Free astrological fortune telling. Fortune telling oracle online Star Oracle: reviews

Astrology and fortune telling for the future - is there a connection between these two movements of occult sciences and esotericism? It turns out there is! And this connection may consist in a system of symbols that allows you to describe any situation.

There is an online fortune-telling Star Oracle, in which all the rules of real fortune-telling for love are followed, and therefore the answers that the computer gives to the user are accurate and reliable.

True astrological fortune telling for the future

The results of virtual fortune-telling are directly influenced by the personality of the fortune-teller, be it a specialist or a simple Internet user who decides to carry out fortune-telling through the Star Oracle.

The rite of fortune-telling gives a person access to the information-mental space around him; it is a cross-section of that knowledge that is still closed to a person and comes to him through mystical paths. In fact, the fortune telling tool is not so important, the main thing is to be able to capture the necessary vibrations and interpret them correctly. If you want to get a truly correct answer, concentrate, think about the situation you want to resolve, and then ask the question.

Fortune telling star oracle tarot

Star Oracle is a magical and mysterious tarot card. This deck perfectly combines two systems for predicting the future: fortune telling with Tarot cards and astrological fortune telling for future love. The Star Oracle divination principle is based on three fundamental concepts: zodiac signs, planetary rulers of zodiac signs and horoscope houses.

Star oracle - astrological fortune telling about the future

Astrological Divination A star oracle has the same structure as a horoscope, but is slightly more flexible. And although this is also fortune telling on Tarot cards, unlike other Tarot decks, this method can give not only predictions of certain expected events, the Star Oracle is able to indicate the timing of the implementation of one or another previously predicted event.

To work with the Star Oracle, a specialist must have both knowledge of the Tarot and an understanding of astrology. This is a vast knowledge base that is not acquired in one sitting. People work for years to achieve this level. As for independent fortune-telling rituals, the online Star Oracle can give you an accurate forecast for the near future at any time.

The Star or Astrological Oracle is a very special Tarot deck. It perfectly combines two predictive systems: fortune telling with Tarot cards and astrology. The principle of working with the Astrological Oracle is the same as with the horoscope. Sometimes this system is called the “Oracle Horoscope”. This principle is based on the “three pillars”, three fundamental concepts that astrologers operate with: the signs of the Zodiac, the ruling planets of these signs and the houses of the horoscope.

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I am a tarot reader, parapsychologist, clairvoyant and psychic. With the help of Tarot cards, Oracle cards, runes and clairvoyance, I will answer your questions, review your relationships, help you find a way out of a difficult life situation, and harmonize your energy field. I provide parapsychological and psychological assistance. Call and you will receive an answer and recommendations from the Higher Powers. Work experience - more than 30 years.

“I haven’t met such strong specialists for a long time. Everything is true.”* - Tatiana, 25 years old

I am a psychic, runologist, tarot reader and clairvoyant. My purpose is to help you find the answer to your question and thereby lead you to your desired goal. I will help you choose the right solution for any life situation, taking into account your interests. Accurate forecast of the future using runes and arcana of the Tarot. Professional help. Work experience – more than 7 years.

“Alexandra, a great expert! The situation is described and sorted out, everything is accurate and true. I really enjoyed the consultation. I will definitely contact you again. Thank you very much!!!”* - Evgeniya, 41 years old

I am a clairvoyant, tarot reader, parapsychologist, astropsychologist and psychic. Thanks to my gift of clairvoyance, I receive information about your question from higher powers. I will make original layouts on Tarot cards to see your life and your surroundings in more detail, to see how things really are. Through parapsychology and extrasensory perception, I will remove negative influences from you. Astropsychology helps restore your inner “microcosm”. Call and you will receive answers and recommendations, and most importantly, a positive result and help.

Using my knowledge and practical skills, I will provide you with a consultation that will fully reveal your life goals, desires, aspirations, inclinations, abilities, etc. The star oracle will allow you to better understand yourself, realize your true purpose and find your place in the world.

“A clear vision of the current situation, tact and goodwill. Thank you, Nonna, for your moral support and your advice. Well, as for the future, time will tell...”* - Lyudmila, 50 years old

I am a hereditary clairvoyant. I will look through your future on any types of cards (more than 120 decks). I tell fortunes using beans, coffee grounds, runes and hands (not to be confused with palmistry). I will help you resolve problems related to your family, loved one, work, business, study. With my help you can change your life for the better! Work experience - more than 23 years.

