Fallout 4 Harbor Island. Far Harbor - completing the quest "Reformation". Go to Acadia with Old Man Longfellow

The Survivor is required to help DiMA replace the High Confessor. First you need to get the notes of Confessor Martin in his old hideout. We head to the place marked with a marker on the Pib-Boy map. Next to the truck we find the entrance to the tunnel, simultaneously fighting off the maddened Ghouls. In the pump control room we find the records that DiMA spoke about and take them to Acadia.

When we return, we give them to the synth DiMA. According to him, this should be enough to spur Tect's interest. To meet with the confessor, he gave the Survivor a fake holotape; now he needs to meet him one-on-one.

Tekt is very careful; in order to gain his trust, it is necessary to prove devotion to the family.

We go to the “Core” and tell Tekt a story about how the former confessor Martin is going to return and overthrow him. Now we need to draw up an action plan, but away from unnecessary ears. The tunnels under the control center are perfect for this. To make our words more reliable, we let Tekta listen to a fake recording with Martin’s voice. Having convinced him, we go into the tunnels.

We kill the confessor and wall him up in the wall.

If you don’t want to take radical measures, then with the help of high charisma we convince him to run away.

In Acadia, DiMA and the new Tekt - a synthetic creation of DiMA - await us.

Peace has finally reigned on the island... Now the Children of Atom will shine with happiness in their irradiated bastion, the Kharbians will continue to fight the fog for the land, and the synths will finally be able to live in peace.

Developer: Bethesda Game Studios
Release date: May 19, 2016
Platforms: PC

Far Harbor is the third DLC for Fallout 4. In the Far Harbor DLC, you take on the new case of Valentine's Detective Agency and go in search of a young girl and a secret colony of synths. You'll travel from the coast of Maine to the mysterious Far Harbor Island, where high levels of radiation have made the fauna even more dangerous. Play your part in the conflict between the synths, the Children of the Atom and the locals. Can you bring peace to Far Harbor - and at what cost? The Far Harbor expansion is the largest expansion Bethesda Game Studios has ever created. It contains many new quests, settlements, deadly enemies and dungeons. Powerful new weapons and armor will help you become stronger. The choice is yours.

Update: release (from 09.29.2016)
- Updated DLCCoast file - Main.ba2
- Some corrections have been made, which Arbor did not notify.

Update: release (from 09/21/2016)
- Updated files DLCCoast - Textures.ba2 and DLCCoast - Main.ba2, which was changed The gazebo did not notify.

Update: release (from 05/19/2016)
- The release contains updated files that differ from those that were in the beta version.

A more detailed guide to what the Far Harbor DLC is all about

Discussions and solutions to issues on our forum

What to do:
In order to begin the Far Harbor DLC quests, you will need to complete the Revelation quest from the main game.
Alternatively, you can get to the island in other ways: you can get there without even meeting Valentine.
They can give you a task there, for example, Underground. Kill everyone on Randolph's instructions. You also go to Kasumi’s house and talk with her parents, only Valentine and the detectives are not mentioned in the conversation. You just offer help and that's it. (thanks for the tip)

New in the Workshop:
- New designs have been added to the Workshop: a prefabricated barn with all the components, fishing gear, decorations on the walls, a basket with fish, some kind of arch for a lobster, and so on...

New achievements:
- This Far Harbor DLC adds 10 new achievements: New England Vacation, On the Hook, Fighting the Fog, Just Add Salt Water, Islander's Almanac, Cleansing the Land, Far from Home, Finding Your Place, The Way Life Should Be, A Family Affair.

Fallout 4 version and higher

Installation:(can be done manually or through NMM manager)
Download the archive, place all the contents in the game folder, activate in the NMM manager.
Please note that the archive contains the file steam_api.ini, do not install it, since this file is in the .

Getting the current quest is not so easy; you must first complete a number of tasks from the “Miscellaneous” section.

In Far Harbor, you can accidentally meet a robot named Pearl. She heard that a detective has arrived on the island and she needs your help. There has been a murder at the hotel where she works, and Pearl's employers want someone to find out exactly what happened.


You can ask where the murder took place (level of belief - easy).

You can also find out who the deceased was (medium level of belief).

And finally, ask who Pearl's employers are (the level of persuasion is difficult).

Don’t forget about the monetary reward (level of persuasion - easy, medium, difficult).

