Leonid Veniaminovich Keldysh. In memory of Leonid Veniaminovich Keldysh (04/07/1931–11/11/2016) Excerpt characterizing Keldysh, Leonid Veniaminovich

Leonid Veniaminovich Keldysh was born on April 7, 1931 in Moscow. In 1954, L.V. Keldysh graduated from Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov and in 1957 connected his life with FIAN, becoming a research fellow at the institute. From 1965 to 1968 L.V. Keldysh was a senior researcher at the Lebedev Physical Institute, from 1965 to 1989 he was the head of the sector, and from 1989 he was the director of the institute, having worked in this position until 1993.

L.V. Keldysh is an outstanding theoretical physicist, a specialist in the field of solid state physics, whose scientific works have been widely recognized by the domestic and foreign scientific community. His name One of the phenomena he predicted - a shift in the absorption edge in crystals in an electric field - bears his name: the Franz-Keldysh effect. To describe the states and kinetics of highly nonequilibrium quantum systems, L.V. Keldysh developed a special diagram technique, which has now become classical. Currently, this technique is widely used in a variety of problems of quantum kinetics, including to describe the interaction of an intense electromagnetic field with semiconductors and tunneling in nanostructures.

L.V. Keldysh developed a theory of the metal-insulator phase transition that occurs in semiconductors and semimetals due to excitonic instability. A new phenomenon of condensation of excitons into moving droplets of quantum electron-hole liquid, which was subsequently discovered experimentally, was predicted and described theoretically.

L.V. Keldysh made a significant contribution to the study of the optical response of dielectric and semiconductor quantum wells and the interaction of high-power electromagnetic pulses with excitons in nanostructures. His work made it possible to construct a new theory of multiphoton production of electron-hole pairs in semiconductors and ionization of quantum wells, quantum wires and dots by ultrashort and powerful electromagnetic pulses. Nowadays, the research of L.V. Keldysh continues to play an important role in the development of the theory of solid state physics and other scientific areas.

L.V. Keldysh has been active in teaching and educational work all his life. Since 1965 he has been a professor at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. From 1978 to 2001, L.V. Keldysh held the position of head of the Department of Quantum Radiophysics, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University. He has trained more than 20 candidates of science and more than 10 doctors of science. Among his students are scientists who have earned academic titles and awards. More than one generation of theoretical physicists studied using the textbooks he created.

From 1991 to 1996 L.V. Keldysh was Academician-Secretary of the Department of General Physics and Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

L.V. Keldysh is a laureate of numerous awards and prizes: the Prize named after. M.V. Lomonosov Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1964), Lenin Prize of the USSR (1974), Hewlett-Packard Prize of the European Physical Society (1975), Prize named after. Alexander Humboldt (1994), Triumph Prize (2001), Prize of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of education (2003), Gold Medal named after. S.I. Vavilova (2005). Since 1996, S.L. Keldysh has been a member of the American Physical Society. In 1997 he was awarded the honorary title of Professor at the University of Würzburg.

Born on April 7, 1931 in Moscow in the family of physicist Veniamin Lvovich Granovsky and mathematician Lyudmila Vsevolodovna Keldysh (sister of Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences Mstislav Keldysh).

In 1954 he graduated from the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov (MSU). In 1957 - postgraduate studies at the Physics Institute named after. P.N. Lebedev Academy of Sciences of the USSR (FIAN, Moscow). Leonid Keldysh's scientific supervisor was the scientist Vitaly Ginzburg (Nobel Prize laureate in physics, 2003).

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (the academic degree was awarded in 1965 when defending a candidate's thesis at the Lebedev Physical Institute on the topic "Semiconductors in strong electric fields"). In 1968 he was elected a corresponding member, in 1976 - an academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (now the Russian Academy of Sciences, RAS).

