Russian language - origin and distinctive features. Distinctive features of the Russian language Interesting features of the Russian language

Dear Comrades. Let me present scientific interpretations of the Theme of the Mystery of Dogma - the "Holy Trinity" ...... or in the interpretations of the Ethno-Russian people this is the culture of the work of three triune sets of processes - this is Rule, Reality, Nav ...... or in the more ancient culture are three triune sets of processes - these are Yasun, Mirdgard, interpretations based on the technology of Russian Philosophical culture - the Trinity from an idealistic beginning? The most commonly used chronology is from the “Creation of the World in the Star Temple” - a peace treaty between Asur, the prince of the Slavic-Aryans, and Arim, the prince of the Great Dragon Empire (China) in 5527 BC. e. (as of 2019 according to modern calendar) after the victory over China. One of the monuments of that era is considered to be the Great Wall of China and the symbolic image of a horseman slaying a dragon. I am sending materials for one purpose - to familiarize myself and find out when and how this technology will be revived in Russia and what actions on my part need to be taken in your opinion??? The theory of organization, work and CHANGE of generations of spirituality of the Ethno-Russian People. (based on the technology of the Trinity from an idealistic beginning) Why do you call the technology of materialistic dialectics, which was brought into Holy Rus' by the Jewish-Christian-Communist religion, the PHILOSOPHY of Spirituality of Orthodoxy? Preamble. Your Christianity contradicts the technology of the culture of life of the Ethno-Russian People. Because modern Civilization is the dominance of the technology of materialist dialectics. And the Technology of work of the Culture of people's life in general is the work of Harmony of diversity or is it the technology of the trinity from an idealistic beginning. The name "Orthodoxy" comes from the technology of the Rule or the life experience of the Ancestors. And the Spirituality of the Ethno-Russian People is the work of three triune processes - Rule, Reveal, Navi. NU or the technology of work of three triune sets of generations - these are ancestors, contemporaries, descendants. Let me introduce SCIENCE from a simple Russian Scientist - this is a technology of the trinity from an idealistic beginning, this is a technology that has developed from time immemorial as the culture of life of the Ethno-Russian people and is interpreted as the technology of the work of three triune sets of processes - these are Rule, Reality, Nav...... .. Well, or the technology of work of the culture of life of three triune sets of generations - these are ancestors, contemporaries, descendants....... 1. Technology of the trinity from an idealistic beginning. Philosophy is three triune sets of TECHNOLOGIES - these are three monistic (or metaphysics); three dialectical ones are materialistic dialectics, existential. idealistic; three triune technologies are a trinity from the materialistic beginning (this is the technology of Buddhism), this is a trinity from the existential beginning (this is the technology of Islam), this is a trinity from the idealistic beginning (or this is the technology of Christianity). You will generously excuse me, BUT after reading your materials, this is just CHILDREN’S pampering, because you live, understand, and reflect through KNOWLEDGE only the material world. And ONLY in interpretations using materialist dialectics. If you want to have SCIENCE from the Ethno-Russian PEOPLE? 2. Scientific interpretations of the Spirituality of ancient Rus'. (based on the technology of Russian philosophical culture - the trinity from the idealistic beginning). The spirituality of the Ethno-Russian people or in the interpretations of the Jewish-Christian-Communist religion is Paganism. The priestly-church lads reshaped the clothes of Ethno-Russian Orthodoxy onto their Jewish shoulders, and the result was Christian Orthodoxy. This religious CLOTHING was brought by Christianity to Rus' and simply put on the BODY of the cultural work of the spirituality of the Ethno-Russian people. Nowadays, like many years ago, the historical memory of the People, traditions, customs, morals, legends, etc., is being revived, returning both in the spirituality of the common people and in empirics, or is it the experience of ancestors, which is passed on in historical memory, and into science. The Spirituality of the Ethno-Russian People is awakening as the historical Memory of three triune processes - both material HERITAGE and social (this is economics, politics, law), and spiritual (or this is everyday consciousness and KNOWLEDGE, empirical, scientific). Symbols of spirituality are being revived at holy places. Images of gods carved from wood are placed on the temples, and a sacred fire burns in front of them. The words of ancient legends are heard again, new generations of Priests and Magi are being initiated. The renewed pagan movement is gradually gaining strength. Christianity, which originated far from the Slavic tribes, as the spirituality of the humiliated and their masters, perceived Slavic paganism as an alien religion. Because the technology of Christianity is materialistic dialectics. But the technology of work of Ethno-Russian spirituality is a trinity from the idealistic beginning, or from the spiritual, intellectual, SCIENTIFIC. But the objective necessity of the entry of the Ethno-Russian people into the world economic process brought its divine, religious, dogmatic, Christian technologies, terminology, rituals and veneration into Russian SPIRITUALITY. Well, or Christianity is just CLOTHING put on the BODY of Ethno-Russian spirituality. Moreover, in its historical path of development, Christianity also went through three triune sets of stages of complication itself - Protestantism, Catholicism, Orthodoxy. The essence of the stages of development is that there was a change in three triune sets of processes - this is a change in the subject of religion, the technology of its work, the tendency of quantitative-qualitative relationships (the relationships are three triune sets of processes - interactions, relationships, mutual reflections). But the process of development of the spirituality of any people works in the technology of THREE triune processes - this is evolution, revolution, and leaps. So the change in the NAME of the Russian FAITH became Orthodoxy in Christian interpretations and names. But in the interpretations of Russian philosophical culture, the technological principles of trinity, unity, harmony of diversity of the totality of generations remain. Due to the objectivity of the spirituality of every people, Christianity simply changed its names in the Russian FAITH. Moreover, each of the three triune sets of World religions works in the technology of trinity. 