If you agree to investigate, she can accompany you to the hotel or meet you on the spot. You will have a task in the “Miscellaneous” section - “Meet Pearl at the Cliffs Edge Hotel.”

Meet Pearl at the Cliff's Edge Hotel

The Cliffs Edge Hotel is located north of Far Harbor. It can be reached along the road along the coast. Pearl will be waiting for you at the entrance. Some guests show aggression, but the guests are in a more protected place. You need to get to them. You will receive the next task from the "Miscellaneous" section - "Follow Pearl through the Cliffs Edge Hotel."

Follow Pearl through the Cliffs Edge Hotel

Follow Pearl through the hotel and deal with rowdy visitors along the way - feral ghouls. The hotel is completely destroyed and there is nothing much to profit from. In the toilet on the second floor (lock level is easy) you will find a first aid kit. In the kitchen on the third floor you can refresh yourself with food and drinks, Yader-Cola for example.

Eventually, Pearl will lead you to the elevator. Having gone down on it, you will find yourself in a closed part of the hotel, or rather to the entrance to Vault 118. Click on the button on the control panel of the shelter and talk to Maxwell. Introduce yourself as a detective and he will open the door for you.

Maxwell will meet you at the entrance. Mr. Parker, the hotel's principal owner and financier, has died. You will have another quest from the “Miscellaneous” section - “Follow Maxwell to the crime scene.”

Follow Maxwell to the crime scene

Follow Maxwell. He will lead you to a restaurant hall, where in the middle lies a corpse, whose death you need to investigate. Surprise... all the guests of the refuge hotel are robotic brains. Suddenly.

From this moment the full-fledged quest “Brain Death” begins.

Talk to Maxwell

Maxwell offers to inspect the crime scene, and at the end tell about everything that can be found. You can also question guests, but he warns that you should only make accusations if you are absolutely sure of it.

Examine the crime scene for clues

Get closer to Mr. Parker's corpse. By pressing the [E] key, you can examine the robotic brain. It seems the brain container was broken by something. You will find blood stains nearby, follow the trail of blood. In the corner to the left of the stage you will find a Fensbuster baseball bat - the murder weapon.

Fraction: Children of Atom

Locations to explore:

  • Source of the Atom
  • Sanctuary of the Children of the Atom

Completing this quest will be your rite of passage into the ranks of the Children of the Atom, whether your reason for coming here is because you want to worship radiation, or because you need to infiltrate the submarine base to uncover the secrets of DiMA's memories of which you found out in . The ritual is that the chosen one of the Atom must drink from a source located near the Core and receive something, a sign or a vision. Those not chosen by the Atom rarely return.

Drink from the source

The source is located not far from the Core, a little to the west. Walking in a straight line, you will most likely come across a group of young swallows that you will have to deal with.

Go to the Atom source and drink water from it, or rather something liquid and most likely with an off-scale level of radiation. After this, a black figure will appear to you and tell you to follow it.

Follow the figure

It’s as if you’re running after someone in a dream to somewhere unknown. Landscapes and wild creatures rush past, but they don’t see you. A ghostly figure will lead you to the sanctuary of the Children of Atom and disappear.

Explore the sanctuary

The Sanctuary of the Children of Atom is positively glowing from radiation, but in addition to it, you should beware of wild ghouls, of which there are also quite a few here. Go inside the building.

Open cache

Inside the sanctuary is a Children of Atom cache that you need to open. To do this, use the terminal, to hack which you need a password, which is what you have to find.

On the shelf you will find a note “Sacred Elements”, which tells you how to open the cache of the Children of the Atom, and under the shelf there is a cache with lids. In the note, the emphasis is on the word ELEMENTS, taking this into account, it is worth taking a closer look at the table with chemical elements hanging on the opposite wall. On the side of the cabinet, standing against the same wall, you will find a luminous inscription made of several chemical elements, the letters of which form the word “MOTHER” (from English - mother). Click on the text and examine it - this is the password for the terminal.

Take the idol

Inside the shrine's cache there is an idol of the Mother on the desk, take it as proof that you opened the cache and completed the ritual.

Return to the Great Zealot

Return to the Core and tell Great Zealot Richter what you saw. He will be slightly surprised, because the Mother of the Fog herself, the messenger of the Atom, appeared to you. She serves as a guide for those who have an important role to play in His plans for the future of the Children of the Atom family. Now you need to say about your decision - whether you are ready to take a place in the ranks of the Children of the Atom or not. Agree.

