly. Of course, a meeting is not required if there is only one owner. In this case, he can single-handedly make a decision and sign the paper. Important: the document should contain exactly the numbers of the code, and not a description of the type of activity in words. The following points should also be mentioned there:

    Listing of all added codes;

    Listing of all excluded codes;

    Mention of a change in the code of the main activity, if such a replacement occurs;

    Description of changes that are made to the charter in connection with this procedure;

    Approval of the authority of the person who will formalize the change (submission of an application, and so on).

The decision must be formatted accordingly. With him, the representative of the LLC will go first to the notary, and then to the Federal Tax Service.

Certification of the application by a notary

The next step is to have the application certified by a notary. You already know how to determine which application form is needed in a particular case. You need to go to the notary with a completed application. This procedure cannot be avoided, even if the documents are submitted to the tax office by the sole founder of the company. After that, the authorized person, who was indicated in the decision, takes the documents to the IFTS or sends them by mail.

If this is not done, the firm will receive a fine of 5,000 rubles. Therefore, a more optimal solution is to send a representative of the organization to the tax service.

Submission of documents

The next step is the submission of documents. It can be done at the tax office or through a multifunctional center - the MFC. Both of these methods are acceptable. But there is a difference in the design of the payment document. You need to download it from the website of the organization that will accept the documents.

As a rule, you need to contact the same inspection that registered the company. However, in Moscow the situation is slightly different. There, for these purposes, there is a special department, namely, the 46th.

The package of documents will be as follows:

    Decision of the sole founder or minutes of the general meeting;

    An application in the form of your choice, certified by a notary;

    New charter (only if it has been amended);

    Receipt received for payment of the state fee (only if changes were made to the charter).

Please note that the law does not require a decision when submitting documents, but you still need to take it with you. Why? Representatives of the IFTS require it to make sure that no more than three days have passed, given by law to notify the decision to change the codes. If they see that more than three working days have passed, then they impose a fine on the LLC.

Documents receiving

After five working days, you can pick up ready-made documents from the tax office. Among them there will be a new record sheet for the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and a charter with confirmation from the IFTS, if it has changed. From this point on, you can carry out a new type of activity on a completely legal basis.

At the stage of preparing documents in order to create a legal entity, the OKVED codes are indicated in the application. What the future businessman plans to do, he determines on his own. In the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, types of activities (main and additional) are reflected as special codes according to 129-FZ of 2001. If the established company decided to do other work, then it needs to add new codes.

Features of adding

OKVED defines, what type of activity does the legal entity belong to. This is the essence of assigning company codes. This classifier is required for registration of a company, society, enterprise, individual entrepreneur.

The code cipher is determined by entrepreneurs independently, approved by the statistical authorities. On the basis of this classifier, the statistics agency keeps records and analyzes the functioning of enterprises in the economic field. In addition, the code is used during registration, its accreditation in the customs control authorities.

  1. The law allows companies to engage in any activity, but within the framework of legal requirements. The lack of information about the code of the company's activities cannot serve as an obstacle to work. Art. 49 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
  2. Despite such a clear indulgence on the part of the legislator, let's pay attention to Article 5 No. 129-FZ, which establishes that within 3 days from the start of the new activity of the company, the entrepreneur is obliged to inform the tax authority about this.

An analysis of the two norms shows that an entrepreneur can start another job without updated codes of the general economic classifier, but is obliged to report this to the tax authority and inform about other activities he is starting.

The tax authority is obliged to make a record of changes in the codes. If this record is not available, the organization may be subject to a fine.

Creation of the decision of the sole participant of the company or the protocol of the general meeting of founders on the change of codes. The decision is drawn up if the company has one founder, the protocol - if there are several. The competence of LLC participants includes changing codes. Based on this, they prepare a decision or protocol. These documents should address the following questions:

  1. Addition, exclusion of OKVED codes. If the organization changes the main code, this is written separately. All codes (additional, basic) should be written in digital form, but not in the form of a description of the type of activity. For example, when opening a cookery, you need to display the code 47.26.
  2. Making changes to the constituent document due to the addition of new codes. They are not statutory.
  3. Determination of the competence of the person who is responsible for processing the changes. According to general practice, the director of the company is appointed responsible. But not necessarily: if the director is busy, then any person can make changes on the basis of a power of attorney.