After completing his postgraduate studies, he remained at the Physics Institute. P.N. Lebedev, worked in the Department of Theoretical Physics (now the I.E. Tamm Department of Theoretical Physics). He held the positions of junior (1957-1965), then senior researcher (1965-1968), head of the sector (1965-1989). From 1989 to 1993 he was director of the Lebedev Physical Institute. Since 1994, he has been the chief researcher of the Department of Theoretical Physics. Currently he is a member of the academic council of the department, as well as the scientific and dissertation councils of the institute.
Since 1962 he was a professor at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (now has the status of a state university).
In 1965 he became a professor at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. In 1978-2000 Head of the Department of Quantum Radiophysics (now the Department of Quantum Electronics) of the Faculty of Physics of the University. Since 2001, for several years, I taught the course “Interaction of Radiation with Matter.”
In 1991-1996 served as Academician-Secretary of the Department of General Physics and Astronomy of the USSR Academy of Sciences (later RAS).
Advisor to the Russian Academy of Sciences, member of the Presidium of the Academy. Chairman of the National Committee of Russian Physicists (operates under the RAS). Editor-in-Chief of the Russian Academy of Sciences journal "Advances in Physical Sciences" (since December 2009).
Leonid Keldysh's main scientific works are devoted to the quantum theory of many-particle systems, solid-state physics, as well as semiconductor physics and quantum radiophysics. In 1957-1958 The scientist developed the theory of the tunnel effect in semiconductors and discovered a phenomenon called the Franz-Keldysh effect. Constructed a general theory of the behavior of atoms and solids in strong electromagnetic fields. Predicted a new type of collective excitation - phonoriton and studied its properties (1983-1986). He developed a special diagram technique for the theoretical description of the states and kinetics of highly nonequilibrium quantum systems, which has become classical and has found application in various fields of physics.

He was awarded the Lenin Prize (1974) and the Prize of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of education for 2003. He was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1975), the Order of the October Revolution (1985), and “For Services to the Fatherland”, IV degree (1999).

Winner of many awards: them. M.V. Lomonosov Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1964), Hewlett-Packard ("Hewlett-Packard") European Physical Society (1975), named after. Alexander Humboldt (1994; Germany), international prize in the field of nanotechnology RUSNANOPRIZE-2009, named after. AND I. Pomeranchuk (2014; awarded by the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow), Moscow State University Prize for outstanding contribution to the development of education (2014), etc.
Awarded medals of the Russian Academy of Sciences: gold named after. S.I. Vavilov (2005) and the Big Gold named after. M.V. Lomonosov (2015).
Honorary member of the Physico-Technical Institute named after. A.F. Ioffe RAS (St. Petersburg; 1992).
Foreign member of the US National Academy of Sciences (1995), member of the American Physical Society (1996). In 1997, the Russian scientist was awarded the honorary title of “X-ray Professor” at the University of Würzburg (Germany).

Published more than 200 scientific papers. Among them are “On the behavior of non-metallic crystals in strong electric fields” (1957), “On the influence of a strong electric field on the optical characteristics of non-conducting crystals” (1958), “Diagram technique for nonequilibrium processes” (1964), “Superconductivity in non-metallic systems” ( 1965), “Phonon wind and capillary instability of electron-hole drops” (1975), etc. He is the author of the textbook “Interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter” (1989).

Leonid Veniaminovich Keldysh(April 7, 1931, Moscow - November 11, 2016, Moscow) - Soviet and Russian theoretical physicist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1976), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Advisor to the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the National Committee of Russian Physicists, Editor-in-Chief of the journal “Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk”.


Born in Moscow in 1931. He was brought up in the family of his mother and stepfather. He graduated from school with a gold medal. In 1954 he graduated from the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University and entered graduate school in the theoretical department of the Physical Institute. P. N. Lebedeva (FIAN) (scientific supervisor - V. L. Ginzburg). He defended his dissertation in 1965 (a doctorate was awarded instead of a candidate's degree). Since 1957 he has been working in the theoretical department of the Lebedev Physical Institute (In 1989-1994, L.V. Keldysh was the director of the Lebedev Physical Institute).