Richter suggests going inside the Core and after the sermon, show the idol of the Mother to the High Confessor, and then return to him, since the Great Zealot has an assignment for you - the quest “The Heretic”. The Great Zealot also warns that any action against the family is punishable to the fullest extent. Receive from him the Attire of the Servant of Atom, which does not have to be worn, although it has resistance to radiation damage (25) and radiation itself (20).

Welcome to the Core!

Fraction: Residents of Far Harbor

Who issues: Captain Avery

Locations to explore:

  • Frame
  • City of Far Harbor

After defending the Corps from attack in the quest "A Walk in the Park", Captain Avery asked you to help the people of Far Harbor, and the quest "Life on the Edge" was activated. She also has a quest for you, but you can only receive it after you reach Acadia at the end of the quest "A Walk in the Park." Captain Avery is worried about the city's water supply: the fog condensers protecting the road to the nearest water treatment plant have failed. She asked you to find Howard Dunabar, who was tasked with repairing them. Most likely he fell into the claws of the swampers. Captain Avery hopes that you will agree to go on a reconnaissance so that you can repair the capacitors if Howard is no longer there. Of course she is ready to pay. If you agree, then head southwest out of the city.

Find Howard Dunbar

First you need to find Howard and find out what happened to him. In any case, he took the spare parts for repairing the capacitors with him, they need to be picked up. Approaching the outskirts of the city behind one of the houses you will find Howard Dunbar in the company of swampers. Kill these creatures, unfortunately, this will not save Howard, but at least avenge him.

Take the parts for the fog condensers from him and go fix them yourself.

Use power modules to repair fog capacitors

All broken fog capacitors are nearby. You'll find the first one a few steps away from Howard's body, and the rest a little further up the road.

In order to repair them, just get closer to them and press the [E] key - nothing complicated. At the last broken capacitor, you may have to kill a couple more swampmen.

Return to Captain Avery

Return to Captain Avery and report that you were able to repair the fog condensers protecting the road to the Far Harbor water treatment plant. You will also have to break the bad news about Howard's death. She, as promised, will pay you in caps.


You can demand more money from Captain Avery for risky work (persuasion level - easy, medium, hard).

Reward: 200 caps (standard)

Fraction: Children of Atom

Who issues: High Confessor Tect

Location for research:

When you agreed to join the Children of Atom family, you activated the quest “That’s what Atom wants,” which involves helping family members. High Confessor Tect, leader of the Children of Atom, has a mission for you. One of the members of the small commune has been on his radar for a long time. Your task is to check it. If you find evidence of heresy or treason, you will need to bring it to the High Confessor. Prove that you can be trusted and he will reward you. Any evidence of conspiracy against Tect and the family or disrespect for the holy Atom will do. He gives you a note with instructions.

Read the High Confessor's note

Read Tekt's note, in it you will find only one name - Obert. The note can be found in your Pip-Boy in the “PREV” → “Miscellaneous” → “Note from the High Confessor” tab.

You will find Sister Oberta on the ship, going down two levels to the tomb (a large vessel with radiation warning stickers), where your Geiger counter will start going off scale. After talking with her a little, she will blab about her dissatisfaction with the Grand Confessor Tect, and then quickly correct herself.


Ask Sister Oberta if she likes Tekt, and she will say that not many people like him (persuasive level is easy). She will immediately regret what she said and ask you to leave.

Inspect Sister Oberta's bed

Despite what Sister Oberta said about Tect, you have no evidence of treason or conspiracy yet. Inspect her sleeping place, you will probably find something in her personal belongings. Sister Oberta's bed is located in the room adjacent to the tomb.

Under the mattress you will find a note from Edgar in which he tells Oberth that because of his friendship with Martin, it is better for them not to meet and to continue exchanging messages through a box in the pantry, as he is afraid that someone will begin to plot against her. The note also says that Edgar hid a spare key to the box behind the bench in the locker room at the entrance.

Open Edgar and Obert's chest

The chest is in the corner of the storage room located to the right as you descend from the top level of the ship. You won't be able to open it without the key. The spare key, as written in the note, is in the locker room at the entrance - this is the first room on the left side after you entered the Core. There, behind the first bench, you will find the keys to the chest. Now go back to the ship to the box. There you will find a note from Obert.