3. What is the trinity? This is the simultaneous joint work of THREE triune sets of processes - material, social, spiritual. And the essence of the trinity is that in each specific process of life, of any person of property, all three work simultaneously, BUT one of the processes dominates, the second is a contradiction to it, and the third harmonizes the work of the process as a whole. And the spirituality of people is simply people’s interpretation of the RULES, the work of these processes through the abilities available to each people in the work of three triune sets of principles - matter, space, time. But the basis of the spirituality of each people simply becomes more complicated, but does NOT change about the original one, which is laid in these triune sets of processes. Orthodoxy in Rus' was implanted in contradiction with the original Russian interpretations, because in place of the trinity of FAITH, dialectics or contradiction between the people and the authorities was implanted. And therefore Russian spirituality was brutally destroyed from above. The people resisted this for several centuries and introduced paganism into Christianity in different ways (through allegory, coding, allusion, renaming according to consonance or internal similar essence, etc.), in the end, the folk (original pagan) worldview, ethics, dissolved in Christianity, creating a unique alloy. Russian Orthodoxy, as a spirituality by the way and a pagan name, comes from three triune spiritual processes: Prav, Yav, Nav, well, or three triune processes in the life of generations - ancestors, contemporaries, descendants. Therefore, the name comes from the name of the Experience of the Ancestors - from the Rule. And in a more ancient interpretation of this trinity, the totality of persons of property is given in the following names - these are Yasun, Mirdgard, Dasun. The very concept of culture developed historically in the Russian language as processes built on the basis of people’s WORK, although it has historically different interpretations, which become more complicated depending on the complexity of the rules of the very practice of people’s lives. One of the interpretations of culture comes from the word “cult” - the faith, customs and traditions of ancestors, created by the LABOR of people in the course of socio-historical development. Moreover, labor itself is three triune types - physical, managerial, mental. And therefore there are three triune commodity processes - this is material production, this is social production (or these are constitutions, laws, tariffs, MONEY, etc.), this is spiritual production. And as a result, as people’s life practices become more complex, people’s abilities to cultivate the process of life change, and the interpretations of these rules of life change. Thus, spirituality, as a commodity production of the spiritual sphere of economic processes, is also changing. The concept of Master Spirit (and similar ones: ruler; or spirit of a locus, spirit of a place, genius of a place) fits perfectly here - a commonly used term in primitive religions, as well as modern folklore, which has passed as a synonym for deity into all higher religions. Thus, the Master Spirit is the work of idealistic processes (spiritual, intellectual, scientific, etc.). And they work in three triune sets of processes - material, social (economics, politics, law), intellectual. 4. Master Spirit. The Master Spirit, as a set of RULES for the operation of any specific process, works in three triune sets of processes: - the first set is three triune sets of objects - matter, space, time. Matter is three triune sets of objects - these are physical, chemical, biological processes. Space is the medium for the distribution of these objects, which work in three triune sets of participation in the organization of the process - these are dominant, contradictory, harmonizing (this applies to all three triune sets of processes). Time is simply the process of the work of periodicities in each of the components. - the second set of processes is the RULES of the technology - these are monistic, dialectical, triune. Monistic technologies are a process in which the main principle is the dominance of one of the components over the others and the organization of processes based on its operating rules. Dialectical technologies are the organization of a process as a basis, where the principle of contradiction of two or more opposites works. The trinity of process work is when all three components work in each component, BUT one of them occupies a dominant position, the second forms a contradiction to it, and the third harmonizes the work of the process as a whole. - the third set of processes is the RULES of work, the tendency of quantitative-qualitative relationships during the work of processes – these are evolutionary processes, revolutionary, JUMP or transition to a new quality of being. 5. Subjectivity of the information work. What symbols, images, customs, etc. NU or visual, verbal, virtual reflections of the RULES of the work of Ethno-Russian culture work in the practice of people's lives. Mention should be made here of the work of the trinity from an idealistic beginning. According to this technology, there are three triune levels of complexity of PERSONS OF PROPERTY in the process of people's lives - these are individual processes of existence of persons of property, these are individual, these are common. Well, or so, in the practice of people’s lives, three triune generations work simultaneously - this is the family, the nation, the INTER-national person of property. Moreover, the trinity of family spirituality is three triune sets of persons of property - this is male spirituality, female, children's. Likewise, national persons have three triune sets of components - past, present, future or continuity of generations, or these are three triune sets of generations - ancestors, contemporaries, descendants. And the INTERNATIONAL person forms three triune world religions - this is Buddhism or the dominance of material spirituality; Islam or the contradiction of the material and spiritual, Christianity is the harmony of the diversity of three triune sets of processes - material, social, spiritual. Moreover, Christianity is three triune STAGES of complication of religious technologies or is it Protestantism, Catholicism, Orthodoxy. Thus, in the practice of people’s lives, according to the existence of the spirituality of the Ethno-Russian people, there are three triune levels of complexity of spirituality processes: - is it the general subjectivity of the process or is it Universal Spirituality. - this is the Mediator between universal and earthly spirituality or a separate one - this is the Spirit-Simargl. - And only then the work of Earthly spirituality is the Spirit-Kin, this is the work of spirituality in the Souls of people or a single or three triune sets of processes or spirituality in the communication of people - these are the Spirits of Mother Earth, which people understand; these are Spirits-Children-People; These are the Spirit-Fathers of the Mind. Sincerely, Simple Russian Scientist Chefonov V.M.

