Creating space for personal development. Sun Light - Methods of self-transformation. Creating space for personal development Quotes from the book Sun Light “Methods of self-transformation. Creating space for personal development"

“A being who writes himself, as it were, writes his own book and thus does much more for humanity than all libraries, all museums and all masterpieces of art, since they are dead and he is alive.”

Body - stream of consciousness

A goal is a path through time.

Karl Jaspers

Consciousness, like a hidden spark of light, is inherent in all life, but has many colors and shades. The more consciousness is individualized, the more pronounced its own “color”. Moreover, every time an individual creates something and follows its law, it is accompanied by a vibration of a certain color. It is only when consciousness reaches complete Enlightenment that all its colors intertwine and integrate into a supreme beauty that becomes free from vibration in all directions, surrounding and creating the entire hierarchy of order.

The teachings of Abundance Alchemy view the body not as a sum of cells and organs, but as a stream of consciousness that creates, shapes and controls the body. Therefore, the state of the body can be changed at the will of its “owner”. We ourselves turn on certain bioprograms for this.

The body, like a river, is constantly changing. Complete metabolism in adipose tissue occurs within a month. The gastric mucosa is renewed every five days. The skin becomes new every five weeks. The bones of the skeleton, which appear hard and inactive, are replaced every four weeks. The flow of oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen in the body moves so quickly that within a week a new person could be created from these substances. This process is slowed down only by heavier atoms of iron, copper, gold and other elements. Outwardly, it seems that our body does not change, but in fact we are like a building, the bricks of which are constantly being replaced with new ones. This constant flow of change is controlled by our consciousness at the quantum level. Therefore, in order to change the state of the body, you should learn to change the programs of your consciousness. Thousands of years before modern medicine discovered the connection between body and mind, Vedic teachers developed “creative technology” that works with the deepest levels of consciousness. This technology allows us to balance the forces acting inside and outside of us. If the forces within our body are in harmony and balance with the external environment, we can become invulnerable to disease. Perfect balance creates perfect health. And we must take into account that the external environment also means such global systems as humanity, planet Earth and space, whose influence is infinitely difficult for us to understand.

The teaching of the Alchemy of Abundance states: every disease, every disharmony can be prevented if you maintain balance - and not only in the body, but also in thoughts and emotions. Every being has a desire for growth and expansion of vital energy. This desire automatically controls the overall balance: its manifestation is noted in every cell of the body, especially in the brain, which simultaneously maintains a constant temperature, metabolic rate, body growth, blood chemistry, cell regeneration and many other functions. To maintain health, incredibly precise coordination is required.

But the real source of balance lies deeper - at the level of the universal information field, which is also called gnosis, or Universal Consciousness. This vital factor is still unknown to most people, which explains their helplessness in the face of disease and the aging process. If we learn to maintain balance from the deepest level, our inner growth will be limitless. Dozens of books emphasize the value of inner growth, while missing the key factor that the Alchemy of Abundance emphasizes: this growth occurs automatically, since programs for successful development are built into every cell of ours. They can be tracked and manifested through special, fairly simple techniques. And the essence of these rules, techniques, exercises and recommendations is to erase incorrect, destructive programs. This is the main secret of perfect health. If we allow the thought to go beyond the ordinary and explore higher realities, the body will also follow. We will be accepted in any reality. The energy of thought creates a subquantum “engine” used when interacting with the environment. And the basic principle of the art of life is that creative thought has a huge impact on a person’s condition, bringing him into harmonious balance with the entire world around him.

If the thought refuses to believe in illness, the body obeys it and recovers. The state of ill health is the result of “distortions in the vibrations of microparticles”, on which the proper functioning of the body depends and which are controlled by consciousness.

“A being who writes himself, as it were, writes his own book and thus does much more for humanity than all libraries, all museums and all masterpieces of art, since they are dead and he is alive.”

Sun Light
Methods of self-transformation. Creating space for personal development

Holistic worldview

We see in life only what we ourselves put into it.

R. W. Emerson

The metapsychology of happiness is based on the idea that the same elements, forces and principles operate in man as in the Universe. Consciousness and body not only influence each other, they also transform into each other and together form the mind-body complex. All problems are psychosomatic because the body and mind are inseparable. The mind is the inner part of the body, and the body is the outer part of the mind, and therefore anything can begin in the body and then go into the mind, or, conversely, begin in the mind and from there enter the body. There is no separation between the body and the mind; these are not two hermetically sealed compartments, but a single whole.