Read Obert's note

Find the note in the inventory: "PREV" → "Miscellaneous" → "Obert's Note". It says that Tect arranged Edgar's death because he is afraid of Martin. Allegedly, the High Confessor knows: only Martin was worthy to lead the family of the Children of Atom. This note is already direct evidence of a conspiracy against Tect.

Talk to Sister Obert (Optional)

You can, if you wish, talk to Obert and say that you found her note about the High Confessor Tekt. She will beg you not to give her the note and to forget about this incident. You have several options:

  • Advise her to run away, as she is still in danger.
  • Ask for payment for the note - she will give you about 100 caps, and then decide to give the note or not.
  • Give her the note, the only evidence against her.

Report to the High Confessor

You've found the evidence, the question is what do you do with it. In any case, to complete the quest you need to talk to High Confessor Tect.

You can:

  • Give him Obert's note, and thereby betray her betrayal and most likely doom her to death.
  • Lie that she is devoted to her family (average persuasion level) and save her life.

If your conviction does not work, and you have already given the note to Obert, then you have no choice but to lie that there was no evidence. The High Confessor will be disappointed and will not reward you, but the quest will be completed.

Reward: Inquisitor's Hood

Help: Inquisitor's Hood

Damage Resistance: 2

Intelligence: +1

Weight: 3

Price: 250

Peculiarity: Radioactivity increases the wearer's intelligence.

Fraction: Residents of Far Harbor

Who issues: Cassie Dalton

Locations to explore:

  • Far Harbor
  • National Park Camp
  • Dalton Farm
  • Brooks Head Lighthouse

After helping in the defense of the Corps in the quest “A Walk in the Park”, the quest “Life on the Edge” is activated, as Captain Avery invites you to help the residents of Far Harbor in their affairs. Among other things, this quest includes the optional task "Help Cassie Dalton." You can find her sitting at a table on the pier near the Last Resort bar.

Cassie Dalton is the last of her kind. She believes that the island took revenge on her family for their greed and greed and killed one family member after another. But, with your support, the last Dalton heiress will have a chance to avenge her relatives.

The first chapter of Retribution will be about Cousin Pete, a good guy who fell into the clutches of a pack of wild ghouls while picking berries at a national park camp. Pete was able to reach the city, but died that evening. And the ghouls still occupy the national park camp located west of Far Harbor. Agree to deal with them.

Destroy wild ghouls

If you were paying enough attention, you probably noticed the outdoor recreation area when you first walked into Acadia with old man Longfellow in the quest A Walk in the Park. This is the beginning of the national park camp. Follow the path to the right and reach the tents, barn building, and several other camp buildings. There you will find ghouls.

It won't be difficult for you to deal with the ghouls; there are no more than a dozen of them here. When you're done, look around here. In one of the barns you will find a cache with lids on one of the wooden boxes, as well as a yellow box with useful supplies in the nook next to the barn. There is a First Aid kit in the toilet. And before you return to Cassie Dalton and tell about your success, you can have a good sleep in one of the tents, next to which, by the way, there is a box with explosives.

Return to Cassie Dalton

Return to Far Harbor and meet Cassie Dalton. She is very happy about your victory. What does she reward you for?

Reward: 200 caps (+100 caps)


You have the right to demand more money from Cassie for your efforts (persuasion level - easy). If the persuasion works, you will receive another 100 caps on top.

But the story of Cassie Dalton and her family does not end there. The second chapter is about her grandfather George. He lived on a farm north of Far Harbor until the island set a fogman on him. Cassie's grandfather fired back at him until all the farm workers escaped, but he himself died defending them. Cassie asks you to destroy this creature.

Destroy the Fogman

To find the Dalton farm, you simply need to follow the road along the coast, north of Far Harbor. I advise you to do just that, because after going 2/3 of the way, you will discover something interesting. In an abandoned truck with the logo of the local lemonade “Vim!” The T-51 power armor in the Vim! color scheme awaits you. Freshness". There will also be a power armor service station inside if you want to patch up or modify yours.

Reference: T-51 power armor in the Vim! Freshness"

The T-51 Power Armor offers stronger protection than the T-45 model found on the roof of the Liberty Museum in the quest Freedom Calls. This model is not a priority for any of the groups, but you can find spare parts for it, as they are scattered throughout the Commonwealth. This particular piece of armor is distinguished by its coloring, made in colors and with the logo of the islanders’ favorite lemonade “Vim!”