The Russian language belongs to the group of Slavic languages, part of the Indo-European language family. It is the state language adopted on the territory of the Russian Federation and the most numerous in terms of geographical distribution and number of speakers in Europe.
Modern lexical and grammatical norms of the Russian language appeared as a result of the long-term interaction of various East Slavic dialects that existed on Great Russian territory and the Church Slavonic language, which arose as a result of the adaptation of the first Christian books.
East Slavic, also known as the Old Russian language, was the basis for the formation of the Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian languages ​​in the 14th-15th centuries, but the dialectical features that make them so different appeared somewhat earlier.
In the 15th century, two main groups of dialects established themselves on the European territory of Russia - the southern and northern dialects, which have a number of distinctive features, for example, Akanye is characteristic of the southern dialect, and Okanye is characteristic of the northern one. In addition, a number of Central Russian dialects appeared, which were essentially intermediate between the northern and southern ones and partially absorbed their distinctive features.
A bright representative of the Central Russian dialect, Moscow was the basis for the emergence of the literary Russian language, which is currently considered classical Russian; literature and periodicals are not published in other dialects.
A large layer in the Russian vocabulary is occupied by words of Greek and Turkic origin. So, for example, diamond, fog and pants came to us from the Turkic language, and crocodile, bench and beets are words of Greek origin, and in our time it is no secret that most of the names given at baptism also came to us from Greece, and these names were not only Greek, such as Catherine or Fedor, but also of Hebrew origin, such as Ilya or Maria.
In the 16th-17th centuries, the main source of the emergence of new lexical units in the Russian language was Polish, thanks to which such words of Latin, Germanic and Romance origin as algebra, dance and powder and directly Polish words, for example bank and duel, came into our speech.

In Belarus, Russian is the official language along with the Belarusian language. In Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, South Ossetia, Abkhazia and the Transnistrian Moldavian Republic, Russian is recognized as the official language, that is, it has a privileged status despite the presence of the state language.

In the US, in the state of New York, Russian is one of the eight languages ​​in which all official election documents are printed, and in California, you can take the driver's license exam in Russian.

Until 1991, Russian was used for communication in the territory of the former USSR, essentially being the state language. For this reason, for many residents of the republics that seceded from the USSR, Russian is still their native language.

In the literature there are such names of the Russian language as Russian and Great Russian, but they are used mainly by linguists and are not used in modern colloquial speech.

The alphabet of the Russian language, consisting of thirty-three letters in the form in which we are all accustomed to seeing it, has existed since 1918, and was officially approved only in 1942. Until this time, the alphabet officially had thirty-one letters, because E was equated with E, and Y with I.

From its inception to the present day, the Church Slavonic language has been the language used in Orthodox services. For a long time, it was Church Slavonic that was used as the official written language and predominated in spoken language.

The oldest monument of literary art written in Russian is the Novgorod Codex, its appearance dates back to the beginning of the 11th century. In addition to it, historians mention the Ostromir Gospel, written in Church Slavonic in 1056-1057.

The modern Russian language that we use, also known as the literary language, appeared in the 17th-18th centuries, after which it underwent serious intervention in 1918, with a reform that removed the letters “decimal i”, “fita” and “yat” from the alphabet. , instead of which the letters “i”, “f” and “e” appeared, respectively; in addition, the use of a hard sign at the ends of words was canceled. In prefixes, it has become customary to write the letter “s” before voiceless consonants, and “z” before vowels and voiced consonants. Some other changes were also adopted regarding the use of endings in different case forms and the replacement of a number of word forms with

more modern. By the way, the official changes did not affect the use of Izhitsa; this letter was rarely used even before the reform, and over time it disappeared from the alphabet.

Differences in dialects have never been an obstacle for people to communicate with each other, however, compulsory education, the advent of the press and the media, and large-scale migration of the population during the Soviet era almost completely forced the dialects out of use, as they were replaced by standardized Russian speech. Currently, echoes of the use of dialects can be heard in the speech of representatives of the older generation living mainly in rural areas, but, thanks to the spread of television broadcasting, their speech is also gradually leveling out, acquiring the outlines of a literary language.