“Irina’s predictions tend to come true! Thank you for the consultation!”* - Elena, 49 years old

I have been doing fortune telling using Tarot cards for many years. Almost at the same time that I discovered my gift for prediction, I began to deeply study astrology. The Star Oracle harmoniously combines these two methods of prediction. With its help, I can help you with answers to many exciting questions.

“Maria, thank you very much for the consultation! A very clear vision of the situation and possible developments. And also thank you for the practical advice :)"* - Ekaterina, 32 years old

I am a psychic and bio-energeticist, I have the gift of seeing the future and changing it for the better. I have been practicing for 16 years. I am ready to help everyone who turns to me, because I know that every person deserves happiness. I will show you the shortest path to happiness and teach you to be the “architect” of your destiny. *Bioenergetics is not a medical discipline.

“I consulted Elvira for the first time. An expert helps you see the essence of the situation, eliminating many doubts and questions. It clarifies the situation and directs you to the essence of the problem so that you can see it from the outside and make a decision. We didn't talk for long, but it was productive! Low bow. Thank you. I will listen to the voice of intuition. Good luck!”* - Maria, 37 years old

Star Oracle: reviews

  • 4.8 out of 5, based on 2628 reviews

“Wonderful expert! He feels and sees people, nuances, attitudes, situations so subtly! I am pleasantly surprised and grateful! I RECOMMEND!!! Great girl! Gratitude only. If you want to look at everything as it is, trust this expert!”*

“IRINA, you are an amazing expert! Say interesting things. Those who use the services of Astro7 should definitely chat with this interesting woman at least once! All the best to you, Irina. And also BEAUTY, love and an inexhaustible charge of energy that you give to us, your clients!”*

“Super pro! Sincerely tries to answer as many questions as possible at the specified consultation time. No water! He says everything very clearly and to the point! I recommend!”*

An astrological oracle has the same structure as a horoscope, but has more flexibility. Unlike other Tarot decks and oracles, it can make predictions about the timing of a particular event.

To work with the Star Oracle, a specialist must have both knowledge of the Tarot and an understanding of astrology. These are the professionals who work in the esoteric expert service Astro7. Call at any time and see for yourself. Ask any question and get an answer online. For registered clients, the first consultation is free.

How to conduct free online fortune telling on our website. To get the right result, you need to tune in well; it is best to retire and ask the cards to answer your question. After preparation, click on the deck with the left mouse button and hold it until you feel an internal impulse, then release the mouse, the system will automatically finish shuffling and display the shuffled cards on the computer screen, after which you yourself (following the prompts) can select the number of cards required for fortune telling.

Description of online fortune telling, the purpose of free fortune telling. Oracle by Matthias Mal. First, let's define what an oracle is, as follows from the translation from Greek: Oracle - to speak, to ask. People have long sought to understand what awaits them in the future. For these purposes, they resorted to oracles. In general, an oracle has such a collective meaning that it can mean any phenomenon, object or person who somehow, with the help of magical rituals, made it possible to obtain an answer to a question asked. Naturally, the more complex the oracle, the more detailed and truthful its interpretation, the more respectful the attitude towards it. It is not for nothing that we all know, or at least have heard, about the Delphic Oracle, although only a few imagine what, or more precisely who, he was. But back to our topic, we present to your attention the Oracle of Matthias Mal, who is one of the most prominent representatives of prophetic art. Because of the variety of possible answers and the breadth of their interpretation. It is based on well-known methods of fortune telling: Arabic dice, Roman coins and cards. You can guess using any of these tools, but in our version we will focus on cards. For you to understand the technique, I will point out that it is necessary to use a deck that has an equal number of cards of each of the four suits; this can be a deck of 32, 36 or 52 cards. We will not take into account the denominations, and we will only need the suits of each of the four cards we draw. And interpretations will be given based on the combination of suits with each other. To explain working with an oracle, a very lengthy description is needed, there is a whole book about this, so I will not go into too much detail, I will only say that there is a division into 16 oracles, each of which, in turn, is divided into 16 small oracles. There are quite serious difficulties in remembering all the meanings, but this is not required; if you guess on your own, you will need an oracle book to interpret the cards that have fallen out. Don't guess too often and don't ask for information about the same events multiple times.