When you reach the Dalton farm, it will not be difficult for you to find this creature that killed Grandpa George. Kill the fogman and avenge the Dalton family.

Return to Cassie Dalton

Return to Cassie Dalton and make her happy that Grandpa George can rest in peace, because the fogman is dead. Cassie gives you the Dalton farm, you can now use the farm workshop. Cassie also thanks you with the lids.

Reward: 200 caps (+100 caps)


You have the right to demand more money from Cassie for your efforts (persuasion level - easy), just like last time. If the persuasion works, you will receive another 100 caps on top.

Let's move on to the last part of the Dalton family story. Cassie's late husband was a fisherman and loved to fish near the lighthouse, which is southwest of the city, near the quarry. The trappers who decided to settle there killed Danny. Their leader simply put a bullet between his eyes for fun. Cassie wants revenge for her beloved husband.

Fraction: Residents of Far Harbor

Who issues: Sailor

Locations to explore:

  • Far Harbor
  • Eagles Cove Tannery

This quest is one of the optional tasks of the quest “Life on the Edge”, where Captain Avery asked you to help the residents of Far Harbor. The sailor just needs help.

To strengthen the walls of Far Harbor (the so-called Corpus), she needs special tools, and she is willing to pay 450 caps to find them. You need to pick them up from the Eagles Cove tannery, where they definitely belong.


You can try to negotiate a larger reward for a dangerous task (persuasive level - medium).

Pick up power tools

The tannery is located on the northwestern coast of the island - the path is not close. Along the way you may encounter various creatures and trappers.

In a small building next to the tannery, which previously, apparently, was a canteen for local workers, you will find a first aid kit in the kitchen, and Vim! lemonade on the tables. On a ship at the pier, you can get hold of medicine by going up to the upper room. When searching for power tools in this area, beware of ghouls.

In the annex to the tannery, located at the front of the building, on the second floor you will find a cache with lids on the table, and in the corner there is a safe (lock level - difficult) with medicines, ammunition and a stealth battle.

You can get into the tannery itself from two entrances: the one on the right of the building (it is marked with a mark), and through the entrance (the lock level is very difficult), which can be accessed from the annex by entering a rusty door. The latter will lead directly to the place where the power tools are in the tannery.

Let's go through the door that doesn't need to be broken down. Immediately as you enter, you will see a locked door opposite (lock level - medium), ghouls are waiting for you behind it, as well as a safe (lock level - difficult) with useful supplies. Clear the first floor of these radiation creatures and go down to the basement. A more serious enemy awaits you there - a glowing ghoul that can revive already killed ghouls. But I think you can handle it too. With him you will find the key to the tannery, with which you can open the door locked with a very complex lock and go straight out.

Between the shelves you will find a bag with the power tools you came for, and next to it a large red bag with ammunition, explosives and weapons. The exit is behind the last shelf.

Give the tools to the Sailor

The power tools have been found - now we need to give them to the Sailor. But here's a surprise... on the way out, a certain Mike Machete will approach you. He has been watching these ghouls for a month now, he wanted to kill them and take the same tools as you. It turns out that Palmman instruments are very rare. He is offering you 2,000 caps right now as opposed to 450 caps from Moryachka. It's up to you to decide.


You can raise the price to 2,750 caps if the persuasion works (persuasion level is medium).

If you agree to sell the tools to Mike, the quest will be completed, but the Sailor will no longer want to deal with you, and most likely you will no longer receive quests from her.

If you refuse to sell the tools, you will receive the reward agreed upon with the Sailor and strengthen your relationship with one of the residents of Far Harbor.

Reward: 450 caps from Sailors or 2,000 caps from Mike Machete.

Fraction: Residents of Far Harbor

Locations to explore:

  • Far Harbor

Meet Captain Avery

After you stand up for the Corps along with the people of Far Harbor during the quest "A Walk in the Park", Captain Avery is ready to trust that you will not cause problems and asks you to help her people: Sailor, Cassie and the other residents of the dock. Even if they brush off your help. And thanks you in advance.

Help the residents of Far Harbor

Some of the residents will ask you for help, while others will need to offer it. Each of the residents has their own problems, but you can help each of them. And of course, not for thanks, but for a reward.