Many words in modern Russian came from Church Slavonic. In addition, the vocabulary of the Russian language was significantly influenced by those languages ​​with which it was in contact for a long time. The oldest layer of borrowings has East German roots, as evidenced by words such as camel, church or cross. A few but frequently used words were borrowed from ancient Iranian languages, the so-called Scythian vocabulary, for example, paradise or dog. Some Russian names, such as Olga or Igor, are of Germanic, most often Scandinavian origin.

Since the 18th century, the main flow of words comes to us from the Dutch (orange, yacht), German (tie, cement) and French (beach, conductor) languages.

Today, the main flow of words comes to us from the English language, and some of them began to appear at the beginning of the 19th century. The flow of English borrowings intensified in the first half of the twentieth century and gave the Russian language such words as station, cocktail and container. It is interesting to know that some words entered Russian speech twice from English, displacing each other, an example of such a word is lunch (formerly lunch), in addition, modern English borrowings are gradually replacing earlier borrowings from others in the Russian language, for example English The word “bowling” with its appearance displaced the old German word “skittle alley” from use, and the old French lobster became the modern English lobster.

It is impossible not to note the influence of other languages, although to a much lesser extent than English, on the modern sound of the Russian language. Military terms (hussar, saber) came to us from Hungarian, and musical, financial and culinary terms (opera, balance and pasta) from Italian.

However, despite the abundant influx of borrowed vocabulary, the Russian language developed independently, managing to give the world many of its own words, which became internationalisms. Examples of such words are vodka, pogrom, samovar, dacha, mammoth, satellite, tsar, matryoshka, dacha and steppe.

Teacher's advice:

Learning a foreign language becomes easier when you practice it a little every day. Each language has its own special sound. The more you listen to the language, the easier it becomes. Reading helps strengthen your grammar and your vocabulary, so read every day. It doesn't matter if you listen to the news or music, or read a book, magazine or website, the most important thing is a little bit every day.

Learning a language becomes easier when you practice a little every day. Every language has a different sound and the more you listen the easier it gets. Reading improves your grammar and vocabulary so read a little every day too. It doesn't matter if you listen to the news or music, or read a book, magazine or website, the important thing is to a little every day.

Phonetics lesson. On the board is something known from childhood: “Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.” The students - six Chinese and one Turkish - are trying to repeat it.
The Turk has no problems with whistling and hissing words; he quickly frees himself and rummages through the dictionary.
The Chinese, at the very least, also cope with the lover of drying. But the peculiarity of their mentality is that everything needs a literal translation.
- What is this - “sucked”? - asks one Chinese woman.
The Turk runs his finger along the page of the dictionary and reads out loud:
- Suck, suck, suck, suck!
He raises his eyebrows in amazement and clicks his tongue respectfully.
This is not the Turkish “shurgum-burgum berdyk-kirdyk”. This is Russian.

Winter session. A huge, over two meters tall, black student is taking an exam in the language of his specialty - geography. Stands in front of the commission at the board with the world map. Worried.
- More often than not, winters are pakiryta vada. Vadami. Thank you, wada.
The commission nods understandingly.
- Nabrymer, izdesi nakodytsa Sivera-lidavytny Akian.
The African giant moves his pointer along the top edge of the map.
“Tell me...” comes the rattling voice of the chairman of the commission, an elderly assistant professor.
The black man widens his eyes in fear and freezes.
The old assistant professor is rummaging through the reports.
“Please tell me...” she mutters, looking for the student’s name. Finds it. The student's name is Muddaka Bartolomeo Maria Cherepango.
“Tell me,” the chairman of the commission decides to do without a name. - Why is this ocean called exactly that - the Arctic Ocean?
The black man thinks for a minute, looking at the map, then turns his gaze to the window. There's a snowstorm outside. Gloomy January twilight. They promised minus eighteen at night...
Large, slightly yellowish eyes look sadly at the commission:
- Badamu to imu kholana. Ochin kholana...

The new student's name is Wang H..y (Yes, yes, you guessed it right). Chinese. Third day in Russia. At home I studied Russian at school.
I start to write his name in the journal and stop.
- Let's change your last name. Or rather, the name, I tell him. - To make it sound better.
He looks at me in bewilderment.
- Well, Hui, for example. Or Hoy. By the way, very famous in Russia is Khoy. I like.
The guy doesn't agree. Like, it’s a normal name and that’s it.
- No, I - X..y. Wang H..y!
OK. F..y so F..y.
I'm writing it down in a journal. I smile to myself: “You’ve made it, my friend. You stain official documents with swear words.”
A couple of weeks later, Wang H.. comes up after class.
- Teacher, excuse me. Why do the police laugh when they look at your passport?
I explain directly and honestly. Van's eyes widen. On the same day, we went to the academic unit and filled in the name on the student ID and in the journal.
And according to his passport, he remained like that.