A power of attorney is a document that reflects the powers of a representative. In civil law, the institution of representation is dedicated to the power of attorney, which operates in all types of legal relations regulated by the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The power of attorney states list of powers of a representative. In this case, the power of attorney is notarized.

Do not forget that no more than three days should pass from the date of the decision by one (or several) founders to the deadline for providing information to the tax authority on changing activity codes.

Completed and notarized

The participation of a lawyer in the certification of applications is mandatory and does not depend on who will submit the application to the tax authority: the director himself or his representative. It does not matter how the application is submitted: in person or by mail.

You can find more information about paperwork in this video.

Formation of a package of documents

Documents are submitted to the tax authority that registered the legal entity. You can submit documents through the MFC on the basis of 129-FZ. The MFC independently sends a package of documents to the registration authority.

The list of papers required to be submitted to the tax authority in order to change activity codes includes:

  • decision of the LLC participant;
  • minutes of the general meeting of founders;
  • new version of the charter in accordance with the added activity codes (2 copies of the charter);
  • document confirming the payment of the state fee in the amount of 800 rubles.

You can find the details for paying the state fee on the official website of the tax authority

If the charter has not been amended, then the user must submit only application P14001 to register the codes. As for the rest of the documents (decisions, protocol under 129-FZ), they do not need to be provided. But in practice, the tax authority still requires them. He does this in order to make sure that the deadline of 3 days is met.

Obtaining Documentation

After submitting the documents in five (working) days, the entrepreneur can receive an updated list of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. In it, activity codes will be changed. If a businessman or his representative submitted a new version of the charter or an annex to this document, then the tax inspector will give him one copy with a mark.

How to make IP changes

In order for an individual entrepreneur to change the type of activity, by analogy with legal entities, a citizen also needs to notify the tax office and prepare documents. Their kit includes:

  • application in the completed form R24001;
  • passport;

If a citizen cannot apply in person, he can entrust this action to his representative. In this case, you need to issue a power of attorney. The representative must also bring their passport with them.

Ways to submit documents in order to change OKVED codes:

  1. Through the Internet. You can fill out the documents online, which saves time. But in order to use this method, you need.
  2. Mail. The application form is filled out, the documents are completed and enclosed in an envelope. The letter is formed by registered mail, with a list of attachments, a return receipt.
  3. Personal visit. To a citizen who applied to the tax authority personally, the inspector issues a receipt on receipt of documents. From the moment of submission of documents for individual entrepreneurs, the procedure for making changes to the documents of activity codes begins. That is, new information has appeared that the individual entrepreneur will be engaged in a different, new type of activity. Changes to documents are carried out within 5 working days. After this period, a citizen can come for them. He is given a new record sheet of the USRIP, which will reflect the data on the changes made.

The inspector of the tax authority may refuse to make changes and reflect new OKVED codes in documents. He will issue an appropriate document about this. Refusal must be motivated. Usually, the tax authority refuses entrepreneurs due to errors and inaccuracies in the documents.

A sample of filling out the P24001 form can be found in this video.

When registering an LLC, the founders indicate in the charter what economic activity their company will be engaged in. In the application R11001 and the record sheet of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, which the tax office issues after the creation of the company, the types of activity are indicated using digital designations or OKVED codes. So, the codes of the construction organization will be the following OKVED 2 codes: 41.10, 41.20, 43.11, 43.12, 43.29 and others.

If in the course of activity the organization decides to change the type of activity to one that was not specified during registration, then the OKVED codes for the LLC must be added. It is quite possible to change or add OKVED codes on your own. To help you understand the procedure for changing the OKVED codes of a company, we have compiled this step-by-step instruction for changing the types of activities of an LLC in 2019.