Help Cassie Dalton (Optional)

Cassie Dalton is an old woman, the last of her kind. She believes that the island took revenge on her family for their greed and greed and killed one family member after another. She needs revenge, and she asks you to do it for her. You will find her sitting at a table on the pier near the entrance to the Last Resort bar. She will give you the quest "Blood Wave".

Help the Sailor (Optional)

The sailor is impressed with how you defended the Corps along with the residents of Far Harbor. She may even come to you to ask for help. The sailor monitors the condition of the Corps and its fortifications. To repair it, she requires special power tools, which can be found at the Eagles Cove Tannery. If you agree, the quest “Hole” will be activated.

Help Captain Avery (Optional)

Captain Avery will also need your help, but not right away. This quest will appear after you reach Acadia with Longfellow in the quest A Walk in the Park.

Captain Avery is worried about the city's water supply because the fog capacitors protecting the road to the nearby water treatment plant have failed. She sent Howard Dunabar there, but he did not return. She hopes you'll go investigate and, if the worst happens, fix the fog capacitors instead of Howard. This quest is called "Safe Path".

Talk to Teddy Wright

After you have provided assistance to the residents of Far Harbor, not necessarily all, Teddy Wright, the local doctor, will approach you. He considers you an interesting specimen and would like to help you win the respect of the harsh islanders. He came up with a crazy way to win over even the most stubborn local resident. In the old days, leaders were chosen using the so-called “Captain's Dance”. Teddy invites you to perform it, but more about this in Fraction: Residents of Far Harbor

Who issues: Teddy Wright

Locations to explore:

  • Far Harbor
  • Coast by Emmett's Road

After helping some Far Harbor residents on the quest "Life on the Edge," Teddy Wright, a local doctor, comes up with a crazy way to win the respect of the island's stubborn residents. You need to perform the “Captain’s Dance”, this is how in ancient times the islanders chose their leaders. As legends say, the strongest, most severe and most insane applicants entered the water and began to lure the monsters of the island to themselves. After the potential captain killed the queen of the swamp, fog, or whatever crawled, he called the inhabitants of the island and shared the spoils with them. If you manage to “dance,” you won’t be appointed captain, but you will definitely be respected.

Teddy Wright takes you to an area favored by swampers - on the coast, near Emmett's road. Go there and throw a piece of any meat into the water to attract the attention of these creatures. And he will make sure that someone witnesses your feat.

Throw meat into water

The area with the swampers is located on the western part of the island, get to it, and along the way, you may come across some creature, whose meat you will then use for bait.

To start the Captain's Dance, you need to lure out the local fauna by throwing fresh meat into the water. To do this, you need to go to the “PREV” item in your Pip-Boy, select the “Help” section, and then, having found the meat of any animal (swamp, mole rat, yao-gui, etc.), press the [R] key. to throw it away.

Kill the swampers

Several swampers with armor and a low level will come out of the water for meat - it won’t be difficult for you to finish them off.

Throw more meat into the water

However, this is too easy for the captain. Continue to tease the local critter and throw more meat into the water, repeating the procedure described above.

Kill the swampers

In the second round, you will have to fight the swamp hunters, who spit streams of poisonous liquid, and the Swamp King. It will be a little more difficult to deal with them, but you probably haven’t been in such Fellaut troubles.

Kill the swamp queen

You enraged the swamp mother by killing her children. Now we have to deal with her. Kill her. Here are some tips:

  • Stay on the move at all times to avoid the fountains of poisonous liquid that the swamp queen spits out.
  • Try not to wade into deep water - this will slow you down and prevent you from shooting.
  • Beware of the swampwort babies that the queen releases to help herself. They are not so much dangerous as they are annoying.

After the swamp queen is dealt with, return to Far Harbor to Teddy Wright.

Return to Teddy Wright

Upon his return, Teddy Wright will announce to the assembled residents that you have performed the Captain's Dance and are worthy of their respect. He invites you to go to the Last Resort and talk to Mitch. He and some other residents who did not trust you before will give you a new job. Your quest “Wind of Change” is activated.