So there are two sides to every problem; they can be solved both through the mind and through the body. This is exactly what world medical practice has been like until now: some doctors still believe that all problems arise due to disorders in the body, and only treat it. These are physiologists and behavioral psychologists. Sometimes, five to ten percent of the time, they succeed.

There are other specialists who believe that all problems arise from the mind: psychoanalysts, hypnotherapists and psychotherapists. However, they are also mistaken, although they succeed in twenty percent of cases. It is impossible to achieve better results by working only on the mind or only on the body - you need to heal both. But the reasons for dissatisfaction must be sought even deeper - this is a feeling of separation from being, from God.

Universal consciousness is the ocean of energy that brought into existence the physical world perceived by our five senses. The methods of metapsychology connect us to every aspect of existence and remind us that we are in close union with every aspect of nature, each other and the Universe. In a relaxed state, energy flows freely in and around the human body.

Metapsychology is precisely that knowledge of life that is focused on the integral improvement of its quality. It defines the positive concept of health and happiness that will be achieved through a combination of physical, mental, social, moral and spiritual well-being. Teachers of this movement claim that true happiness is located right in our hearts and our inner nature is woven from it. Happiness is delight in the perfection of existence.

According to wisdom traditions, health and the experience of abundance are seen as a prerequisite for achieving the highest goals of life: self-awareness, joy, prosperity, justice and spiritual freedom. Freedom, therefore, must be found, but cannot be created.

What's inside is what's outside

Thought is only a sign, just as a word is only a sign for thought.

Friedrich Nietzsche

The mind, or thinking (thinking), is constantly engaged in thought creation, it is a factory of thoughts. He must be busy with something. And his main need is to feel alive, to worry, to vibrate and to respond to all the phenomena of the surrounding world, transmitted to him by our external senses. Therefore, if a person does not consciously give his brain the necessary work, he will think about anything, caring not about the value or quality of thoughts, but only about their variety and quantity. Thanks to this, our mind is extremely fickle, capricious and absent-minded, and in addition it really does not like to linger for a long time on any one topic for reflection. We can say that most often our thoughts flutter from subject to subject, like a butterfly from flower to flower.

Most people cannot concentrate on anything in particular, even for the shortest period of time. If the mind feels that a person has weakened or completely let go of the reins that restrain him, it can turn into the source of many serious disasters. One has only to direct it not towards improving and transforming one’s animal nature into a higher one, but towards satisfying its base needs, and this will certainly lead not to goodness and benefit, but to the destruction of the individual. Wilhelm Busch argued that everyone has stupid thoughts, only smart people don’t express them. His entire destiny depends on where a person’s thoughts are directed. Either it will grow, develop and improve, or it will degrade.

Most people do not even realize what a dangerous and cunning collaborator they have in their undisciplined and uncontrollable mind, if he is deprived of the beneficial and restraining influence of his higher principle and if he is given the freedom to think when and what he wants. Therefore, the question of controlling our thoughts is for us a matter of paramount importance and the most pressing need. Of all the great energies that exist in the cosmos, the most powerful energy, possessing both creative and destructive power, is thought. Man, as a thinking being, uses this great power throughout his entire life, and uses it constantly, at every moment of his waking state, often without understanding either the meaning or the consequences of his thinking, both for him personally and for the entire universe.

Until a person realizes that he is as responsible for his thoughts as for his actions, he cannot take a single step towards happiness, self-realization and God-creation. The power of thought lies in the fact that it sets in motion the elemental forces of nature, which in themselves are chaotic and inert: in order to begin to act, they require an impetus, which is given to them by the thought of a person and any other thinking creature.

Our mind, even despite your desire, constantly radiates mental energy into space - creative or, conversely, destructive. Therefore, the human mind in the full sense of the word is a factory of good and evil. It can be likened to a flower that fills space with aroma and fragrance if the mental energy it sends is beautiful in its content, or a heap of garbage spreading a stench around itself if its radiation consists of malice, hatred, anger, greed, envy and other negative emanations. A thought once released will certainly be materialized later.

Methods of self-transformation. Creating space for personal development Sun Light

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Title: Methods of self-transformation. Creating space for personal development

About the book Sun Light “Methods of self-transformation. Creating space for personal development"

“A being who writes himself, as it were, writes his own book and thus does much more for humanity than all libraries, all museums and all masterpieces of art, since they are dead and he is alive.”

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Quotes from the book Sun Light “Methods of self-transformation. Creating space for personal development"

When the right nostril works, the body chemistry becomes more acidic (the stomach produces more stomach acid when the right nostril works). In addition, the body produces more internal heat. This nostril should not be used during meditation, while urinating or ingesting liquids.