We suggest that you study with us step by step how to change the OKVED codes (All-Russian classifier of types of activity) for an LLC.

Step 1. Select codes from the current edition of OKVED

OKVED is a document developed by Rosstandart, and in 2019 only one edition of it is valid - OKVED OK 029-2014 or OKVED 2. But on the Internet you can still find two other editions of the Classifier that are no longer used - OKVED OK 029-2001 and OKVED OK 029-2007.

If you indicate in the application the wrong classifier of OKVED codes, you will receive a refusal to register. You can find up-to-date information on our website.

If you find it difficult to choose new OKVED codes for an LLC in 2019, we recommend that you get a free consultation from professional registrars, where they will answer your questions that arise when choosing new codes.

Step 2. Select the application form for submitting information about changing the types of OKVED

If the change of OKVED codes in the organization entails a change in the charter, then the form is filled out. For example, your charter contains such a closed list of activities:

  • wholesale;
  • cargo transportation;
  • forwarding activity.

At the same time, there is no phrase in the charter that allows the organization to engage in other types of activities that are not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Suppose you opened a grocery store, which means that the new OKVED code will be associated with retail. This type of activity is not on the list, and the charter does not provide for the possibility of engaging in other permitted activities. In this case, changing the OKVED codes will require changing the charter and paying a state duty in the amount of 800 rubles.

Changing the OKVED codes without making changes to the charter is made out by an application and does not require the payment of state duty.

You have only three business days from the moment the relevant decision is made to inform the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate of a change in OKVED codes, otherwise you risk a fine of 5,000 rubles under Art. 14.25 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

Step 3. Prepare the decision of the sole participant or the minutes of the general meeting on changing the OKVED codes of the company

The introduction of additional OKVED codes for LLCs is within the competence of the participants in the company (single or general meeting), therefore, it is necessary to prepare a decision that will address the following issues:

  1. Addition and / or exclusion of OKVED codes. If the main OKVED code of the organization changes, then this must be written separately. Both the main and additional OKVED codes in the decision are prescribed in the form of numbers, and not in the form of a description of a new type of activity. For example, when opening a bakery shop, the solution would be 47.24.
  2. Amendments to the charter in connection with the addition of new types of LLC activities that are not provided for by the constituent document (only if there is such a need).
  3. Approval of the authority of the person responsible for formalizing the introduction of changes to OKVED codes. As a rule, the applicant in this case is the director of the LLC, but it can be any other person acting by proxy.

Do not forget that from the date the decision is made or the minutes of the general meeting of participants are drawn up, the countdown of three working days begins, during which documents must be submitted to the tax office for registration of changes.

Step 4. Fill out and certify with a notary an application for changing OKVED codes

It is necessary to certify an application in the form P13001 or P14001 with a notary, regardless of whether the director personally submits documents to the IFTS, sends them by mail or transfers them through a proxy.

Step 5. Submit documents on changing the OKVED codes of the company to the Federal Tax Service

It is necessary to submit documents on new types of activities of an LLC, on the basis of which changes will be made to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, to the tax office that registered the company. In large cities, the registering IFTS differs from the one where the organization is registered. For example, in Moscow it is only the 46th tax inspectorate. You can also submit documents to the MFC, which, on the basis of Art. 9 (3) of Law No. 129-FZ independently submits documents to the registration authority.

The package of documents for changing OKVED codes for LLC when changing the charter includes:

  • The decision of the participant or the minutes of the general meeting;
  • A notarized application in the form P13001;
  • A new version of the charter or an appendix to the charter in two copies;
  • A document confirming the payment of state duty (when amending the charter) in the amount of 800 rubles.

You can prepare a payment order for the payment of state duty on the official website of the Federal Tax Service. Please note that the BCC of payments when submitting documents to the tax office is different from the BCC when submitting to the MFC.

If no changes were made to the charter, then only an application in the form P14001 is submitted to register the change in OKVED codes. As for the decision or protocol, although under Law No. 129-FZ (Art. 17(2)) it is not required to be submitted, the tax authorities still request it in order to make sure that the three-day deadline for filing documents is met.