Reward: Captain's cap

Help: Captain's cap

Damage Resistance: 2

Energy Damage Resistance: 2Tourist center of the national park

Mitch, the bartender from The Last Resort, is worried about his Uncle Ken and asks you to find him at the national park visitor center. Ken is the only one left to live in the center of the island, and he may be in danger. You might even be able to persuade him to move to Far Harbor. Mitch is willing to pay you for the service rendered.


You can immediately hint to Mitch that the service is not cheap (the level of persuasion is complex).

Find Uncle Ken

The national park visitor center is located north of Far Harbor and can be reached by following the road heading north. When entering the territory of the tourist center, carefully watch your step - Uncle Ken does not like uninvited guests, so he stuck mines and set traps everywhere.

Don't expect a warm welcome, but if you mention Mitch, your uncle will immediately warm up. He asks you to make something on the workbench, since he did not have time to reload the traps, and someone will definitely attack the center.

Protect the tourist center

Hurry up, you don't have much time before the trappers attack. The workshop is located outside, you can build a couple of turrets or set traps. To do this, select the “Defense” tab in the workshop menu, and from there go to “Traps” or “Turrets”. Although you can try to simply recapture Uncle Ken’s camp the old fashioned way, killing everyone with weapons and throwing grenades, for example.

Talk to Uncle Ken

After all the enemies have been killed, talk to Uncle Ken. This is your chance to convince him to come with you to Far Harbor rather than stay in the national park tourist center alone among enemies.

Tell Uncle Ken that Mitch wants him to move to a safer place (medium persuasion level). But don't think that persuading him will be easy. If he falls for the first persuasion, your second round awaits (persuasion level - medium and difficult).

Don't leave without checking out the visitor center, there's some interesting stuff waiting for you.

Far Harbor is the first major DLC for Fallout 4, which adds a completely new area to explore, new enemies and allies, weapons and armor. In order to travel to Maine, several conditions must be met. Since the plot of the add-on revolves around the private detective Valentine and his agency, Nick must be freed from captivity through the main story quest “Valentine’s Day”, and also the next quest “Revelation” must be completed together, in which we are looking for Kellogg in Diamond City with subsequent his search. If these conditions have already been met, then when entering the game Pip-Boy will “catch” a signal from the Valenitan detective agency, we should tune in to this frequency and go to Diamond City. Having arrived at the place, we go to the house where the agency is located and talk with Ellie Perkins, the detective’s assistant, to get the remaining information on the new case. After the conversation, the Survivor needs to go to the northeastern corner of the map, along the coast. We recommend stocking up on good equipment and leveling up to at least level 20, good luck!

Before you begin completing the main tasks, make sure that you are prepared for the increased level of radiation on the skeleton. Don't forget about the new armor sets and rad-x. It is also worth starting the task with a sufficiently pumped up character.
After completing the task " Revelation", a new thing will appear in the Pip-Boy - you need to listen to the message from the Valentine detective agency. Go to the “Radio” tab and listen to the message. After that, go to Diamond City and talk to the agency Ellie. Now you need to go northeast to the fisherman's house - Kenji Nakano.

Talk to the family and go to the missing girl’s room, you need to collect her holotapes. After looking around, go to the boat house, which is located near the lake. Inside you will find a safe that can be opened using a key, it is hidden in a photo frame on the table.

Listen to the holotape found in the safe, and then talk to Kenji. After telling the girl's parents about the findings, go to Far Harbor, to do this, sit on the boat near the pier.

Walk in the park

Sailing to Far Harbor, talk to Captain Avery, which is waiting for you at the pier. After asking her about Kasumi, your conversation will be interrupted - the city was attacked and the residents need your help. Follow the captain to the wall and help fight off the attack deepthroats And anglerfish. Having dealt with all the enemies, you will be treated more trustingly, and you can learn new information.

After talking with everyone, go to the tavern " Last refuge"(located in the center of the settlement), there you need to talk to old Longfellow(next to it you can find “ Islander's Almanac"). Stock up on stimulants and go to the Acadia. On the road you will come across trappers - these are local thugs. There will be quite a lot of them, so it is better to take them by surprise and act covertly. Having dealt with the enemies, you should not relax; on the way you will meet ghouls, swamp creatures and other mutants. Follow the path behind Longfellow, he will lead you to one of the followers Children of the Atom. You can learn more information from her, then run after the old man. Once in Acadia, you can ask Longfellow to become your companion, in any case, enter the observatory to complete the task.