When the left nostril works, the body chemistry becomes predominantly alkaline. This nostril cools the body and should not be used when eating, drinking water or during bowel movements.

Initiatory systems of medicine offer many technologies for cleansing - these include breathing practices, meditation, fire rituals, herbal remedies, the legendary panchakarma procedure, and all kinds of preventive measures.

Methods of self-transformation. Creating space for personal development

©Sun Light, 2012

© 000 "Amrita", 2012

* * *

Holistic worldview

We see in life only what we ourselves put into it.

R. W. Emerson

The metapsychology of happiness is based on the idea that the same elements, forces and principles operate in man as in the Universe. Consciousness and body not only influence each other, they also transform into each other and together form the mind-body complex. All problems are psychosomatic because the body and mind are inseparable. The mind is the inner part of the body, and the body is the outer part of the mind, and therefore anything can begin in the body and then go into the mind, or, conversely, begin in the mind and from there enter the body. There is no separation between the body and the mind; these are not two hermetically sealed compartments, but a single whole.

So there are two sides to every problem; they can be solved both through the mind and through the body. This is exactly what world medical practice has been like until now: some doctors still believe that all problems arise due to disorders in the body, and only treat it. These are physiologists and behavioral psychologists. Sometimes, five to ten percent of the time, they succeed.

There are other specialists who believe that all problems arise from the mind: psychoanalysts, hypnotherapists and psychotherapists. However, they are also mistaken, although they succeed in twenty percent of cases. It is impossible to achieve better results by working only on the mind or only on the body - you need to heal both. But the reasons for dissatisfaction must be sought even deeper - this is a feeling of separation from being, from God.

Universal consciousness is the ocean of energy that brought into existence the physical world perceived by our five senses. The methods of metapsychology connect us to every aspect of existence and remind us that we are in close union with every aspect of nature, each other and the Universe. In a relaxed state, energy flows freely in and around the human body.

Metapsychology is precisely that knowledge of life that is focused on the integral improvement of its quality. It defines the positive concept of health and happiness that will be achieved through a combination of physical, mental, social, moral and spiritual well-being. Teachers of this movement claim that true happiness is located right in our hearts and our inner nature is woven from it. Happiness is delight in the perfection of existence.

According to wisdom traditions, health and the experience of abundance are seen as a prerequisite for achieving the highest goals of life: self-awareness, joy, prosperity, justice and spiritual freedom. Freedom, therefore, must be found, but cannot be created.

What's inside is what's outside

Thought is only a sign, just as a word is only a sign for thought.

Friedrich Nietzsche

The mind, or thinking (thinking), is constantly engaged in thought creation, it is a factory of thoughts. He must be busy with something. And his main need is to feel alive, to worry, to vibrate and to respond to all the phenomena of the surrounding world, transmitted to him by our external senses. Therefore, if a person does not consciously give his brain the necessary work, he will think about anything, caring not about the value or quality of thoughts, but only about their variety and quantity. Thanks to this, our mind is extremely fickle, capricious and absent-minded, and in addition it really does not like to linger for a long time on any one topic for reflection. We can say that most often our thoughts flutter from subject to subject, like a butterfly from flower to flower.

Most people cannot concentrate on anything in particular, even for the shortest period of time. If the mind feels that a person has weakened or completely let go of the reins that restrain him, it can turn into the source of many serious disasters. One has only to direct it not towards improving and transforming one’s animal nature into a higher one, but towards satisfying its base needs, and this will certainly lead not to goodness and benefit, but to the destruction of the individual. Wilhelm Busch argued that everyone has stupid thoughts, only smart people don’t express them. His entire destiny depends on where a person’s thoughts are directed. Either it will grow, develop and improve, or it will degrade.

Most people do not even realize what a dangerous and cunning collaborator they have in their undisciplined and uncontrollable mind, if he is deprived of the beneficial and restraining influence of his higher principle and if he is given the freedom to think when and what he wants. Therefore, the question of controlling our thoughts is for us a matter of paramount importance and the most pressing need. Of all the great energies that exist in the cosmos, the most powerful energy, possessing both creative and destructive power, is thought. Man, as a thinking being, uses this great power throughout his entire life, and uses it constantly, at every moment of his waking state, often without understanding either the meaning or the consequences of his thinking, both for him personally and for the entire universe.

Until a person realizes that he is as responsible for his thoughts as for his actions, he cannot take a single step towards happiness, self-realization and God-creation. The power of thought lies in the fact that it sets in motion the elemental forces of nature, which in themselves are chaotic and inert: in order to begin to act, they require an impetus, which is given to them by the thought of a person and any other thinking creature.