How is your life in the hostel? What's good and what's bad?
The students' dorm is the same. House of a graduate student and a student on Shvernik Street. Den and cockroach. Very close, by the way, to the hospital. Kashchenko.
The students are Chinese, unpretentious people. They don’t really complain, some are even happy.
The eldest woman in the group takes the floor - a Chinese woman of about twenty-five, about to enroll in graduate school.
- In the hostel we have real b..dstvo! - she declares straight away.
I almost drop the chalk. I didn’t expect this from anyone, but from her.
“I heard it,” I think.
The Chinese woman looks at me carefully through her narrow glasses and continues:
- Bl..dstvo is very important. How do you think?
At the same time, her face is somewhat stern. Like at a party meeting.
Everything is clear. A dorm is just that: a dorm. The neighbors, Russian fools, taught me how to sort things out.
I decide to take her away from the slippery topic and ask distracting questions. No, she’s stubborn and keeps on repeating her words: “bl..dstvo”, “bl..dstvo”, “bl..dstvo”...
It is generally difficult to move the Chinese in the direction you want. And if they become fixated on something, it’s easier to accept it.
- Li Xiao! - I tell her. - How do you know this word?
The answer is discouraging.
“From here,” and picks up a plump pocket dictionary. - Here, “bl..dstvo.”
“The compilers were completely stunned!”
- Can I have a look? - I take the dictionary from her.
I'm watching.
After laughing, I announce the next lesson as a phonetics lesson.
They ended up with a “brotherhood” in the hostel. Brotherhood.

Chinese problems with the sound “R”... They don’t have such a sound in their language, but in Russian, as luck would have it, there are plenty of them. This is what they do - “tlabotat”, “plivet”, “blatya”...

Students, of course, do not like to do phonetic exercises - they are boring and tedious. And it is necessary. Nobody promised that it would be easy.
However, you can help with some things.
On the first of April I walk into the classroom and shake the number “MK”. In one of the photographs I show them a thick, mustachioed cop with a baton.
- Have you heard about the latest presidential decree? - I ask the group.
We haven't heard, of course.
- Now, according to the document, any person who does not know the Russian anthem will be detained and even beaten by the police for this. The police were given the right to check knowledge of the text of the anthem. People will stop you on the streets and ask questions.
The group fell silent.
“Well, you have nothing to be afraid of,” I yawn artificially. - You know the anthem, of course. What are your homework questions?
The Chinese whisper among themselves and begin to shout vyingly:
- No, we don't know!
- What text?!
- How to sing?
- Do you know?
- Tell us!
I shake my head dejectedly, lamenting - how come you don’t know the sacred text? You live in a country and don’t know its anthem?!
I can see from their faces that they are extremely scared. We've already lived in Moscow for six months and seen enough of everything.
I go up to the board. I take the chalk.
- Write it down.
I start writing the first nonsense that comes to mind:
“Russia is the largest power, brothers!
Long live our friendly lads!
Beautiful straight, and crooked, and to the right,
Firewood is like yeast on the grass in the yard!”
And in this spirit, there are five verses, impromptu.
- We don’t have time to translate. We will learn by heart so as not to go to jail.
You should have seen their faces, how they broke their tongues. They were sweating and getting up from their seats. But they sang diligently and read with expression. Interrupting each other. Looking at me with hope. Forty minutes - and eight people seemed to know how to growl since childhood.
The great thing is motivation. I remembered the cow from “Peculiarities of the National Hunt” - “if you want to live, you won’t get so upset.”
At the end of the lesson I congratulated everyone on April Fool's Day.
Somehow they weren't very happy...

I’m sitting in the method room, leafing through newspapers.
An elderly teacher runs in.
- God! - shouts. - He'll kill me!
Someone's screams can be heard from the corridor. I'm listening.
"I'm not a girl!!!" "I'm not a girl! Not a girl! I am! NOT!! A GIRL!!!" - someone screams in a male voice.
It turns out that the Syrian student did not do his homework. He explained that he simply forgot. To which the granny colleague, without thinking about the consequences, chuckled: “Well, it’s a girl’s memory, right, Said?”
The Muslim man could not stand it. His eyes bulged, he became blotchy and started yelling:
- I'm not a girl! I'm a man! Not a girl! Not a girl!
No attempts to explain that this is just an idiom were successful. He kept yelling until he got tired of it. He stood in a half-squat, clenched his fists, and yelled.
Ardent and proud people.

A graduate student from Iran passed a note through his classmates: “Dear teacher! I apologize for not being in class right now. My grandmother came from Iran, so I need to.” Iranians usually come to study with families, so I get the hang of it and don’t mind. It must be so. If a woman had come to see me, I wouldn’t have come to class either.
The next day I ask:
- Mehdi, how was your wife, did she have a normal flight?
It turns out not his wife. Dad has arrived.

“I’ll make a monkey,” another Iranian tells me. - Do you believe it? After all, if I said - a monkey, then I am a monkey.
Just in case, I don’t argue with the dark, bearded man. He knows better.
Only then does it dawn on him that he promises to do his homework.

"Sybarites". A mysterious word that one elderly Japanese man was very fond of. In his old age, he suddenly became interested in Russia, left his wife and children, and came to Moscow. He wore sandals on his bare feet in winter and summer and a thin braid of gray hair on his head.
“I have sybarites,” he informed the watchman every morning, all the teachers he met along the way, and his group.
The watchmen didn't like him. Not only did the Japanese frighten with incomprehensible “sybarites,” but he also bowed to them three times upon entering. The old guards were nervous, not knowing where to go or how to respond.
Finally someone figured it out.
- How are you doing? - they asked the Japanese a control question.
- Sybarites! - came the answer.
“Everything is all right” was just what the person had. Everything is fine.