Find your place

Go to the observatory and talk to DiMa– the main synth who controls the settlement. From him you will receive several side quests and information about Kasumi. After finishing the conversation, go down to the lower levels of the observatory, where the girl will be. Along the way you can look into the laboratory Aster, here at the counter you can get “ Islander's Almanac».

After talking with Kasumi, you need to fulfill her request, you can do this in several ways:

  • eavesdrop on conversations from the warehouse next to the room where the meetings are held - on the lower level, break the door (if you can’t, contact Kogu) and stand near the glass to eavesdrop on the conversation between DiMa, Faraday and Chase.
  • Bypass the security on Faraday's terminal and gain access to his documents - go to the upper level of the observatory and hack the terminal (high skill required).
  • just asking DiMa is possible only with pumped up charisma.

In any case, you will learn the same information and you will need to load the program into the Faraday terminal. After loading, talk to Kasumi and head to Core.

Misty Visions

The marker will take you to Richter, he will send you to a radioactive spring from which you need to drink water. Be careful when setting out, because the radiation level will increase.

After drinking water, the color scheme will change, and you will need to follow the person. He will lead you straight to the Temple, after dealing with the ghouls, open the door, to do this, enter the password MOTHER.

Take the idol and return to Richter, after talking with him the quest will be completed

It's better not to remember

Go to the Core control center. Be careful, along the way you will need to bypass the security system (lasers, turrets) and deal with the robots that block your path. Having reached the control room, pull the lever to activate additional power. After this, load the Faraday program into the terminal. Now you need to solve puzzles and retrieve memories sequentially.

Your task is to direct the beam to the yellow pillar of memories and pave the way for the bugs who will retrieve the memories. To do this, place blocks so that the indexers can pass through and destroy the barriers by directing the beam in the right direction. Also place defense turrets to protect the indexers. And you need to do this several times. After receiving the memories, you will receive information about the location of the new armor and the coordinates of the BIP factory, so go there.

What life should be like

The factory you need is located in the center of the location and most likely you have already been there.

Still, you shouldn’t let your guard down, there are a lot of mutants near the factory, and there are even more of them on the roof - that’s where you need to go. After clearing the lower floors of the factory, go up to the roof and enter the factory through it. Go downstairs and hack the terminal (Valentine can help here). Open the door and go into the elevator, exit the elevator and dig up the grave, which is located down the stairs. Here you will find various things:

  • Holotape – “What's Done Is Done”
  • Avery's Locket
  • Avery Skull

These things will help you on your chosen path. Carefully inspect the factory and get out of it. Now you have a choice of endings, they are all different from each other and you decide who will survive and who will not.

Far Harbor endings

Good ending

Head to Acadia and talk to DiMa. Sint wants to maintain peace on the island and avoid war, agree to help him and go on the Reformation quest. Having agreed with his plan, go to the indicated marker in Martin's hideout. Here you need to take two holotapes - the first one is near the bed, and the second one is on the table.

Return to DiMa and talk to him, after which you need to persuade the High Confessor to meet. High Confessor Tect is located in the Core, just show him the holotape. Having done this, go to the Core control center and go to the marker on the mini-map. Here you need to kill the confessor, if you don't want to, you can just convince him to run away.

All you have to do is talk to DiMa, and then in the task “ Family Affair» send Kasumi home and talk to her parents. As a result, peace will reign on the island, and the girl will return home.


Talk to DiMa and convince him to give up and tell the people the truth. Doing this will be problematic since you need a high charisma skill to convince the synth. Having provided the evidence to Alain, the trial of the synth will begin in Far Harbor.

Its outcome will be influenced by the number of additional tasks you complete; if there are few of them, the inhabitants will go to Acadia and Kasumi will die. DiMa will be executed, and you will need to take part in the destruction of the Core or the colony itself.


If you don't like the people on this island that much, you can kill them all. To do this, go to the Core and use the launch codes to destroy the cores. Run away quickly to avoid getting hit by the blast wave.

In order to destroy Far Harbor, go to the power plant. There you need to find fuses to open the door. Three fuses are on the shelves next to the closed door, and the fourth is near the large box. Behind the door, destroy the robot and in the terminal select the option " Turn off turbines" In order to put an end to Acadia and the synths there, turn to the Brotherhood of Steel. The result is that all the inhabitants of the island are dead, just like the girl you came here for.

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