Step 6. Receive documents confirming the introduction of changes to OKVED codes in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

Five working days after the submission of documents, it is necessary to receive a new sheet of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities from the registering authority, where the changed OKVED codes will be indicated. If you submitted the charter in a new edition or an annex to it, then you will also be given one copy of the constituent document with the INFS mark.

This completes our step-by-step instruction on changing OKVED codes for LLC. To reduce the risk of refusal to register changes, we recommend that you, before adding OKVED codes for an LLC in 2019, prepare all the necessary documents (decision or protocol, new version of the charter, application R13001 or R14001) in.

You will spend only a few minutes on this, and the documents will be drawn up correctly and in compliance with all legal norms. You can learn how to work with the document and contract constructor in our service from this.

In the process of activity, the organization may undergo various changes (change of leadership, increase in the authorized capital, change of legal address, etc.). Such changes to the LLC must be registered in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

Unified State Register of Legal Entities- a unified state register of legal entities containing information about all organizations engaged in entrepreneurial activities in Russia.

The Unified State Register of Legal Entities is maintained by the tax inspectorate. The information in the registry must always be up to date, so if a legal entity changes information, they must be promptly updated.

Note, if there have been changes in LLC, it is not necessary to separately notify the FSS, PFR, Rosstat, information will be automatically sent to them from the IFTS.

Changes that the tax office makes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities independently

An LLC, in which the participants and (or) the head are citizens of the Russian Federation, should not notify the Federal Tax Service if such persons change:

  • passport data (full name, birth information, etc.);
  • place of residence (place of registration).

The tax authority receives information from the FMS and must make changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities no later than 5 working days.

Note: if the changes were not made in a timely manner, you can submit an application (complaint) in a free form to the FMS and (or) the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate about the content of false information in the registration information.

Changes that LLC must report to the IFTS

All changes that the LLC must report on its own can be conditionally divided into two groups:

  1. Changes related to constituent documents (charter).
  2. Changes not related to constituent documents (charter).

To report the first type of change, an application is filled out in the form R13001, for the second - in the form R14001.

Note: organizations that include foreign participants, in addition to the above cases, must report changes in such persons: passport data, citizenship, place of residence (stay).

When Form P13001 and P14001 are completed

The table below shows the most common cases:

How long does it take for the LLC to report changes?

Changes that are not related to the charter must be reported within 3 business days from the moment they occur.

For changes related to the charter, the notification period is not established by law; in practice, they are also usually guided by 3 working days.

Fine for violation of the deadlines for providing information about changes not related to the charter - 5,000 rubles (it is possible to get off with a warning, but such luck is extremely rare).

How to make changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

The general algorithm of actions looks like this:

1. We prepare the minutes of the meeting (decision of the founder) on the changes

There may be several changes. In one protocol (decision), it is possible to fix both, and changes in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

2. Making changes

If changes are made to the charter, two options are possible:

  • in the form of a list of changes - a separate document containing the essence of the changes;
  • in the form of a new version of the charter. This option is more convenient for future use. It will be necessary to prepare two copies of the charter, stitch each of them, number them, put the signature of the general director and seal on the back.

If the changes are not related to the charter, they will be recorded in the relevant document (for example, a share purchase agreement), or directly in the minutes of the meeting (decision of the founder).

3. Fill out the application

We choose the application form - Р13001 and (or) Р14001.

Both forms are quite voluminous, but we use only the necessary sheets (we do not attach the rest). Continuous numbering is provided for the forms - the first page will be the title page, and then the completed sheets are numbered.

The P13001 applicant must be a company manager or management company. The list of applicants in the P14001 form is much wider, it can be a participant (founder), the head of the company, a notary (all categories are indicated in sheet P on page 1).

4. We certify the application with a notary

Before submitting documents to the tax authority, it is necessary to notarize the relevant application.