Our mind, even despite your desire, constantly radiates mental energy into space - creative or, conversely, destructive. Therefore, the human mind in the full sense of the word is a factory of good and evil. It can be likened to a flower that fills space with aroma and fragrance if the mental energy it sends is beautiful in its content, or a heap of garbage spreading a stench around itself if its radiation consists of malice, hatred, anger, greed, envy and other negative emanations. A thought once released will certainly be materialized later.

There are very few people who know the meaning of thought and are sufficiently developed in the spiritual sense to send only beautiful and good thoughts into space. In the same way, there are not so many people who are exceptionally evil, consciously breathing hatred towards everything around them and emitting only poisoned arrows of negative thoughts around them. An ordinary average person, of whom the vast majority are in the world, usually creates a stream of insignificant, weak, unclear and gray thoughts, in which there may be no strong hatred or enmity, or even exceptional egoism. They contain only the trifles and rubbish of everyday life, consisting of petty envy, criticism and condemnation of the people around them, personal disagreements, disputes and strife, as well as vulgar personal desires, aspirations and motivations.

Methods of self-transformation. Creating space for personal development

©Sun Light, 2012

© 000 "Amrita", 2012

Holistic worldview

We see in life only what we ourselves put into it.

R. W. Emerson

The metapsychology of happiness is based on the idea that the same elements, forces and principles operate in man as in the Universe. Consciousness and body not only influence each other, they also transform into each other and together form the mind-body complex. All problems are psychosomatic because the body and mind are inseparable. The mind is the inner part of the body, and the body is the outer part of the mind, and therefore anything can begin in the body and then go into the mind, or, conversely, begin in the mind and from there enter the body. There is no separation between the body and the mind; these are not two hermetically sealed compartments, but a single whole.

So there are two sides to every problem; they can be solved both through the mind and through the body. This is exactly what world medical practice has been like until now: some doctors still believe that all problems arise due to disorders in the body, and only treat it. These are physiologists and behavioral psychologists. Sometimes, five to ten percent of the time, they succeed.

There are other specialists who believe that all problems arise from the mind: psychoanalysts, hypnotherapists and psychotherapists. However, they are also mistaken, although they succeed in twenty percent of cases. It is impossible to achieve better results by working only on the mind or only on the body - you need to heal both. But the reasons for dissatisfaction must be sought even deeper - this is a feeling of separation from being, from God.

Universal consciousness is the ocean of energy that brought into existence the physical world perceived by our five senses. The methods of metapsychology connect us to every aspect of existence and remind us that we are in close union with every aspect of nature, each other and the Universe. In a relaxed state, energy flows freely in and around the human body.

Metapsychology is precisely that knowledge of life that is focused on the integral improvement of its quality. It defines the positive concept of health and happiness that will be achieved through a combination of physical, mental, social, moral and spiritual well-being. Teachers of this movement claim that true happiness is located right in our hearts and our inner nature is woven from it. Happiness is delight in the perfection of existence.

According to wisdom traditions, health and the experience of abundance are seen as a prerequisite for achieving the highest goals of life: self-awareness, joy, prosperity, justice and spiritual freedom. Freedom, therefore, must be found, but cannot be created.

What's inside is what's outside

Thought is only a sign, just as a word is only a sign for thought.

Friedrich Nietzsche

The mind, or thinking (thinking), is constantly engaged in thought creation, it is a factory of thoughts. He must be busy with something. And his main need is to feel alive, to worry, to vibrate and to respond to all the phenomena of the surrounding world, transmitted to him by our external senses. Therefore, if a person does not consciously give his brain the necessary work, he will think about anything, caring not about the value or quality of thoughts, but only about their variety and quantity. Thanks to this, our mind is extremely fickle, capricious and absent-minded, and in addition it really does not like to linger for a long time on any one topic for reflection. We can say that most often our thoughts flutter from subject to subject, like a butterfly from flower to flower.

Most people cannot concentrate on anything in particular, even for the shortest period of time. If the mind feels that a person has weakened or completely let go of the reins that restrain him, it can turn into the source of many serious disasters. One has only to direct it not towards improving and transforming one’s animal nature into a higher one, but towards satisfying its base needs, and this will certainly lead not to goodness and benefit, but to the destruction of the individual. Wilhelm Busch argued that everyone has stupid thoughts, only smart people don’t express them. His entire destiny depends on where a person’s thoughts are directed. Either it will grow, develop and improve, or it will degrade.

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