Mom and daughter in front of a webcam. The secret of the Russian queen. Maria Staritskaya was the last of the Rurikovichs. Princes Staritsky: repressed relatives of Ivan the Terrible

Mother came in V bathhouse and immediately called me in a restless voice: “Van, come here, quickly, look at what’s going on, I don’t remember something.” I passed the dressing room and went into the steam room, and this is what appeared before my eyes: The vent from the stove was open, and all over bath there was ashes lying around... · 3Kb 2016-12-16 12:39:28

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    For this moms And For her two children, their holiday on the beach would have been much brighter if the beloved father of the family had been next to them. But, unfortunately, he is a soldier and due to his duty he is often forced to be absent. Army regulations are strict. · 1Kb 2017-06-23 22:43:26

  • Russian melodramas, Russian, one-episode. Watch online movie: Daughters-mothers. Language: RU. · 1Kb 2015-08-28 03:41:06

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    Daughters-mothers. Maxime. I write stories for adults. The girls talked a lot about moms And dads, divorces and studies, finally about sex and relationships with boys. She will first blow your mind, then she will grind your balls into powder. You can fuck V bath. · 12Kb 2018-10-13 05:01:55

  • Daughters-mothers» Julijana.SU
    Zhenya even shared with mom And aunt with earned sweets. After tea, aunt and mom remained in the kitchen to wash the dishes, and Sasha and Zhenya again ran to the nursery, where they began to build a “house” under Sasha-V daughters-mothers. Aunt Vera looked at Zhenya strangely.
  • In the north of Moscow. According to media reports, this is a Muscovite who has previously been convicted of serious crimes.

    The case of a double murder in the north of Moscow seems to be almost solved. The media are reporting that the probable criminal has already been detained, and his interrogation will begin any minute.

    The residents of the house on Sofia Kovalevskaya Street remembered last night for a long time. They didn’t go to sleep here until almost the morning. The news that a mother and her teenage son had been brutally murdered in an apartment on the ninth floor brought the entire entrance to the street.

    35-year-old Ekaterina and her 12-year-old son were discovered by the woman’s mother. She became worried when relatives did not contact her for more than a day. Came from the Vladimir region. I entered the apartment. And on the kitchen floor I saw the bodies of relatives. Nearby are the murder weapons - knives.

    Apparently, mother and son resisted to the last. Multiple cuts were found on their hands. But this did not save them. Both the woman and the 12-year-old were stabbed more than 30 times by the brutal killer. The first person to be suspected was a man who, judging by his photo, was a big fan of knives. He, like Ekaterina, comes from the Vladimir region. They began dating after the death of Catherine’s husband. The woman's husband died of a stroke a year ago. And soon the new lover moved in with his mother and son.

    “He is so handsome. Well dressed. Such a decent man,” his neighbor Irina Belikova characterizes him.

    Neighbors say they saw Catherine and her lover returning home on the evening of November 6. Investigators are now looking into what happened next. The man was detained the morning after the bodies were discovered.

    A few hours earlier, law enforcement officers caught a suspect in another brutal crime. Rovshan Shobaev may be involved in the murder of a 52-year-old woman who worked as a pharmacist in a pharmacy. The attacker attacked her in the elevator. The Muscovite tried to resist and screamed. But it didn't help.

    The criminal hit her. And then he pulled out two thousand rubles from his wallet. According to media reports, Shobaev worked as a policeman in his homeland of Azerbaijan. In Moscow, he worked as a salesman at one of the markets. According to some reports, he committed several robberies in the Chertanovo area.

    “He is being checked for involvement in other crimes. Currently, the detainee has been taken to the investigative department for investigative actions, as a result of which the accused will be charged and a preventive measure will be chosen,” explained senior assistant to the head of the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for Moscow, Yulia Ivanova.

    But as for the suspect in the murder of Ekaterina Smirnova and her son, he was released. As it turned out, the murdered woman’s new lover has a cast-iron alibi. In addition, before the murder, the woman enters the entrance in the company of another young man. At the crime scene in the apartment, according to some reports, they found bloody clothes that did not belong to the murdered people.

    And here it is. This can mean one thing - the criminal is wearing shoe covers. Consequently, he prepared for the crime in advance. Law enforcement officers are pursuing different versions. For example, it is known that Catherine had a dispute over an apartment with the relatives of her deceased husband.

    Whether this is true or not will become known soon. Now much depends on whether the alleged killer, detained a few hours ago, will cooperate with the investigation.

    Singer Elena Temnikova does not like to comment on rumors about her personal life. The artist prefers to focus on creativity, thanks to which her compositions invariably soar to the top of the charts.

    However, recently, Temnikova’s fans are increasingly discussing the changes that have occurred in her appearance. According to fans, the artist has serious skin problems, which she tries to hide with cosmetics.

    At first, the star preferred not to comment on this situation, but soon new rumors began to spread about Elena’s serious addiction, which allegedly caused skin problems. Unable to withstand the flow of gossip, Temnikova broke the silence and spoke about a serious illness with which she has been struggling for several months.