Turkish student, Emrah. I am 26, he is 20. We became friends. We drank beer together more than once after classes. Emrakh kept asking me to teach him how to swear.
“You know, there’s no need,” I explain to him. - You still can’t do it right, with your level now. If you send someone out of ignorance, you won’t end up with problems. Then life itself will teach you.
In the summer, Emrah started having problems with his dormitory. He graduated from our faculty and entered Moscow State University. We need to change the hostel. They discharged him from one, but they still couldn’t fit him into the other.
Emrah arrives at the faculty with a bag in his hands.
- Listen, can I stay with you for two days?
“Of course,” I say. - What kind of question...
Emrah sighs:
- Damn, I'm a fucking homeless person. Damn it, I thought I'd have to spend the night in the park...
Life taught me.

“Charles V, the Roman Emperor, used to say that it is decent to speak Spanish with God, French with friends, German with enemies, Italian with women. But if he were skilled in the Russian language, he would have added to this that it is decent for them to speak with all of them, for he would have found in him the splendor of Spanish, the liveliness of French, the strength of German, the tenderness of Italian, moreover, the richness and strong brevity of Greek in images and Latin language."
Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov, “Russian Grammar”

This difficult Russian language:
It got to the point.
And it’s wild to me - come to me.
She was injured while she was being treated.
We are married - we are on the same page.
You are a foal - you are a child.
Awkward things - I carry different things.
If he needs it, his wife will get it for him.
We have to wait - we have to give.

Ah, this difficult Russian language! We, native speakers of this language, do not notice its difficulties, oddities that baffle foreigners who are just mastering the basics of the “great and mighty”.

Remember Pushkin’s “Eugene Onegin”?
“She didn’t know Russian well,
I haven’t read our magazines,
And it was difficult to express myself
In your native language..."

This is about the same letter to Onegin that is taught by heart at school. But times change and so do priorities. Now Russian is one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world; it is included in the “World Languages ​​Club”, which includes English, French, Arabic, Chinese and Spanish.

Some "oddities" of the Russian language

1. The Russian alphabet has the same letters as the Latin one. Some look the same but sound different. Others are taken from Greek. And two more letters - “ъ” and “ь” do not have their own sounds.

2. The letter “e” can represent two different sounds: [ye] and [yo]. Although there is a separate letter for [yo], “ё”, many people do not pay attention to the correct spelling and it turns out not “ё”, but “e”. Sometimes this distorts the meaning of the word (“all” or “everything”).

The optional use of the letter “е” leads to erroneous readings and the inability to restore the meaning of the word without additional explanations, for example: loan-loan, perfect-perfect, tears-tears, sky-sky, chalk-chalk, donkey-donkey, oars-oars...
Classic example from “Peter the Great” by A.K. Tolstoy:
“We’ll take a break under such and such a sovereign!” What was meant was “let’s take a break.” Do you feel the difference?
How do you read “Let’s Sing Everything”? “We sing everything” or “We sing everything”? Or maybe “Let’s eat everything”?
By the way, the last name of the French actor is Depardieu, not Depardieu.
In A. Dumas, the cardinal’s name is not Richelieu, but Richelieu.
The correct way to pronounce the surname of the Russian poet is Fet, not Fet.

3. After the collapse of the USSR, we were left without a word of address to another person, because “comrade” is no longer used. Sometimes you can hear “ladies and gentlemen,” but in everyday communication it sounds unnatural, “citizen” is official, “man, woman” is rude. We still haven't decided how to address other people.

4. The verb “to be” in the sense of “to exist, to be in a state” (I was happy) is used in the future and past tense and is not used in the present. (We do not say: “I am a doctor.”)
It also has the meaning “to have.” Compare: “I have was cow, There is cow, and will goat".
Maybe these meanings are part of a broader meaning?

5. The order of words in Russian is free, but the meaning of a sentence may depend on it. For example, “I’m going home” simply means: I’m going home (although it depends on the intonation), but “I’m going home” means that I’m going exactly home. And “I’m going home” means that it’s me who’s going home, and not someone else.
The meaning of a sentence in Russian depends on both word order and intonation.

6. To turn a sentence into a general question, you don’t need to change anything at all, just intonation. Question: “Is he at home?” and the answer: “he’s at home.”

7. The numerals “1” and “2” have a gender, but the rest do not: one boy, one girl, two boys, two girls, but three boys and three girls.

8. The numeral “1” (one), which essentially denotes one object, has a plural (ones).

9. Verbs in the past tense have a gender, but those in the present and future do not. He played, she played, he played, she played.

10. Russian nouns have “animacy”! Some nouns are considered more alive than others. For example, “dead” is considered more alive than “corpse”: some are dead, but what is a corpse.