In 1962 he became a professor at MIPT, in 1965 - a professor at Moscow State University, and from 1978 to 2001 he served as head of the department of quantum radiophysics at the Faculty of Physics at Moscow State University.

Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1968), Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1976), Academician-Secretary of the Department of General Physics and Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1991-1996.

For many years he was a member of the editorial boards of the journals “Physics and Technology of Semiconductors”, “RAS Reports”, “Solid State Communications”. Since December 29, 2009 - editor-in-chief of the journal “Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk”.

Elected a foreign member of the US National Academy of Sciences (1995), a member of the American Physical Society (1996), an honorary member of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (2001).

Scientific achievements

Research in the field of quantum theory of many particle systems, solid state physics, semiconductor physics, quantum radiophysics.

Constructed (1957-58) a systematic theory of tunneling phenomena in semiconductors. For the first time (1957), he carried out a correct calculation of the probability of a tunnel transition, taking into account the band structure of the materials used. Predicted the so-called indirect (with the participation of phonons) tunneling effect (1957) and the effect of shifting absorption bands in semiconductor crystals under the influence of an electric field (Franz-Keldysh effect) (1958). In 1962 he proposed using spatially periodic fields (superlattices) to control the electronic spectrum and electronic properties of crystals. He showed that the multiquantum photoelectric effect and the high-frequency tunnel effect are different limiting cases of the same process and built a general theory of these phenomena (1964).

For a theoretical description of the states and kinetics of highly nonequilibrium quantum systems, he developed a special diagram technique (1964). For the first time he proposed (together with Yu. V. Kopaev) (1964) the well-known model of the metal-semiconductor phase transition (exciton dielectric). Predicted the condensation of excitons to form electron-hole droplets (1968).

The works of L. V. Keldysh played an important role in the development of solid state physics.


  • Stepfather - Pyotr Sergeevich Novikov
  • Father - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Veniamin Lvovich Granovsky (1905-1964)
  • Mother - Lyudmila Vsevolodovna Keldysh
  • Grandfather - Vsevolod Mikhailovich Keldysh
  • Mother's brother - Mstislav Vsevolodovich Keldysh
  • Mother's brother - Yuri Vsevolodovich Keldysh
  • Maternal brother - Sergei Petrovich Novikov

Awards and prizes

  • Lenin Prize (1974)
  • Europhysics Prize (1975)
  • Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1975)
  • Order of the October Revolution (1985)
  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (1999) - for great contribution to the development of domestic science, training of highly qualified personnel and in connection with the 275th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Laureate of the Prize of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of education for 2003 - for work for educational institutions of higher professional education "Educational and Scientific Center "Fundamental Optics and Spectroscopy" - a complex of training highly qualified personnel, new scientific and educational technologies
  • Gold medal named after S. I. Vavilov of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2005) - for a series of works “Creation of modern methods for describing nonequilibrium states in the theory of condensed matter”
  • International Prize in Nanotechnology (RUSNANOPRIZE) (2009) - for pioneering research into superlattices and tunneling effects in semiconductors
  • Eugene Feenberg Memorial Medal (2011)
  • I. Ya. Pomeranchuk Prize (2014)
  • Big gold medal named after M.V. Lomonosov (2015)


  • Articles by Leonid Veniaminovich Keldysh in the journal “Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk”

Leonid Veniaminovich Keldysh(born April 7, Moscow) - Russian theoretical physicist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Advisor to the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the National Committee of Russian Physicists, Editor-in-Chief of the journal “Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk”.


Scientific achievements

Research in the field of quantum theory of many particle systems, solid state physics, semiconductor physics, quantum radiophysics.