    “I have autoimmune. And, as a side effect, problems with the skin on the face. And this is the easiest side effect. It can be experienced and overcome. To be honest, I don’t want to discuss the disease in detail; for those who are interested, everything is on the Internet. Since spring I have been fighting with all my might. My loved ones, friends, family are with me. With me are professors and doctors in Moscow and Switzerland. But don’t worry too much about me, everything will be fine. I promise. About addiction. Any laboratory on the planet can take my hair or whatever it takes and state that I have never used anything in my life. Drawing anyone but me, my mother and a person for a healthy lifestyle to this headline is simply ridiculous. I’m even against alcohol,” the singer said on Instagram.

    According to Temnikova, she would continue to remain silent about the illness, but her mother is too worried about rumors about the artist’s alleged addiction that are spreading on the Internet. Now Elena intends to fight those who slander her with the help of lawyers.

    “No offense, my team of lawyers will deal with you from now on. We are starting to file lawsuits for your absolute libel. We live in a rule-of-law state - it’s stupid to hide behind the footnote “published by a site user.” At a time when doctors are afraid for my health, and my mother goes to churches every day. Is it worth paying attention to all this? I don't know. Honestly. But all this is simply beyond the bounds of humanity,” the star emphasized.

    By the way, Elena’s fans supported her during such a difficult period. In their opinion, the singer has the right to defend her honor in court, especially in cases where her loved ones begin to worry because of rumors.

    Now the artist continues to undergo treatment. According to Elena, she has every chance of completely defeating the disease by the beginning of 2019. This means that very soon the difficult period will be a thing of the past, and Temnikova will be able to fully concentrate on creativity.

    Belonging to a grand ducal family in Rus' did not promise guaranteed happiness. On the contrary, having some rights to supreme power could become a curse. A person who did not even dream of the Monomakh hat became a hostage to his origin, unable to independently determine his destiny.

    Princes Staritsky: repressed relatives of Ivan the Terrible

    Women had it harder than men. They, unnecessary and unwanted, were sent to a monastery, where the girls had to grow old and die without knowing the joys of ordinary human life. The fate of the princess Maria Staritskaya, Queen of Livonia, turned out to be even more dramatic. She found herself hostage to political games played by men. Their assurances of fidelity and generous promises turned out to be lies every time.

    Mary's father was a prince Vladimir Andreevich Staritsky, grandson Ivan III, cousin Ivan IV the Terrible.

    Vladimir's father Andrey Staritsky started an unsuccessful riot after the death of his brother Vasily III, trying to take away power from the young Ivan IV, who was not even seven years old.

    The rebellious Prince Andrei was thrown into prison along with his family, where he died a few months later. Vladimir Andreevich was only four years old at that moment.

    In 1541, the prince was released, returning his father's inheritance. And then Vladimir Andreevich’s life proceeded with ups and downs, as if on a swing. Either Ivan IV showered him with favors, entrusting him with command of the army, or he put him into disgrace, suspecting plans to seize the throne.

    The denouement of the drama came in 1569, when, after another denunciation, Ivan the Terrible forced the prince to take poison. His wife was also poisoned along with him. Evdokia Odoevskaya.

    Young bride for the Prince of Denmark

    At the time of the death of her father and mother, Princess Maria was nine years old. Ivan the Terrible had far-reaching plans for the girl.

    The Russian Tsar hatched plans to create a Livonian kingdom on lands conquered during the Livonian War. The kingdom, a vassal kingdom to Russia, was to be ruled by a Danish prince Magnus, brother of the king Frederick II of Denmark. Magnus was eager to gain a kingdom and was ready to agree to all the conditions of the Russian Tsar.

    Ivan the Terrible intended to consolidate the alliance with Magnus through marriage. The wife of the Danish prince was to be the princess Evfemia Staritskaya, Maria's older sister. However, in 1570, the bride suddenly died.

    “It’s no problem,” Ivan the Terrible decided and offered Magnus Maria as his wife. The Duke at that time was 30 years old, and the Russian princess was 10.

    The wedding, however, took place later, when the bride began to look more like a girl and not like a child.

    In 1573, in Novgorod, 13-year-old Maria became the wife of a Danish prince. The fact that the bride and groom belonged to different faiths did not bother the king. He ordered the princess to be married according to Russian Orthodox custom, and the groom - according to his faith. At the celebrations, Ivan the Terrible had fun from the heart: “Ivan’s behavior at the wedding of Duke Magnus of Livonia and Maria Staritskaya looked like blasphemous mischief: together with the young monks, the tsar danced to the chant of “The Creed of St. Athanasius,” beating time with his notorious baton on the heads of the table diners.”

    Unreliable Magnus

    English envoy Jerome Horsey wrote: “The king gave his niece to Duke Magnus, giving as a dowry for her those cities, fortresses and possessions in Livonia that interested Magnus, establishing his power there, he titled King Magnus, and also gave him a hundred richly decorated good horses, 200 thousand rubles, which is 600 thousand thalers in money, gold and silver vessels, utensils, precious stones and jewelry; richly rewarded and rewarded those who accompanied him and his servants, sent with him many boyars and noble ladies, accompanied by two thousand horsemen, who were ordered to help the king and queen establish themselves in their possessions in their main city of Dorpat in Livonia.”