11. Consecutive letters of the alphabet: G, D, E, E, F form the sentence: “Where is the hedgehog?”

12. A sentence can consist of only verbs: “We sat, decided to add a drink, sent to buy it.”

The parrot says to the parrot:
“I’ll scare you, parrot.”
The parrot answers him:

13. How can I explain to a foreigner what we are talking about: “Behind the sandy spit, the lop-eared scythe fell under the sharp scythe of a woman with a scythe.”

14. And another linguistic “explosion” for a foreigner:
- Anything to drink?
- There is something to drink, there is no food.

15. Foreigners are very surprised how “they don’t get around to looking.”
Or this riddle for a foreigner:
"matinee" - event,
"diary" - a book,
"vechernik" - student,
“night light” is a lamp.

16. I over-salted the borscht and over-did it with salt – it’s the same thing.

17. How do you like this (read quickly):
According to rzelulattam ilsseovadniy odongo anligysokgo unviertiset, not ieemt zanchneya, in kokam pryaokde rsapozholeny bkuvy v solva. Galvone, so that you pre-avya and psloendya bkvuy blyi on mseta. Osatlyne bkuvy mgout seldovt in a ploonm bsepordyak, everything is torn tkest chtaitsey without wandering. The main thing is that we do not read every book in isolation, but rather the whole thing.
Now read the same phrase slowly. Are you surprised?

Professor of Philology:
- Give an example of a question so that the answer sounds like a refusal and at the same time like an agreement.
- It's simple! “Will you drink vodka?” - “Oh, leave it!”

This is how beautiful and multifaceted it is, our native Russian language!

What do you think of this reasoning?

There is a table in front of us. There is a glass and a fork on the table. What are they doing? The glass is standing, but the fork is lying down. If we stick a fork into the tabletop, the fork will stand. That is, vertical objects stand and horizontal objects lie?
Add a plate and a frying pan to the table. They seem to be horizontal, but they stand on the table. Now put the plate in the frying pan. There it lies, but it was on the table. Maybe there are items ready for use? No, the fork was ready when it was lying there.
Now the cat climbs onto the table. She can stand, sit and lie down. If in terms of standing and lying down it somehow fits into the “vertical-horizontal” logic, then sitting is a new property. She sits on her butt.
Now a bird has landed on the table. She sits on the table, but sits on her legs, not on her butt. Although it seems like it should be standing. But she cannot stand at all. But if someone kills a poor bird and makes a stuffed animal, it will be on the table.
It may seem that sitting is an attribute of a living thing, but the boot also sits on the foot, although it is not alive and does not have a butt.
So, go and understand what is standing, what is lying down, and what is sitting. And we are also surprised that foreigners consider our language difficult and compare it with Chinese.

Other materials on the subject Foreign languages

Features of the modern Russian language

Yudina M.A.

Russian language is the national language of the Russian people. This is the language of culture, science, technology. Outstanding works of literature and works of scientists were created in Russian. This language is one of the richest languages ​​in the world; it has a large vocabulary and has developed expressive means to denote all the necessary concepts in any field of human activity. The Russian language is a means of interethnic communication for the peoples living on the territory of the Russian Federation and for the peoples that formerly made up the Soviet Union. It helps to join not only Russian, but also world culture and scientific thought. The Russian language is an intermediary between all the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation, since works of fiction by authors of all nationalities are translated into Russian. Basically, all national writers write their works in Russian.

Every citizen of the Russian Federation, proficient in any profession, needs to know the grammar and vocabulary of the Russian language, because the world needs only competent and educated specialists. Undoubtedly, the Russian language is also important for a mathematician and programmer. At the moment, the Russian programming language has been developed, and although it is not yet possible to write complex programs in it, it is becoming popular for teaching schoolchildren, since such a language is understandable and convenient.

Among more than two and a half thousand languages ​​known on earth, Russian remains one of the most common and widely used for international communication. It is one of the working languages ​​of the United Nations. Interest in its study continues unabated in other countries. It becomes a means of introducing the world community to Russian culture.

Remembering the complex path of Russian writing from its origins to the present, it is necessary to note that our ancestors, when creating their own writing, used someone else’s alphabet, which was created by St. Kirill. Together with brother Methodius, he recorded the first Slavic translations of the Holy Scriptures in the new language. The oldest Slavic language is usually called Glagolitic; the styles of its letters are not similar either to modern ones or to those that make up another alphabet created by Kirill - the Cyrillic alphabet. The model for writing the Slavic alphabet was the previous written tradition - the Greek one. Letters were introduced into the Cyrillic alphabet to denote the typically Greek combinations and - xi and psi.

The specific features of the Cyrillic alphabet are associated not only with its relationship with the Greek alphabet, but also with the peculiarities of the phonetics of those Slavic dialects in the territory of which they were used. Thanks to this, the number of letters in the Slavic alphabet changed from 38 letters to 43.

Already during the birth of the Old Russian language, its shortcomings began to appear: the imbalance in the relationship between the living Russian language and its writing was reflected in the letter composition - dead letters appeared, and Russian writing was gradually but steadily freed from them. At the end of the 14th - 15th centuries. An attempt was made to restore the use of such letters, but it ended in failure. Great changes are also taking place in the life of the living Russian language. The Ukrainian language stands out, then the Belarusian language; The language of the Great Russian nationality is being formed, which in its main features will be completed with the formation of the Russian nation and state by the 18th century.