Constructed (1957-58) a systematic theory of tunneling phenomena in semiconductors. For the first time (1957), he carried out a correct calculation of the probability of a tunnel transition, taking into account the band structure of the materials used. Predicted the so-called indirect (with the participation of phonons) tunneling effect (1957) and the effect of shifting absorption bands in semiconductor crystals under the influence of an electric field (Franz-Keldysh effect) (1958). In 1962 he proposed using spatially periodic fields (superlattices) to control the electronic spectrum and electronic properties of crystals. He showed that the multiquantum photoelectric effect and the high-frequency tunnel effect are different limiting cases of the same process and built a general theory of these phenomena (1964).

For a theoretical description of the states and kinetics of highly nonequilibrium quantum systems, he developed a special diagram technique (1964). For the first time he proposed (together with Yu. V. Kopaev) (1964) the well-known model of the metal-semiconductor phase transition (exciton dielectric). Predicted the condensation of excitons to form electron-hole droplets (1968).

The works of L. V. Keldysh played an important role in the development of solid state physics.

Awards and prizes


See also

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  • on the official website of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • // UFN, 2011, volume 181, Issue 4

An excerpt characterizing Keldysh, Leonid Veniaminovich

- Well, you know what burned, well, what’s there to talk about! - said the major.
Passing through Khamovniki (one of the few unburned quarters of Moscow) past the church, the entire crowd of prisoners suddenly huddled to one side, and exclamations of horror and disgust were heard.
- Look, you scoundrels! That's unchrist! Yes, he’s dead, he’s dead... They smeared him with something.
Pierre also moved towards the church, where there was something that caused exclamations, and vaguely saw something leaning against the fence of the church. From the words of his comrades, who saw better than him, he learned that it was something like the corpse of a man, stood upright by the fence and smeared with soot on his face...
– Marchez, sacre nom... Filez... trente mille diables... [Go! go! Damn it! Devils!] - curses from the guards were heard, and the French soldiers, with new anger, dispersed the crowd of prisoners who were looking at the dead man with cutlasses.