Methods of fortune telling online for free. To get answers to your questions, we will need a deck of playing cards, 36 or 52 pieces. Think about your question and shuffle the cards. After finishing, move some of the cards with your left hand towards you and take out 4 pieces one at a time, laying them out in a row from left to right. During interpretation, the first and fourth cards will indicate the oracle, and the second and third will indicate the small oracle - its interpretation will be the answer to your question. I understand that everything written above is very difficult to understand and for a clearer understanding of the work of the oracle, as well as for fortune telling and answering questions, you can perform divination using our resource, for which click on the map just below on page.

The only Star Oracle in the world: reviews of those who decided to tell fortunes, and an exposure of the popular instant fortune telling service. Online fortune telling has become very common lately, but Star Oracle is one of the first services. The most remarkable thing is that many people’s predictions actually come true, and periodically there are reviews in which real panic creeps in:

“I went to the Astrocenter website and asked the Star Oracle when my neighbor, who had been noisy and annoying all the holidays, would die. The answer came immediately: “Very soon.” An hour later - the doorbell rings, an aunt from the ambulance is standing on the threshold, asking for help to carry a neighbor out to the car. The next day his wife came in and said that her husband had died on the way to the hospital. These are such terrible coincidences.”

Among Orthodox Christians, any fortune-telling is considered a sin, since there is an opinion that the demon responds even to a joke. Therefore, let everyone decide whether to use the site or not. And yet, if you put mysticism aside, then the only Star Oracle in the world can tell fortunes online for free based on the context code. Everything works very simply - the site script tries to take into account the context of the message, and if it doesn’t find anything meaningful, it produces a random phrase that can be interpreted in different ways. Fortune tellers use approximately the same technique. By the way, there is a version that even Vanga collected initial material about clients using an agent network of taxi drivers, hotel workers and... intelligence services.

Do the Star Oracle's predictions come true? If you believe in them, they may well come true. But it’s better not to take the service seriously. By the way, this online fortune telling sometimes actually tells the truth. For example, to the question “When will Putin die?”, the site answered with humor: “It is quite possible that never.”

So, continuing to study reviews about the Only Star Oracle in the world of people, we come across the following:

“I had problems with money, I tried to get out of poverty for many years, I read various textbooks, but I had the feeling that I was simply destined to be poor, like my parents. Out of nothing to do, I asked the Oracle when I will get rich. He said that you shouldn’t chase money, but rather skill. The phrase was clearly from a database, and even with a grammatical error, but nevertheless, it was good psychological advice. I took courses and began to pay more attention to personal development.”

“My friend and I were joking around, we went to the online fortune-telling site Star Oracle, and asked if she should marry N. The site advised us to wait until everything became clearer. And what do you think? A month later, my lover stole the money and ran off to another city. So don’t trust online fortune tellers after this.”

“The site asked, “Should I fart under my beloved mother-in-law’s nose? “, the answer came that probably not, the probability is very low. And in fact, it’s unlikely that I would have decided to do this.”

“The site sometimes evokes a very strange feeling. For example, the Oracle answered questions regarding acquaintances who liked me or not with almost 100% accuracy. And about internal desires it was the same.”

Considering the high percentage of matches, the World's Only Star Oracle is a very interesting service, however, it hardly makes sense for religious people to use it.

An oracle is a fortune telling that has come to us from the depths of centuries. It is known as the Druid Oracle or the Druid Tarot. The ancients believed that the world we live in represents only one level of existence. Besides it, there is another world - a world of energies, spirits and forces that guide us and help us if we recognize their existence and accept their reality.

The oracle includes 33 cards, each of which depicts an animal representing a specific symbol. By reading with the Oracle, you can discover what energies can help you, better understand yourself, the other person or the situation you are asking about. Remember that the Oracle does not predict the future. This fortune telling offers ideas and interpretations that can give you new insight into your life, people or events.

How to guess?

The oracle provides answers to a variety of questions. It is important that you feel calm before fortune telling, because a subconscious connection is established between you and the Oracle, and your anxiety can be transmitted to the Oracle, which will affect the results of online fortune telling.

Ask the Oracle a question and move your cursor over the cards. Once you feel their vibrations, select three cards and click "Show". Your cards will be revealed and their value will be shown to you. Oracle cards are laid out in order from top to bottom. The first of these denotes the dynamics, impulse, guiding idea or motive behind the situation. The second represents the situation at the level of emotions or relationships. The third card shows the situation on a physical or material level.

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