And then the question will arise about the need to reform Russian writing. This issue will be considered in Peter's reform of 1708 - 1710. The new Russian alphabet submitted to Peter for approval was five letters smaller than the Cyrillic alphabet, which were practically not used by the 18th century; the sovereign crossed out two more letters: psi and omega, but new letters e and ya were introduced. The transformed alphabet underwent new transformations in 1735 by the Academy of Sciences. Two more letters, zelo and xi, were excluded. The new alphabet was called citizen. The entire subsequent history of alphabet discussions boiled down mainly to disputes about monophonic letters: e, f, i, and the silent letter ъ at the end of a word. Now in the alphabet there is not a single extra letter, only necessary ones - by the way, a rare case in alphabetic systems with a long history. True, sometimes doubts are expressed about the necessity of the letter ъ.

We should be proud that Russian graphics, like writing in general, have been slowly but steadily improving over the centuries. And so we came from an alphabet of 43 letters to an alphabet with 33 letters.

The Russian language, together with Belarusian and Ukrainian, forms the East Slavic group of the Slavic branch of the Indo-European family of languages. The source of our language is a set of ancient East Slavic dialects (dialects) very close to each other, united under the general name of the Old Russian language, since they were widespread in the territory where the Russian state was formed.

The formation of the Old Russian nationality is associated with the formation of the Russian state with its center in Kyiv. Instead of a tribal dialect, a regional dialect becomes a linguistic unit. The Russian state was weakly centralized; during the period of feudalism, the connection between its various parts became weaker. The disunity of various lands in the middle of the 13th century was strengthened by the Mongol invasion. In particular, the direct connection between the southwest and northeast was disrupted.

By the 14th-15th centuries. refers to the beginning of the formation of modern East Slavic languages ​​on the basis of various Old Russian dialects. The formation of the Russian people and their language is associated with the formation of the Moscow State in the northeast of the East Slavic territories. At the same time, the Ukrainian and Belarusian languages ​​were formed on the territory of the Principality of Lithuania.

The formation of modern East Slavic languages ​​and their dialects was apparently associated with some rearrangement of Old Russian dialects. But there is still much controversial and unresolved in the history of the formation of modern languages ​​with their main dialects and in what relationships these newer divisions are connected with the ancient East Slavic dialects.

Of the linguists, A.A. Shakhmatov developed the most detailed hypothesis for the formation of modern East Slavic languages. In his opinion, the East Slavic tribes fell into three groups - northern, southern and eastern. As linguistic, and specifically phonetic, features that characterized these groups already in ancient times, A. A. Shakhmatov cites tsokanie for the northern group, γ fricative for the southern ones, and akanye for the eastern one. The modern Ukrainian language was formed on the basis of most of the southern group, the Belarusian language - on the basis of the northern part of the southern group and some of the eastern group. The northern and remaining part of the eastern group formed the basis of the Russian language.

In the hypothesis of Shakhmatov A.A. There are some completely plausible positions, for example, the idea of ​​the late emergence of transitional dialects, but in general there is a lot of controversial and sometimes downright unacceptable in this hypothesis.

In his articles, Shakhmatov’s hypothesis was refuted by R.I. Avanesov. He said that only the clicking is undoubtedly an ancient feature, but it clearly does not characterize the entire northern group. Avanesov R.I. It has been suggested that there are two foci from which neoplasms originate in the East Slavic region: the northeast and the southwest.

There is still debate about the origin of dialects and dialects and the peculiarities of their phonetics, since scientists do not have enough information to draw definite conclusions.

Modern media largely determine the linguistic, socio-psychological and cultural situations in society. The media influence the entire structure of human thinking, the style of worldview, the type of culture of today, informing a person about the state of the world and filling his leisure time.

The language of the media today is considered one of the main forms of linguistic existence. It is the analysis of mass communication texts that allows us to draw conclusions regarding the linguistic competence of speakers and those trends in the development of literary languages ​​that are observed in a given period. Readers follow the language of the media, not literature. The vocabulary of magazines is diverse, has many subtypes, and clearly demonstrates energetic linguistic processes that are easy to identify. Such language can give an idea of ​​the direction of the state in which we live. Some expressions acquire an unexpected new meaning, almost completely opposite to the old one. But it is clear that nothing new can be said; we must be content with what already exists. In print, comparisons with literary characters and metaphorical comparisons are used. Current, somewhat modified and expanded texts are compiled from old texts; for this purpose, comparison techniques, quotes from famous people, interpretations of old stories, fairy tales, parables and more are used. These methods are actively used in creating headlines in journalism. Of course, their goal is to intrigue the audience that the publication is counting on, to interest them in the problem with the help of capacious, ambiguous phrases and expressions.

The language of the media plays the role of a unique model of the national language in the information society; it actively influences the literary norm, linguistic tastes and preferences. On the one hand, the language of mass communication enriches the literary language in its own way, saturating it with evaluative phrases, forming a polished, often aphoristic speech. On the other hand, one cannot help but see negatively

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