Along the lanes of Khamovniki, the prisoners walked alone with their convoy and carts and wagons that belonged to the guards and were driving behind them; but, going out to the supply stores, they found themselves in the middle of a huge, closely moving artillery convoy, mixed with private carts.
At the bridge itself, everyone stopped, waiting for those traveling in front to advance. From the bridge, the prisoners saw endless rows of other moving convoys behind and ahead. To the right, where the Kaluga road curved past Neskuchny, disappearing into the distance, stretched endless rows of troops and convoys. These were the troops of the Beauharnais corps who came out first; back, along the embankment and across the Stone Bridge, Ney's troops and convoys stretched.
Davout's troops, to which the prisoners belonged, marched through the Crimean Ford and had already partly entered Kaluzhskaya Street. But the convoys were so stretched out that the last convoys of Beauharnais had not yet left Moscow for Kaluzhskaya Street, and the head of Ney’s troops was already leaving Bolshaya Ordynka.
Having passed the Crimean Ford, the prisoners moved a few steps at a time and stopped, and moved again, and on all sides the crews and people became more and more embarrassed. After walking for more than an hour the few hundred steps that separate the bridge from Kaluzhskaya Street, and reaching the square where Zamoskvoretsky Streets meet Kaluzhskaya, the prisoners, squeezed into a heap, stopped and stood at this intersection for several hours. From all sides one could hear the incessant roar of wheels, the trampling of feet, and incessant angry screams and curses, like the sound of the sea. Pierre stood pressed against the wall of the burnt house, listening to this sound, which in his imagination merged with the sounds of a drum.
Several captured officers, in order to get a better view, climbed onto the wall of the burnt house near which Pierre stood.
- To the people! Eka people!.. And they piled on the guns! Look: furs... - they said. “Look, you bastards, they robbed me... It’s behind him, on a cart... After all, this is from an icon, by God!.. These must be Germans.” And our man, by God!.. Oh, scoundrels!.. Look, he’s loaded down, he’s walking with force! Here they come, the droshky - and they captured it!.. See, he sat down on the chests. Fathers!.. We got into a fight!..
- So hit him in the face, in the face! You won't be able to wait until evening. Look, look... and this is probably Napoleon himself. You see, what horses! in monograms with a crown. This is a folding house. He dropped the bag and can't see it. They fought again... A woman with a child, and not bad at all. Yes, of course, they will let you through... Look, there is no end. Russian girls, by God, girls! They are so comfortable in the strollers!
Again, a wave of general curiosity, as near the church in Khamovniki, pushed all the prisoners towards the road, and Pierre, thanks to his height, saw over the heads of others what had so attracted the curiosity of the prisoners. In three strollers, mixed between the charging boxes, women rode, sitting closely on top of each other, dressed up, in bright colors, rouged, shouting something in squeaky voices.
From the moment Pierre became aware of the appearance of a mysterious force, nothing seemed strange or scary to him: not the corpse smeared with soot for fun, not these women hurrying somewhere, not the conflagrations of Moscow. Everything that Pierre now saw made almost no impression on him - as if his soul, preparing for a difficult struggle, refused to accept impressions that could weaken it.
The train of women has passed. Behind him were again carts, soldiers, wagons, soldiers, decks, carriages, soldiers, boxes, soldiers, and occasionally women.
Pierre did not see people separately, but saw them moving.
All these people and horses seemed to be being chased by some invisible force. All of them, during the hour during which Pierre observed them, emerged from different streets with the same desire to pass quickly; All of them equally, when confronted with others, began to get angry and fight; white teeth were bared, eyebrows frowned, the same curses were thrown around, and on all faces there was the same youthfully determined and cruelly cold expression, which struck Pierre in the morning at the sound of a drum on the corporal’s face.
Just before evening, the guard commander gathered his team and, shouting and arguing, squeezed into the convoys, and the prisoners, surrounded on all sides, went out onto the Kaluga road.
They walked very quickly, without resting, and stopped only when the sun began to set. The convoys moved one on top of the other, and people began to prepare for the night. Everyone seemed angry and unhappy. For a long time, curses, angry screams and fights were heard from different sides. The carriage driving behind the guards approached the guards' carriage and pierced it with its drawbar. Several soldiers from different directions ran to the cart; some hit the heads of the horses harnessed to the carriage, turning them over, others fought among themselves, and Pierre saw that one German was seriously wounded in the head with a cleaver.
It seemed that all these people now, when they stopped in the middle of a field in the cold twilight of an autumn evening, experienced the same feeling of an unpleasant awakening from the haste that gripped everyone as they left and the rapid movement somewhere. Having stopped, everyone seemed to understand that it was still unknown where they were going, and that this movement would be a lot of hard and difficult things.
The prisoners at this halt were treated even worse by the guards than during the march. At this halt, for the first time, the meat food of the prisoners was given out as horse meat.
From the officers to the last soldier, it was noticeable in everyone what seemed to be personal bitterness against each of the prisoners, which had so unexpectedly replaced previously friendly relations.
This anger intensified even more when, when counting the prisoners, it turned out that during the bustle, leaving Moscow, one Russian soldier, pretending to be sick from the stomach, fled. Pierre saw how a Frenchman beat a Russian soldier for moving far from the road, and heard how the captain, his friend, reprimanded the non-commissioned officer for the escape of the Russian soldier and threatened him with justice. In response to the non-commissioned officer's excuse that the soldier was sick and could not walk, the officer said that he had been ordered to shoot those who lag behind. Pierre felt that the fatal force that had crushed him during his execution and which had been invisible during captivity had now again taken possession of his existence. He was scared; but he felt how, as the fatal force made efforts to crush him, a life force independent of it grew and strengthened in his soul.
Pierre dined on a soup made from rye flour with horse meat and talked with his comrades.
Neither Pierre nor any of his comrades talked about what they saw in Moscow, nor about the rudeness of the French, nor about the order to shoot that was announced to them: everyone was, as if in rebuff to the worsening situation, especially animated and cheerful . They talked about personal memories, about funny scenes seen during the campaign, and hushed up conversations about the present situation.

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