A set of documents required for going to a notary

  • a completed application in the form P13001 and (or) P14001;
  • protocol (decision) on amendments;
  • fresh extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (no more than five days old). Some notaries receive extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities online. Before visiting the notary, check whether an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is required or if he will unload it himself during your visit;
  • LLC registration certificate (LLC registration sheet);
  • certificate of registration (TIN/KPP);
  • charter (list of amendments), when changes are made to it;
  • protocol (decision) on the appointment of the general director;
  • order on the entry of the general director into office;
  • passport of the head, as well as the representative (in the case of a power of attorney);
  • a lease agreement and a letter of guarantee, as well as a copy of the certificate of ownership of the lessor (if the legal address changes);
  • other documents confirming the fact of changes.

5. We pay the state duty

If changes are made in the form P13001, the state duty is 800 rubles.

For filing an application in the form P14001 - no state duty is charged.

You can generate a receipt for payment of state duty.

6. We submit documents for amendments to the IFTS

To register changes in the P13001 form, prepare the following documents:

List of documents when changing the legal address

  • protocol
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • documents for a new address (a copy of the lease agreement, a copy of the certificate of ownership, etc.).

Note, advance notice

  • application in the form P14001;

List of documents for changing information about a branch and (or) representative office

  • charter (sheet of amendments) in two copies;
  • protocol (decision) on changing information;
  • receipt for payment of state duty.

Note, if information about the branch (representative office) changes at the same time as other information in the charter, you submit an application in the P13001 form. In case of changes only in relation to a branch (representative office) - you will need a notification in the form P13002.

To register changes in the P14001 form, prepare the following documents:

List of documents for exiting a participant

  • protocol (decision) on exit.

Note: if you make a decision on the distribution of the share before the expiration of a month from the date of receipt of the notice of - you can simultaneously reflect in the application in the form P14001 both the participant's exit and the distribution (purchase and sale) of the share.

List of documents for the purchase and sale of a share (part of a share)

  • protocol (decision) on the sale of a share;
  • an application for withdrawal, certified by a notary;
  • contract of sale;
  • a document confirming the payment of a share under the agreement.

Note, from January 01, 2016 the share purchase and sale agreement, regardless of with whom it is concluded (with a participant, a company, a third party), is subject to mandatory notarization. At the same time, the notary certifies the contract, application P14001 and submits documents for registration to the Federal Tax Service.

List of documents for changing the legal address, if it does not change in the charter

  • protocol (decision) on the change of legal address;
  • documents to the new address (copy of the lease agreement, copy of the certificate of ownership, etc.)

Note, On January 1, 2016, amendments came into force that affected the procedure for registering a new legal address. Within three days, after the decision to change the address is made, it must be sent to the IFTS at the old address advance notice in the form P14001. Further, not earlier than twenty days after the transmission of such a notification, we submit documents for a change of address to the Federal Tax Service at the new location.

Prior notice will not be required in the following cases:

  • the change of address is carried out within one locality (municipal formation);
  • the new address is the address of the place of residence of the person entitled to act on behalf of the company without a power of attorney;
  • the new address is the address of the place of residence of one of the participants in the LLC, which owns at least 50% of the votes of the total number of votes of all founders.

Documents for preliminary notification in the form P14001:

  • application in the form P14001;
  • protocol (decision) on the change of legal address.
  • using the online service on the IFTS website, but for this you will have to obtain an EDS;
  • sent by registered mail with a description of the attachment.
  • 7. We receive documents on registration of changes

    The term for registration of changes is 5 working days.

    You can get documents yourself or through a representative. They can also be received by mail to the legal address, but this must be indicated in the application.

    How much does it cost to register changes in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

    Note A: the cost depends on the region where services are provided.

    If a change is denied

    The most common reasons for rejection:

    • documents are not submitted in full;
    • the package of documents was submitted to the wrong registration authority;
    • the company is in liquidation;
    • the notarial form of documents is not observed.

    The refusal can be appealed within three months. You can read more about the appeal procedure in chapter VIII.1. Federal Law of 08.08.2001 No. 129-FZ "On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs".

    Inform them of any changes that affect your partnership in one way or another.

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