    Military fortune, however, betrayed the Russians, and the position of King Magnus became precarious. In 1577 he began secret negotiations with the King of Poland Stefan Batory, after which he gave up the throne to the Bathory family. In exchange for betrayal, Magnus expected to receive small possessions under the protection of the Polish king.

    However, Ivan the Terrible did not weaken enough to forgive the betrayal. Russian troops arriving in Livonia stormed the fortress in which Magnus was hiding and arrested him.

    The Danish prince, having lost the remnants of his own honor, begged Ivan IV on his knees for forgiveness. And, oddly enough, he begged him. And soon he betrayed the Russians again, joining the Poles.

    Secret romance

    What about Mary, Queen of Livonia? Her relationship with her husband did not work out, but the Polish king became keenly interested in her. A number of historians not only attribute a relationship with Mary to Stefan Batory, but also claim that the Queen of Livonia had children from him.

    From her legal husband, Maria had a daughter, who was named Evdokia. The child was about two years old when Magnus died, having squandered almost all his fortune, as well as his wife’s dowry.

    King Stefan Batory sent Maria a letter of condolences, promising her help in returning to Russia if she wanted. If the dowager queen does not have such a desire, she can live in Riga Castle and will be provided with maintenance from the royal treasury.

    Maria was not eager to go to Russia, remembering the fate of her father, and guessing that nothing good awaited her in Moscow. But life in Riga was not sweet either: Maria and her daughter were kept under house arrest, limiting communication with the outside world.

    Riga Castle. Photo:

    Mr. Horsey's Mission

    The fact is that Maria Staritskaya unexpectedly became a contender for the Russian throne. After the death of Ivan the Terrible, his son ascended the throne Fedor, sick and childless. There was also the youngest son of Ivan the Terrible Dmitry, however, he was considered illegitimate, since the king's marriage with Maria Naga was not recognized by the church.

    Maria was third on the list of contenders for the throne. And if in Russia a woman on the throne remained exotic, then for Europe it was a completely normal thing. The Poles were not averse to playing a combination, making Mary a Russian queen, dependent on the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

    Moscow also saw this danger and decided to act proactively.

    The already mentioned Englishman Jerome Horsey became the Kremlin's emissary in negotiations with Maria. His communication with the dowager queen did not cause serious concerns among the Poles.

    Horsey told Maria that Tsar Fyodor and his “right hand” were waiting for her and her daughter at home. Boris Godunov promise the queen a life worthy of her status.

    Maria frankly admitted that she was being held as a prisoner in Riga, but she also had serious doubts about Russia: “If I had decided, I would not have had the means to escape, which would have been difficult to arrange, especially since the king and the government are confident in the opportunity to benefit from my origin and blood, as if I were an Egyptian goddess, in addition, I know the customs of Muscovy, I have little hope that they will treat me differently than they treat widow queens, locking them in hellish monasteries, I prefer death to this.”

    You can't escape the tonsure

    Historians disagree about what happened next. Horsey still managed to convince Maria that she would be treated well in Russia. Some sources write that the Russians agreed with the Poles about the relocation of Maria Staritskaya, others are convinced that there was an escape and the disappearance of the queen from Riga came as a complete surprise to the Poles.

    Be that as it may, Maria Staritskaya and her daughter arrived in Moscow. At first, the promises of the Tsar and Godunov did not diverge from the deeds: she was allocated a large estate, security and servants.

    But two years later, the queen and her daughter ended up in a nunnery. Maria was tonsured a nun under the name of Martha and placed in the Podsosensky Monastery, 7 miles from the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

    In the same 1588, Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich granted her possession of the village of Lezhnevo with its villages.

    There is no clear explanation of what happened. Most likely, too many began to see Mary as a potential queen. The 28-year-old beauty looked advantageous compared to all the other contenders. And becoming a nun was tantamount to death: it was impossible to return to secular life.

    In 1589, Maria's daughter Evdokia died. They also see malicious intent in the girl’s death, but there is no evidence of this. And given the mortality rate among children in that era, this situation can hardly be considered out of the ordinary.

    Life after "death"

    The subsequent life of the nun Martha is full of mysteries. In the Trinity-Sergius Lavra there is a tombstone, the inscription on which reads: “On the 13th day of June 7105, the blessed monk queen Marfa Vladimirovna reposed.” This means that the unfortunate woman died in the summer of 1597.

    However, in 1598, Boris Godunov, who had just become tsar, ordered the release of money from the treasury and food from the palace villages for the needs of the Podsosensky monastery, where Maria Staritskaya had previously been placed. Why would there suddenly be such concern for a small monastery if nun Martha is no longer there?

    A number of sources indicate that nun Martha was a participant in events that took place many years after her supposed “death.” Moreover, she lived for some time with the daughter of Boris Godunov Ksenia, forcibly tonsured a nun after the death of her father.

    Maria Staritskaya died, most likely, somewhere between 1612 and 1617, when completely different heroes came to the fore.

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